The Unexpected Love

By ameeliah

52.7K 1.6K 361

He is four-time World Champion She is the Project Analyst at United Nations Development Program He is protect... More

1. The Meet
2. The Conversation
3. The Day-Out
4. The Mail
5. The Wait
6. The Disclosure
7. The Jazz Gig
8. The Campfire
9. The Mid-Night Calls
10. The News
11. The Breakfast
12. The Welcome
13. The Homemade Food
14. The Chief Architect
15. The Single Father
16. His Apology
18. The Anger
19. The Push and Pull
20. The Date
21. Interrupting The Moment
22. 31 Hours
23. The Roommate
24. The Game Of Seduction
25. The Diner
26. The Ultimatum
27. The Missed Calls
28. His Birthday Eve
29. The Parents
30. The Shirt
31. The Revelation
32. The Missed Race
33. Udaipur
34. The Wedding Guest
35. The Wedding Vows
36. The Proposal - Part I
37. The Proposal - Part II
38. The Conclusion
39. The Secret
40. The Baby
41. The Goodbye
Part II
42. The Chatty Couple
43. The Conditions
44. The Last Dance

17. The Shoes

1K 41 11
By ameeliah

My mobile rang for the 2nd time this afternoon.

"It's your lover-boy!" Sam said tossing me the phone. I caught it and placed it on the table while continued to complete the task at hand.

"Aren't you going to answer it?"

"No." I replied firmly.

Sam raised an eyebrow, "Are you going to torture him even after he's been such a bloody sweetheart?"

"Yeaah!" I said giving her a duh-look.

"I just want to say that.. I love you!" Sam said dramatically while wiping the non-existent tears from her face.

I rolled my eyes at her, "And you call me the drama queen!"

My phone rang again.

"God, he's getting so restless. Would you just talk to him already?" Sam said irritated. "It's just Thursday and he's already writhing in pain and restlessness because of the separation from his one true love."

I looked at her in disgust, "You sound like an animated Cinderella!"

"Talk to him!"

"I think I'll pass!"

"I'll let go of this if you promise me that you'll kiss him and make cute babies; deal?"

"Go away, Sam. You're bloody annoying!"


The embroidered silk sofas surrounded a large, flat-screen television. The twin doors that led into the lobby were a pristine white with golden handles. The reception desk was made of amber-colored wood and a green granite top. Exquisite paintings hung from the rich, red walls. even the door hinges were engraved with swirls and elegant designs. I gaped at the sight as I collected my keys from the front desk. The beautifully fine-marbled tiled floor made my every step echo as I walked towards the elevator. I noticed the huge chandelier that made the rainbow colours dance across the luxurious lobby leaving me dumbfounded.

I pressed the button for the top floor as the elevator took me to the suite floor.

Oh, Seb! Why did you have to do this?

As I stepped out of the elevator, my phone buzzed. Think of the devil..

"Hey!" I replied excitedly.

"Don't 'hey' me! Why weren't you answering my calls?" Seb spoke in an annoyed voice.

"I was in air and I do believe that they have a strict policy of turning off phones, unless of course you want me to be the reason of a plane crash."

"I didn't know that you had to go to Sweden today." He replied in a low tone.

"Nope! I'm not in Sweden." I smile excitedly.

"Diana?" His voice changed. "Where are you?"

"In the hallway of this awfully expensive hotel that you booked, trying to fi-" I smirked

"You're here?!" He almost yelled in excitement. "Don't move, I'm coming!"

With that he disconnected the call. I let out a little laugh while looking at the phone. Suddenly, the noise of the unlocking of the door echoed and along that the faint noise of hurried footsteps came through. I turned towards the sound and spotted my favourite pair of blue eyes.

My smile grew bigger as Seb jogged towards me.

"Blondie!', I let out a soft squeak as he wrapped his arms around my waist and hoisted me up in his arms.

"You said- Why didn't you tell me? I would've come to pick you up!" He said as he put me down on my feet but his hands were still tightly wrapped around me, leaving no inch of space was between us.

I let my arms snake around his neck and pulled back my head a little to see his face. The sheer happiness was very displayed on his face. His lips were pulled back in a huge smile, his eyes were glittering and shining as though a newly polished diamond. I felt his heart race against my chest.

"Well, it wouldn't have been much of a surprise then!"

