The Black Son

By tabernac_estee

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This is a fan fiction based on the comic book Usagi Yojimbo, written by Stan Sakai and all relevant character... More

The Black Son ~ Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 17

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By tabernac_estee

Usagi felt terrible. His head was pounding. His guts were churning. His limbs ached. There wasn't a part of his body that wasn't in some kind of agony. Save perhaps his heart. That was light and lively. He awoke alone. It took him a moment to remember where he was, but then he spied a piece of Chizu's clothing, and that was enough. The Ronin looked outside and noticed it was day, but then it was light when he made love to Chizu and fell asleep. So he wasn't sure how long he had been asleep. Time had lost all meaning and relevance. He simply wanted to know where Chizu had gone. Usagi dressed. He noticed a basin of water in a corner and washed as best he could. What he needed was a bath, a nice lingering soak in some hot spring to clear his head. Time enough for that later in the day. He picked up his sword and went in search of Chizu. All it took was for him to open the door into the tavern for him to find her. She was chatting with the innkeeper in the threshold. The sight of the woman made him smile. He called out to her. And her smile mimicked his own. She waved to a table in the middle of the room and they sat together.

"How are you, Chizu?"

"I am fine. Yourself?"

"Other than a hangover that could kill an ox, I'm well enough."

She laughed, "The food should be here soon."

He reached out across the table, and took her hand, "Thank you, Chizu.

She blushed and rubbed his fingers with her own.

"I am confused about one thing."


"What the hell time is it, and how long have I been asleep?"

She laughed, "That's two things."

Before she could answer further the food came. They ate and laughed and talked. Usagi was suddenly filled with conversation. He nattered on and on so much that Chizu didn't even bother to respond; she simply nodded and ate her food quietly. Such is the curse of wandering the world alone; all that pent-up conversation comes pouring out all at once. Oddly Usagi talked about travelling to someplace new. Since becoming a Ronin he stuck to the usual trails and tramped the same ground more than once. Now he felt a sudden desire to go to someplace else, far away from the familiar haunts.

"Maybe to the Capital or even Hokkaido. It's said that the forests there rival any other in Japan."

"I have been to neither place, Usagi."

He took her hand again, "Would you like to share my journey, Chizu?"

Startled, she pulled away to gather her thoughts. What he was asking wasn't simply joining him on an excursion to parts unknown. This was something more profound. His proposal would take time; time to prepare and time to execute, perhaps even years. Usagi was asking Chizu to live with him on the road. It would be a hard life, but no worse than the one she's been enduring alone. He would be a steady companion, and he was already more than a friend.

"Nothing would please me more than to journey with you, Usagi."

They touched hands one more time. It was settled. They would depart the moment the Hikiji left the Geishu. Both agreed it would be best to wait for that event, just to be safe. As they finished their meals, several men passed the window beside the pair. Chizu caught a glimpse of them out of the corner of her eye and one man struck a cord in her memory. Startled she rose and walked to the door. Usagi noticed the sudden change in her demeanour and followed, keeping a ready hand on his sword. She stood in the threshold watching the road.

"What is it, Chizu?"

She didn't turn, "I know those men," Usagi spied four men dressed as Ronin walk toward town, "They're Neko assassins."

Chizu retreated back into the inn, while Usagi stood perplexed in the doorway. He turned back inside and noticed the woman pacing back and forth with a hand pressed to her forehead.

"We should follow them."

"No, no. Let me think about this first."

"How do you know they're assassins?"

"They were boys when I was Chief, and were trained specifically as assassins. I heard through sources they were sent south," She shook her head, "What are they doing here? The Shadow Lord doesn't like having assassins so close to his lands."

"We should inform Lord Noriyuki."

"No, definitely not."

He stormed up to her, "Why, in the name of heaven?"

She was frantic, "It would be best if I talked to Lord Yasuhira first."

That wasn't the answer he was looking for and his anger told her that.

"Believe me, Usagi he can deal with this situation better than anyone."

"How so?"

She paused, unsure of how best to put it, "He's a Neko too."

"What?" He was livid, "The son of Daimyo is a ninja?"

"Not so loud, please Usagi."

"I've never heard of such a thing. And it doesn't help matters anyway, as Lord Noriyuki has a right to know the truth about him too."

She held his arm, "Please, I beg of you..."

"This is madness."

"Believe me, he did not order those men here."

"How can you be so sure?"

"Because he is here," He narrowed his eyes, "What lord in his right mind would order assassins when he is in the vicinity?"

"That's not a good enough reason to keep any of this information away from Lord Noriyuki."

Chizu needed to sit down. She had to collect her thoughts, which were becoming muddled by all the information being thrown at her. Usagi was patient and kind. But he remained unconvinced that informing Yasuhira first would be the wisest course of action. Chizu looked at the man and knew he was incredulous. She would have to be totally open to him if she were to get anywhere. First she looked around the inn. She couldn't see the Innkeeper and that startled her. Before speaking, she did a quick reconnaissance and found the place was empty. The keeper must be in town getting provisions or cutting wood. Chizu returned to the main room and noticed Usagi hadn't moved a muscle. He was still waiting for her to explain everything.

