My Brother's Matchmaker (ReyN...

By bastasidonat

26.9K 1.1K 554


Chapter 2 Welcome to Camp Half Blood
Chapter 3 I Meet The Stolls
Chapter 4 The Tour
Chapter 5 Father?
Chapter 6 My Weapon
Chapter 7 They're Demigods Too?!
Chapter 8 Let The Training Begin
Chapter 9 Murderer?
Chapter 10 Figuring Things Out
Chapter 11 Travelling
Chapter 12 The Blue Warrior
Chapter 13 Water Fight! Uh oh...
Chapter 14 The Ride's Here
Chapter 15 Pegasus Riding
Chapter 16 Secrets And Stuff
Chapter 17 The Hunters of Artemis
Author's Note
Chapter 18 Stuck in Spain
Chapter 19 Hello Italy!
Chapter 20 The search
Chapter 21 The hotel
Chapter 22 Decisions
Chapter 23 Dresses and Tuxedos
Chapter 24 Party Time
Chapter 25 Fighting
Chapter 26 Sacrifices Must Be Made
Chapter 27 They're Alive
Chapter 28 Funeral
Chapter 29 She's Back
Chapter 30 Preparing for Christmas
Chapter 31 Merry Christmas!
Chapter 32 Preparing for the Party
Chapter 33 Do You Wanna Build a Snowman?
Chapter 34 Camp Jupiter
Chapter 35 Reyna Takes a Break
Hey Guys
Chapter 36 I Wish There Was A Closet Here
Chapter 37 Dreams and Guinea Pigs
Chapter 38 This Is Important
Chapter 38 Nico Gives A Peace Offering
Chapter 39 Right?
Chapter 40 Calm Down Dark People
Chapter 41 Hehehehe, Let's Party
Please Read
Chapter 42 Amnesia
(Late) Valentines Special
Chapter 43 Nope, Please Tell Me That Didn't Happen. Thanatos, Let Me Die Now
The End

Chapter 1 I Throw A Water Balloon

2.8K 51 90
By bastasidonat

Silvia's POV

"Silvia, honey wake up." my mom called from the kitchen.

"Five more minutes." I mumbled back.

"Silvia, wake up already." Mom was already in my room shaking me to get up.

"Okay mom please stop shaking me." I managed then headed to the bathroom where I washed my face with cold water. After washing my face I basically dragged myself to the kitchen where my brother was already eating.

"Ate, come eat already." My brother, Ralph invited me to eat breakfast with him.

For breakfast we had was pancakes and milk, one of my favorites. I walked to the bathroom to take a shower and brush my teeth then went back to my room. I wore a black shirt with a silver flower print design on it, jeans and black rubber shoes and my jacket. I never went anywhere without wearing a jacket, I don't feel cold or anything I just don't want people seeing my arms. Only my mother and my friend, Thomas Bush have seen them. My notebooks, books, folders, pens and a bunch of other stuff and I'm ready to go. I looked at myself at the mirror and saw the same thing every time I look at a mirror, me wearing jeans, a shirt, black rubber shoes and the same old jacket. I have straight, black hair, dark black eyes, I never wear makeup unless my mom tells me I need to, and natural tan skin. No, I'm not American, I'm Filipino with Chinese ancestry (because not all demigods are Americans). I just walk to school since it's like a few blocks away from my house, and as I walk I always walk by my friend, Thomas' house.

"Hey Tom, I'm here already." I shouted like I do everyday and no one complains. I heard his footsteps , then came out bursting from the door was good old Thomas. The thing about him is, his legs don't work that much, to walk he needs to use crutches. He's even excused in gym class. He also loves nature too and he kinda sounds like a goat but I just think that he's saying "Meh" instead of the goat "Meeeeeehhh"

"Hey Tom." I said, "Hey Silv." He replied, he calls me Silv since he likes to give everyone nicknames, it's kind of like my favorite nickname. "Your mom?"

"Went ahead." He said. "You alright? You don't look to well."

"Yeah, it's just a headache." I groaned while clutching my head. "And a cloudy mind. I don't think I'll be able to do well in school today."

"Good Luck then."

We walked to school together as always, chatting and him ranting about pollution while I half listened. I do care about the Earth but my head is tearing me apart! When I made it to my locker without fainting, I always wished that a particular somebody would not be there, I crossed my fingers like I do everyday but unfortunately she was there, Josephine. Josephine was, well... the mean girl of the school,the queen bee blah blah blah whatever I don't care. I got on her good side two times and and the rest, well she hates my guts. And I was lucky enough to get a locker next to hers, note the heavy sarcasm.

"Well, well, well. Who do we have here?" She sneered.

"A human being." I answered.

