Chemical World || Damon Albarn

By classicrockdreams

78.5K 2K 746

Erin Kelly is a 22 year old girl living in the heat of the mid-90s England music industry. She plays rhythm g... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 2

4.3K 110 54
By classicrockdreams

Happy 25th birthday Definitely Maybe!! Enjoy this chapter!

  Walking into the bar was almost as crazy as that day's recording session had been. Every single person in that room seemed to be yelling over one another, not really caring who's conversation they interrupted. It smelled of many cigarettes, and somehow sex; if that was even possible. We practically couldn't even see where we going with all that was happening.

However, even with all this happening, it still was a better scenario than being in a recording studio with Liam and Noel's bickering, so I was very happy to be here and done with work.

The five of us managed to find our way to a booth anyways, with Liam and I sitting on one side, since our arms were still linked from walking all the way here, and Noel, Guigsy, and Tony sitting on the other side. This was the normal seating arrangement and the elder Gallagher made sure it was known.

"Why do I always have to fucking be the one in the middle?" He spoke very loudly over the commotion. "And in between the two of you?" He finished, looking back and forth from Tony and Guigs.

"Because you're the one that complains the most," I answered without hesitation. "And this is our way of punishing you."

At this, Liam gave me a high-five underneath the table and laughed at the remark. However, Noel had something else to say about it. He always did.

"Well, I could think of a better way to punish me if you really wanted to-" He had a stupid smirk on his face before I quickly interrupted him.

"No!" I yelled at threw my hands up, but it didn't stop everyone else from snickering. "That's fucking disgusting."

  "Whatever you say," He looked directly at me but had the smirk wiped off his face.

  "On that note, I'm going to get us some beers so we can get fucking wasted," Liam was the one who said this, disengaging his arm from mine so he could walk away and head up to the bar.

  "Do one of you wanna move over here so we can give Noelie the space he needs?" I spoke after Liam had left and I was the only one sitting on my side in the booth.

  The older brother rolled his eyes but said nothing in response, not complaining that he might actually be getting some space.

  "I will," Tony said and moved easily to my side since he was the last one in the seat, right next to the opening. "I'll have much more space anyways."

  "Right," I quickly said, wanting to drop the subject. "Now lets just hope Liam gets back with the alcohol before he goes and hooks up with some random girl."

  "Hopefully," Everyone nodded their heads, knowing that it was very possible for Liam to get caught up with some strung-out groupie or one-night stand, and forget about the rest of us. But this time, he actually did show up. After fifteen minutes that was.

  "Ah, Liam you're back!" I said as he handed everyone their beers and almost simultaneously, everyone took a sip at once. "And this time it only took you fifteen minutes!"

  "Yeah, lemme guess, you couldn't pick up any birds? Just like the last night and the night before that, oh and the night before-" Noel snickered but was quickly cut off by Liam.

  "Whatever!" He exclaimed, and said the next part of his sentence very fast. "You know I can't pick up girls because they always fucking see me with Erin and think that we're dating, but that's not important!"

  "Oh yeah, blame on me, will ya? It's not my fault that girls don't like your unibrow or your unbearable cockiness, but keep telling yourself that!" I said and earned a laugh from everyone but Liam.

  "Erin!" He whined. "Just let me get to the point!"

  "Fine! What's so important?" I asked and motioned for him to go on.

"You'll never believe who's here, oh my fucking god!" He yelled, obviously not happy.

"Who?!" We all said at once, getting impatient, for he was the one that wanted to get to the point, and then put it off even longer.

"Fucking Blur," He said and sat down next to Tony.

"Shit," Guigs mumbled into his beer bottle as I sighed into mine, taking another sip.

"What the fuck are they doing here?" Noel piped up and Liam shrugged.

"Well it is a public bar," I said, but I still wasn't happy that our biggest rivals were here.

The reason why we all despised them was mostly because of the way they acted towards us, not only when we were around them, but whenever they were in public by themselves, doing interviews or in concerts. They constantly talked about how much better they were than us, and sometimes even came across as much more arrogant than the brothers, which was very rare.

It was always a competition between the two of us, with them throwing low-blows at us; (the most reoccurring being that we were lower class people from Manchester), and the brother's throwing just as nasty statements right back at them. Me, on the other hand, I tried to stay out of it and see the band as least as possible, but tonight, that seemed almost impossible.

"I have no fucking idea," Liam responded to Noel's comment from earlier, drawing me out of my thoughts. "But see for yourself, they're right over there." He gestured to where the band was sitting.

There were four members, Damon, Graham, Alex, and Dave. I somehow knew this by heart and could place their names with their faces as I stared over at them.

Graham, Alex, and Dave were all sitting together, a space between them and Damon, who wasn't even involved in their conversation. The three members minus the lead singer were laughing at something I believed Alex said, since he was the one moving his hands.

My eyes shifted over to Damon, the lead singer with sandy blonde hair and blue eyes. He was with a girl who was about ten times better looking than me, which was no surprise since he was a rockstar, and quite the serial dater from what I had heard.

However, his being with a girl, and being quite infatuated with her, didn't stop him from locking eyes with me as I stared over. As he did this, He winked at me and smirked, not pulling his eyes away from mine which didn't go unnoticed by the rest of the group, forcing me to look away first.

"Did you see that?!" Liam yelled first, and I wasn't surprised that he got a bit protective. "That fucking douche Albarn just winked at Erin! He'll be fucking sorry once I get to him and-"

"Liam!" I interrupted. "It doesn't matter. Just leave it alone and then after tonight we won't run into them anymore and none of us have to worry about it."

"Okay," He mellowed down as Guigsy made a joke.

"Yeah, besides there's no way you could possibly take on Albarn. You'd get crushed."

"No I wouldn't!" He argued.

"Mm, yeah you would," I added to the joke and grinned, all of us laughing and putting Blur out of our thoughts for the rest of the night.

Except for me. In the back of my mind, that stupid wink kept playing over and over again like a broken record. I wondered why I thought about it so much and why I liked it in the first place. And one thing I realized, was that no matter how hard I tried to forget it, it wouldn't go away.

A/n: I liked writing this one. Thanks for reading. -Liz :)

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