Returning to the Past ( Emine...

By Sabl16

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Sarah tried to run away from all her problems, but when she returns to the world that once ripped her apart a... More

The Start Of Something Wonderful ( Eminem Fan Fiction)
Returning to the Past
Working With Wayne
Working With Em for the First Time
Getting Somewhere
These Feelings
Cold Shoulder
The shady Side
You don't know me
I'm different
The Rumour
More Mature side
The Past
Please Move On
Emotions Explode
The First Meeting
The Date
Desires Finally Shown
Cheeky, Caring and Affectionate
BET Awards
The concert
All over?
The Day after
Information :)
Shopping Trip
Dre's Dinner
Finally showing it
New reality
Putting everything on the line
The Deal
Scheduling work and Dates
Mood Swings
Rethinking Pt2
Poker face
Meeting complications
Meeting the Girls
Wrong Side
Guy talk
Perfect at the moment
Expected closure
Night out
The hangover
Broken Promises
Worlds apart
Pre Christmas miracle
The New Normal?
Christmas Party
Christmas in Detroit
New Years Eve Party

Hidden Messages

1.3K 34 3
By Sabl16

It just keeps staring at me in the face, wherever I go this dam yellow envelope the cops gave me still seems to beam on my mind.
Curiosity has gotten the best of me because within seconds I was opening the envelope and studying the cd they have given. Even though it was still in the cover, shivers still rush through me as memories just come flowing back.

I quickly started to panic when I heard Marshall just outside the door making me quickly shove it back in my bag. I know Marshall is already worried about this morning events with holly so I don't want him to think I also cant handle some video the cops gave me.

" hey, was wondering where you got to" Marshall said while walking into the separate room and sitting beside me as I try to act like I've been working on these sheets the whole time.

" yeah I just tried to finish these for Yelawolf" I replied smiling as Marshall also sat at the table looking over the sheets Ive filled out. Since he's album is coming out soon I need to finish the final details because I know Marshall has a lot of stress with bad meets evil album and he doesn't need anymore.

" you know, I can always tell holly to leave" he said, leaning forward and whispering in my ear. It's been nearly two hours since the incident with holly but like always he cant stop caring about me and worrying im okay.

" nah it's fine. I'm over it besides if you order her to leave than it only shows her that it's gotten to us" I replied smiling and trying to show him that I'm okay with her being here. I might not have liked what she did but if I don't act strong it will just make her happy and show her I'm weak.

" fuck your mature" was all he commented joking around and making me laugh. Trust me I did want to have a go at her and Act like a total bitch but I'm a woman who has children I can't be acting like a teenage girl.

Marshall continued sitting beside me he even began helping me fill out these sheets knowing they needed his signature. But like always Marshall concentration spam is very short so within 10 minutes you can tell he was getting over and bored with it, especially when he begins trying to distract me and make me laugh.

" Marshall stop staring at me, you're making me nervous" I joked trying really hard to stay concentrating on these sheets but when Marshall is determined to make me laugh and distract me he'll do anything to do so. When I hear Marshall chuckle quietly as well that's when I couldn't help but glance up noticing him sitting there leaning back on his chair just smirking at me knowing I've caved in to his charm.

I just look back down before my smile grew bigger hating how Marshall has this ability over me and knows how to make me laugh and smile even when I don't want to.

" so are you busy the few days after the New York concert?" He asked me after a few minutes of getting back into work. I was quite surprised and curious as to why he wants to know.

" nah I'm not, why?" I asked knowing the days after New York I was planning on resting before coming back to look after my boys. I stared at Marshall wondering what he is thinking, but seeing that familiar smirk show on his face just shows me he's not planning on tell me and After a few seconds he rises from his seat, walks behind me placing his hands on the table so he was leaving over me.

" no reason" he whispered smiling knowing how much I hate being out of the loop. Gently he gives me a little kiss before walking away and out of the room knowing he was just distracting me from my work.
Straight away I know he's planning something but like always Marshall is a mystery and I have no idea what he has planned for me.

Marshall p.o.v

Luckily a few guys had headed of when Wayne decided to come back into the studio.
Sarah was still working on some stupid documents in the other room while Dre and Nicole were hanging with the normal gang.
Sarah's a lot like me and she likes to have time by herself and doesn't mind being alone, but today I'm just worried that she feels she needs to stay away from holly.
I'm still trying to keep a close eye on holly since sarah won't let me kick her out where she belongs. I'm still baffled over what she did this morning but I know I can't keep making sure Sarah is okay because it just makes me sound so clingy.

