Rose and Scorpius, A True Love

By harrypottergirl123

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Rose Weasley and Scorpius Malfoy have always been known to hate each other. That much has always been clear... More

Rose-Scorpius: A true Love
The end!


8.6K 202 65
By harrypottergirl123

Whenever I finally left the hospital I only had one more day of freedom until I had to wear the Slytherin sweater as promised to classes the next day. Brandon was destroyed about losing the game and didn't show up for meals. As I wandered the castle corridors trying to entertain myself and relax until school the next day, I saw Albus walking towards me. Whenever he reached me he pulled me into a hug. "What are you doing?" I asked as he squeezed me painfully. "I tried to visit you, but you were asleep. And Madam Pomfrey wouldn't let me in. I'm sorry- I didn't-." Albus broke off as he hugged me tighter. I hugged him back, feeling confused. I only got hit in the back of the head, what was the big deal? As Albus let go of me I backed away to look at him. "Why is everyone so worried? I'm all better right? And I only got hit with a bludger- it's not that big of a deal honestly-." Albus cut me off. "Wait- you don't remember what all happened?" Albus asked in disbelief. I raised my eye brows in shock. "What do you mean? That's all that happened-" Albus cut me off again. "Rose, whenever your got hit- you fell. And I mean you FELL. All the way from the hoops to the bottom of the pitch. There was so much blood- we thought you were dead- but you were alright somehow. It was weird. You kept mumbling in your sleep," Albus was talking fast, he had turned a vivid shade of white. Was there really that much blood? "But why is everyone-?" Albus looked at me, his eyes shining abnormally bright. "Half of your team thought it was their fault, they thought because they were distracted- you didn't have anyone- you just fell and- you hit the ground so hard- blood-" Albus was shaking, and I saw a tear escape his eye. I was shocked. Honestly I've been feeling fine, but Albus has always been one to get upset easily. I pulled Albus, my cousin who I loved, into a hug trying to comfort him. He hugged me tighter. "I was scared Rose." He mumbled into my red hair. I tried to laugh, it was hard when he was like this. "Al, I'm fine. I feel normal." He let me go and took a deep breath. He rubbed his eyes and said heavily, "good- I'm glad. Everyone was worried. All of our family was next to your bed while you were asleep, you were knocked out for a good 5 hours. Even Scorpius came to visit you-" "wait- what?" I cut off my cousin. Albus stopped mid sentence and stared at me, "well yea- you didn't know? He looked a little upset to- it was weird he was oddly quiet. He actually does have more respect you know. If you got to know him he's a lot kinder than you think." Albus said crossing his arms, he wasn't glaring at me, but he was giving one of those looks that say 'so don't judge ok?' "I mean- I saw him visit when the family wasn't there-" It was Als turn to cut me off. "You mean he went again?" Albus said in a weird voice. "He was dropping off a Slytherin sweater- a bet we had made..." I started walking away, thinking about this. "Rose where are you going?" Albus asked as I passed him. "Hm?" I asked airily. "Nothing- just weird is all. Ill see you around." And I left my cousin standing in the corridor with a look of confusion all on his face.

I wandered the corridors deep in thought. Why had Scorpius bothered to visit me while I was unconscious? Why had Albus said he looked upset? Scorpius hates me so why would he even pretend to care? As I was walking and thinking I felt myself walk into someone solid, and fell to the floor. My head was a little fragile, and the sudden rush to the ground had started a tiny headache. "Oh- Rose?" I looked up to see Brandon looking at me. I rubbed my head. "Is it just me? Or do I have a tendency to run into everyone?" Brandon didn't even smile. He held out his hand, and I reluctantly took it. After he helped me up I looked at him more closely. He had purple bags under his eyes, and his eyes were blood shot red as if he didn't sleep. "Are you ok?" I asked tilting my head at him oddly. "No." He said simply. I raised my eyebrows, shocked. He said it with a tone of bitter coldness. "If nothing's wrong than why does your stare feel like I'm near a dementor?" I asked slowly. He glared at me. "Look, I don't think we should attend the ball together anymore. Sorry." And he turned on his heal and stormed off. Leaving me shocked still, and a little hurt.