"Yasuhira chose to be a ninja because he sought something that only the Neko could provide."

He said nothing, but his eyes asked anyway.

"A family."

He scoffed.

"Scoff all you like, Usagi being a ninja is like being part of a family. You live together, you train together, and you even love together," She paused to catch her breath, "There was no love in the Hikiji household for Yasuhira. But that is normal in our country. Yasu is different. He craved something more profound."

"What could be more profound that Bushido?" Usagi's voice was like stone.

"But to be a samurai is to be alone, solitary and detached from society. Your soul is in your sword but so is your life. Yasu couldn't live like that. But he could not marry or have children without the permission of his father. So he chose another way to have a family. He knew his father was patron to the Neko so he sought us out when he was still a boy. My Father was Chief when Yasuhira asked to be trained in the ninja arts."

Usagi sat down and listened intently. Her story was having an effect on his already.

"A ninja's training is terrible. Many die in the attempt. My Father knew that if Yasu died, the entire Neko clan would be crucified by the Shadow Lord. But there was something in that young man that prompted my father to agree. At first his advisors were against it or at the very least give Yasu a less vigorous form of training. My father was adamant. If the young lord had the courage to ask then let him get the full measure of what it means to be a ninja. So he began his training. I was in the same class as he was."

Chizu stopped and ventured out to check the area once more to see if there was anyone spying on them or if the Innkeeper had returned. She noticed him in the distance with a bundle of wood in his arms. She returned to the inn. Usagi had poured them both some tea.

"As could be expected everyone was gentle with the young lord despite my father's instructions. But very quickly they noticed that that young lord was quite adept. So they increased the level of the training. Yasuhira met each challenge and then surpassed it. Soon they went beyond the usual regime just to see if he could accomplish it. And of course he did," She shook her head, "He was something to see, let me tell you. Swordsmanship, stealth, disguises. Yasuhira began to rival his teachers. And then there was the man himself..."

Usagi looked into his teacup.

Chizu smiled, "Have you met him?"

He nodded.

"He has an easy way," She leaned across the table, "Even at that young age. And that easy way affected us all, students, teachers, veterans. No one was immune. And his thoughts soon became our thoughts. And we began to believe ourselves more than just ninja. We were a family," She rolled her head to the ceiling and smiled, "We couldn't wait until he was lord," She then covered her face, "Some of us even began to dream that we ninja could live outside the shadows and become honourable retainers of our clan."

Even Usagi smiled out of amazement at that thought.

Chizu became grim, "Then, he left for his wanderings. And that's when the schisms began to appear in our ranks. And all the tragedies, the constant warring with the Kamori," She sighed, "My attempt at leadership...those were dark times," She took a sip of tea, "But now he's returned, Usagi, and I know things will be better."

He took a breath, "All of that doesn't help explain why the Neko felt it necessary to send assassins into the Geishu lands or what we are to do about it."

"If we tell Lord Yasuhira he will deal with it immediately. His word is above all others."

"And what if this is his design?"

She became pale, "I don't believe that. He's not that sort of man."

"A ninja's first tenant is deceit."

The phrase struck Chizu's heart right through. She reeled. But soon composed herself. She didn't know how else to convince Usagi that Yasuhira was so unlike other ninja, that he was so unlike other men. He had met him and it was obvious that Yasu had some effect on the Ronin. Hence him wallowing in sake. Still, she was at a loss.

"Usagi, we've shared so much in our lives. I have no reason to deceive you. Please allow me the opportunity to speak to Lord Yasuhira first. Once I speak to him I'll know right away if he is behind this. If so we'll both contact Noriyuki."

Usagi so wanted to trust Chizu. They had been through so much. But she was a ninja, and had been a ninja in the employ of the Shadow Lord. And Yasuhira is the Black Son for good or ill. Usagi was never more shaken in his convictions than at that point.

"Okay, Chizu I'll go along with your plan. But at the first sign of treachery I will end this once and for all."

At first Chizu smiled due to his agreement, but it quickly faded as he mentioned his vow. Usagi was not a samurai to be underestimated. His skills were bordering on legendary. If Yasu was laying a trap for the Geishu lord...Chizu didn't want to think about that possibility. If it were true he was not the man she thought he was. First things first, they needed to plan a way to meet with Yasuhira, which would be no easy thing. It was early afternoon. The sun was high and it would be difficult to travel unnoticed through the city. Usagi proposed that they at least discover the whereabouts of the assassins. Perhaps even gather some information on them and then make their move. Chizu agreed. Usagi would do that while she found a way to talk with Yasuhira. After settling their bill they set off back to town.