He nuzzled his nose right behind my ear making me giggle like a school girl.

"I've been dying to meet you, Dia. Fuck, I've missed you so much!" His lips hovered against my skin, making me weak at my knees. If it weren't for his tight embrace, I swear I would've collapsed on the ground by now.

He pulled back a little. His eyes were bright, almost ethereal and it made a pleasurable shiver run down my back. I glanced at his soft lips, fighting the urge to lean in and kiss them. As if he had read my mind, he leaned in; but instead to claiming my lips with his, he nuzzled his nose behind my ear, again. And I giggled a little loudly, again.

"Are we ticklish here?" He said bearing a evil smirk on his face.

"Don't you dare, blondie!" I shrieked as his nose tickled me again.

Clearly, he was enjoying this torture! I tried to pull away but his grip was too tight. I smacked on his back and tried to wriggle out but I was still held up in his arms.

"Stop, please! Seb st-"

"Can we tone down the volume here?" A heavy voice startled us. We turned our heads towards a fat old man shooting us death glares. "You'll find it surprising how some people are actually trying to sleep at this unngodly hour of the night!"

I giggled and hid my face in the crook of his neck in embarrassment.

"We are so sorry!" Seb managed to say in between his laugh though not sounding sorry at all.

Seb pulled me towards his suite after I grabbed my bag from the bellboy.

Apparently, we were staying in Apartment 904. It had 2 bedrooms each with a personal bathroom, 3 terraces, a large flat-screen LCD TV, and.. Well, it was like a modern luxurious apartment in a hotel. I stood there trying to comprehend how much it would have costed him for a night here let alone 4!

Seeing the expression on my face, Seb said, "I know you don't like extravagant places so I chose this one. I thought you might like it!"

"If this isn't extravagant for you, then I don't know what is!" I said clicking my tongue.

He rubbed the back of his neck innocently, "Well, I-"

"I like it, Vettel! It's beautiful!" I cut him off.

I walked up to him and kissed his cheek. His hands encircled around my waist and pulled me closer again. I rested my hands on his chest and inhaled the air. I so missed his smell!

I heard him chuckle, "I didn't know you loved my smell so much!"

Did I say that aloud? Holy fudge!

I groaned and turned away. Apparently, my stomach decided to raise its voice against not being given food to grind and churn.

"You hungry?" Seb asked and I nodded. "Freshen up and I'll order some room service."

I was too hungry to inquire what Seb ordered but all I know was it tasted like heaven. I groaned and moaned with every bit I took; I didn't realise what sounds I was making but the food.. It just awakened all my senses.

Damn these French for creating such recipes!

I must've made some inappropriate sound when Seb finally said, "Stop making such sounds, Dia!" A hint of irritation in his voice was evident. It took me a minute to realise what he meant.

"How did you get my address anyway?" I asked him.

"Your friend, Avi." He stated.

"And he gave it to you just like that?" I was surprised.

"He questioned a lot. Why? What will you do? Are you lying? I felt like he was a reporter, just more intrusive!"

I laughed, "Yes, he's a little protective of me."

"Yeah, I know."

During dinner, Seb yawned quite a lot of times. His eyes were involuntarily closing but he was determined to stay awake. So once I was finished, I told him to retire for the night but he was adamant on staying awake for a little while more. I swear he was a bigger baby than Abigail at times!

"I'm exhausted Vettel, I need to sleep!" It was my excuse to get him to bed which obviously worked like magic.


I didn't sleep through the night. I was too excited to be here in Monaco, to watch the race live, and to be here with Sebastian sleeping in the next bedroom. And then there was the jet lag, of course.

So, I spent the entire night sitting on one of the terraces, wrapped in a blanket reading books. When the sun came up, I was too encapsulated by the plot of the book that I didn't acknowledge the splendid beauty in front of me.

Later, I heard a grumpy voice coming towards the terrace. "I was looking for you."

"Good morning!" I beamed at his morning look. His face was so angelic, his ever dreamy eyes shined brighter, those golden brown locks falling on his face. If I had the skills that Claude Monet had, then I would definitely choose this moment, this look for my first painting.

He sat beside me and slumped his head on my shoulder, "Guten morgen!"

