
By PunkRockPenguin

6.1K 578 49

Ash Cinder never asked for this life. As a child he'd been happy, but after his mother died and his father r... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 5

227 27 1
By PunkRockPenguin

Kamya gave her diplomatic smile as Dorian lectured her on the benefits of merging her kingdom with Geitanos. There may be thousands of benefits, but there was one major drawback that Kamya could not overlook. If the kingdoms merged her people's lives would be in danger and many would be forfeited to the wars of the continent. Kamya couldn't allow that, she couldn't willingly sign her people up for death. Her father and advisor were also present and King Reedrick watched his daughter.

It didn't take much for him to come to her conclusion. He knew she wasn't going to accept this proposal and he also knew there would be consequences for the refusal. Reedrick asked Dorian to continue the conversation later while he and his daughter excused themselves. He led her to his study, sat her down and gave her the look.

"So you know then?" Kamya sighed as she sank into the chair opposite her father's desk in his study. Her hands covered her face as she hung her head and let out a frustrated groan.

"I do." Reedrick agreed as he kissed the top of her head before he took his own chair behind his illustrious desk.

"Am I that obvious?"

Reedrick shook his head. "Just to me, probably your mother too. You're being very diplomatic. But I know my daughter. Your smile isn't your smile and I know the difference in your eyes. Have you given any thought to the refusal?"

"Loads." Kamya nodded. "But how am I supposed to tell him no without offending him. Have you met the man? He's so full of himself."

Reedrick grinned and nodded. "He is young, handsome, and powerful. He's also a prince so he's used to being preened over. It's hard not to get an ego when that happens."

Kamya let out another groan. "Oh Father, how do I do this?"

"Gently. Don't hurt his ego. Be diplomatic. I'm guessing the wars are you reasoning?"

"Yes. I don't want to change our alliance and drag everyone into war. We've kept the peace for the past two hundred and fifty years. I don't want my first act of power to be starting a war. How do you tell a being like Tritos thanks but no thanks?"

Reedrick chuckled at his daughter's frustration He remembered a similar frustration when he was searching for his own bride, Kayma's mother, Sabhira. She'd been a princess from the continent and half a world away. It was a positive merger for both countries and had ensured trade agreements. Sabhira's kingdom was of the Fall Court, so trades had consisted of both the Seelie and Unseelie countries, provided neither did trade with a country directly attacking her kingdom or his.

"Father..." Kamya started cautious. "I have an idea, a way around our country's laws."

Reedrick's eyes met his daughters as he halted his reminiscing. "What is it?"

"The law states that I must marry a man of legal age before my twentieth birthday."


"However, it never states that my husband has to come from royalty, or even nobility for that matter. It just says we have to be of legal age and trying to produce an heir."

"Go on."

"What if I just marry a commoner? A man from our own kingdom? We don't have to worry about breaching any trade agreements or treaties. Surely that can't be a reason to draw us into the wars."

Reedrick sat back and pondered the thought. She had a point. "Do you have someone in mind?"

"No." Kamya shook her head. "Not someone specific, but I was thinking what if we invite the kingdom? After Prince Tritos and his entourage leave, we can announce it. All the eligible men in the country should be invited. We can even open it up to neighboring countries so that it looks like I haven't already decided."

Reedrick nodded. "That may ruffle some feathers."

"Perhaps. But it's better than blood on my hands." Kamya decided. "We don't have to say exactly what our plan is either. We just have to announce it and figure it out from there. Would you and mother help me?"

"Of course. And if he's not of noble birth, he can always be a king consort with no real power. It's a good idea." Reedrick nodded. "And if he proves himself worthy we and revisit the balance of power down the road. Just be gentle and diplomatic and make it through this week. You can do this. My daughter is nothing if not diplomatic and poised." Reederick smiled. He rose from behind his desk. "Prince Tritos will be waiting for you. I'm sure he'll find you once you leave here. Take your time."

Reedrick gave her shoulder a comforting squeeze before he left her alone with her thoughts. A smile stretched across her lips. She had a solution. She would be able to secure her position to rule her people while keeping them safe all the while. Kamya sat back and let out an excited giggle. She stood and went to the massive window in her father's study. It overlooked the palace grounds and the capital city that surrounded below. Thousands of people lived in the Capital alone, nearly half a million throughout her great country of Albion.