Within half and hour of Wayne arriving we soon got in the studio with the other guys including Dre while all their entourage and friends stayed outside chilling in the lounge area.

" oh I forgot to tell you. I listened to Yelawolfs song earlier. I like it, I really like it actually" I said to sarah, leaning on the music board as the others stood around spitting verses to each other.

" you do that's good" she smiled back getting all excited. I know how hard she worked with Yelawolf and the song actually turned our dope.

" so in gonna start working on a few things and just tell me when your free so I can get in the booth" i said trying to stay as professional as we both can. Clearly I know when's she's busy an we can record whenever we want, but we still like to be professional while In the studio with everyone else.

" hold up for a while because I just spoke to Yelawolf and he apparently has organized to get this female rapper on the record as well, so I think we are adding a few verses to it. So can I get back you" she joked making me laugh. It's great that Yelawolf is getting his name out there and I'm all down for being on a song with two artist.

" sure just call me when you want me" I said but not realizing what actually came out of my mouth until I noticed sarah laughing at me. Man as much as we try to stay professional fuck it's hard when everything you say sounds so lame and gay.

I think we literally spent a few hours in the studio before Wayne and his crew headed back out into the lounge area while Royce, Dre, fifty sarah and I stayed in the studio finishing off on some music we have been working on.

" I finished the final bits of the song we were working on, Ill just go get it from my bag" sarah said to fifty since they have been working closely together to get fifty back out there. Recently sarah has been able to set up a few duets with various female singers so that should be really interesting to see since he's not used to doing RnB music.

" thanks sar" fifty replied, smiling as sarah made her way back towards the little separate room beside us. I think I must've gotten caught up because it was like 10 mins later fifty and the guys started asking where sarah had vanished to and if she's coming back in.

" I don't know probably talking on the phone or something" I answered quickly because I'm bit caught up in this other song Im trying to get perfect. Knowing sarah she's gotten caught up talking to her boys or something and since she's been working non stop for hours I'm sure she's allowed a little break. However it does show how much sarah does make a difference in the room and how everyone can notice when she isn't here.

A Few seconds later I'm just about to fix a certain beat on this track when all of the sudden I hear someone barging in on our studio session. I turned around quickly while Dre was still in the booth And noticed sarah standing there out of breath like she's just ran a marathon.

" what the hell sarah! " I yell getting the shock of my life to see her looking so distressed and making so much noise. All the guys looked worried about her and wondering what is going on.

" You haven't seen..... Aaa ..... Seen cd... Have you?" She asked trying to catch we breath but still making No sense what so ever, instead she looked very freaked out and worried for some reason.
Noticing how she was starting to panic I just walk over to her placing my hands on her shoulder trying to get her take a few breaths just as Dre started making his way out of the booth.

" sarah, relax you're not making any sense" I said, reassuring her and getting her to settle down so she can speak properly and start making sense.

Closing her eyes and taking a breath she tries to calm down but she just can't.

"....... have you seen a cd in a yellow envelope that has Private written on it?" she asked again, this time sounding a lot more calmer and making a lot more sense than before.. But As soon as she mentions yellow envelope Dre and I glance up at each other knowing exactly what she's referring to.

" you mean the one those detectives gave you?" Dre asked from beside me very curiously since he's been wondering what was in the envelope for a while now.

" yeah it was in my bag now it's gone." She explained sounding quite upset again. I had no idea it was still even here in the studio, I thought she would have taken it home or something but I guess because she went out last night she must have forgotten.

" you defiantly left it in your bag?" Dre asked trying to figure out where the cd could have vanished to or if she just hasn't looked properly.

" yeah I did, I saw it before I came In here" she replied, you can tell she was so flustered and anxious But why she was reacting so scared and nervous about some cd going missing?

" what was on the cd sarah ?" I finally got the courage to ask after taking in the way she's reacting to it going missing. But when I asked that question more sadness and nervousness shot through her.

" It was some surveillance footage, I'm not quite sure" she answered stressed and even confused I guess she doesn't even really know what on that cd.

" do you mean actual surveillance from the night?" Fifty asked from the side, quite stunned. There's never been any footage released, so we are all surprised to hear sarah has some which has gone missing.

" yeah actual footage, that's why I have to find it" she said, before quickly slipping out of my grip and turning round to leave the room trying to find this cd. Automatically Dre and I become worried about sarah so straight away we follow to try and help her find this cd which has gone missing in the studio.