"Perhaps I could go through Naka." She said thinking out loud.

"Who is that?"

"Yasuhira's Captain of the Guard."

"Is he a ninja too?"

She took a breath, "Yes."

He made no reply.

"He was with Yasuhira throughout his journeys. They are not just ninja, they are friends."

"If you say so, Chizu. But I prefer to have the fewest people knowing about this. We don't know who to trust and talking to third parties we may just tip our hand to the assassins."

She looked at the ground, "Yes, Usagi, that is wise thinking."

Chizu couldn't ask too much from Usagi without raising his rancour even more. Her mind was racing trying to piece everything together, but there were so many gaps that she had no idea what was fact and what was coincidence. There was one fact that both of them understood all too well, they were both defying the orders they were given by the very man they were trying to meet to leave town. That fact may come back to haunt them before the assassins made their move, if they indeed had one. She had much to consider before reaching the city. The pair travelled in a penetrating silence.

Moans still emanated from Ikumi's apartments. The staff that passed by shook their heads in dismay. Such was the benefits of being a dancer. They had all the perks. Of course it was a double-edged sword, as they were forever being changed at even the hint of decline in skill. No one could accuse Ikumi of being turned out on that regard. Waking the nobles with her caterwauling was another matter altogether. But she wasn't in the throws of passion, as most people guessed. Riku was massaging her lover's shoulder and back. The woman lay face down and was stripped to the waist. She was in heaven.

"By the gods, Iki, you're shoulder is one big knot."

"Oh just keep doing whatever you are doing, Riku. It's wonderful."

"I could be here all day and I don't think I could get it all out."

"It is an old injury."

"Yes, it is. Had you taken care of it earlier..."

She scoffed and turned her face to her lover, "Brothels don't employ masseuses, at least not for the help."

"It has been a long road for both of us."

She reached out and touched Riku's leg, "Yes, but it is no longer lonely."

"You know I am leaving shortly, Iki."

She smiled, "But our two houses are on the way to being fast friends," She turned on her side, "And then there's our dream."

Riku pinched Ikumi's cheek, "You dream far too much for a brothel girl," She slapped the woman's bare back, "Enough. That's the best I can do. So up with you. Half the day is lost already."

Ikumi moaned again, but in frustration and agony at having to finally rise and meet the day. They cleansed themselves quickly. Riku availed herself some of Ikumi's cosmetics just to make herself more presentable; she would do a proper toilette in her own quarters. They also forwent breakfast. They had indeed squandered much of the morning being in each other's embrace. Before Riku could open the door to leave, Ikumi pulled her back into the room and kissed her. She pulled away before Ikumi became too absorbed by the act.

"Iki, I've already struggled enough with my lip powder I don't need you taking it off entirely."

She pulled at a strand of Riku's hair, "I so envy you being allowed to wear your hair down. Looks lovely this way. And so easy to maintain."

Riku only smiled.

Ikumi became coy, "Do you mind if teach some of the other girls the kiss thing?" Riku nearly burst out laughing, "They would think it the best thing ever."

"I'm sure their lovers would enjoy it as well."

Ikumi giggled like a little girl.

Riku moved a strand of Ikumi's hair aside, "I don't mind at all, Ikumi." Her dark tone made Ikumi start, "I am pleased to have passed something on in this world. Even something as simple as a kiss."

Such profound and even suspicious words made Ikumi loose all voice. She wanted to say something to her new love, but just as she found the words, Riku had slipped into the hallway. Ikumi covered her mouth and fought back the sudden urge to weep.

Akako awoke with the sun, as was her habit. She was startled to see her lord nestled in a corner of her room. He didn't look at all comfortable and his arms were clutching his shoulders very tightly. Upon closer inspection she found he was shivering. Being a good servant Akako slipped her bedding over his body and pressed the edge under his chin. He relaxed almost immediately and his sleep became less laboured. Akako marvelled at this god behaving like a man. He seemed so desperate to put on the airs of mortality and humanity. But the more he strained to do so the more he accomplished the complete opposite effect. Yasuhira was perfect. Moreover, he was far too perfect for humans to embrace, at least without underlying suspicion and hidden loathing. Akako would have liked nothing better than to have curled up next to her perfect and troubled lord for the rest of the day. But she had not the luxury of such fanciful thinking. There was still much to do and she knew that it would be double, as Riku hadn't returned from her evening with Ikumi. The gods willing the woman wouldn't linger with her new friend for the entire morning. She needed all the help she could get. But according to the itinerary it was to be an easier day than yesterday. There were meetings with the Geishu mid day, followed by another more relaxed journey into the grounds around the castle. The girl wondered if they would see the lovers' waterfall.

