The Unexpected Love

By ameeliah

52.7K 1.6K 361

He is four-time World Champion She is the Project Analyst at United Nations Development Program He is protect... More

1. The Meet
2. The Conversation
3. The Day-Out
4. The Mail
5. The Wait
6. The Disclosure
7. The Jazz Gig
8. The Campfire
9. The Mid-Night Calls
10. The News
11. The Breakfast
12. The Welcome
13. The Homemade Food
14. The Chief Architect
15. The Single Father
16. His Apology
17. The Shoes
19. The Push and Pull
20. The Date
21. Interrupting The Moment
22. 31 Hours
23. The Roommate
24. The Game Of Seduction
25. The Diner
26. The Ultimatum
27. The Missed Calls
28. His Birthday Eve
29. The Parents
30. The Shirt
31. The Revelation
32. The Missed Race
33. Udaipur
34. The Wedding Guest
35. The Wedding Vows
36. The Proposal - Part I
37. The Proposal - Part II
38. The Conclusion
39. The Secret
40. The Baby
41. The Goodbye
Part II
42. The Chatty Couple
43. The Conditions
44. The Last Dance

18. The Anger

996 43 6
By ameeliah

A loud bang woke me up the next morning. I looked out the window and it was still a little dark. Wondering what the noise was, I tip-toed out of my room and looked around the lounge area. It was just as we'd left it.

Looking at the beautiful condition of the place who would say two mature adults were staying here. Plates were still on the table, the couch was wrapped up with a blanket, Seb's shoes were lying here and about, cushions were occupying the space on the floor.

I smiled lightly remembering last night. How after a night walk around the hotel we came back to a mouth-watering food, cuddling on the couch and cushion fights, which obviously explained why the cushion feathers were settled on furniture. We slept on quite early considering how I hadn't blinked an eye the night previous to that and also, he had to be in the car today.

"Seb?" I called out but there was no reply. I glanced into his room, but he wasn't in the bed either. "Seb? This isn't funny!"

Again no reply. I called on his cell but he didn't pick up. In that moment, not only was I worried but also annoyed. This was becoming a pattern with him, not responding to my calls and not even leaving a message.

I groaned in frustration and played some music as tidied up the lounge area at least.

Still no sign of Seb. Does he do that often? I wonder how Britta keeps up with him!

I decided to lay down on the couch and rest for a while again since I had nothing better to do.

I woke up to someone angrily grumbling words in an unidentifiable language. I lazily opened my eyes and saw those familiar mop of hair. He was sitting on the floor taking the support of the couch. His back was facing me.

"You should've told me you were going out, blondie!" I smacked his head.

"Ouchh!" My eyes widened in horror. That. Was not Sebastian's voice.

As silly as it would sound, I leaned in a bit to inhale the smell.. No. Definitely. Not. Seb!

I slid out of the couch to face the unknown man. "Who the-" I went dead when I heard someone shout again. But this time the voice was more harsh and angry than before. My gaze turned towards Seb's room.

He was on the phone and angrily pacing around. I had never seen him angry, let alone shout at anyone, even if it was on the phone. I was both surprised and worried for him. What had happened in just a few hours that got him so worked up?

The Seb-look-alike's voice interrupted my thoughts, "So, you're the famous 'Dia'?"

I internally cringed at what he called me. Sure, I should've gone used to 'Dia' by now, but hearing from someone else's mouth.. Well, that is a different story altogether.

"Diana!" I corrected him.

"I'm Antti" He said, stretching out his hand for a form shake.

"Ahh! The personal trainer." He winked. "Just out of curiosity, how famous am I?" I asked eyeing him playfully.

"Just Britta and me, and the-half-of-the-garage famous!" He smirked.

"Ggrrh!" I dropped down on the floor opposite to him.

He laughed at my reaction. "It's inevitable, seeing how Seb is grinning at his phone all the time. Either he's on call with you or texting you." I looked away in embarrassment.

"Plus, you and I have some scores to settle!" This took me aback. But Antti laughed at my expression.

"Apparently, you cooked for him a while ago and since then his complaints about food have increased to like infinity. 'This doesn't taste good', 'this looks like shit' and blah blah." I laughed at this imitation of Seb.

"I swear to God, babysitting a 7 year old is much easier than tolerating his tantrums!" He rolled his eyes.

"I feel ya bud!" Just then we heard a loud noise of a door banging, startling both me and Antti.

I got up and looked around to see Seb's bathroom door locked and the sound of the shower coming through. I turned returning to my previous seating. I was still worried for him.

Seeing the expression on my face, Antti spoke, "He'll be fine! Just some work stress, okay."

I don't know whether he didn't try hard enough or what but it didn't sound really convincing, however, I nodded lightly.