"Whatever, loser." She flipped her hair and turned to her friends. I used this as a chance to see what "clothes" she was wearing. She had a crop top and, her super short shorts. I shuddered at her choice of clothing. Then Tom walked to me to me. What happened to Dress Code?! Just because her daddy is rich it doesn't mean she can do anything she wants in this school. I heard her father sent her here to learn on how to be humble even though they're rich, I gotta talk to her dad about having someone check her progress 'cause she ain't doin' shizz.



"Have you heard about the new student?" Tom asked.

"New student eh, boy or girl?"


"Oh, it's Silvia's boyfriend. You two are perfect together, a loser and a wimp." Josephine cackled behind us.

"Josephine, this is a shovel and rake conversation. We don't need a hoe. And he isn't my boyfriend." I told her slowly and carefully as if she was a toddler.

"Did you hear about the new guy, Silvia? I hear he's cute, I bet he's way out of your league."At this Tom snickered behind me. TOM! You Traitor!!! WHY WOULD YOU LAUGH AT ME?!

"I would be beating the tae out of you now, but you know what they say; Be kind to animals." I growled.

"Ugh, lets go girls. They're not worth it." Josephine walked away with her cronies glaring at us. I glared back of course and they looked away.

"Not worth it daw, you just can't handle my awesomeness."

Point update:
Silvia: 27
Josephine: 5

After retrieving the things I needed from my locker, Tom and I made our first class.

My first class was history, and I have to admit I'm not the smartest kid in class, I'm one of the 'smarter-than-average-smart'. Forgot to mention I have ADHD, when I was younger, it was really hard to control it. It was like I had this everlasting adrenaline rush, like how a serial killer could go killing for five years straight with his blood lust. Killers kinda scare me for some reason, maybe it's because of... Nope I'm not going back to that subject. I wonder if there's a dude named Cereal the Serial Killer, since y'know. Serial killer, Cereal killer... UGH! ADHD, driving me off track. Wait, since when did we arrive in the classroom? How long have I been sitting on the fudging chair?!

"Okay class, you may have heard that we have we have a new student please welcome Mr. di Angelo." Mrs. Bush announced, then a guy came in.

He's tall, with pale white skin, messy black hair (and when I say messy It looks like he hasn't combed it for years and like he just rolled himself out of his bed when he woke up, I wanna poke it), he has dark black eyes that seem to have a broken look in them. He wears a black t-shirt with dancing skeletons on it, jeans, black rubber shoes like mine and a black jacket.

"Mr. di Angelo would you like to introduce yourself?"

"Yes ma'am. I'm Nico di Angelo, 15 years old." He said. For some reason, upon seeing this boy, Thomas looked happy, relieved and excited all at the same time. His age was quite a surprise for us since we're all 11 year olds. That when our Mrs. Bush spoke.

"Mr. di Angelo is here for an experiment if 15 year olds could still be comfortable and blend in with 11 year olds." Which sounded like a lame excuse, what kind of stupid experiment was that? Something sounds fishy, I think I know this guy but something was preventing me from remembering it. Ugh, cloudy mind plus headache equals a very unhappy Silvia.

'Unless it's the mist' I thought and laughed at myself, yes,mist. I'm in the Percy Jackson fandom, I love the books and I love how there's always a sentence at the end of every book that tells the readers to go to Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter. It's like giving the reader a hope they're really demigods then they're really not. I really hate Rick Riordan for the feels and crushing our hopes of being a demigod just because of all those sentences at the end of all the books.

Percy Jackson? Wait, that makes me remember something about this 'Nico' dude. That doesn't make sense.

"I need someone to give him the tour please. You'll be excused for the first two classes." As Mrs. Bush said that. All the girls and some guys raised their hands excitedly, but when the girls saw Josephine's raised hand they put their hands down. Because they've learned the hard way that what Josephine wants, Josephine gets. Nico looked at the only girl whose hand was raised and looked kinda freaked out the second his eyes landed on her, I know that feel bro. He looked at the guys and his face displayed a little smile for a few seconds when his eyes landed on a person beside me, Thomas Bush.

"How about you Silvia."

"What ma'am?"

"Will you please show Nico the school?" Mrs. Bush kindly asked me.

"Sure ma'am." I got up and grabbed my bag and reached for the two hallway passes Mrs. Bush gave us. Josephine was glaring at me and I smiled in mock sweetness at her. Just before I closed the door, I heard Mrs. Bush yell at Josephine to "Wear decent clothing." She's Tom's mom and the only teacher who doesn't treat Josephine like royalty. God I love that woman.

When we were out of the door, I grabbed his wrist and ran to the entrance of the school.