Then I felt a hot breath on my neck and then the tender brush of his soft lips. My skin burned as they made contact with the skin over my collar bone. His hand slides around my waist, running his fingers along my side. As a reflex, my body stiffened as my breathing became rugged. A part of me longed for this intimacy, for his delicate touch but my mind was still screaming to pull away from him.

As his kisses left hot trails on my throat, the urge to pull away increased. I still wasn't ready to go there.

I wanted to stop him but instead my voice came out as a moan, "S-Seb?"

Realising what was happening he stopped but didn't look up. He rested his head back on my shoulder.

"Ahh.. I like your scent too!" He said after a moment of silence.

This made me laugh. "The tables have turned, Blondie!" He laughed too.

"So, what do you want to do today? Private beach party and cocktail sipping afternoon or a small trek to a waterfall?"


"I thought you'd say that." He kissed my shoulder before getting up and offering me his hand. "Let's get ready soon; we'll head out after breakfast."

"Aye aye captain!" I saluted him.


As we pulled up into the parking, I replayed the scene when I stepped out of the bath and Seb looked at me. Though I was wearing a silk-chiffon top and shorts, the way he eyed me made me feel uncomfortable. I wanted to ask him wither I was dressed appropriately but I went too shy and quite under his gaze.

We spent rest of the afternoon trekking and looking for a secluded spot to relax and dry up after having a huge water-splashing-cloth-wetting water fight.

There were not many moments when people recognized the man beside me as the Formula1 driver, but whenever it happened I cautiously slipped out of his vicinity unnoticed by both his and his fans. I didn't want the media drama and all the negatives it packages along. I was happy that I was lucky enough to befriend Sebastian, but I sure as hell wasn't ready for any attention, nor will I ever be.

On our way back to the car, I noticed a rather familiar set of shoes stroll past us. It couldn't be..

Without thinking I started following them. Seb stopped by placing his hand on my shoulder. I couldn't let those shoes get away so I grabbed his hand and pulled him along with him.

"Where are we going?" He asked in confusion.

"See those red dunks?" I pointed. "He's wearing D Rose-5. They aren't even out for the next 3 months."

"And so we are following him?" He raised an eyebrow.

"I demand to know where he's got them from! If I don't I'll regret it for the rest of my life, and I can't live with that. Can you live with that?"

"I knew you loved dunks but I didn't know you were literally obsessed with them."

"Hurry up, Vettel. I don't want to lose him!" I pulled him a bit more as I started running towards that boy.

"Whoever knew I'd be chasing a boy one day because of his shoes!"

"Focus on running, Blondie. You're making me slow!" I shushed him.

That boy turned back and saw us running towards him. The next moment he was running away from us too!

"What the hell!?"

Seb only laughed at this, "Today's not your lucky day, I suppose."

"I'm going to get him no matter what!" I huffed as I increased my pace to catch him.

Suddenly, Seb stopped and stooped down to tie his laces. A young boy might have recognized him as he came up to him and asked for an autograph.

Seb was still behind me and that boy that those Addidas was getting away slowly. I begged Seb with my eyes. He pouted and shrugged helplessly. I knew there's nothing he could do.. But why should I stop?

Seb or shoes? Seb or shoes?

I knew what the answer was as I bolted towards that boy who was starting to disappear. I heard Seb call me from behind but shoes, I needed to know where he got them from!

I hid myself in the crowd and jump at the boy as he passed by. He tried to run away again, but I was quick with words. I told him that I just wanted to know about the shoes.

He smiled apologetically and told me that they were a gift and he himself was bewildered when he received them.

Dejectedly, I headed back to Seb who looked very furious. You're in deep shit, young lady!

"I'm so sorry, I just had-" I tried to talk before he could burst.

"Don't you ever run away like that, Diana!" He fumed.

"Those shoes, Bubbles. I just had to know!" I tried to pull off a puppy-dog face as I held his hand in mine. "Sorry!"

He was quite for a moment before an evil smile appeared on his lip and he leaned me closer and nuzzled his nose behind my ear deliberately tickling me. I tried to squirm away but his hand around my waist kept me in place.

"Seb! P-lease. Don't!" I tried to manage between my laughter as he continued to tickle my sides as well.

"That's your punishment for leaving me behind!"

In that moment, the outside world was forgotten because he was holding me. I liked being so close to him, being held captive in his arms.

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