By bibliophilemischief

129K 6K 266

✓ 18+ (Mature Content) ✓ Book #2 ✓ Completed Sequel to the book 'Commitment' - In this sequel, we follow the... More

P R O L O G U E : T H E A R T O F W A R
O N E : Q U E E N O F H E A R T S
T W O : T H E B L A C K C A T
T H R E E : C I T Y O F L O V E
F O U R : R E T U R N
F I V E : R E D
S I X : W A R N I N G
S E V E N : B L O N D E G O D D E S S
E I G H T : T A T T O O E D G O D
N I N E : M I S S I O N
T E N : I M P O S S I B L E
E L E V E N : T H R O U G H M Y F I N G E R S
T W E L V E : A V E N G E R O R G I N S T O R Y
T H I R T E E N : C O N N E C T I O N
F O U R T E E N : P R E T E N D E R
F I F T E E N : T R U T H B E T O L D
S I X T E E N : G A L A
S E V E N T E E N : U N D E A D
E I G H T E E N : C O N F R O N T A T I O N
N I N E T E E N : T H E N E C R O M A N C E R
T W E N T Y : T E R R I T O R I A L
T W E N T Y - O N E : D E S I R E
T W E N T Y - T W O : W E ' R E N O T I N K A N S A S A N Y M O R E
T W E N T Y - T H R E E : O F F E R
T W E N T Y - F O U R : K I N K Y
T W E N T Y - F I V E : F A L L I N G ; A G A I N
T W E N T Y - S I X : P O S I T I O N S
T W E N T Y - S E V E N : H Y P N O S I S
T W E N T Y - E I G H T : C H A S E
T W E N T Y - N I N E : M O N S T E R S
T H I R T Y : F E V E R
T H I R T Y - O N E : S O U L S C O L L I D E
T H I R T Y - T W O : A N G E L O F D E A T H
T H I R T Y - T H R E E : T E A S E
T H I R T Y - F O U R : I N T I M I D A T E
T H I R T Y - F I V E : O N E W E E K
T H I R T Y - S I X : F A T H E R F I G U R E
T H I R T Y - S E V E N : S I X T E E N H O U R S
T H I R T Y - E I G H T : S P A I N
T H I R T Y - N I N E : I N H I S L O V I N G A R M S
F O R T Y : M A R K I N G S
F O R T Y - O N E : C A T C H I N G U P
F O R T Y - T W O : L U C K Y M A N
F O R T Y - F O U R : F I G H T F O R T H E L I G H T
F O R T Y - F I V E : H E A D W A R L O C K
F O R T Y - S I X : A N D E R S O N R E U N I O N
F O R T Y - S E V E N : T H E P L A N
F O R T Y - E I G H T : L A S T M O M E N T S
F O R T Y - N I N E : E X E C U T I O N
F I F T Y : D E D I C A T I O N
F I F T Y - O N E : D O O M
F I F T Y - T W O : S A C R I F I C E
F I F T Y - T H R E E : T H E O R A C L E
F I F T Y - F O U R : M A N I N T H E S H A D O W S
E P I L O G U E : A W A K E

F O R T Y - T H R E E : P O S I T I V E

2K 92 4
By bibliophilemischief

F O R T Y - T H R E E : P O S I T I V E


I'm in the middle of pulling out the chicken casserole from the oven when the doorbell rings. Joseph jumps down from his place at the kitchen island and answers it with excitement.

"Grandma! Grandpa!" he yells out and Lucius picks him up in his arms.

"Well Hello Joseph, it's great to see you. Have you been a good boy for your dad?" Lucius asks him with a smile as he puts him back down on the ground.

"Yes, I have," Joseph shyly smiles.

"Oh my sweet boy. You're just like your daddy," Gabriella smiles and pulls him in for a tight hug.

I smile at the three of them, happy to see a bonding moment between them. I wasn't happy to find out that they didn't spend much time with neither Joseph or Dante after I was presumed dead. They only came over to check on them maybe a handful of times and it was only Gabriella who would come. I'd hoped that they'd rekindle their relationship with their son but as usual, business is more important.

Business, or the clan in this case, comes before all else in their eyes. It's one of the main reasons Dante didn't want to become leader. He felt like he'd have to put me and our children on the bench while he took care of everyone else. Maybe it's harder for me to understand that since I'm a warlock, the solo runners of the Underworld for the most part. Being the solo ones, makes it harder to find a head warlock. We don't run as a group like the rest but we still look out for our own.