"You want something for breakfast?" I asked him as I got up to prepare Seb something. I was certain it would cheer him up.

"An apple would so just fine!" He said and I tossed him and apple from the fruit basket.

He kept me company as I prepared a fruit salad, baked beans, and pancakes. Antti seemed like a genuinely nice guy except for his jokes.. They were horrendous and he knew it but still he wouldn't stop!

As soon as I finished making breakfast Seb came around, still angry and frustrated. He didn't make any eye contact with either of us, he didn't even acknowledge our presence as he grabbed himself a glass of water.

I wanted to give him some space but he needed to have something before he started his day. So, I went up to him and cautiously placed my hand on his shoulder.

"Hey, breakfast's ready." I said in my most soft voice.

"Why don't you fucking understand? I don't want you and I don't want your breakfast. Just fucking leave me alone!" He yelled at me. It took me a second to register what he said-sorry, yelled at me.

I stood still in my spot, trying to make sense of what had happened as he stormed off into his room and slamming shut the door. I repeated whatever I'd said to him in my mind and I really didn't understand what made him snap at me.

Realising that there was somebody else in the kitchen, I forced a smile on my face. All the years of keeping my emotions inside my heart did have it's perks after all; I was only better at pretending now. It was like a second nature to me to just pretend as if everything's fine.

I turned towards him and joyfully asked, "So, what time are you excepted at the track?"

Antti was confused to see me like that and his eyes were searching for a flicker of sadness on my face. I nodded indicating that I was fine.

"We have to leave in another 20 minutes."

I smiled and nodded when I really wanted to scream. Nobody should get away with shouting at me when it wasn't even my fault. If you have a problem, sit and talk or don't talk but shouting at me.. Worst move ever!



"I said you should get ready right away."

"Well, I wasn't really thinking of coming today." Oh hell I wanted to but thanks to Mr. Grumpy my mood was officially ruined!

"Bullshit! You are coming today; you can't stay here and miss out on the experience. It'll be great, believe me!" He said while pushing me a little towards my room.

But before I went in, he stopped me, "I'm sorry for Sebastian's behaviour. He's.. he's been under a lot of stress lately. Give him a moment, he'll come around. After all, you're his 'Dia'!"

Whatever did he mean by his 'Dia'?

Somehow, I wasn't so pepped up about going down there. 12 hours ago, I was only scared by the looks people would give me, scared of the attention I might get. But now, I just wanted to avoid being around him.

I shrugged off and smiled away and shut the door to my room.

I quickly showered and threw in a decent top and jeans and with those my favourite pair of Jordan's.

I slipped out of my room with a satchel across my chest when I saw three people having a heated discussion in rather hushed tones. As my door creaked, all heads turned to me revealing a smiling Britta as she darted towards me and engulfed in a hug.

I glanced over to Seb and he was looking far into the terrace, still not looking at me. He was acting as if I'd done something wrong, as though I hurt him when actually it was the other way around. He has been missing since morning, I was a little worried, he leaves no message or note for me, I prepared breakfast for him but instead of happily or even grumpily accepting it, he yelled at me, that too in front of his teammate!

"How are you?" She asked cheerfully. I forced a big smile, but my phone rang. Before I could attend it, the call was disconnected.

I greeted Britta as we left for the track. Very slyly, Britta and Heikki took the backseat while I was left to sit in front with Seb. The ride was rather silent, an uncomfortable silence that I wasn't familiar with when Seb was with me.

Midway, my phone rang again. Aiden?


"Hi Miss Diana!" A rather cheerful and girly voice came through.

"Abigail! How are you my princess?" As soon as I said this, I felt eyes lingering on me but I kept looking down at my hands.

"Daddy said that you won't come today. Please come."

"I'm sorry, baby but I'm had to go somewhere."

"I wanted to tell you so many things. I wanted to watch Frozen but daddy is very busy so I didn't ask. Can I watch with you?"

"Yes, of course. How about you and I have dinner on Tuesday and then we can watch a movie?"

"Daddy won't let me go at night." I could hear the frown in her voice.

"Leave daddy to me. I'll talk to him, okay?"

"You can do that?"

I laughed at the sudden cheerfulness in her voice. "Yes, Abigail!"

"You're the best Miss Diana!" And with that the line went dead.

The car came to a halt and I realised that we were there already. Seb turned towards me as the ringtone of his phone screeched through the silence. He grunted something and immediately slipped out of the car, slamming the door shut.

I tried to contain the hurt and awkwardness that I was feeling at that moment. I slowly stepped out of the car to see Seb and Britta already darting towards the entry, but Britta turned back and shot me an apologetic look. I sighed.

"Ready to meet your fans?" Antti winked at me.

"Umm.. No?" I hesitantly walked towards the turnstile.