I walked to the common room feeling like shit. Why was he so mad at me? I mean yes he was my friend- but why was he so cold and bitter? "Flobber worm..." I mumbled to the fat lady. The portrait hole swung open and I climbed inside. I saw James and Fred sitting in the squishy arm chairs next to the fire, deep in a conversation. I walked across the common room and sat on the arm of James chair. "What is up with Brandon? He canceled going to the ball with me, and was actually a huge jerk." I asked my cousins. They shared a knowing look and stared at me. Fred hesitated, but then said slowly, "He sort of blames you- for um, losing the game." My mouth was wide open in shock. "That jerk!" I yelled jumping to my feet in anger. "Look, it's for the better- me and Fred were already going to kill him if he put a hand on you- and it's just better this way. We don't blame you Rose. We know it's not your fault." James was saying. I crossed my arms. "That is such a jerk thing to think. I can't believe him! I though we were friends!" But Fred looked at his watch and jumped out of his chair. He shot James a look and James jumped up as well. "We got to go Rosie- see you later." And James and Fred ran off out of the tunnel, and I could have sworn I saw mini fireworks in all of their pockets as they climbed out through the portrait of the Fat Lady. "What are they up to?" I whispered quietly to myself. I went upstairs to my dorm room and was surprised to see Harley curled up on her bed, under the covers with a hurt expression in her eyes. "Harley?" I asked as I walked towards my best friend. She didn't even glance at me. "Hm?" She mumbled. "What's wrong?" I asked starting to get worried. It took a lot to upset Harley, and she looked a little torn. Her normally perfect straight black hair was a rats nest, as if she hasn't left the bed all day to groom herself. Her eyes were red rimmed, like she had been crying, and her usually pretty and happy face looked sad and torn. "Oh nothing..." Harley said, still looking straight at the wall, not blinking. Then, to my horror I saw a tear escape Harley's eye and she started to cry silently. "Harley!" I said shocked, I ran up beside her bed and hugged her. She hugged me back, but I could feel my dry hair start to become wet from tears. It was scaring me a little, she wasn't sobbing. It was as if there was a leak in her eyes, she made no sound. Harley pulled away and looked at me. "Sorry I didn't visit you this morning when she let you out of the hospital wing. But I didn't feel like moving much this morning." Harley said in a dream like voice. I don't understand, Harley was always happy. Nothing could upset her this much. "Harley." I said firmly enough for her to look at me. "What happened?" I asked. She smiled weakly at me, a sarcastic smile. "Yesterday, while I was leaving the hospital wing, well all of us were leaving. Me and Albus were side by side talking and I was about to ask him to the ball- and all the sudden some blonde Slytherin bimbo had her arms around his neck, snogging him like there was no tomorrow." Harley said with a sniffle. "Well you could imagine I was shocked. Than Al introduced 'Becky'." I had to stifle a laugh. Harley had said Becky with a mock girly, and annoying voice. "Becky is his girlfriend. He asked her to the ball weeks ago and they have been together since." Harley said bitterly. "I didn't know Albus liked anyone... I always thought he was into you." I said as I put a comforting arm around her. She rested her head on my shoulder and sighed heavily. "I just assumed- we hung out all the time- I thought we shared moments- stupid." She mumbled as a sob escaped her throat. "We can go to the ball together!" I said with forced excitement. Harley raised her head from my shoulder and looked at me. "What about Brandon?" She asked as, she wiped tears from her eyes. I shrugged my shoulders and sighed heavily. "Eh, he canceled." Harley smiled a little. "Sorry." She said shyly. "Don't be, he was just a friend anyway." Harley smiled and hugged me. "Thank you." She said quietly. "What are friends for?" I said as I hugged her back.

The next day was a little odd for me. Not only did it feel weird at practice, but it sucked a bit too. I was forced to wear that damn Slytherin sweater all day. Imagine this, Rose Weasley, Gryffindor keeper, fourth year, recently lost a huge match to Slytherin. Her captain is torn, her team is angry, and was sent to the hospital because a Slytherin almost killed her! And she shows up to breakfast in what? A Slytherin sweater. People whispered behind my back all day in between classes, but I must admit, practice cheered me up a little. Brandon was such a huge jerk to me the day before, that whenever I saw his face frozen in horror, I relished in it. We were in the changing rooms after classes, about to practice and I was sitting on the bench waiting while my team changed into their robes. The weather was slowly getting colder and colder as October came closer and closer. Whenever Brandon walked in he took one glance at me and did a double take. "What do you think you are wearing?" He said loud enough for the entire team to hear. I still hadn't forgiven him so of course I wasn't going to play nice. "And why would that be any of your business?" I asked as I polished my broom, not bothering to look at him. "We just lost a game- and your wearing a 'Slytherin' sweater!? What are you thinking? Have you gone mad?!" He said in shock. I watched Dominique and Roxanne hold back James and Fred as they popped their knuckles and were walking towards Brandon. "Watch it mate. Your heading down a bad road." Fred growled protectively. I stood up and walked in between them. "Don't worry about it, it's fine." I turned to Brandon while crossing my arms. My face was plain, honestly I didn't feel like caring at the moment, he didn't deserve my time. "It's none of your business what I wear, 'Woods'," he had a hurt and shocked expression as I used his last name to address him, "but I'm wearing this because I lost a bet. Now get over yourself." I grabbed my broom stick and walked out of the locker rooms with my head held high. And later that day I was told by Harley that Danny Davids found himself in the Hospital Wing because someone had set of fireworks in his face, he had 4 degree burn all over.

