Home on the Range The Disney...

By DaniellaLara0

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Lucky Jack sees a strange light coming from a cave in the forest. What he finds there is not what he expected... More

A Book?
Where Are We?
Meeting Snow White
Into the Woods
Animal Friends
Whistle While You Work
The Bedroom
Arrival of the Dwarfs
Meet the Dwarfs
Music in Your Soup
Curious, Tricked, and a Disguise
The Yodel Party
We'll be Comfortable
A Special Sort of Death
Beware of Strangers
Witch Hunt
Chorale for Snow White
An Unexpected Rescue
Is This Goodbye?
A Story to be Told

Love's First Kiss

78 0 0
By DaniellaLara0

So beautiful, even in death, that the dwarfs, cows, horse, and rabbit could not find it in their hearts to bury Snow White. Together, they fashioned a coffin of glass and gold, and kept eternal vigil at her side. The cows, horse, and rabbit didn't care if they wanted to go home now. At that time, the only thing that mattered was their dear friend who sadly passed away.

The Prince, who searched far and wide with the help of his new bovine friend, heard of the maiden who slept in the glass coffin. And when they found her in a forest clearing, he sang one last familiar song to show and prove how much he loved her.

"One song
I have but one song
One song
Only for you"

The glass coffin, where Snow White laid in, was indeed in the middle of a forest clearing. The birds dropped pink petals from a tree above while the forest animals placed bouquets of flowers around the coffin.

"One heart
Tenderly beating
Ever entreating
Constant and true"

Then came the dwarfs, Buck, Lucky Jack, and the cows with their bouquets. The dwarfs and Mrs. Calloway once again took their hats off in respect. They placed their flowers at the coffin while Doc and Buck opened the coffin. Grumpy placed his bouquet on top of Snow White. They all took a step backwards and knelt with their heads looking down. All took a moment of silence while rays of sunlight shone on the sleeping Princess.

Prince Florian, his horse, and Becky were watching on top of a road with the same sadness. Florian took his hat off in respect and went towards the sleeping Princess while singing his heart out. Becky began to shed tears, even though she didn't meet or know Snow White, she still felt sadness in her heart. She followed the Prince.

"One love that has possessed me
One love thrilling me through
One song my heart keeps singing
Of one love only for you"

Florian approached our heroes, and they saw him immediately. Everybody rose from their knees and haunches.

"Florian," Mrs. Calloway said.

Florian said nothing because he had no words for what happened to the love of his life. Becky also didn't know what to say. Maggie noticed her.

"Becky. How did you...?" Maggie asked.

"It's a long story. But I can see it won't be a good time to tell it," Becky said.

The dwarfs noticed the new cow, but didn't say a word.

"At least, I'm glad to see you. But you actually arrived at a bad time," Maggie said with tears in her eyes while she hugged her friend.

"It's my fault. If I didn't touch that book, I wouldn't be here. And if I wasn't caught by the Queen, I could..." Becky said with tears in her eyes.

"No, no. It's not your fault. It's her fault," Maggie said, mentioning the Queen while she placed a hoof under Becky's chin.

"I found Becky. The Queen locked her up in a cell to prevent her from stopping her plans," Florian said.

Maggie went towards the Prince and hugged him. "Thank you," she whispered.

Becky came closer towards the coffin and looked at the Princess.

"She's indeed beautiful," Becky said.

"She was just as sweet as could be," Doc said to Becky.

"She sang us purty songs..." Sneezy said.

"And made us smile," Happy said.

"And at bedtime, she told wonderful stories..." Sleepy said.

"About falling in love, an' the Prince she'd met," Bashful said.

"An' when we went to work, she gave us all a kiss," Grumpy said.

"She was so full of kindness, just like Grace," Happy said. "Why, she made better folk of all of us."

"From what you've said, she must have been very loved and a good friend," Becky said while hearing all those lovely things about Snow White.

"That she was, my dear. That she was," said Doc, who was comforting Grace, who started to sob.

"Maybe there might be a small chance," Becky whispered to herself.

"I'd like to say 'goodbye' to her," Florian said.

"Go ahead," Maggie said.

They all made room for the Prince to approach the Princess. Florian remembered what Becky said before. He didn't know for sure, either, but he was going to show his love for her, no matter what. Everybody watched, especially Becky, to hope for that one chance to save Snow White. The Prince came closer to the Princess and lowered his head to her face. He gave her a loving kiss on the lips. Nothing happened. The Prince knelt while lowering his head in sadness and respect. Becky began to shed a few tears and sat on her haunches. Everybody else did the same thing, even the forest animals. They all lowered their heads in sadness and respect. A few seconds went by and Becky tried to take one last look at the beautiful girl in the glass coffin.