Tomoe hardly slept. And as a result she was surly in the morning. Her maids kept their distance and their mouths' shut. Their mistress ordered porridge for breakfast, which she had never done before. Tomoe had it when she was young, usually when ill or in ill humour. The woman thought it to be fitting comfort food for her present situation. As she ate, Tomoe thought about Usagi and considered for a moment that she should seek his advice. In truth she simply wanted to visit a friendly face and have a conversation that didn't have political overtones that could cause chaos for her people. The more she thought about her situation the more she realised just how right that bastard Yasuhira was. His views on obligation were fierce but true. Damn that man. Damn that Hikiji. Who wasn't really a Hikiji, at least in the same sense of his father was. Perhaps he's a changeling? Someone slipped Yasuhira into the cradle one night and took the real Black Son away to be raised gods know where. That was too fanciful an idea for so early in the morning. Tomoe ate the rest of her meal silently and filled her mind with only thoughts of the sunlight that came through her window. Another beautiful day it seemed. Another day where anything could happen and probably would.

The Hikiji wing seemed to have less clamour than the previous morning. No doubt caused by the ease of that day's schedule. But there was something else that the lower retainers and servants noticed. There seemed to be an atmosphere of melancholy in their superiors. Naka was indifferent in how he dealt with that day's security issues. Kenichi seemed interested in taking a long walk after eating in the courtyard where he stood by the edge of the Koi pond, staring at the fish within. Riku appeared suddenly in their midst only to vanish once more in her apartments. Even Akako was listless in her labours. And to top it all, their lord hadn't made any entrance at all. Akako informed the staff he was in her quarters, which raised a few eyebrows, and that he would appear when ready. She did add the caveat that if he didn't do so by the hour of the Dragon she would fetch him. Akako went to speak to Riku about the day's events. She knocked, but entered without waiting for Riku to say anything, which she never did. The woman was cleaning her face and eating some rice at the same time.

"Good morning, Akako, dear."

"How are you, Riku?"

She put down her sticks, "I am well. How did you sleep?"

"Like a rock. And you?" She asked with a coy smile.

"It was rather restless."

Both women smiled at that double entendre but didn't say another word. Then Riku turned her head on its side and looked at Akako for a long while. The girl couldn't make head or tail of why she was behaving in such a way. And then Riku slid over to her friend and put her arms around her tiny body. She nearly enveloped the girl, and so much Akako found her arms pinned against her own body. Finally after taking several deep breaths, Riku released the girl.

"Why did you do that?"

"I don't know. I felt like embracing you," She returned to her food, "I guess things feel like they're coming to an end for me."

Akako became sullen, "It may not be so."

She shrugged with her back to the girl, "I am a Hikiji, for better or worse. It must be so."

Now Akako rushed to Riku and wrapped her arms around her body from behind. Riku grabbed the two hands on her waist and held them tight. She could feel tears on her skin. They were warm at first, but cooled quickly.

"Yasuhira will find a way. He always finds a way."

"But his father is still lord. And the lord's word is law,"

Riku turned around so they were looking at each other. The girl's eyes had become puffy with her tears and some of her powder had run down her cheeks. Riku smiled and shook her head playfully at what a sight Akako had become. Without a word, Riku brought over her makeup case and mirror and proceeded to repair the damage.

"In all honesty the maids in the Hikiji household have no idea how to put on makeup properly," She leaned close to Akako and smiled, "But these Geishu are even worse," She shook her head while sitting up; Akako was smiling, "I swear they lay it on with a trowel and with the same regard as a brick layer. All slap-dash, without a single concern for balance or uniformity. Terrible."

Akako began to laugh, but was quickly scolded by Riku, so she closed her mouth, but found it very difficult not to laugh. She reapplied the white powder on her cheeks and the red on her lips. Then turned Akako around to give her a few strokes with her comb through her hair, again, she said for proper balance.

"Life is all about balance. It is what humanity should strive for. The sutras say as much, but are rarely adhered to, even by those claiming to be those dedicated to preaching the word," She scoffed, "So many monks frequented the brothels I..."

She stopped there. There was no sense in letting a young girl hear such terrible words. Akako was no innocent, but she appreciated the pause. She was worried for her friend but was helpless. Finally she turned around once more and handed the mirror. The girl smiled.

"There you are, Akako, my dove. Ready to meet the day again."

She bowed.

"I on the other hand will need a few more minutes."

Akako laughed, "Of course. Shall I bring you some more food?"

She shook her head.

Riku didn't return to her labours right away after Akako had left. Instead she removed her prayer beads and while kneeling on the sunlit floor, began to recite the sutras. The words came easy as they always did. But that morning they took on a greater weight. She could feel time slow. Each minute had become special. She embraced it.

"Make an island of yourself. Hasten and strive. Be wise. With the dust of impurities blown off and free from sinful passion, you will come unto the glorious land of the great..."

Upon saying the last line of the sutra, Riku heard the door open. She turned around sharply. Standing in the threshold was Yasuhira. Riku composed herself and bowed deeply to her lord. The man closed the door behind him and walked to a corner.