The head has to be different from everyone else. They have to be strong, wise, selfless and have great leadership skills. As head it's your job to protect your fellow species in your region as well as keep them in check. It's honestly a glorified babysitting job.

You have to babysit your members to make sure none of them go Rogue and it's a must to have their respect so that when the time comes, they'll have your back. There's also a lot of politics to it as well. A headache that I know Dante doesn't want to deal with.

Both Gabriella and Lucius walk into the kitchen and smile at me. I return their smile and ask Skye to set the dining table.

"Joseph can you please go let your father know that our guest are beginning to arrive," I smile down at him. I hate having to act this way but I know I have to put a show on for them. I don't want Dante hearing about how I'm unfit as a wife because I don't have manners.

Not that they hate me or anything but I know they saw a side of me at the Gala that they thought they'd never see. Everyone did. Almost six months ago I was a terrified little girl who barely touched the surface with her powers. Then I came back and was more powerful than a Necromancer and the Head Warlock. That made people look at me differently.

Also, they weren't too happy about Dante and me getting married so quickly with barely any time to spread the news. I also didn't want a grand wedding like we were royalty and that upset Gabriella. As soon as she pitched the idea of a long wedding gown and hundreds of guest in a grand church and ball, I immediately shut it down.

I'd like to say it's probably because of how I was raised. Being in the system and all, made me so humble and not into the fancy things of being rich. I like to think I would've still been this way had I grown up in the presence of my parents. Both my parents gave up their riches to live a humble and happy life. I'll gladly follow in their footsteps if I have to.

"Katarina dear, how are you enjoying married life?" Gabriella smiles warmly at me as she brings me in for a hug.

"Oh it's great. I've never been happier," I smile at her and I can tell she's happy to hear it.

I think she was worried that Dante wouldn't be a decent husband since he wasn't that great with women before me but she couldn't be further from the truth. He's been an amazing husband since we've been married. Honestly our relationship hasn't changed from how it was before. We both take care of one another and our family. The way a marriage should be. You're a team and one isn't inferior to the other.

The front door opens and Jax, Nadine, and Mickey come walking in. I invited them over as well because they're not only family but also because I know having them here would make Dante feel more comfortable when he announces to his father his decision on becoming the leader of their clan.

"There she is!" Nadine beams as she comes walking up to me. She's even bigger now and only a couple months away from having her little bundle of joy.

"Hey mama," I smile back at her and pull her in for a warm hug.

"So did it take? Are you pregnant?" she asks quietly while Jax is talking to Dante's parents.

"I'm not sure yet. I haven't taken the test but I am a few days late. Just not sure if it's because I stopped taking the pill a month ago and it's taking a while for my body to reset or I'm pregnant," I smile nervously and she bounces with excitement.

"Oh I hope it did sweetie. No one deserves to be a mother more than you after everything that's happened," she smiles at me and gently pats my belly.

I can't help but laugh as Dante comes walking through the door and automatically looks down at Nadine's hand on my belly. His eyes go wide and he looks at me expectantly. I shake my head with a sympathetic smile and he pouts.

Dante, bless his soul, been patient the last couple weeks to find out if I'm pregnant or not. He thinks I haven't notice him running his hand over my belly at night when we lie in bed to go to sleep. Even when he wakes up in the morning before I open my eyes and he thinks I'm still asleep, I'll feel him slide down my body and press his lips to my stomach.

Dante looks into my eyes from across the room with a warm smile. God I hope I'm pregnant. We deserve this after everything.

"Son, happy to see you," Lucius smiles at Dante and puts a firm hand on his shoulder.

"You too Dad," he gives him a side glance and looks back at me. He's trying to be civil with him for my sake.

"Oh my baby boy, how are you?" Gabriella cries out and wraps him up in her arms. He smiles warmly down at her and hugs her back.

Even though he's still upset with his parents, he still loves them. He can't bring himself to be hateful towards his mother. Dante may act like a big bad demon but he's the most loving and devoted man I know.

"I'm doing well Mom. Thank you for coming," he gently kisses her temple.

"Sorry to interrupt but the table is set," Skye smiles with a small bow and I can't help but smile at her.

"Thank you sweetie," I tell her as she walks up to me. I wrap my arm around her and kiss her forehead. Joseph walks up to me and wraps his arms around my waist. I gently run my fingers through the soft waves of his hair.

"Thank you for getting your daddy for me," I cup his face in my hand and smile down at him.