Following her down the hall way we knew the only other places it could be would be my office, in that room she was in and well the popular lounge room.

Sarah p.o.v

We could hear the crowd in the lounge room getting louder and as Dre and Marshall followed me into the lounge room, straight away we noticed all the guys standing round the tv.
Old memories start to float back to when I first started working here and everyone found out my past by watching the news on the big screen. The only difference this time was they weren't watching tv, they were standing round waiting as someone placed something in the DVD player.
Panic started boiling up when I see the yellow envelope just laying around opened on the bench, like someone didn't respect my privacy and didn't care that it was addressed to me.

Without even thinking anymore I just started storming towards the crowd trying to push past them hoping to stop them from putting this video on but it's too late, as soon as I get there the footage has already started rolling and my traumatic past seems to start playing again

Marshall and Dre are seconds behind me storming also through the guys till they get to the front and are standing straight in front of the big screen. Without even looking at the footage I just glance at Marshall behind showing him how much I want this stopped.

" I'll turn it off" he mumbled seeing how much this is stressing me out. This is my past I don't want people to see, they might have heard about it but I don't want them to actual see it, especially since I haven't even seen it.

I just smiled slightly while refusing to turn my head because i really don't want to see it. But it's like all of the sudden and out of nowhere I start hearing his laugh, a laugh I haven't heard in years but it still has the ability to take me into my own little world. So Giving in to desires I slowly turn round towards the laughter and see him on the screen, laughing and joking like it was only yesterday.

" hang on" I muttered to Marshall stopping him from going to turn it off. I have no idea what's gotten into me, because instead of turning it off I can't help but get caught up watching the footage even though I know what's about to happen.

Dre p.o.v

Following sarah out into the lounge I can see the sadness and eagerness to stop this footage from playing, which I don't blame her for.

After getting to the front of the group I watched as Sarah asked Marshall to turn it of and I was actually relieved to know the guys aren't going to see anything.
Sarah was refusing to even look at the footage but it's like as soon as she heard his laugh I saw this little flick happen in her eyes and right than I knew she was being pulled into this Little world of hers, she was becoming brainwashed by his laugh and soon she couldn't handle it anymore and had to turn round and watch the footage.

Within seconds she has gone from demanding it to be turned off to being so caught up in it you can see she's traveled of into another universe.
The guys behind were completely lost and confused when this started playing. It took a while for a few to put the dots together after seeing Tupac come on the screen, but Wayne and his crew were completely baffled because they still have no idea about Sarah's past.

Turning my attention onto the screen I watch as tupac and sarah come out of a studio. No wonder she's become so interested in this footage, We're watching as Tupac and her can't stop laughing and joking round while walking down the corridor of the music studio and I can't help but notice how happy and carefree she looks. I recognize the smile that always was on her face, and the sassy attitude she showed when Tupac was joking with her, for the first time I was seeing the old Sarah that seemed to have vanished when Tupac died.

Glancing back towards Sarah I Can still notice her caught up in her own little world while watching the screen intensely. Even when guys around us began talking quietly amongst each other after noticing she was the girl in the video, she still didn't move or tear her eyes away from the screen.

Marshall was going to turn it of but once again she just grabbed his wrist to stop him but not even bothering to turn away from the screen.

Watching the screen I saw moment Sarah has described as being terrifying, the moment the guys came round the corner and confronted her and Tupac for the first time.
Just like she explained they were all yelling at the same time as Tupac pushed Sarah behind him so he could protect her, but within seconds the three guys pounced at PAC and Sarah and started violently bashing them.
I can't believe we are all standing round and watching the screen as these three guys laugh and joke around while violently hitting and kicking sarah as she screamed for help and for them to get of Tupac.

For years She's told me the story, but seeing it really happen just makes it feel even more real.
I knew I should have gone and turned it off even if she was so caught up in it because she might regret watching this later.
But before I could even move my body and get the image of her on the ground getting kicked and beaten by three low life's, the moment Tupac grabbed the gun and started threatening the guys just showed me the worst is about to come.

Marshall p.o.v

I just stood there as the guys around me whispered to each other. I should be storming towards the player and turning it off but glancing towards Sarah I can see she's been like swept up in this little world of hers.

