Home on the Range The Disney...

By DaniellaLara0

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Lucky Jack sees a strange light coming from a cave in the forest. What he finds there is not what he expected... More

A Book?
Where Are We?
Meeting Snow White
Into the Woods
Animal Friends
Whistle While You Work
The Bedroom
Arrival of the Dwarfs
Meet the Dwarfs
Music in Your Soup
Curious, Tricked, and a Disguise
The Yodel Party
We'll be Comfortable
A Special Sort of Death
Witch Hunt
Chorale for Snow White
An Unexpected Rescue
Love's First Kiss
Is This Goodbye?
A Story to be Told

Beware of Strangers

36 0 0
By DaniellaLara0

It was morning, the sun shone through the window. The eyes of the cows and Snow White slowly opened. Mrs. Calloway yawned cutely and looked around. Maggie and Mrs. Calloway had slept apart while Grace slept with Snow White. The soft fur of the yellow cow helped Snow White sleep even better.

"Good morning, girls. Good morning, Snow White," Mrs. Calloway said.

The other two cows and Snow White said their 'Good morning' to Mrs. Calloway.

"Did you all sleep well?" Snow White asked.

"Yeah. It was good," Maggie said, stretching a bit.

"We should sleep like this more often," Grace said.

"I know, right?" Maggie said.

Snow White sniffed the air because she smelled something. Something delicious.

"Do any of you smell that?" Snow White asked.

The cows sniffed, too. "Mmmm. It smells good. It's pancakes," Grace said.

"Come on. Let's go downstairs," Maggie said and went out of the bedroom.

"What are pancakes?" Snow White asked.

"What? You don't know what pancakes are?" Maggie asked in shock.

Snow White shook her head.

"Why, it's one of *the* best food," Grace said.

"We'll show you, dear," Mrs. Calloway said and went out of the bedroom with the rest following.

While they walked down the stairs, they saw that all the seven dwarfs and Buck were sitting on the table. Lucky Jack had woken up earlier to make everyone some breakfast. He was indeed baking pancakes. He flipped them now and then. The dwarfs and Buck were waiting patiently.

"Just a few minutes, boys, and the first ones are ready," Lucky Jack told the dwarfs and Buck.

Snow White and the cows took their seats on the table.

"Good morning, everyone," Snow White said.

"Good morning, Princess. Good morning, girls," the boys said.

"Did you all sleep well?" Mrs. Calloway asked.

"Like I said, we were very comfortable," Doc said.

"And you, Buck?"

"I slept great! Thanks for asking," Buck said while he stretched a bit.

"What about you, Jack?" Grace asked.

"It was a'ight. It was difficult at first, but luckily I fell asleep," Lucky Jack answered.

Sleepy rubbed the rabbit's head. Then Lucky Jack went back to get the first pancakes. Once he got them and began to walk back to the table, he suddenly slipped on a wet spot on the floor, causing him to fling the pancakes into the air.

The others gasped. Some of them covered their eyes, not wanting to see a nasty accident.

The careless rabbit looked up and sprang to his feet. "Dagnabbit!" And just before the pancakes could hit the ground, he caught them just in time with his ears, arms, and right foot, which was his peg leg.

"This happens all the time," he said.

Amused, Dopey and Happy clapped their hands in approval while the others sighed in relief.

"Oh, the poor thing," Snow White giggled.

Lucky Jack then regained his balance and returned to the table with the pancakes. "Here you go, everyone. Enjoy," he said and went to check the other pancakes.

They each took a plate of the fresh batch. Of course, the cows, horse, and rabbit knew about pancakes, but to Snow White and the dwarfs, it was a new experience. Snow White took the first bite and her eyes went wide in wonder.

"Say, this is delicious," Snow White said.

When the dwarfs heard that, they quickly grabbed their forks and started to eat.

"My compliments, Lucky Jack. Does it come from your world?" Doc asked.

"They sure are," Lucky Jack said.

"These pancakes really are delicious," Sneezy said.

"It makes me smile even more," Happy said.

Grumpy also took a careful bite and he got the same reaction like when he tasted the soup.

"I'm glad y'all like them, 'cause I'm making some more," Lucky Jack said.

"Hooray!" the dwarfs yelled.

"So, what are you guys gonna do after breakfast?" Buck asked.

"Well, we have to go back to the mine to dig more jewels. We need to do our work," Bashful answered.