He laughed, "Good, let's go then."

"Antti? Would you rather guide me to the club or lounge thingie or whatever it is called?"

He raised his eyebrows in surprise, "Why go there? Come with us, I'm sure Seb would like to have you there."

Yeah, that I can see! Pfft!

"I'll be more comfortable there. Please?"

"As you wish ma'am!"

He led me to the VIP lounge where I spent the rest of the afternoon falling in and out of sleep. Sleeping was definitely keeping me the best company. I was quite surprised as I slept through the FP3 and most of the Q2.

Almost at the end of the Q2, I woke up for good. The lounge was quite filled up as compared to what it was earlier. I walked up to the railings and enjoyed watching the fly by for the remainder of the time.

I glanced at my mobile hoping Seb would send a text or even call. But then if he wanted to talk then all he had to come here or call me. The worst part of all this was that I came here for him and here he is pretending as if I don't exist. And I don't even know why he was behaving that way. I really didn't see any point of staying there any longer, so I headed out towards the exit.

I spent the rest of the evening going around a few churches and museums. I couldn't stop myself from wondering what Seb was doing and how he had performed in the qualifying. Since, the episode in the morning, I didn't feel wee bit excited. Suddenly, I had lost all interest.

Before the sun went down, I was standing in the hallway, staring at the door. I wanted to go in and talk to him but I also wanted to run away too.

I couldn't help but think about how 48 hours ago, I was I his arms and he was burying his nose in my neck in attempt to tickle me.

As I was about to insert the key, the door flung open and a surprised Britta stepped out.

"Where have you been? We were looking for you?" Her voice full of concern.

"I'm sorry, I should've informed someone. I-I was just touring the museums." I looked on the ground as Seb came up behind her.

"It's okay. I hope you had fun, though!" She smiled.

"Yeah, yeah it was good."

She gave me a hug and went away. I was still standing there, just outside the apartment. Seb looked at me with concern in his eyes.

"You promised you won't run away like that!" His voice was soft as compared to what I heard in the morning.

"I'm sorry." I stepped inside the apartment as he give way. "I hope you had a good qualifying."

"It was fine. Look, I'm-"

"I'm tired; I'd like to sleep now." I passed a fake smile before I turned towards my room. First thing tomorrow morning I'm going to catch a flight back to NY.

But I felt a warm hand on my shoulder, turning me around.

"Listen to me please?"

"Why?" I jerked my hand away from him. "So that you can shout at again? In front of your personal trainer? Ignore me for the whole day? Do you have any idea how freaked out I was when you just left me standing in the parking lot like I knew my way around here. I flew down for you, Sebastian and there go shouting at me for I don't know what!" Somehow I managed to get it all out, in a rather angry voice might I add.

"I didn't mean to do anything of that, I'm so sorry-I just.." He went silent and avoided my eyes.

"What is going on Seb?" I asked him full of concern.

He didn't reply. But he did looked at me as if searching for something in my eyes, finally he closed the distance and held me in a tight embrace. The force and the intensity was overwhelming and his arms were almost crushing.

"I'm sorry. It's just.. My.. I don't know how to- I just didn't mean to do all this. Please, don't be angry."

"I'm trying not to be angry!" I spat.

"I need you, please. I want you with me!"

I pulled back to see his remorseful face. It crushed my heart to see him that way.

"I'm not going anywhere, yet."

He sighed and relaxed a bit.

"What happened Seb?"

"I-I.. M-my s- I don't.." He rubbed his face with his hands and turned away.

"It's that call?" He nodded lightly.


"You know you can talk to me about anything, right?"


"Did you have dinner?" He shook his head again. I changed the subject seeing his resistance about talking regarding this. I let it drop for now.

"Come on, I'll make something for you!"

I prepared a light dinner and we ate it in peace not talking about anything much, and retired for the night.

Later that night, the excessive heat woke me up. My body was burning and there was something on me, pushing me down to the bed. Then I realised that I was alone, Seb was sleeping soundly beside me. His head was just next to mine and his arm was draped across my waist.

In that moment, I felt both scared and comfortable. Without thinking, I tried to slip out of his arms but he pulled me towards his chest.

"Please don't go away!" He murmured in his sleep, I guess.

"I won't let this go so easily, Seb. I'm still mad at you."

"I know."

"You know that you have to talk about this tomorrow, right?"

"Sleep first, baby girl!" He said pulling me closer, if it was even possible.

I snuggled deeper into his chest, resting my head against his shoulder and taking in his scent.

Only because he asked. He needs comfort. He needs closure. He needs me.

Author's Note: I wrote this super-extra long chapter but then I had to cut it down into 2 parts. I'll post the next one soon. I hope you guys enjoyed it! =)

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