They were a peaceful country. They had a small army and navy, most of which were employed in the royal guard. Albion had done everything in her power to avoid being drawn into the wars. Having a large armed force implied threat and danger. There was a nationwide police force, but crime was minimal. They were a country of abundance and there were opportunities for everyone that wanted one. Her father had enough foresight to know how to keep the people industrious. Reedrick had the radical idea of ownership in his kingdom, a fact many others mocked him for. Everyone was given the same opportunity some capitalized, some didn't. The ones who did usually employed those who didn't. When your people aren't starving, there's little reason to steal.

Kamya pursed her lips to stop herself from smiling. She'd done it. Still, she didn't want to give her hand away. She wanted to be the example her station needed her to be. She took a deep breath and let the relief wash over her. She could save her people and now had her father's blessing to do so.

With schooled features Kamya abandoned her hiding spot in the study and went to find her ladies of the court. She knew they reported back to their own respective countries and leaders and she was fine with it. She had ladies from both Seelie and Unseelie aligned courts. She preferred it that way. She understood the way it benefitted her when both sides of the courts had stories that matched. Some were sent to learn the ways of court, while others were political refugees sent to Albion for his neutrality.

"Your Highness," Piped in Opaline Frost. She was a petit, fair skinned child, a political refugee from a war torn country. "What do you think of your handsome suitor?" She giggled, and it endeared Kamya to her. The sweet, innocent young girl was one that Kamya had taken a liking to.

"He is handsome indeed." Kamya dodged with a light blush and a fluttering of eyelashes.

"So, do you think you'll accept his proposal?"

"I'm not sure yet. Marriage treaties are serious business and I have to be sure."

"Do you want to accept it?" chimed another lady.

"Honestly ladies," Kamya chastised with a coy smile. "We all know my feelings matter very little in a matter such as this. Our noble births mean we are entitled to privilege, but also responsibility. We marry for the benefit of our people, and whoever is best for my country is best for me. If that turns out to be Prince Tritos, it's Prince Tritos, if it's not, I don't want to be too heartbroken." Kamya alluded.

"So you do fancy him." Another teased and the girls erupted into giggles.

"Ladies." Kamya rolled her eyes with a smile on her face. "Anyone with eyes can see he's handsome. He comes from a powerful family and could make a very powerful ally. I just don't know enough to say if he's the right choice for Albion. It's something Father, Tritos and I must discuss in private."

"But you haven't said no." Pointed out Darcy O'Gill. She was a lady of split parentage and like her mother before her, she was one of the fair folk and of the Unseelie Court.

"Has he given me a reason to?" Kamya answered, her words chosen carefully.

"What about your treaties?

"That's part of the negotiations. At the end of the day, you ladies know my people are what matter. I will do what is best for them. That includes trade agreements, the potential for war, and the potential to make or break alliances. I don't take this prospect lightly. I hope you ladies know me better than that."

Kamya continued her charade and played her role perfectly. She wasn't a master manipulator, but she'd spent enough time around her tutors, some of which were of the Sidhe, to learn how to word things just so. One thing she had mastered was the act of innocence and naiveté. She was very good at playing the fool and convincing those around her she was a silly little nit. Kamya was surrounded by people but utterly alone. Her only friend she'd sent away to protect her and none of these girls could be trusted. They were loyal, but had not sworn loyalty to her or her kingdom. They had pledged fealty to their own realms.

Kamya kept her smile in place and ignored the empty hole in her chest and studied those around her. Kamya had always led a lonely life. It was something you could rarely tell from the outside. After all, she was never alone. There was always someone, staff and servants attending to her every need. Other children of the court had played with her as a child. but being the princess, there was always a distance. Parents chastised their children if they treated her as anything less than royalty. They all saw the crown, never the girl. They were always so careful.

She remembered the boy of a merchant, a farmer, who delivered regularly to the palace. She remembered the boy fondly. He'd been shy and kind and had been the only one willing to play tag with her. They'd laughed and giggled as his father delivered his product to the kitchen. Then her nanny had screamed at the boy until he cried for chasing after the princess as such. Kamya herself had been chastised for hours about how a princess should not be playing with commoners. Worse yet, she'd stained her cream colored dress with mud and grass. This was what always happened, a part of the party, but never included. As she'd been taught, Kamya had always respected, but never liked her nanny. A wry smile crossed her lips. The woman would be turning in her grave if she knew her plans.

Today was no different. In spite of the fact that she was the center of attention, she was still somehow not a part of this. After she'd given them enough chatter, she and her guards made their way down to the stables. She was surprised to see Tritos murmuring to one as he rubbed the mare's muzzle. After a long moment Kamya cleared her throat and Tritos looked surprised. Kamya noticed the pink tinge on his cheeks and smiled.

"It looks like you've made a friend." Kamya mused as she strode over to stand at his side.