"Hey! Let me go! Where are you taking me?! Let me go!" The new guy yelled. He tried prying his wrist off my hand, unfortunately I had an iron grip.

"Blimey, shut up will 'ya?" I said in a British accent.

"Where are you taking me?!"

"At the entrance of the school." This time in a Scottish accent.

"Seriously is that how you speak?"

"No, I only do it to the new student's, mate." Australian accent.

"Seriously stop, I don't find it amusing." He said in a dead tone.

"Says the guy who's being used in an experiment." He glared at me and I let out a little chuckle even if his glare was terrifying, like death himself is looking at you straight in the eyes and at your very soul.

"Here we are at the entrance. Welcome to Hogwarts! I'm joking, Welcome to H.O.P.E Middle School." I showed him all the places he needs to know, the library, the classrooms the gym, the bathrooms and other necessary places. When we were done we headed to third period since it's almost the end of the second period.

"So, can I see your schedule?" He handed me a the paper which was his schedule. "We have the same classes with Tom except for sixth and eight period, I have Science and Math while you have History and Home Economics. You wanna hang with the two of us?" I asked looking up since he was towering over me. He hesitated at first then nodded. We turned and walked to English since that's where Tom was at now.

"So, have we seen each other before? You seem really familiar and your name feels like I've said it over a million times."

"No, I've never seen you before." He stated.

"Bianca di Angelo." I blurted, I slapped my hand over my mouth. What was that? Bianca di Angelo, that name sounds familiar too. "I don't know what's happening to me. I don't know her, but I feel I should. Do you know her? You guys had the same surname! Are you related to her somehow?" I turned to Nico whose eyes darkened.

"I don't know her." He said.

"I don't know her too. I'm not sure if I should go to a mental asylum now." I was panicking and I started feeling nervous. I started twisting my silver ring on my finger. It was just a simple silver band with black engravings on it. I also rested my hand on my half Earth necklace for a second. The other half of the Earth is around her neck somewhere, no Silvia don't cry don't cry, we've talked about this. The bell rang and it interrupted my train of thoughts. Tom emerged from the classroom and saw us.

"He'll be with us for the entire year." I told Tom while Nico looked at me like, 'I didn't agree to this.'

"Well, welcome Nico di Angelo." Tom placed his hand on Nico's shoulder, who shrugged it off.

~After School the three of them walk together. Cliché? I know, don't kill me.~

"So do you guys know each other?" I curiously asked as I tossed the water balloon which I made after school up in the air.

"Yeah, we attend the same summer camp." Thomas replied.

I had this familiar feeling of being watched, I frowned and stopped. I heard rustling and a soft growl to my left, the growl is louder and more vicious sounding than a dog's growl.

"Do you guys sense that?" I inquired and they both shook their heads.

"You're probably just tired Silvia, let's get you home so you can rest." Tom pulled on my jacket sleeve and tugged me forward in an urgent manner.

Just then a hideous thing appeared, it looked human but it was big and had only one eye. I panicked and I threw the water balloon at it.

It roared when the water balloon came in contact with him. 'Great, I just made it angrier. Great move, Silvia, great move. The perfect weapon to defeat a mythical creature, is a water balloon.' I thought.

It was terrifying and being really interested in Greek Mythology I identified it as a cyclops, it was quite small for a cyclops so it must've been young. Nico drew out a black sword, it was three feet long and reading the books by Rick Riordan I realized everything. Why didn't I notice?

"You're a demigod, Nico di Angelo, son of Hades." I said, only realizing that a "fictional character" is right here in front of me. "And please don't tell me you're a satyr." I pleaded looking at Thomas as Nico turned the cyclops to monster glitter- I mean dust.

Thomas shrugged "Fine I'm not gonna tell you that I'm a satyr but I'm gonna tell you that you're a demigod."

"I'm dreaming. I'm in my bed sleeping and waiting for my alarm clock to ring." I pinched my arm and closed my eyes. When I opened them I was still at the sidewalk beside Thomas and Nico di Angelo right in front of me. "Puto." I cursed.

I don't think I'm sane anymore. First I blurt out a girl's name which turns out to be a fictional character, the boy in front of me is supposed to be fictional, an ancient monster attacks, my best friend is half goat and I'm a daughter of some Greek god or goddess. Yes, I'm still sane. Notice the sarcasm there folks.


Hey guys thanks for reading this is my first story here on Wattpad. Please Comment,Vote and Follow and you could be a character just fill in the following:


Name: (could be made up or real)



Godly Parent: (I cannot accept any children of the Big Three,sorry)



Characteristics: (physical and traits)


Thanks again for reading and don't be afraid to point out my mistakes, in fact they'll help alot so thanks guys. I'm really sorry for my mistakes.

PEACE!!!!!!!!! :)

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