My whole body went weak when the video started playing these three guys bashing her while she's on the ground likes she's a piece of shit. I literally think I gasped when I saw them kicking her and hearing her cries to stop just made my heart drop In Sadness. Watching this footage made everything come more real, for once it wasn't just a famous story you heard during the years, it actually became a horrific scene that I couldn't believe involved the woman I love.

" Marshall you need to stop this before......" Dre commented in my ear, but just when he's about to finish his sentence the moment that changed the music industry started to play.
One shot that is all it took to get Tupac to fall to the ground, but within seconds another guy was walking closer putting another bullet through his chest as Sarah screamed for him to stop.
Most people would usually run for it, but just like the story has been said Sarah did the total opposite instead she ran to Tupac side trying to stop the blood gushing out of him just when another guy started telling her to leave him Alone, before walking over to her and kicking her more in the stomach trying to get her to stop helping PAC.

I guess I regret not turning the machine of when I heard the first shot, luckily the guy was blocking the view so you couldn't actually see her getting shot you just heard her cries as she tried to stay by Tupac side, but the guy moved a few steps to the side allowing us to see Sarah on the ground holding stomach a blood rushed out of we.

Glancing towards sarah I watched as she flinched and looked down as the three other shots began to play, I Already knew what was happening on the screen, I didn't need to picture a guy shooting my girlfriend three more times just because she wa trying to help a friend.
I just watched Sarah as she tried so hard to keep her tears in, it must be hard watching something like this happen all over again, it would be like having a nightmare all over again.

Turning back towards the tv, I saw her laying in a pile of blood just when the two last shot we're fired into Tupac, glancing back towards Royce I motioned him to pass me the remote so I can turn it off knowing everyone's seen enough and it should have been turned off earlier.

Sarah p.o.v

A nightmare that has been haunting me for the past decade and a bit was playing on big screen, but just like I dreamt it nothing has changed it's just from a different perspective.

Pain still rips through the wounds and scars I still have as I watched a guy shoot me in the stomach, arms and leg. I'm literally watching the worst day of my life, but just can't seem to turn away from the screen or allow marshall to turn it off. I don't know if it's because I needed to see it so I can prove I'm not crazy or if I just got caught up in getting taken back In time to when pac was still Alive.

The shooting was over when Royce passed Marshall the remote to turn it off, these three guys were in the middle of stealing our jewelry from us.
Knowing it was time to stop the video I was going to allow Marshall Turn it off when I started hearing the guys voices.
Now this is the moment I've been wanting to see, for so many years I've gone over and over the shooting but it's always ended after the guys shot me for the final time, because dizziness took over me and I became unconscious, so watching these next scenes and watching what these guys did while PAC and I laid unconscious on the ground made me intrigued.

" get the camera" I heard one of the guys yell as they scooped the last bit of jewelry up. Making another guy come right up to the camera and try to take it out. Since this one guy came up so close the camera I managed to see features on his face that I never paid any attention to on the night, how i forgotten he had a tiny little tattoo on his neck and very yellow teeth probably from smoking.

But there's one thing that seemed to grab my attention, one thing rhat baffled me most about this video and it had nothing to with the shooting, instead it was all based around this one particular shooter.

" hang on for a sec" I softly said to Marshall as I gently took the remote from him before taking a few steps closer to the tv. I don't know what exactly bought my attention to it, but something on that screen made me rewind it a little so I could watch this guy more closely as he tried to take the camera out but wasn't getting anywhere.

" what's wrong sarah" Marshall asked not really sure why I'm rewinding the footage and watching it more closely. I guess Dre noticed my sudden interest in the footage and came and stood by me trying to see what I'm so intrigued by.
Watching it for a third time I managed to pause it right where I wanted it, I managed to pause it where i first noticed something different and odd about this guy.

I zoomed in more so basically his arm covered the whole screen as I stepped even closer examining the still picture.
This guy had a tattoo that I recognized straight away, but I just couldn't figure out where I've seen it before.

" is it just me or does that look familiar" I mumbled to Dre as he stood beside me also examining the picture, you can tell it was a whole sleeve tattoo but there was one distinctive picture that stuck with me.
That's when I moved the cursor over and moved the picture across and felt my heart sink and my legs begin to weaken when I saw a name appear in cursive writing right next to the rose.
I literally had to place my hand over my mouth to stop the shock from coming out, the writing wasn't just any name it read.

Sarah Bay Pieceson

" omg, that's....." I muttered not knowing what else to say without the tears beginning to flow. I knew who this guys was because there's only one guy that's ever gotten my name tattooed on his arm one drunken night. It was Ryan's biological father.