"What kind of jewels?" Mrs. Calloway asked with intrest

"Oh, the usual. Diamonds and rubies," Happy said.

Mrs. Calloway's eyes sparkled like diamonds when she heard that. Everyone looked at her in confusion.

Then the black cow snapped out of it and cleared her throat. "Pardon me. Um... And what do you do with those?"

"Actually, we don't know why we dig 'em for. We just keep digging for them," Sleepy explained.

"Well, maybe you could use some to pay for food and such things or sell them in exchange for money," Maggie advised.

"That's... Not a bad idea, actually. We keep a few and then use some for things that we need. Why didn't I think of that before?" Doc said.

The other dwarfs nodded, but Grumpy had no reaction on that.

"Gee, I wonder why," Grumpy said sarcastically.

"Oh, I would love to see the mine with all those diamonds," Mrs. Calloway said.

"And if you'd like, we can help you," Lucky Jack advised.

"Are you sure, folks? I mean, working in the mine isn't something for you. It's very hard work," Doc said.

"Gimme a break. Do you know how many bad guys I can fight in one day?" Buck asked.

"And I'm kind of an expert in jewels. Lucky Jack and I can help you find them easily," Mrs. Calloway said.

"I would love to come, too. And maybe Buck and Grace, too," Maggie said.

"Um, actually, I think I wanna stay with Snow White to watch over the cottage," Grace said.

"Are you sure?" Mrs. Calloway asked.

Grace nodded. "I can help Snow White with some things and she wouldn't be all alone."

Snow White smiled and petted her head. "Oh, thank you."

"All right, then. Anyone else?" Mrs. Calloway said.

"I don't see anything else I can do around here, so count me in," Buck said.

Doc looked at the animals. "Very well, then. Thank you for your support."

"Then what are we waiting for? Patch of Heaven miners are on duty!" Maggie said.

When they finished breakfast, the dwarfs and the animals, who wanted to come with them, were ready to leave while Snow White and Grace stayed in the cottage. The other forest animals were sleeping outside, and when they heard the door, they walked away. Mrs. Calloway, Grace, Snow White, and Doc were the first to step out. Mrs. Calloway inhaled the fresh air.

"Now, don't forget, my dear. The... The old Queen's a sly one, full of witchcraft. So beware of strangers," Doc said seriously.

"Are you sure you two are going to be fine?" What if the Queen finds you?" Mrs. Calloway asked worriedly

"We’ll be okay. I'm sure that the Queen won’t find us here... I hope," Grace said.

"Don't worry. We'll be all right," Snow White said with a comforting voice. Then she took Doc's stocking cap from his head and gave him a kiss, she did the same to Mrs. Calloway. "See you tonight." And Grace gave them a hug.

Mrs. Calloway giggled while Doc was completely surprised. He giggled a bit before trying to be serious again.

"Uh, yes. We... Well, c'mon, men and ladies." Now, both he and Mrs. Calloway went on their way. The other dwarfs and animals were waiting to say goodbye to Snow White and Grace. First came Bashful. He took off his stocking cap.

"Be awful careful. 'Cause if anything'd happen to you two, I, I..." he said, but got interrupted by a kiss from Snow White and a hug from Grace.

"Goodbye," Snow White said.

"Oooooh, gosh!" Bashful said and giggled. His face was once again as red as a lobster.

Grace giggled at that.

The other dwarfs were watching with a smile and the animals giggled. Grumpy looked, too, with an unamused look.

"Hah! Disgustin'!" he said.

Lucky Jack came next. "Be careful, but have fun."

Grace hugged him. "We will."

Suddenly, Lucky Jack also got a kiss on his head from Snow White. He blushed a little, but cleared his throat and went on his way.

"Have fun," said Maggie, who came out of the door.

"We will," Grace said while she hugged her.

Then Snow White gave the brown cow a kiss on her head. Maggie giggled a bit and went on her way as well.

And then came Sneezy, who took off his stocking cap. "And be sure to watch out... To wa... To wa... To wa... Watch out," he gasped.

Sneezy was trying to hold it, but Grace gave him a hug and Snow White gave him a kiss.

"Thanks," Sneezy said and walked, but he was on the verge of sneezing for sure.

Dopey appeared from the door. Dopey was tugging softly on Snow White's dress to ask for a kiss.