"I heard you in the hall praying, Riku."

She made no reply, but thought that odd, as she was whispering quite low.

"Do you pray often?"

"Not as much as I should, Tono," She looked at the floor, "I have a weak spirit, easily swayed by temptation."

He walked toward the window, "I felt the sincerity in your prayers," He looked at her; she was captivated, "You have a great faith."

Again she made no reply; she bowed again unsure what else to do.

"I've asked Lord Noriyuki to keep Akako on here in the Geishu lands as my emissary. She will begin the preliminary negotiations and speak for me until I can return in a more official capacity."

She struggled to find the words, "A wise decision, Tono. Akako will thrive that is certain."

"She will also need a Senior Maid to help maintain her entourage," He paused; Riku was wide-eyed, "I have chosen you for that position."

"I cannot accept, Tono."

He took a breath, "Why do insist on refusing my offers of employment?"

She set her eyes to the floor, "Because they are unwise, Tono."

He was taken aback, "Oh they are, are they? Please elaborate, my dear."

"Because you know well enough that your father has ordered me to die," She looked up, "When you saved my...honour after your kinsman attacked me, your father could never allow that affront to stand. I was to be killed after you left," Her eyes filled with tears, "This time in the Geishu land was a wonderful reprieve but even you know it can't last. I must die."

He paced about the room, "But remaining in the Geishu lands maintains that reprieve..."

She shook her head, "But regardless of where I set a foot or rest my head, I still remain a Hikiji...thus it must be so."

"Then I discharge you of your obligation to the Hikiji and so you are free to make your way into the world as you like."

She covered her face, "And where would that be, another brothel? I could not bear the thought of going back to such a place again."

"I will give you the funds needed to begin your own business, an inn or other venture. You can travel to the Capital. In that warren no one will find you."

She shut her eyes, "The Shadow Lord will."

Yasuhira stomped his feet in anger and frustration.

"I insulted his kinsman, Tono. He can't let that dishonour stand," She sighed to the heavens, "Better that you had let the man rape me. There would have been no repercussions and I'd still have a position in the Hikiji court."

Yasuhira laughed at that, which made Riku blush. The woman was right of course. The men would have cheered on their cousin as he had his way with Riku and that would have been an end to it. The girl wouldn't even have lost her status as primary dancer. But he simply couldn't let it continue. Riku's tears had been too much for him to endure. And for that overwrought sensitivity Riku was dead.

"I am resolved to my fate, Tono," He looked at her and her smile was wide and bright, "I take solace in the Buddha. As said in the sutras 'Both formally and now it is only suffering that I describe and the cessation of suffering'. I am coming to the end of my suffering. Let me face it cleanly and without remorse."

He struggled himself for the words, "You are wiser than I, Riku. Would that I could spirit you away to some quiet corner of this country. But I am held back by forces beyond my imagining."

"At the end of their life, what more can a person do? Clamour like a fool for one more day or seek comfort in the peace of what is to come?"

He had nothing.

"I don't want to die, Tono. But I will not die a fool."

He had the power to send her away. He had the power to make his father forget. But Yasuhira was gripped by a great reluctance to use it. If he used his power to help Riku then why not for someone else? Why not use it to make Noriyuki agree to his arrangement. Or use it to take over the nation. To take over heaven. He knew that if he used it once he'd never stop. And then he'd be like Hane and Mae. Yasu loathed his weakness and feeble spirit. Perhaps tomorrow would bring about another way to save Riku. Perhaps she would see reason and allow him to help her escape. There were so many options other than embracing death. Riku was resolved however and simply returned to applying her makeup like any other day. Yasu had nothing more to say and so he departed. Riku bowed to his reflection in her mirror. For a second she saw something odd in that image; it was a blur, something inhuman. But it vanished with the man. When he was gone, she took a deep breath. Looking outside the sun had broke through the clouds and flooded the room and courtyard below with wonderful light and colour. The woman leaned over the edge to take in all that she could; it was going to be another beautiful day.

Tori was at sixes and sevens all morning; the girl could hardly put her head on straight and those around her noticed her confusion. Many thought she had risen too quickly and that her previous day's success was made entirely of luck rather than of skill. What they didn't know was her mind was still filled with thoughts of the previous night. Visions of terrible faces appeared in her mind's eye and then vanished just as quickly. This startled her and sent her reeling. The poor girl couldn't get her feet planted. Many of her enemies silently crowed upon witnessing their Lord's new favourite falter so quickly. Takashi noticed the change and took her aside.

"Are you well, Tori-chan?"

Her breathing was laboured, "No I am not," She pressed her fists to her temples, "My mind is filled with awful sights and sounds. I can't clear my head long enough to focus on my duties."

"Should I contact a healer?"

"I don't know. Give me a few more hours. I'll inform you of my condition after the meeting with our Lord and the Hikiji is finished."