" holy shit" Dre just said when he saw my name as well, straight away he knew who this guy was just like I did.

Knowing I couldn't stay cramped in this studio any longer having guys watch us like this, I gave Dre the remote before storming towards the front door and out to the car park.

Marshall P.o.v

" why does that guy have Sarah's name on his arm?" Royce asked as we all stood in silence after sarah walked out nearly in tears. I wanted to go see her but I don't know if she needs some space or not.

" cause that guy, is Ryan's biological father" Dre answered, turning of the tv knowing everyone has seen enough of this footage.

" holy crap " Royce said back, as soon as I heard it was Ryan dick head father that left when he was younger I knew I needed to go see sarah and be there for her. Dre was going to head out as well, but when he looked at me and saw how worried I was about her he decided just to let me go.

So walking out I managed to glare at holly and give her a piece of my mid before I left to go find sarah, I just hope she hasn't left in a hurry.

Fifty p.o.v

The room was silent after Marshall followed sarah outside, I guess everyone didn't know what to do or what to say. Here you have half of us surprised and shocked just to have witnessed sarah getting shot after finding out she was Involved in the shooting than the other half was totally unaware she was even friends with PAC, it's like they had a lot of things to ask and sink in.

" can I just say this is like watching a soap opera" Royce joked making the guys around us laugh knowing how much this scene was filled with drama and lies. I guess Royce is right and even though I couldn't help but laugh before I started feeling guilty not knowing where sarah is or what she's going through.

" hang so let me get this straight, that Sarah who just left is also the girl that was best friends with PAC and got shot 4 times in 1994?" lil Wayne asked sounding very confused over all this drama. Looking back to his crew and people we knew they all looked confused and might need someone to explain it to them.

Sarah p.o.v
As soon as I left the studio I knew where I needed to go, I didn't want to go down to some beach or some bar where most people go after having one of these days. The only place I needed to go and the only people I wanted to see are my sons.

Luckily Ryan has soccer training this evening and is at the school practicing. I'm not shocked at all to see other parents gathered round Along the sideline chatting and gossiping while their sons trained. I never come along to his training session usually he's with his dad on these nights or goes with some friends, but tonight I'm going to watch him train and have a friendly match with his school friends.

" mum. What are you doing here?" Ryan asked in shock after spotting me walking closer to the other soccer mums as him and his Friends have a quick water break. I know I don't interact much with the soccer mums since they are so stuck up and bitchy but I'm well aware they know who I am and who I work with.

" just thought I'll come watch you train, I remember you mentioned you have a friendly match today, so I just took a break from work" I smiled as he came up and gave me a friendly hug and kiss. Ryan has never been the type to be afraid to show his mum affection but since he's getting older he doesn't tend to do it as much as he used to.

" well I better get going I'll see you after" he quickly said, right before they all ran back on. I knew some guys didn't know who I was, and they did the usual whispering to each other saying there's no way I can be old enough to his mother, and the shock that came over them when they realized I work with Eminem and all the hip hop guys.
I guess my sons have just gotten used to people whispering about me so they never deny or Confirm anything people say they just continue on allowing people to gossip.

I managed to put on a happy smile while walking past the stuck up mothers and taking a seat at the park bench a little bit further down. Even though I couldn't hear what they're saying I defiantly knew they were gossiping, just by the way they turned round and looked at me before whispering amongst themselves again. I have no idea what they are saying about me and to be honest I don't really care, all I know is every time a new mother arrives they all shuffle together and tell the newest arrival before she starts looking back at me and staring intensely. Don't they have anything better to do than to gossip about me, I bet you I know what they're saying it's probably all about me being a slut or me working to much making me a bad mother, I can just imagine the shit they're coming up with.

I guess I've been sitting here watching my son play a fantastic game of soccer even though I already know he so talented and makes a incredible back.

I noticed the women in front of me all start whispering and gossiping again even though it's been like an hour and they should just move on already, but as I glanced to my side to see what they are going on about now, I noticed a guy walking towards me.
Straight away I recognize the usual suit outfit and the expensive shoes and know it just has to be Kevin and the for the woman they couldn't stop checking him out.

"hey what are you doing here?" I asked as he got closer to me, smiling when he saw that i was actually at the field watching Ryan play since I never watch him play. I noticed he was wearing a suit and tie and probably has been at work all day, I just never knew he came and sat with all the mothers gossiping as they trained.