"AHCHOOOOOOOO!" Sneezy sneezed.

Dopey was blown back inside while Grace got hit against the wall of the cottage. Snow White could feel the powerful sneeze, she was lucky she wasn't blown away. She giggled a little.

Maggie looked back at Sneezy. "Bless you, Sneezy!" she called out.

"Thanks!" Sneezy called back.

Snow White saw Grace, who was still against the wall. "Oh, my goodness. Are you all right?"

Grace shook her dizziness away. "I'm fine. I’m not hurt."

And suddenly, Dopey appeared again. He gently tugged on Snow White's dress and on Grace's tail. He opened his arms first.

“You want a hug, too?" Grace asked.

Dopey nodded. Grace happily hugged him. Then he looked at Snow White and pursed his lips while his eyes were closed. Snow White grabbed him by the ears and gave him a kiss on his head. Dopey began to smile. You could easily see that he was happy, even if he had one tooth. He happily went further while he was in his own dream world.

"Heh heh. I guess somebody likes you," Grace said to Snow White.

Snow White giggled a little.

Then Dopey shook his dizziness away and he quickly ran back inside through the window.

Grace and Snow White were finished with giving Sleepy a hug and a kiss. Buck came outside, too, to say goodbye.

"Now if anything dares to threaten you, just kick 'em to the curb," he said.

Snow White and Grace looked at each other and giggled. "Okay, we'll try," Grace said and gave him a hug.

The horse couldn't help but blush when Snow White kissed him on his head. "Oh, please," he said and began to walk out.

Suddenly, Dopey was back tugging on Snow White's dress and Grace's tail again. He opened his arms again, but he couldn't wait for a second kiss from the Princess, either.

"Dopey? I thought you already went with the others," Lucky Jack said in confusion.

"I guess he wants another kiss and a hug," Maggie said.

"Well... All right," Snow White giggled.

Grace hugged him and when he pursed his lips again, Snow White gave him another kiss on his head.

"But that’s the last..." But before Snow White could finish, Dopey ran off in a flash, much to Buck's wonder and confusion.

"Wha..." Buck asked.

Even Snow White and Grace were confused. And suddenly, Dopey appeared again on the exact same spot. At that time, he pursed his lips again. But Snow White guided him towards the others.

"Oh, go on. Run along," she said with a smile.

"C'mon, feller. Keep up," Maggie said.

"Yeah, before he gets too much," Buck said and walked along with Lucky Jack, Maggie, and Dopey.

Meanwhile, the cows, horse, rabbit, and dwarfs were on their way.

"I can't wait to see your mine, Doc," Maggie said.

"I can't wait to see all the jewels that lie inside," Mrs. Calloway said with sparkling eyes.

"I can touch them already," Lucky Jack said

Buck and Maggie looked at each other with raised eyebrows.

"You can touch them?" Doc looked at Lucky Jack in confusion.

"It's an expression. It means that gems are the most admirable objects to a jackrabbit when it comes to living in Echo Mine back home," Mrs. Calloway explained.

"Well, if you do a good job, I don't think it would be a problem to give you a few," Doc said.

"Really? Thanks, Doc," Lucky Jack said and hugged Doc, who appreciated it.

"Why, that's very kind of you, Doc. I'd surely take my hat off to you," Mrs. Calloway said.

Doc smiled at that.

"So, how far is it to the mine?" Maggie asked.

"It's gonna be a long walk, but we always sing to kill the time," Doc answered.

"What song?" Buck asked.

"I'll start. You'll get the hang of it," Doc said, and then he started to sing. "HEIGH-HO!"

"Heigh-ho!" the dwarfs began to sing, then the animals began to join. Then two of them stopped singing, for they were waiting for a very special dwarf. "Heigh-ho! Heigh-ho! Heigh-ho!"

"Heigh-ho, Heigh-ho
It's off to work we go
Heigh-ho, Heigh-ho..."

During that time, Grumpy was secretly looking in the mirror, making himself as pretty as possible for Snow White. He wore his stocking cap again and pretended to be all grumpy again. He walked towards Snow White and Grace, who were waving at the other dwarfs and animals.

"Goodbye!" Snow White said.

"Goodbye!" Grace said.

Grumpy took off his stocking cap and cleared his throat very loudly, which drew Snow White and Grace's attention.