Tritos gave a careless shrug and went back to rubbing the horse's nose. "She's sweet is all."

"That she is." Kamya agree. "That's my mother's horse. I was going to go for a ride. Would you like to accompany me?"

Kamya ordered her guard to ready her horse and her mother's.

"I don't want or need a saddle." Tritos dismissed. "I'll take her just like this." Tritos soothed as his hands went to the horse's mane.

"You may ride her." Kamya corrected. "She is still my mother's horse."

"Certainly." Tritos grinned.

"They're awfully well armed for stable hands."

"They're my personal guard." Kamya corrected. "I'm allowed my freedoms, but there are always conditions."

"Surely I can protect you on a simple ride through the grounds."

"As much as I may like that, this order comes directly from my father and who am I to disobey the king. If I leave the safety of the palace walls, I must take a guard with me."

"I don't count?" Tritos mused, humor and something more primal glinted in his startling eyes.

Kamya giggled and shook her head. "You need a guard yourself. You are a prince after all."

"I'm a prince who can take care of himself." Tritos grinned as he leaned in closer and Kamya's head swam. "You know, I am also a general."

"All the same Halvar and Sigurd have been my guards for ages. Their presence soothes me. They remove worry from my mind and allow me to be present in the moment. I hope you'll humor me."

In the time the two had bantered Halvar had readied Kamya's prized steed, a beautiful chestnut she'd names Russell. "Hello my old friend." Kamya grinned as she ducked under his head and wrapped her arms around his broad chest and neck. Russell nosed at her sleeve knowing full well where she hid her treats. "Yes, yes, I know. You know I always have something for you." Kamya laughed as she fished out a few sugar cubes. She gave two to Russell and handed the third to Tritos. "I always spoil you, my sweet boy." She murmured as she rubbed his neck affectionately.

Tritos watched in amusement as Kamya and Russell played. Russell too a lock of her hair in his mouth and gave his a gentle tug before he nickered and pawed at the ground and pranced in place.

"Hey!" Kamya laughed. "That hurts, you know. It's still attached, if you don't mind. I shouldn't have spoiled you today, you're being a brat." Kamya chastised. Russell nickered again and threw his head. "He'll be good once I'm on him. He's just missed me." Kamya promised Tritos as she rubbed his nose.

Halvar led a soot black gelding forward and Sigurd led a painted mare they'd readied for themselves. They waited for Kamya's signal and took Russell's reins. At her signal Halvar offered a step up for his princess with interlaced fingers. Tritos intervened, he stepped between Halvar and the princess. He wasn't about to miss an opportunity to touch the princess without being accused of lechery. "Allow me." He insisted as he lifted Kamya by the waist and set her in the saddle as easily as if she were a sack of flour. Kamya blushed and cooed her gratitude.

"Any time princess." Tritos promised as he took the liberty of brushing a kiss against her knuckles. Kamya shivered at the sensation that traveled down her spine. "I assure you it was my pleasure." With the inhuman grace of his kind Tritos swept himself atop his horse as Kamya's guards mounted their own steeds. Tritos gave Kamya a playful wink as she gave Russell a gentle squeeze. He started into an easy trot. Tritos and her guard spurred to action and followed suit.

Halvar and Sigurd gave the princess and her suitor enough space to have the illusion of privacy without neglecting their duties. Halvar's eyes scanned the surrounding area but continuously were drawn to the danger atop the queen's horse.

Tritos kept a comfortable silence. He kept one eye on the princess and one eye on the surroundings. He doubted anyone would be stupid enough to try anything on such a beloved princess, but if they did, he'd take full advantage and be her savior. Tritos secretly hoped someone was indeed that stupid. If he'd known in advance he could have staged something. He silently cursed himself for not thinking of it earlier.

"What do you think of Albion?"

Kamya interrupted Tritos's thoughts and it took him a moment to register the question.

"Pardon? In what way?"

"In any way."

Tritos pursed his lips and looked over her grounds. "It's a beautiful country. There's no denying it. Your rolling green hills, the bounty of nature, the land itself sings. It's clear your people care for it. They love you and your family. That speaks of the sort of rulers you and your family are. A country doesn't thrive by accident."

Kamya smiled and waited for him to go on, but the silence was long.

"Why do you ask?" Tritos finally offered. "Are you seriously considering my proposal?"

Kamya shrugged. "My decision is..." Kamya paused trying to find the right word. Her next word could potentially cause her country war. "Delicate." She settled for with an embarrassed smile. "It may not seem like it from where you sit, but the decision I make affects half a million people. Good people that I don't want to let down. I have to be sure I'm making the right one."