He took a breath, "In your present condition, perhaps I should..."

She reached out to him quickly, "No. I can handle my duties with our Lord. That I am certain of."

He exhaled, "All right, Tori. Please remember these are delicate times. We must remain composed. Our efforts effect the proceedings as much as our Lord."

She bowed, "I understand, Takashi-San. You can still rely on me."

Noriyuki was ready for the meeting, which he knew would be the last between the two houses for the present. Though he didn't sleep very long it was deep enough to make him feel refreshed. Breakfast was very good. Tori had brought his tea and he found himself appreciating her presence. The tea was also better than the previous day. As he sipped his tea, waiting for his ministers and the Hikiji, Noriyuki scrutinised young Tori. She didn't have the same stoic countenance as he had become used to. She was restless and her head twitched at odd times, as if she was being pricked by a needle.

"Tori-chan, are you all right?"

She made no reply, which was strange in of itself.

"Tori." His voice was louder but still she didn't move, at last Noriyuki moved toward her and touched her hand, "Tori..."

The woman reacted as if he had struck her; she nearly slid to the opposite side of the room. Even Noriyuki flinched at the virulence of her reaction to his touch and then held her in place.

"Gods, I am so sorry," She pressed her forehead to the floor, "I have no excuse, Tono, please forgive me."

He pulled her up, "Are you unwell?"

Her eyes filled with tears, "I don't know what's wrong with me, Tono. My mind filled with visions."

"Of what?"

Her breathing increased, "Of that Hikiji woman."


"Yes that bitch."

He pressed his fingers to the bridge of his nose, "I've been having the same visions, my dear. Ever since she came to us that first night."

Tori's face became contorted with anger, "I think she's a Majo, Tono," He made no reply, as he thought the same thing, "It's the only explanation for her effect on you," She paused, "On both of us."

"I think she's something more than a simple spell-caster."

"What...what do you mean?"

"These Hikiji have allied themselves with more than just ninja and witches. There are divine forces at work within their household I just know it. But what I don't know is do those forces originate from heaven or from hell."

"Gods." Tori pressed her hands together to pray.

"And what do I have?" He shook his head, "Tomoe's sword," He noticed Tori and put his hands on top of hers, "And your prayers." He smiled, which made Tori do the same, "Perhaps that will be enough."

"The gods will protect you, Lord Noriyuki, I know it."

He appreciated her sentiment and beliefs; he then rubbed her ginko leaf birthmark. His touch tickled and she giggled in spite of everything, which made her blush.

"For luck."

She blushed even deeper and lowered her face in embarrassment. Noriyuki lifted it with a finger under her chin. The girl was as yielding as blade of grass. Her eyes were wide. Noriyuki leaned forward and kissed the girl. As he mentioned once already, Noriyuki was no innocent and knew the tricks of love well enough too. And he enjoyed them. The girl tasted sweet, like a peach. Tori had no idea what he was doing, and was a greater loss as to how to react to his strange embrace; her eyes widened the longer he maintained it. His lips were warm and moist. And when he pulled away she licked her own lips several times. She smiled awkwardly and her breathing remained laboured, but now out of euphoria rather than misery. As for the latter, all those terrifying visions had vanished, at least for the time being. Noriyuki saw that she had regained some her previous composure and was thankful. He needed everyone to be watchful now, from the highest minister to the lowest scullery maid. The future of the Geishu was at stake more than ever. If his fears were half-right, then even the heavens were set against them.

"Everyone will be here soon. Are you prepared?"

Tori a deep breath and returned to her stoic countenance, "Yes, Tono." She bowed.

He returned it, "Good. Then let us face these bastards and show them what the Geishu are really made of."

When Tomoe appeared in the audience chamber she immediately felt something in the air. She looked at Noriyuki, but he kept his emotions close to his chest. Then she noticed Tori and saw a similar forced stoicism. Something had happened in that room before she arrived. Something profound. She did not press. If Noriyuki wished to speak of it, he would eventually. Tomoe took up her usual position beside her lord. Horikawa was next, but he simply yawned as he entered and sat down with a word or having noticed anything. Tomoe sighed. That man was so obtuse he'd have to be shown the castle was on fire. Some other minor ministers and counsellors followed, however the air had shifted by then and they were unable to sense anything. Enough. Everyone could hear the approach of the Hikiji. Noriyuki wondered what Yasuhira would look like this morning; the man could change shape quicker than a nine-tailed fox. That parallel made Noriyuki start. He gasped quite loudly and even uttered a strange guttural word. His demeanour shocked his courtiers. They looked at him and noticed that he had taken up a thinking pose, as if he was contemplating something important. He was at that. Could that be it? Could Yasu be a fox? Most mythology is based on nonsense that the ignorant use to explain any odd occurrence and Noriyuki was loathed to pass any judgement based on such unsubstantial evidence. But it did explain so much. Yasu is a charmer of the highest order; his whit and mind were sharp as a sword. And in each case of a fox influencing men it brought chaos in the guise of wonder and delight.