"Now I'm warnin' ya. And you, too, heifer. Don't let nobody or nothin' in the house," Grumpy said.

"We promise," Grace said.

"Why, Grumpy, you do care," Snow White said.

Grumpy folded his arms and Grace began to hug him. Grumpy struggled to get free. Snow White grabbed his head and gave him a kiss. After that, Grumpy got free and went on his way to follow the rest. But after a few steps, his grouchy expression began to change. He began to smile. He sighed and looked back at the human Princess and the yellow cow dreamily.

Snow White kissed on her hand and waved him 'goodbye'. Grace waved, too. But then Grumpy snapped out of his gaze and regained his grouchy ways. He stormed off towards a familiar brown cow and horse, who were smirking at him.

That's right, Maggie and Buck saw the whole thing. The grouchy dwarf stopped in front of them.

"What are you two lookin' at? The mine is that way. Follow me," Grumpy said as he walked in front of them.

"Aha! I saw that, Grumpy!" Maggie said.

"What?" the dwarf asked.

"You may act all gruff, rude, and grouchy, but inside, you're caring and friendly," Maggie said.

"Looks like tough guys like you do have a soft spot. Maybe all females aren't poison, after all," Buck said with a smirk.

"Don't be ridiculous. I have no idea what you two hay eaters are talking about. Now c'mon, the others are waiting," Grumpy said in his gruff voice.

He walked further and accidentally bumped into a tree. His big nose got stuck. Buck and Maggie couldn't help but giggle. Grumpy freed his nose and looked towards the animals.

"Hah!" he said.

He walked further with his eyes closed.

"Grumpy! Look out for the..." Maggie tried to warn, but it was too late. The dwarf fell and a splash could be heard. "...stream."

Grumpy fell indeed in the stream, not too far from the bridge, a few drops of water landed on his bald head. Buck couldn't help but yell in laughter while he walked on the bridge. Maggie was simply walking on the bridge as well.


"Why didn't you simply take the bridge? That's not difficult, is it?" Maggie said while looking down at Grumpy while she walked.

Buck kept laughing. Grumpy wasn't amused. He placed his stocking cap back on his head and tried to get up, but he bumped against the bridge and fell in the water again. Buck laughed even more. Grumpy got up and came out of the water.

"Haha. Wait. Let me help you," Buck said.

"I can handle myself, boy," Grumpy said while trying to shake his clothes dry.

Buck glared at him when he said that until he heard a familiar voice.

"Goodbye, my friends!" Snow White said.

"Goodbye, Snowy! Goodbye, Grace!" Buck said.

"See you tonight!" Maggie said.

"Goodbye, Grumpy!" Snow White said again.

Grumpy didn't react. Instead, he raised his head proudly in the air and walked away with his shoes squelching while the two animals followed him.

After minutes of walking beyond the seventh fall and over the seven jeweled hills, the company finally reached the mine. They still were singing the dwarfs' catchy song, the cows, horse, and rabbit were learning it really well. Dopey was, as always, the last one to catch up.

"Heigh-ho, heigh-ho
Heigh-ho, heigh-ho
It's off to work we go
Heigh-ho, heigh-ho"

When they reached the mine, they stopped singing.

"Here it is, ladies and you two gentlemen," Doc said.

"Oooooooh," the cows, horse, and rabbit said.

"So with what do we start?" Lucky Jack asked.

"We'll grab that cart over there and bring it inside," Happy said.

"All right. Let's do this, everyone," Maggie said.

They walked towards it. The dwarfs threw their pick axes in the cart and began to pull at a rope that was attached to the cart. The animals helped by pulling the rope with their teeth. Buck helped by tying the rope around his waist and pulling hard. He pulled so hard that the dwarfs lost their grip on the rope. They stared at the horse's amazing strength.

"Gosh, didn't see that coming. Especially from a horse," Bashful said with his eyes wide.

"I know. He makes it look so easy," Maggie said.

The dwarfs and animals tried to keep up with Buck while he pulled the cart towards the entrance. They all whistled a catchy tune. Sleepy tried to push, and suddenly, Dopey, who was trying to be helpful, went behind him and pushed him into the air. But suddenly, Doc saw something.

"Hey, look!" he said, and every dwarf and animal stopped. Buck stopped, too, but the cart accidentally bumped against him and the others. They all looked in Doc's direction and got the surprise of their lives.

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