"If you were a mere common mortal and I were a mere man, what does your heart tell you?"

Kamya shook her head. "I can't bear such fantasies. Imagine falling in love with an idea, then the actual thing, only to find it can never be. That's positively tragic. Wouldn't you agree?"

Tritos offered a careless shrug. "Maybe it's different for mortals."

"What's different?"

"Your time is different so maybe you view loss differently too."

"What do you mean?"

"Princess, a beautiful dream, even if it's brief, is something to be treasured." Tritos pulled his horse to a stop and Kamya followed suit. "Don't play coy with me. I can see through it."

Kamya froze. "What?"

"Don't play this game." Tritos warned, his tone cold. "I don't appreciate being treated like a child or an idiot."

Kamya's breath caught in her chest as her mouth went dry.

Tritos took great pleasure in her discomfort. He hadn't been certain, but her reaction proved his suspicion.

"It's been three days, Princess. Do you think I'm stupid?"

"Of course not!"

"Then why play along?"

Kamya swallowed hard. "I was trying to figure out how to politely tell you I can't drag my country into war without insulting you or causing offense." Kamya blurted out and covered her face with her hands.

"So you thought lying to me and pretending you hadn't already decided was a better option? That wouldn't insult me?" Tritos challenged.

Kamya squeaked and leaned back. Halvar was there in a moment. "What is it, your highness?"

"It's - it's nothing Halvar. Give us a moment." Kamya dismissed with a wave of her hand.

"Yes, highness, let me know how I can be of service."

Tritos's face was carefully schooled into a cool neutral but Kamya knew better. The man had hundreds of years to learn to control himself. "Forgive me. You may understand. I can't allow my people to die. We aren't warriors, Prince Tritos. Please try to understand. My opinions of you have no pull on my decision. I just know if our countries merged either your troops would have to be divided between the war's front lines and keeping my country safe or I send my people to slaughter. Both choices end in a body count that I'm not okay with that. Nor do I want that on my hands." Kamya stared down at her hands as she toyed with the reins. "For what it's worth, I don't think we'd be bad for each other on a personal level. I have no problem with the way you do politics, in fact, I appreciate you, your country, and your family. I don't want to affect the trading charter between our countries. Please try to understand." Kamya finished and finally looked up with pleading eyes.

Tritos pursed his lips. He understood, but that didn't mean he liked it. "And if I don't." Tritos measured.

"I do whatever I can to try to rectify this situation."


Kamya's eyes met his uncertainly. "I can't promise anything, but I would go to great lengths."

"Interesting. I shall think on it."

Kamya's stomach sank. What had she just gotten herself into?

"Shall we head back?" Tritos grinned as wicked thoughts danced in his head. Perhaps he couldn't have the princess's hand in marriage and her kingdom, but that didn't mean he couldn't enjoy the spoils of Albion in other ways.

Kamya felt Tritos's eyes on her the entire ride back. When they arrived at the stables Tritos dismounted and offered Kamya a hand down. He helped her down, his hands lingering slightly longer than necessary but shorter than inappropriate. "Dismiss your guards." Tritos whispered against the shell of her ear.

It was so fast and so soft Kamya questioned if she'd heard it at all. When she saw Tritos's expectant face and questioning raised eyebrow she realized she hadn't imagined it.

"Halvar, Sigurd, would you wait outside a moment?"

"Is that wise, your highness?" Halvar questioned, his eyes locked on the Seelie prince.

"You'll be just outside the door. I'll only be a moment." Kamya promised with an innocent smile. "I'll shout if I need you."

Sigurd and Halvar stared the prince down. Sigurd gave a silent nod, but Halvar kept his eyes on Prince Tritos. "Do not forget yourself, your highness." Halvar warned. His distrust was plain in his eyes, but after another moment of heavy silence Halvar retreated to his post at the edge of the door, his back to his princess.

"They're quite protective." Tritos ghosted against her ear as his found her waist and she pulled her back against his hard sculpted chest.

"I am their princess." Kamya replied carefully. Her body was responding to his touch, an electric warmth radiated from where Tritos's fingers met her waist. "What are you doing?"

"Let's discuss what you have to offer to keep the peace." Tritos whispered as his thumb drew small circle on Kamya's hip. His soft touch brought shivers down her spine.

Kamya swallowed her, she had the distinct feeling she knew exactly what Tritos wanted. "What are you asking for?"

"What are you willing to offer?" Tritos purred as a smile stretched across his lips.

Images flashed in Kamya's mind of those lips on her neck, the wicked things he could do with them should they be alone in a darkened room in the throes of passion. Kamya shook her head and blinked several times to clear her head. She took a step out of Tritos's embrace and turned to face him. "I would have you speak plainly. What do you want, your highness?"