He beams up at me and snuggles his face into my stomach. I look down at him curiously. The last few days he's been attached to me more than usual. I figure it's just because I was gone for so long and he's afraid if he's not glued to me constantly, that I'll disappear.

I look up and Nadine is smiling at me then I glance around to notice everyone is looking at me. I giggle under my breath and shake my head. I quickly turn around to make sure everything is ready to serve.

"I think we should go take our seats at the dinner table, come on Skye, Joseph," Nadine winks at me and everyone follows her towards the dining room.

I feel him behind me before I can turn around. Dante runs his fingertips down my arms slowly and kisses my shoulder. He lets out a deep sigh and lays his chin on my shoulder.

"You'll be fine babe. You've got this," I assure him of the decision he made. I turn around and wrap my arms around his waist and lean up to press my lips to his.

"You're amazing. Absolutely perfect. I'm so lucky to have you by my side," he smiles down at me and runs his fingers through my hair.

"And I'm lucky to have you my love."

"Let's go get this over with," he groans with a roll of his eyes.

"Oh it's not going to be that bad," I laugh and grab the casserole dish. Dante grabs the sides and walks with me to the dining table.

I take a seat next to him at the head of the table and reach over to grab his hand from underneath it. I give him a reassuring look and he nods his head before clearing his throat.

"Okay, the reason I invited everyone over tonight was to make an announcement," he begins, his voice booming off the walls.

Everyone stops what they're doing and turn to give him their undivided attention. Lucius has a curious look on his face and Gabriella looks over at me expectantly. God I hope she isn't expecting a pregnancy announcement.

Jax, Nadine, and Mickey look at him with a proud smile since they already know what he's going to say. Jax will be his right hand and Mickey is now their personal warlock. Their family is lucky to have such a talented warlock in their reins. I know after what happened with Cassandra, it's hard to find someone to trust. I know Mickey will do them proud.

"Father, I've been thinking about your proposal since Merlin came by the other day and I've made my decision. I'm ready to take my place as Head of the clan," he announces and Lucius's eyes light up. Gabriella smiles as well but I can tell she's upset it wasn't what I assume was that she's going to be having another grandchild soon.

"That's great son! I'm so thrilled to be hearing this. I've waited so long for you to finally accept your responsibilities," Lucius cheers and nods at me. I'm sure he has a feeling I had something to do with persuading Dante to change his mind. "This is actually perfect timing. Tomorrow there will be a council meeting between the heads. It will be a perfect time to announce to everyone of your leadership," Lucius smiles.

"Katarina, you should come as well," he smiles at me and I'm confused at why I would be going.

"Umm, okay," I smile and take a bite of my food.

I sit and listen to Lucius talk with Dante about his duties. I zone out, not really caring about all of that mostly because I have so many other things on my mind at the moment. When I stand to clean off the table, Skye and Nadine join me.

"My God I thought my head was going to explode in there while they talked. I already told Jax to keep work at work and not bring it home. I don't know how you'll be able to deal with it being the wife of the head," Nadine jokes and begins drying the dishes for me.

"Oh it's not that bad," I lie with a laugh.

"You'll get use to it dear," Gabriella speaks behind us, making me jump.

I sometimes forget she's a demon and as quiet as the rest of them. I think Dante is even quieter but because of our bond, I'm able to sense when he's near me.

"What I mean is you'll have to get use to it. It's not only Dante's position that's being changed, it's yours as well. You are now his wife, his Queen, his better half. Everything he has to deal with, you'll deal with as well. You'll need to be his support system with every decision he makes. He'll need your guidance and your devotion," she smiles at me and I nod my head.

I already knew this long before he ever decided to become the head. I don't feel this way because of his decision, but because he's my husband and that's how it's suppose to be. I know he'll be an amazing leader. He's already an amazing husband and father.

"You'll do fine dear. You'll be an amazing Queen to my son. You'll give us a fine heir as well to take his place once he steps down," she beams and I can't help but feel annoyance at her words.

"Wouldn't Joseph take his place? He's just as capable. Not to mention he's full demon while our children will be a mixture of two different Underworld species and a Nepilim. Wouldn't think a half angel would be a typical demon clan leader," I laugh sarcastically and her face falls. She can tell I didn't care for her statement.

"That's not what I meant Kat-"

"I sure hope not. He's your grandson and you should have better faith in him," I cross my arms over my chest and stand my ground.

My emotions are on high alert right now and I'm assuming it's because of the topic. Nadine notices and puts her arm around my shoulder and gently rubs her hands on mine to soothe me. Gabriella bows her head apologetically and steps out of the kitchen.