The Hikiji were fast approaching and Noriyuki was still deep in thought. Such an odd posture upon meeting an honoured guest was a grave insult. The steps became louder. But no one moved. Not even Tomoe had the courage at that point to speak or move; her position was such that she'd have to yell, which would alert the Hikiji or rush to him, which there would be no time for her to return to her own seat before the Hikiji entered. Scandal was at their doorstep. Tori roused herself. She removed a netsuke from inside her obi and took careful aim. The small object struck Noriyuki on the back of his neck. He snapped out of his musing and sat up straight. Tomoe took a breath. The door slid open.

Noriyuki retreated slightly upon seeing Yasuhira. His previous demeanour had been very open and enthusiastic. Now he stood in the threshold as if they were about to discuss terms of the Gieshu's surrender after a long and bloody war. Yasu was suddenly hard and acrimonious. He moved with grim determination and took up his position with little regard to station or protocol. His retainers struggled to keep up with him and maintain their dignity. Noriyuki glanced at Akako and the young girl's own countenance spoke volumes as well. She had no idea why he was in such a state. Even the look she gave the Geishu Lord told him as much. Noriyuki didn't know how to take this sudden change. Could he use it to his advantage? But what did that entail? What could he leverage over the man? Perhaps it was best to go with his original intent, to string out the talks for as long as he could and promise a follow up meeting at a later day, which would never come.

"Good morning, Lord Yasuhira."

"It is a fine morning, Lord Noriyuki. The gods have blessed our time together, at least with good weather."

"Of course that could change in short order."

"Unfortunately, all humanity is subservient to the will of the gods."

That was odd, "Yes, that is indeed so," Noriyuki smiled, "I am intrigued to hear more of your inspired plan for...what was assistance between the Geishu and the Hikiji, Lord Yasuhira," He then waved to Tori, who waved to her people, who then brought out the tea, "I believe you'll recognise the blend, my lord, it is from the capital."

Yasuhira took a sip, "Yes it is. A favourite of mine."

So in spite of everything the man was feeling, Yasuhira brightened under some well-chosen words by his host and some fine tea. His dark mode was due to Riku's intransigence toward his desire to see her safe. The woman sat in her usual place, but it was if an invisible wall had been raised between them. She obeyed every order and command, but completed each task with a deep air of detachment. Even the Geishu could sense the coolness between them. It was odd considering how they behaved in the previous days and especially during last night's entertainment. People were curious to know what happened in the guest wing of the castle in the last few hours. Still, the two clans danced that morning, much like last night, and each tried to show their talent in one for or another. As the hours progressed and the tea replenished, Yasuhira regained much of usual demeanour, which had the added effect of making both clans relax and loose much of their stiff adherence to appearances. The Geishu especially were beginning to appreciate that slackening of etiquette. Voices were growing. Gestures became bold. It was the dinner all over again.

"What guarantees can you provide that if we Geishu can't make a payment should the Hikiji provide the necessary funds that there wouldn't be any repercussions by your clan?" Noriyuki paused, "If we are suffering through hard times, having the ready amount of Ryo to repay you may not be available."

"The purpose is not to squeeze the Geishu but to keep you solvent. If you fail in meeting an obligation, the balance will simply be transferred to the next payment. But," He leaned forward, "We have to assurance that the Geishu are without that ready payment. If we find out you are simply holding back payment, to offset what you owe, then we will be forced to bring in the courts," He leaned back again, "And as well are aware, the Imperial Financial Court is more vicious than all the ninja in the land," Everyone laughed, "They would take more from both houses than the what had been initially paid out."

"This all sound quite equitable, Lord Yasuhira. I can see that you have given it considerable thought. But I still need to see a full outline of how payments are made, how repayments are collected, amongst other finer details. The specifics will determine my course of action."

"I will have them ready for negotiation the next time we meet. Right now I simply wanted to test the waters, as it were. I feel this is the most expedient way to bring out two clans together. Oh certainly we could do as other clans do, simply open ourselves to each other, send envoys, pay the odd call. Keep up appearances," Yasu paused; he was deep into the moment now, "But this proposal I believe would bind our two houses more closely than even a marriage pact. It would also remove the possibility of war between us. I don't simply want to keep up appearances with you, Lord Noriyuki. I want a deep and meaningful association between the Hikiji and the Geishu. One that, the gods willing, will last for generations and make both houses strong."

Everyone had hung onto his every word. No one had ever heard a man speak that way before. Not simply the meaning of the words, but the manner as well was unique and impossible to ignore. Tomoe knew it would work, the man convinced her of that beyond a doubt. Of course everything he proposed hinged on Yasuhira becoming lord of the Hikiji. That unfortunately, wasn't a certainty. Noriyuki was certain of something though and it wasn't that Yasuhira's proposal would work. No. The Geishu Lord was certain now more than ever that Yasuhira was a Fox. And there was no force on Earth that would convince him otherwise.