"I do not like to repeat myself, princess. For you, just this once, I will. What are you willing to offer?"

"I-I should speak with my parents about what we can offer in exchange."

Tritos chuckled and shook his head as he closed the gap between them and his hands found her waist once more. His face was an inch from hers, his eyes an intense green with promises of a predatory passion. "Now, now, little princess, surely you have some power. Something you and you alone can promise."

"Prince Tritos, what do you want from me?"

Tritos spun her in his arms and held her firmly against himself. Faster that lightning he cupped her chin. "I want only what you're willing to offer. What would you do to ensure the safety and well being of your people? Their prosperity? What is that worth to you?"

Kamya swallowed hard. He was going to make her say it, he was too careful to say it himself. "Are you asking for a bribe of the flesh?"

Tritos paused and thoughtfully appraised her. "If you insist."

"Insist!" Kamya hissed as she broke out of Tritos's arms. "I insisted no such thing! I merely asked what you desire!" Righteous indignation bubbled in her gut and helped to break the spell and bring back her senses.

"I never once mentioned a bribe of the flesh. You were the one who brought it up. That means it came from your mind."

Kamya stared defiantly into Tritos's eyes. "Are you toying with a mere mortal for your own amusement? My people are not a joke to me and their safety is not something to toy with!"

Tritos just grinned at Kamya. "Who says I'm joking? Think it over, princess. I'll see you at dinner." Tritos turned and strode out without so much as a backwards glance.

Indignation flared in her belly. How dare he speak to a princess in such a manner? Upon Tritos's exit Halvar and Sigurd returned to their princess's side.

"What did he want?" Halvar asked with knowing eyes, he could sense her displeasure radiating off of her.

"That is not your concern." Kamya spat. "See the horses are tended to. I must find my mother."

Kamya made a beeline for her father's office. If anyone knew where she was, it would be him.

She paused when she saw one of her trusted advisors, Meinrad. He was one of the few counselors that were of the Sidhe.

"Your highness." He greeted as he bowed. His cool grey eyes trained on her.

"Have you seen my mother? Do you know where she is?"

"I do not, but I can have her called for."

Kamya nodded. "Do that, have her sent to my rooms."

"As you wish, your highness."

Kamya headed to her rooms and left guards outside. One of the few places that she was allowed to be alone and no one worried. She wasn't alone long, her mother found her way there soon enough.

"I heard you were looking for me." Sabhira offered as she eyed the room. "What can I do for you, daughter mine?"

Kamya sighed and told her mother everything.

Sabhira offered no judgement nor condemnation. Such arrangements weren't unheard of, and while he hadn't explicitly stated it, the prince had made it obvious what he desired from her daughter. Sabhira cursed in her native tongue and sighed. "My dearest, I cannot ask this of you. He should not have even implied such an agreement. What is your stance?"

Kamya let the thought settle. Once her initial indignation had settled the thought had stayed with her. The moments that flashed behind her eyes of the two of them together were not altogether unpleasant. "They cannot break their word, Mother. So if he says it, that means he has to keep it, right?"

Sabhira nodded. "To the letter only. They are bound to keep their exact words, but not the spirit of the agreement."

Kamya let that process. "Do you think he'd disrupt the peace and trade?"

Sabhira shook her head with a shrug. "I wish I knew, my child, but I cannot say for certain. The fae are a proud people and to be jilted is not something I imagine they take lightly."

"Could the agreement stay just between us?"

"If that is your wish, make sure that is part of the agreement." Sabhira kept her face blank while her chest twinged with both pride and pain. Her daughter was thinking of more than herself and would make a fine ruler someday. She was willing to make sacrifices for the good of her people. Sabhira shared the same caramel colored complexion as her daughter and she ran her hand through the same coal black hair. "My darling, you don't have to do this, but if you do, you could do much for your people."

Kamya nodded. "Honestly Mother, this doesn't feel much different from the negotiations for a contract marriage. If that contract had gone through we'd be preparing just such arrangements." Kamya paused and thought long and hard before she turned to her mother. "I need your help."

"I will always help you, my darling." Sabhira soothed as she pulled her daughter in for a long hug. "Always." Sabhira and Kamya started planning and spent the remaining afternoon and most of the evening discussing specifics and what Kamya would need to do to protect both herself and the kingdom.

Kamya found herself strangely numb about the arrangement. She did her best to focus on the party she'd be planning when Tritos decided to head back to his own kingdom to distract herself. Now she just had to wait.

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