"I should probably go apologize. I did kind of snap on her," I groan and turn around to shut the water off.

"It's fine Kat. She did step over the line with her comment. They're still giving Dante hell for his mistake of getting Joseph's mom pregnant out of wedlock and then Joseph being raised by a neighbor clan. They're old school and set in their ways," she shrugs.

"Who knew demons had such a high moral standard," I laugh and lay my head on her shoulder.

"So when are you going to take the t-e-s-t?" she whispers with excitement. "I can tell by your emotional outburst just now that you're either on edge from stress or you're preggo," she smiles.

"Well I'll probably do it tomorrow since I'm a few days late," I smile and put my hands on her swollen belly. I can't wait to have a swollen belly that I can rub and love on.

As I rub my hands over it, I feel her baby kick and I instantly feel tears in my eyes. My emotions really are on high alert right now. I look up at her with surprise and she smiles warmly at me.

"You'll get to experience this soon sweetie," she assures me as she puts her hand on mine.

"Sorry to interrupt you two ladies but we are leaving now. Katarina thank you for dinner, it was lovely," Lucius smiles at me and walks towards the front door.

Skye walks towards the living room where Joseph is at and I'm so glad they get along so well. They're not related by blood but they already act like family. Nadine yawns as Jax walks into the kitchen and he smiles warmly at her.

"I think it's time we head home. You my love, need rest," Jax runs his hand over her belly and kisses her temple.

I say my goodbyes to the three of them and see them out the front door. Dante grabs my hips and gently squeezes them. I can tell he's desperately in the mood right now and so am I.

"Okay you two, it's time for bed," I yell at both Skye and Joseph. They groan in annoyance and make their way upstairs. Dante chuckles under his breath and nuzzles his face into my neck.

"Man I can't wait to have more of them running around the house," he kisses the side of my neck and nibbles at it, putting me in the mood.

Once Joseph and Skye are in bed, we make our way to our bedroom with anticipation. Dante locks the door behind him and picks me up in his arms. I quickly pull my shirt and bra off as he aggressively lays me on the bed. He leans over and undresses the rest of me with lust in his eyes.

"Come take me baby," I purr as I back up on our bed until my backs against the headboard.

Dante growls at me as he pulls his clothes off and gets into bed with me. He shoves his lips against mine and gathers my bottom lip between his teeth. His hands trace up my legs and onto my sides.

"Are you ready to be made love to my Queen?" he moans softly in my ear as he lands passionate kisses on my neck and shoulder.

"Yes my King. Make hot, passionate love to me," I beg him and wrap my arms around him.

It's feels like hours pass once we finally finish. I lay my head on his chest and listen to his heart beat as he softly snores. We are both naked under the sheets and all I want to do is melt into him so badly and fall asleep but my mind won't let me.

I lay in bed, thinking about our future. I think about what he said earlier about having more little ones running around the house. I remember that I had some spare pregnancy test tucked back in the drawers of the bathroom. I quietly get out of bed and make my way to our bathroom. Once I've peed on the stick I sit on the bathroom counter and wait. I've never been so nervous in my life. The five minutes feel like forever as I count them down.

I take a deep breath as I pick up the stick and look at  the results. My heart nearly leaps out of my chest as I see the two pink lines. I didn't expect this to happen so soon because I read that it could take months for the birth control to leave my system. I guess having healing capabilities as a warlock hastened the progress. I stand from the counter and turn around to look at myself in the mirror. My hand immediately moves to my lower belly and I pray that it's real this time.

When I walk out of the bathroom, I want to wake Dante up and tell him the news but I decide to tell him tomorrow after the meeting. I want this to be a surprise for him. He's been patiently waiting the last two weeks and I know he'll be ecstatic.

As I shove the positive test in the night stand, I quietly climb back into bed and curl up to Dante. He stirs in his sleep but doesn't wake. Instead he tightens his arms around me and turns to his side. He scoots down and lays his head on my chest. Dante's hand slowly slides down my body until it gets to my stomach. He gently traces tiny circles on it and I begin to wonder if he already knows. Maybe he's just being hopeful and subconsciously is drawn to being this way with me in his sleep.

I smile to myself and stare up at the ceiling until sleep takes me. I dream about being swollen with pregnancy and Dante laying in bed as he talks to my belly. I know he'll be an amazing husband during my pregnancy and will be an even greater father to our child once they're born.

Finally, after all this time. Things are finally turning around.

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