Practice after that went smoothly, any time Brandon tried to speak with me I simply pretended not to hear. We were getting ready for our next match against Ravenclaw, if we beat them we would only need to beat Hufflepuff, and then Slytherin again to win the house cup. But time was flying fast, and soon I found myself in my dorm room, at 7:00 o clock pm, on October 31, getting ready for the ball. "Which should I wear Rose? The Blue or the silver?" Harley asked me as she looked at the two dresses she pulled out of her trunk. I was laying on my back reading. I groaned as I rolled over for the fifth time that night to give 'dress advise' (as Harley put it) on what to wear tonight. "I don't know, the blue one." I rolled back over and continued to read. "Yes... Maybe..." And I heard Harley go into the bathroom to change AGAIN. When she came back out she looked quite pretty. She wore a midnight, sparkly blue, knee high dress. Her hair was curled and fell perfectly at her elbows. "Why arn't you getting ready?" She asked annoyed. She snatched the book from my hands and threw it on her bed. "Hey!" She crossed her arms and glared at me violently. "I intend to make Albus as jealous as possible tonight, so could you get ready please?" She asked irritably. I rolled my eyes and got out of the bed. I looked at the dress my mother had sent me and felt disgusted. It was olive green and came down to my ankles, it was strapless but had a weird poof to the skirt, like a green cupcake almost. I put on the dress reluctantly and put on some ballet flats. "That's all?" Harley asked in disbelief. I raised my eyebrows at her. "What els do I need?" I asked sarcastically. To my horror Harley brought out her makeup bag and started to straighten my hair with magic, and put eye liner on my eyes. When she was done I was surprised to see I looked kind of pretty. My hair was perfectly straight, looking like a red waterfall as it fell past my shoulders to my waist. My blue eyes were magnified with the eyeliner. "You look great! Now let's go!" Harley grabbed my hand and forced me down the steps, through the portrait, and soon I found myself in the entrance hall at the stairs. "I think I changed my mind..." I said as I looked down the stairs to see hundreds of students dressed in different vivid colors with their dress robes. "You can't chicken out! Please Rose? For me?" Harley pleaded. I sighed heavily. "Alright. Let's go." I took a shaky step forward and found myself gliding down the stairs towards the great hall. I saw glowing pumpkins on the ceiling, floating as bats swooped around the hall. As I got closer to the bottom of the steps I saw Albus with who I assumed was Becky. She was blonde with crystal blue eyes. Skinny and really pretty. But to my shock Albus didn't seem to be having a good time. He kept shooting Becky annoying glances every time she would open her mouth to speak. Finally I reached the bottom of the steps with Harley and she dragged me into the great hall.