But then, her eyes went wide and a smile appeared on her face. Snow White's eyes slowly opened and slowly raised her arm towards her head.

"Princess!" Becky said.

The dwarfs, other cows, Buck, and Lucky Jack were confused when she said that. But when they rose their heads, they suddenly knew why. Everybody's eyes went wide and smiles appeared on their faces. Especially the forest animals.

"Am I dreaming?" Maggie said in disbelief.

"Is she...?" Grace asked with the same reaction.

Snow White began to stand up and stretched herself a little after waking up from a long nap. And then she saw Florian with wonder in her eyes and a smile on her face. The Prince rose his head, and when he saw the Princess, who was awake, he was totally surprised and smiled like he never smiled before. He rose to his feet while Snow White opened her arms. He grabbed her in his arms and they both looked lovingly at each other.

"It worked!" Becky said.

"All right!" Buck said.

"Oh, my goodness," Grace said, happy to see her friend alive and well. She began to hug Grumpy, who happily accepted it, with tears of joy.

"I can't believe it, it's a miracle!" Mrs. Calloway said.

"Well, I'll be!" Lucky Jack said.

"YEAH! HAHAHAH! SHE'S ALIIIIIIIIIIVE!" Happy reacted and danced joyfully.

Then they all hugged each other, threw their hats in the air, and danced happily.

Florian slowly brought the Princess back on her feet for a moment, and suddenly, Snow White fell to the ground by something cute and yellow. It was none other than Grace, who hugged her like never before.

"I thought I would never see you again," she said with tears of joy.

Snow White happily hugged back, enjoying the soft fur of her bovine friend. "Oh, Grace."

And no sooner, the other animals and dwarfs approached her and hugged her, too, even Becky. Both the Prince and Princess couldn't help but laugh with joy.

"Snow White, right? I'm Becky. I'm a friend of Maggie and her friends," the tan cow said.

"Nice to meet you, Becky," Snow White said.

"I may have never met you, but all I can say is: Well, welcome back," Becky said.

Snow White giggled a little and petted her.

After the happy reunion, Florian scooped up his princess, and they both walked towards his horse while everybody followed them and danced.

"Where are you two going?" Maggie asked curiously.

"To my castle. I want to ask my dear princess for her hand and tell her each day how much I love her," Florian said.

"Aaaaaaawww!" the animals said.

"How romantic," Mrs. Calloway said.

"Sissy stuff," Buck said.

Mrs. Calloway heard that and glared at the horse. But then Maggie began to smirk.

"Says the horse who kissed a ladybug," she said.

Buck's eyes went wide and then he blushed a little. "You got me there." He frowned.

Every dwarf and animal began to laugh at that, even Snow White and her prince joined the laughter.

"You're welcome in the castle anytime. All of you. And thank you for everything," Florian said.

Everybody smiled. Then they all realized that they had to say goodbye to Snow White. It was a bit sad at first, but they knew that somehow they would see each other again. All the animals gave Snow White a hug with Grace as the last.

"We had great times, didn't we?" Snow White asked.

"We sure did," Grace said.

"You and I have so much in common, and your friends are amazing, too. I'm so happy to have met you and call you my friend," Snow White said.

"Me, too," Grace said. "I hope we can see each other again somehow."

"Of course. You, your friends, and the dwarfs are always welcome. Thank you for a lot of things, and don't forget, even if we are far away from each other, we're always connected, no matter what," Snow White said.

They hugged each other for a few more minutes, and then they released.

"Have I ever told you what soft fur you have?" Snow White asked.

"I don't think so. But I never told you what lovely hair you have," Grace said.

"Um, Grace. I think our two lovebirds want to be alone for today," Becky said.

"Oh, right." Grace blushed a little.

Then Florian placed Snow White on his horse and grabbed each dwarf so they could get a kiss from her. Bashful was the first and was as red as a tomato again.

"Goodbye," Snow White said.

Grumpy was the next, and then he blew a kiss at her.

"Goodbye, Grumpy. Goodbye."

And then came Doc, Sneezy, and Happy.

And then came none other than our favorite silly dwarf, who wiped his mouth with his sleeve and pursed his lips.

"Oh, Dopey," Snow White said and kissed him. The animals giggled when they saw that.

Sleepy was the last to receive a kiss, and then Snow White and her prince walked away while everybody waved at them.

"Goodbye!" Snow White said.

"Goodbye, Snow White!" Grace said.

"Goodbye!" Becky said.

"Goodbye!" the dwarfs said.

"Have fun!" Maggie said.

"And while you're there, go easy, will ya?" Buck said.

"Buck!" Mrs. Calloway said.

"What? Aren't they going to... You know, after they are married... I'll shut up now," Buck said.

They all watched Snow White and her prince approaching a beautiful castle that shone with a light as bright as the sun.

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