" could as you the same thing" He joked taking a seat next to me while we watched Ryan play soccer. I haven't seen Kevin in a while but after catching up I Found out here's doing pretty well.

" you know just wanted to see Ryan that's all" I said to him trying not to give away any of my sad emotions all show him I'm back to dealing with all this drama I never asked for.

" we both know there's anther reason" he just stated knowing that he's gonna have to sit here and wait until I'm ready to talk, it's not that Kevin wouldn't understand it's just I hate being pressured into telling people, besides I don't think I want to bore anyone anyway.

Kevin and I sat at the park a little longer watching Ryan, the more the time went by the more darkness started coming over and eventually the women had given up on gossiping about Kevin and I. I guess they weren't used to seeing us with each other and talking friendly.

" I'm guessing a shit day " he commented probably after noticing how quiet I am and how taken back I am with everything. I'm sitting here but it's like my head is completely somewhere else.

" you have no idea" I just replied thinking about all the shit things I've been through today, sometimes I wonder why I just can't have one normal day.

Kevin knew exactly how to act when I'm in these moods, he knows not to pressure me and I'll talk when I want to. I think I gave in about 10 minutes of just talking about random things, since Kevin was by my side when the account happened I knew he would understand.

" hang on so Ryan's real father Decided to try and kill you....... Holy shitt!!!!!!!" Kevin just said after I explained what happened. He knew everything I went through back in the day so he knew exactly how to comfort me.

" yep, and now everyone knows that I was associated with Tupac" I said, it's not that I'm ashamed of my past it's just I don't like everyone judging me from my past in the hip hop game, I'm a new person and I should be able to move on without having all this drama following me.

" it had to be a relief through?" He asked glancing towards me. Straight away I know what he's referring to.

" nah not really. After all these years it was weird watching the footage but I've been haunted with that exact thing for the last decade, it just was from a different angle that's all" I replied sounding disappointed. I thought the reason they gave me the video is so I might get some closure but I didn't.

" well they wouldn't have given you that footage for no reason." He answered making me think about what he was saying, he's right why would they give me a video that was something I've already seen, so there must be something on the that footage I still haven't seen yet.

" I have to go, tell Ryan I went back to work" I mumbled quickly getting up from the park bench. I knew exactly where I needed to go and what I needed to do, there must be something I haven't seen yet.

Marshall p.o.v

Time flew while in the studio, it only felt like a couple of hours since sarah walked out but I knew it wasn't since it was dark when she decided to come back.

Trust me I've been worrying and been in hell since she left, Royce managed to tell lil Wayne as much as he needed to know but all I could think about was sarah and how I should have gone and looked for her.

I'm her boyfriend without a doubt I should have gotten in the car and looked for her to make sure she was okay, but instead I just stayed here and listened to Dre when he said that she needs some time.

When she walked back into the studio just before dinner time I felt relief wash all over me.

" how are you?" I asked walking up to her and pulling her into a protective hug. I wanted to yell at her and get angry at her for just leaving like that without telling me but I know she's a big girl and hates people fussing over her.

" surprisingly I'm okay" she replied, resting her face in my neck as I held her tightly. I didn't want to let her go nor did I want anything bad to happen to her.

Gradually the guys realized she was back from where ever she went and came to see of she was okay.

" where did you go?" Dre asked looking at her with concern. I can tell he's worried just like me that she might be pretending to be alright because she thinks she doesn't deserve people fussing over her and that her being alright was all for show.

" I just went to see Ryan and I sat with Kevin while he trained" she answered, smiling as we all looked concern about her. For goodness she just watched herself get shot four time plus she figured out that the guy who is Ryan real father is actually one of the guys that tried to kill her.

I think the guys could see she was a little quiet and realized they shouldn't push asking all the question especially not tonight, not after everything that has happened.

" why don't we head home, I can run you a bath, get some takeaway, give you a massage. Anything you like" I whispered in her ear as I sat on a bar bench with her in between my legs. The guys have Decided to have dinner before we head back into the studio but all I could think about was going home and being with sarah making sure she's okay and that she knows I'm here if she wants to chat.

" far out that sounds wonderful...... And as much as I would love that, you need to work the guys are counting on you" she replied wrapping her arms around my neck sliding in even closer. Tonight in the studio it's just D12, Royce, fifty and Dre so it doesn't matter how affectionate we are with each other, we are surrounded by people we trust.