It was beautiful I'll have to admit. The jack o lanterns floating in mid air illuminated the hall with a glow. And the bats swooping around gave it the Halloween effect. There were round tables pushed to the sides and in the middle was the dance floor. But I was surprised when I heard muggle music playing. I looked around trying to find where it was coming from, and to my surprise Hugo, a second year and my little brother, was the one DJ ing the ball. Harley and I walked to one of the tables and she sat down and looked around. But I was fidgeting. "What's up?" She asked as she noticed my movements. "I told you, I don't like these types of places. Why couldn't I bring my book?" I asked with pleading eyes. Harley crossed her arms at me. "Because, you promised me that we would go together." I stopped fidgeting and heaved a heavy sight. "Okay, your right." Than the Hufflepuff boy who asked her out a few months ago walked over to us. "Wow- Harley your look- um- very nice." He turned a little red. I saw Harley look a bit annoyed at first but then she jumped out of her chair, grabbed the Hufflepuffs hand, and drag him to the dance floor saying "let's dance!" I was shocked at her outburst but as my eyes followed Harley to the dance floor, I saw that she just so happened to be dancing next to Albus who was dancing with Becky. As I watched them dance, I saw Albus look over at Harley, his mouth wide open in shock. Then his eyes found the boy she was dancing with and he looked away resentfully. I smiled, I knew he had a thing for her! "Weasley?" I jumped about ten feet in the air. "What type of dress is that? It's revolting, it's-" Malfoys words where cut off as I turned around to face him. He looked at my hair and face. Malfoy closed his mouth and opened it again, but chose not to say anything, me however, I wasn't talking either. I had to admit, he looked good. Over the years he's gotten so tall, and his platinum blonde hair fell swiftly just above his silver eyes. I shook my head trying to remove these thoughts. Malfoy is a stupid git who should count as a rodent. Scorpius turned and walked away looking confused. Then I saw some burnet come out from the dance floor and wrap her arms around Scorpius. Scorpius tried to pull her off but she kept wrapping her arms around him. I felt a weird churn in my stomach. How stupid is she? Scorpius is a complete jerk, why does she look so crazy over him? I walked closer, staying hidden in the shadows to hear what they where saying. "Come on Scorpius, I know you miss me." The burnet said in a disturbing voice. "Look Daisy- your nice and all- but leave me alone." The girl who must of been Daisy, started to whine in the most annoying and shrill voice I had ever heard. "But Scorp, we were perfect together!" Scorpius finally managed to pull free and backed away. "All you do is whine! It's honestly annoying- and your way to clingy. I'm sorry." And with that Scorpius turned away and started walking back to the dance floor. I stifled my laughter as Daisy crossed her arms and slammed her heel on the floor. I accidentally snorted from holding in laughter and Daisy saw me. "Who are you?" She asked in a shrill voice. "Who-? Me?" I asked a little shocked. "Did you hear all of that!?" She asked getting louder, and I saw her pull out her wand. Honestly was she part banshee? But to my surprise, but to my relief as well, Scorpius came running back. "Oh- Weasley- um Rose- there you are!-" he grabbed my wrist and pulled me to the dance floor and we started to dance. "What are you doing-? Let me go!" I tried to pull away, but he was strong. "Will you shut up? I just saved your life so calm down." He whispered. "Saved my life!? How so?" I yelled as I tried to get out of his embrace. "She's part banshee! Not to mention she was about to do Merlin knows what to you when she pulled out her wand." I stopped fighting. So I was right, she is part banshee! "Well why are we dancing then?" I asked bitterly. "Because I'm trying to keep her away from me, and you owe me now. So shut up and just play along." Scorpius mumbled as he spun me around. "I can't dance." I mumbled quietly. "What was that?" He asked as we danced to a slow song. "I said I can't dance! Alright?" I yelled aggressively. He shook his head and smirked, "I can tell. That's why I'm leading." I rolled my eyes. "Are you trying to say your a better dancer?" I scoffed. He nodded his head as if it was the most obvious thing. "Of course I am!" I rolled my eyes and shook my head. "And you said Gryffindors are the ones with an ego." "well I change my mind. I think Gryffindors are nosey, not egotistical." I raised an eyebrow. "How so?" I asked as we continued to dance, he had an arm around my waist and the other holding my hand. "Well, I know this Gryffindor- pain in the ass- one time she listened in on an argument of mine and almost got her face blown off by a banshee." I was surprised to hear myself laugh at this. Than all the sudden Malfoys face went serious, as if he just remembered something. "Wait... What about Woods? Why arnt you dancing with him?" Scorpius asked, and I felt his arms go stiff. "Well for a number of reasons really. One being there was this Slytherin I knew- huge douche bag- who dragged me on to the dance floor and wouldn't let me leave cause he was scared a banshee was going to molest him or something." He laughed at this. "The other reason being he canceled because he blamed me for losing the game." I said in a voice that sounded a little wounded. I tried to bring back my sarcastic demeanor with a smile but Scorpius gave me a serious look. "Are you serious?" He asked. I nodded my head and shrugged my shoulders. "Not that big of a deal, he just wanted to blame someone." Scorpius looked odd. His face was contorted into confusion. "Are you defending him still? After that?" He asked. "Well I guess. I mean what's the big deal? I don't care so much anymore." I said, surprised at his sudden change of attitude. "Rose! You were in the Hospital Wing for almost two days because you were bashed in the skull with a bludger! And he blames you for that?" He asked. He had let me go and was standing farther away. People were slowly starting to notice us. I heard whispers around me asking "is that Rose with Malfoy?" I crossed my arms and glared at him. "I'm not defending him! I'm defending myself! I don't care what he did! It isn't that big of a deal!" Scorpius threw his hands in exaggeration. "How can you still be friends with that jerk after what he said?" He asked in disbelief. "I'm not still friends with him after what he did! We haven't spoken in weeks!" I yelled. Scorpius closed his mouth and looked at me. I was shaking in anger now. How could he change my mood so fast like that? Sapphire and silver glared at each other. I looked away and left the ball. I ran up to my dorm room, threw off the green dress, put on a long t-shirt and threw my self on the bed. I didn't care that Brandon ditched me. I didn't. But to my surprise I felt a tear escape my eyes. I quickly wiped it off. Did I care? No... I don't think so. A voice in the back of my head was telling me the reason I was upset was because of Scorpius. He makes no since! He was happy one minute, and the next he was yelling. I don't understand how he can make me so mad so easily! I sighed heavily. "Forget it." I whispered to myself. I rolled over and closed my eyes. And soon I found myself drifting off to sleep, forgetting about the ball the best I could. Forgetting about the ball, and forgetting how Malfoy had called me Rose, had called me by my first name.

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