The meeting went on for another hour and then it was adjourned. Each side made their points and they in turn were addressed or deferred to a later date. All in all a very amicable proceedings. The future, at least on the surface look bright indeed for the two clans. Both houses were left to their own devices for the rest of the day. The final dinner would be that night and then the Hikiji would leave for their homes by mid-day. The Geishu were celebrating the annual silk-fare tomorrow and Yasuhira had graciously agreed to officially open it as a sign of the new co-operation between the two clans. As well, there was the possibility of rain that night and they didn't wish to travel on the sodden roads. Kind words were exchanged and Lord Noriyuki retired to his chambers. Tomoe managed to catch the eye of Lord Yasuhira before he departed as well. He took that as she had hoped; she wished to speak with him. He left with this retainers close behind. In the hall Tomoe was met by Riku.

She bowed, "Lady Tomoe, my lord wishes to convey his fine wishes to your person and wonders if you wouldn't mind meeting with him in the courtyard in an hour."

Tomoe bowed as well, "I would be honoured. In an hour then."

Tomoe was glad for the slight pause. All that profound talk about the future, as well as the tension with Tono and even Yasuhira's odd initial demeanour had given the woman a sudden hunger. She set out right away to sate it before setting off to meet with Lord Yasuhira.

Noriyuki wasn't hungry, even after asking for food and watching Tori lay it out before him, he begged off. He leaned against a wall and took a breath. Tori hadn't moved a muscle.

"What did you throw at me?"

She smiled, "My netsuke."

He shook his head, "Another fine shot," He scoffed, "You should take up archery, my dear, as your aim is superlative."

She smiled, but then lowered her eyes, "What had put you in such a state, Tono?"

Tori was certainly testing the waters in her own right, as that was the first question she had put to her lord, or any noble in her entire life. Her heart was beating like a rabbit with every word said. Noriyuki didn't think twice about answering.

"Something about the Hikiji Lord struck me," He paused and Tori looked up, "Remember I had mentioned some divine presence in their household, well I think he may be at the centre of it."

Her eyes widened, "In what capacity? Do you think he made some terrible covenant with a demon?"

He turned his head, "No, I think it's deeper than that," She waited with baited breath, "I believe Yasu is a Fox in disguise."

Such a revelation shocked Tori and she brought her hands to her mouth to stifle a cry. Noriyuki waited until she had regained herself. She didn't know what to make of such a thing.

"Are there not experts that deal with such matters?"

"Yes, Tori. Some Monks have the ability to exorcise demons and expose them for what they are. But this is no ordinary fox. He is a lord. And son to one of the most powerful Daimyo in the country. If word got out that I simply suspected him of being a fox, the Shadow Lord would have full justification to declare war."

"Then we must somehow make him reveal himself. By exposing him in front of witnesses we'd be justified in dealing with him."

He nodded at her quick thinking, "Well said. But how do we get this fox to reveal himself?"

"Reflections reveal true nature, Tono. We need him to look into water or polished steel."

He smiled, "You are wise indeed, my dear," She smiled back, "Lower your hair," She flinched, "I would like to see it in the manner Yasu prefers."

Tori was more than a little apprehensive about carrying out her lord's command. Being a commoner, her hair wasn't as long or luxuriant as a noblewoman's was. But like all women of the nation she took as much pride as she could in her hair. She removed the pins and other objects, where she took great pains to be delicate with one pin in particular, as it was her mother's. Then she shook her hair free, so it flowed below her shoulders and down her back. Noriyuki watched her every movement. And stared at the girl once she had completed that task.

"Fox or man, Yasuhira was correct. A woman's hair does look better in its natural state. But that's hardly surprising," He became grim, "Yasu seems incapable of doing any wrong, unlike the rest of us mere mortals," He smiled, "You are lovely, Tori."

She blushed and her heart began to race once again. It was in a full gallop when she watched Noriyuki stand up and walk toward her. The girl didn't know what to do. She didn't know what to say. She was a simple girl, a commoner. Why was this happening to her? Why had this lord, who could be with any woman in the land, wanted her? It was baffling. So much so that it made her start to cry. Noriyuki knelt beside her and took her face in his hands. With his thumbs he wiped away her tears. And with that done, he kissed her again. Tori was bolder by that point; she had closed her eyes and opened her mouth to take in his. She even moved her arms from his chest, to his shoulders and then wrapped them around his body. They collapsed onto the floor. Noriyuki broke from her lips and then began to kiss her chin and neck. Returning to her face, he noticed she had become suddenly frantic.

"Am I hurting you?" He asked

"It's just...Tono...I have duties in the kitchen right now."

He tried not to laugh, "I'm sure Takashi will pick up the slack."

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