" I just don't want to leave you tonight." I admitted looking slightly down so she couldn't see the concern in my eyes.
I love this girl and I know from past issues it's not good to just put your work In front all the time.

" awwww I know you're worried Marshall but I'm fine seriously. Besides I was going to wait here and do some work while you finish up recording. Than we can head home" she said, placing a gentle kiss on my cheek while entwining our fingers. I know the guys would be finished any minute and will want to head back into the studio, so I only had a little time left chilling with sarah.

" I promise I won't be to long. Than we can head home" I said repaying her with another little kiss.
" you know I'm here if you want to talk. I know we didn't know each other back than but that doesn't mean I can't listen" I added, I'm afraid she's going to bundle this all up and be okay for a few months than allow it to take over her life. It's not the easiest thing just To let go of it and get over quickly even if it was a decade ago.

" I know you are, but I'm fine....... If it makes you feel any better we can talk about it tonight, that way you can see I'm okay...... I admit I was shocked at the start but than I realized Ryan's real father was a dickhead who was so caught up in drugs it's not funny" she said, making me chuckle quietly to myself. I just continue to hold her before the guys wanted to head back in. I hated leaving her just sitting around the studio waiting for me but I guess it's better knowing she's here instead of sitting at home alone.

Sarah p.o.v

Tiredness took over me as I waited to Marshall to finish. Of course it was late by the time we got back to Marshall's mansion but that doesn't stop him from fussing over me and not allowing me to lift a finger.

As I promised we fell asleep talking about what had happened today as surprisingly he actually turned out to be a really good listener and I felt safer talking to him about these things. I guess it was nice having someone to talk to that wasn't part of that scene but still knows how bad hip hop beefs can get.

Right now I'm lying in his arms as he sleeps peacefully. As much as I tried I just couldn't sleep and It wasn't because of all the drama that happened today, I just couldn't seem to get what the detectives said about how this footage would give me closure.

Getting up quietly making sure I didn't wake Marshall, I went straight down stairs to my bag where I got the envelope out and my laptop. I didn't want to wake Marshall so I just got settled downstairs before placing it in my laptop and pressing the play button. It read that the footage goes for 20 mins and we only saw about 10 minutes of it, so there is another 10 minutes I haven't seen.
And trust me somehow I just knew this was going to explain a lot.

" I thought you said you were okay. You didn't want to watch it again" I heard Marshall speak softly after I've been sitting here for at least an hour or so. I don't know if it was the laptop that woke him or the fact that I just wasn't by his side, but somehow he knew I was down here watching the footage again.

" I am trust me, I was just curious about something" I said while making room for him to join me on the lounge. I know he's been worrying about me and even though I told him I'm okay that didn't stop him one bit.

" curious about what?" He asked, covering both of us with the blanket. Im really glad that I watched the rest of the footage because now I know why the detectives gave it to me.

" you know for the past decade or so I've been haunted by this nightmare of what happened that night, but I just have been repeating the same scene over and over again. So when I saw there was 20 minutes of footage, I just needed to see what happened after" I explained, trying to show Marshall I just needed to see what happened after they shot us and left us for dead.

" and you wouldn't believe what I saw. Now I know why the detectives gave it to me" I added, I guess I couldn't help the smile spread across my face because for the first time in years I saw more of what happened. For years I have nightmares but every nightmare ends with me watching Tupac as they stand over him and shoot him, so to see what happens after that has finally been the thing that has put some closure on things.

" what did you see?" He asked curiously sitting with his arms around me actually seeming to be quite intrigued by this footage. I guess him growing up and idolizing Tupac really makes all of this Interesting to him.

" watch this" I just replied pressing the play button and allowing the footage to start playing from the moments after we had been shot. It was quite while we watched it, but I knew he was becoming more and more interested in it by the minute.

" holy shit!! Is that?....." He asked. Stuttering because he doesn't know what to say to express his shock and surprise. No way was he expecting to see this when agreeing to watch the footage again.

" yep...... I think I just figured who was involved and who wasn't involved in the shooting" I smiled, quiet proud of myself for watching this again and finally putting some dots together.

All I know is Dre is going to be blown away with what I have to show him tomorrow. Finally I'm a little bit closer to who has been lying and who really knew about the shooting that night.

Sorry guys really bad chapter, I've had so much trouble writing this one for sow reason, I guess I'm just stressed from work and a bit distracted. Anyway I hope you like :)

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