Emerald Spartan

By MachineKing123

88.5K 2K 695

Sierra-009 was not the luckiest Spartan II. Being stuck in the deactivated hull of the UNSC Arcturus while fa... More

The Fall
Gem glow
Cheeseburger Backpack
Lava Lake
So many birthdays
The Gun Slinger
Hunter or Hunted
Mirror Gem
Terms and Conditions
Space Race
Just another day
Fusion Cuisine
Lessons in Shapeshifting
Scouting Mission
Quasar's log 1
Operation missing Quartz
Snowed In
Marble Madness
Rose's Scabbard
Old Scars
Future Vision
Revelation and Retribution
Passing the Flag
Unwanted Guest
New kid on the block
Spartan Training day 1
4th of July special
The Signal
Into The Lion's Den
Bump in the night
Nature of the Beast
Secrets and Shadows
Cleaning house
Ghosts that walk alone
Omake: Bus stop
From the Beginning
Inner Demons

Together breakfest

2.1K 46 44
By MachineKing123

Steven looked out the window.

"Huh, I guess their out." He said as he ran to the kitchen.

"Guess I'm making us breakfast."

5 minutes later

The kitchen was a mess. With cereal and oatmeal spilled all across the counter.

Steven was rummaging through the cabinets. Pulling out various different things. He pulled out a bottle of chocolate syrup, frozen waffles and popcorn?.

The waffles popped up in the toaster. He stacked them in top and then drizzled it with chocolate syrup.

"Pearl, Garnet, Amythest, Will. Is anyone home." He asked as he banged on the temple door.

He microwaved the popcorn and sprinkled it over the waffles.

"Whatcha doin."

Steven looked behind him to see the avatar of Quasar.
He was using a holographic generator built into the counter.

"Making a together breakfast, because I mean this is to good not to eat together." Steven said as he pointed the the mixed stack of waffles, syrup, popcorn, whipped cream and a strawberry.

"Huh, and you made that why." He asked confused.

"I wanted to do something special."

He ran to the door and yelled out. "You guys I made us breakfast, come and get it while it's still warm."

"I don't know what Garnet is doing but everyone else is in the temple." Quasar spoke up.

Just then the warp pad chimed and appeared Garnet holding some sort of paper.

"Speak of the devil and she shall appear." The he giggled to himself.

"Garnet, I know it's not exactly healthy. But it's in a stack, I guess you could say it's a 'balanced breakfast'."

*(An a different planet. Yang Xiao Long looked to the horizon. "I feel a disturbance in the Pun Force.")*

Quasar facepalmed. "Steven, that was terrible and you know it."

Garnet looked at him blankly.

"You know it's a together breakfast. I thought we could eat it together." He asked with hope in his voice.

"I can't right now. I have business to attend to in the temple." She walked over and extended her arms. The red and blue gem began to glow as the door opened.

"Aw what business."

"I have to burn this." She said as she opened the paper up. Revealing some sort of weird modern art.

"Quasar delete that from your memory. It could cause havoc if even seen."


She stepped inside the temple as the door closed behind her.

Steven went up and tried to open the door with his gem. "Come on, open."

The door did nothing.

"Aw it didn't do anything." Steven said solemnly.

"Don't worry, you'll get it eventually."

Just then the door opened and out popped amyhtest,. Shape shifted like a sterotypical 80's cop with a squirt gun.

"Fun police." She screamed as she shot water at the breakfast.

Steven dived to cover it.

"Nooooooo." He screamed as he blocked it.

"You should have seen the look on your face. It was hilarious."

"I knew it was you Amythest." Steven said.

"Hey you got something on your shirt." She proceeded to spray him down.

The temple door then opened in a purple curve like way.

"Hey that's my door." Amythest said as Pearl stepped out holding what looks like a saber.

"Oh Amythest there you are. Care to explain what one of my swords was doing in your room."

"Having a sword party." She said sarcastically.

"Oh please you took it."

"I did not."

"It's in the past, I forgive you."

Amythest sighed.

"Also I cleaned up your awful, awful mess. Your welcome."

"You did what! I have a system."

"Amyhtest wait." Steven cried.

"What's the matter Steven." Pearl asked.

"He wants us all to have breakfast together. But you don't eat so I don't know what your gonna do." Quasar finally said.

"But everyone keeps leaving." Steven solemnly said.

"Oh that's nice." Pearl said as she entered her room.

"Wow, dick move Pearl." Quasar said. But no one seemed to hear him as Steven ran toward her room.

He propped open the door with his arm and pried it open. The door shut behind him and he stared in wonder at the tall fountains of water in front of him. The roof looked like stary night of diamonds.

"Wow." He said.

Pearl extended out from the middle fountain. Doing a ballerena like dance as she summoned her collection of swords and put back the one that was missing.

"Hey pearl!" He yelled, Getting the gems attention.

"Steven, what are you doing here. You know it's dangerous for you inside the temple." She opened the door behind him.

"Were going to have a nice together breakfast. Even if I have to get my shoes wet." He said as he walked into the pool of water.

"Get out of there." Pearl yelled as Steven swam through the water.

"See I'll bring it over to you." But he didn't get to finish as a waterfall pushed him over.

He fell down possibly the craziest waterslide in existence. He fell further than 90 degrees (how is that possible, fucking space magic) down then went in a full sideways circle. Before going over what felt like a hundred small bumps. Before fallimg into a large pool of water.

He washed up on the shore of the Crystal cavern. With the breakfast held up be his arm, still dry.

He looked up to see masisve piles of junk strewn about the place.

He well saw amyhtest rummaging through the piles. She went up to a mattress and flipped it over.


Steven walked over to her.


"Oh hey Steven. Did you come down the waterfall. Pearl always gets so mad I have her junk. But it's always falling done here!"

"Junk like what." He asked.

"Junk like you." She said as she picked him up and threw him into a old bean bag.

"Isn't it awful, Pearl organized everything."

"It still looks like a mess to me."

"Aw thanks Steven, I try."

She then tried to take the breakfast from him.

"No, we have to eat it together." He yelled. Amyhtest started to chase after him down a crazy hallway.

Amythest was gaining on him as Steven smacked face first into a door. He looked at it. It was a oak wood door, with pieces of metal reinforcing it. He saw Amythest was chasing him and ran inside. He quickly closed it behind him and saw where he was.

The style looked the modern houses, but made of a mixture of wood, metal and stone. He looked to be in what was a living room. There was an 80 in Flatscreen tv in the middle on the wall. With various game consoles under it. There was a bed in the corner of the room, positioned in a way to see the tv while laying down. It was furnished with various couches and chairs. Most of them made of soft material and looked like they reclined.

There was a spiral staircase in the far corner of the room. With what looked like a big elevator next to it.

Steven went over to the staircase and descended.it, breakfast still in hand.

On the way down the walls switched from wood and stone to dark grey metal. He felt it as he passed. It felt way stronger than anything he's ever seen.

He reached the bottom of the staircase and walked into the floor.

It was a masisve workshop. Easily 120 by 120 feet wide, with a ceiling 20 feet tall. There were machines of all kinds and unknown spread throughout the room. There was a workbench 25 feet long on the right side of the wall with tools of all kinds on it. One of the walls was filled with nothing but weapons and ammo, from what Steven could guess. He walked over to it. He went to touch one of the pistols when it fell off the wall. Not knowing what to do he quickly shoved it back on the rack.

Off in another corner of the room was Wills armor sitting in it on a stand. With the head missing for some reason. But he didn't have to look long as he saw the helmet and the wearer sitting at he workbench.

He appeared to be working on something with it.

There was punk rock music playing on speakers throughout the room. So Will and Steven never heard Amyhtest enter. Steven didn't notice her until she was right behind him.

"Waaaahh!" Steven stumbled backwards and tumbled into the workbench. In his desperation to keep the breakfast safe he knocked something to the floor.

It was a chip not unlike Quasar's but it glowed a dark pink. "Does will have another AI?" Steven thought.

"Give me the food." Amyhtest smiled behind him.

Steven quickly ran to the other side of the room where there was a large metal door. He opened it and ran through.

Inside was not nearly as big as the workshop. It was circular and red. With multiple other doors on the sides.

Pearl came out of one while amyhtest came from the one behind.

"Steven becareful. Your under the Crystal heart, and this connects to some of the most dangerous rooms in the temple!"

Steven looked up and saw a huge crystalline heart hanging above him. And then looked below him to where the pipe went into the only blackness.

He lost his grip and fell down the pipe into the dark.

"Steven!" Both Amyhtest and Pearl yelled.

"Hey this isn't so bad."

Until he got to a dark and scary part of the hole. He screamed until he came to a light under him. He slowed on a bend in the pipe.

He looked around him to see where he was. It was some kind of dark red chamber with a pit of lava in the middle.

Garnet was standing in the middle with his phone and the scroll.

She snapped his phone in half and threw it into the lava.


She then unravelled the scroll and dunked it into the lava. Bubbling the smoke that came out of it.

Steven slid down the rest of the pipe and walked up to Garnet.

"That's all of you, now we can finally eat this breakfast together."

Garnet was surprised and the bubble started to fail.

Pearl and Amythest joined him down the hope and tried to get him to back up.

"No, I went through all this trouble to get us together to eat and I'm not just going to leave."

Garnet lost her concentration. The smoke started spreading around the room.

"Don't let it take physical form." Garnet yelled as the gems summoned their weapons.

They kept the smoke at Bay until it set it's sights on the breakfast. It quickly evaporated into it.

"Oh no, it's taken refuge in organic matter." Pearl cried.

It started sprouting legs and arms made.of waffles, syrup and whipped cream.

"It has all the powers of a breakfast." Garnet yelled.

It slammed Garnet into a wall with a giant waffle and it slowly spread over Pearl with whipped cream and butter.

A blast of fire then came from the ceilings Will jumped down. He then quickly jumped back off the creature. Not taking chances since he just had his clothes.

"I've seen enough anime to know that wouldn't end well." He said with a smirk.

He quickly punched it into the wall with a flaming fist, disorienting it. Causing burnt waffle to fly everywhere.

Steven seeing an opportunity, quickly ran toward the plate. He shoved it into the pit of lava with all his strength.

There was a ghastly scream as the monster burnt. Ending the fight for today.

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