BNHA × Reader [Oneshots!]

By MKing28

694K 13.7K 10.7K

Welcome to BNHA oneshots or MHA oneshots....whatever you prefer. I hope you enjoy these short stories❤ More

Welcome!!/ Requests (CLOSED)
Shoto Todoroki × Reader: •Fireworks•
Dabi × Hero!Reader: Second Chances
Katsuki Bakugou × Reader: Late Nights
Izuku Midoryia × Quirkless!Reader: Betrayal
Eijiro Kirishima × Reader: Impatient
Asylum!AU Dabi × Reader: Crazy
Denki Kaminari × Reader: Laser tag
Enji Todoroki × Reader: Begin Again
Katsuki Bakugou × Reader: You're Too Innocent
Enji Todoroki × Reader: Begin Again II
Eijiro Kirishima × Reader: Video Games
Hitoshi Shinso × Reader: The Right Words
Toshinori Yagi × Reader: The Hero They Need
Shouta Aizawa × Reader: My Sunshine
Toshinori Yagi × Student!Reader: A Bit Cliché
Hitoshi Shinso × Reader: Nap
Katsuki Bakugou × Astraphobic!Reader: Always There
Shoto Todoroki × Flirty!Reader: Problems
Tamaki Amajiki × Reader: What I Plan To Do
Katsuki Bakugou × Reader: Christmas Miracles
Katsuki Bakugou × Reader: Your Lies
Katsuki Bakugou × Reader: Your Lies (Keep 'Em Ending)
Katsuki Bakugou × Reader: Your Lies (Yeet 'Em Ending)
Tamaki Amajiki × Reader: Hold It In
Mezo Shoji × Reader: In My Arms
Drunk!Denki Kaminari × Drunk!Reader: And Then Her Dad Walks In
Katsuki Bakugou × Reader: Grow Up
It is okay...
Iida Tenya × Reader: First Time for Everything
Katsuki Bakugou × Reader: Music And A Kiss
Katsuki Bakugou × Reader: Grow Up II
Iida Tenya × Reader: Lesson On Love
Enji Todoroki × Reader: Begin Again III
Katsuki Bakugou × Reader: Grow Up III
Katsuki Bakugou × Depressed!Reader: Not Alone
Cheater!Shoto Todoroki × Reader × (Mystery Person): My Lady
Toshinori Yagi × Reader: The Hero They Need II
Izuku Midoryia × Reader: Midnight Fantasies
Eijiro Kirishima x Reader: Rose
Hizashi Yamada × Reader: Cocky
Shouta Aizawa × Reader: Flowers
Shouta Aizawa × Reader: Flowers II
Thank You Guys
Keigo Takami × Reader: Six Years
Izuku Midoryia × Reader: Because Of You
Dabi × Reader: Only Truth
Shoto Todoroki × Reader: Promise
Eijiro Kirishima × Reader: Connection
Toshinori Yagi × Reader: All My Love
Hitoshi Shinso × Reader: Possess Me
Katsuki Bakugou × Reader: Weakness
Tamaki Amijiki × Reader: True Happiness
Mirio Togata × Reader: True Strength
Inasa Yoarashi × Reader: Flirtatious Misunderstanding
Overhaul × Reader: Touch
Overhaul × Reader: Touch II
Tomura Shigaraki × Reader: Love
Shoto Todoroki × Reader: Safe Haven
Tomura Shigaraki × Reader: Love II
Taishiro Toyomitsu × Reader: Now And Forever
Hitoshi Shinso × Reader: Possess Me II
Enji Todoroki × Reader: All This Time
Natsuo Todoroki × Reader: Dreams
Edgeshot × Pro-Hero! Reader: To Us
Denki Kaminari × Reader: Of Course
Toshinori Yagi × Reader × Enji Todoroki: Two Roads
[END] Enji Todoroki × Reader: Two Roads
[END] Toshinori Yagi × Reader: Two Roads
Here Is Whats Next!
Overhaul × Izuku Sister!Reader: Found
Natsuo Todoroki × Reader: Dreams II
Denki Kaminari × Reader: Stay With Me
Hizashi Yamada × Reader: Part-Time
Tamaki Amijiki × Reader: Getting There
Dabi × Reader: When It's Time
Keigo Takami × Todoroki Sister!Reader: Spark To A Flame
Iida Tenya × Reader: Anything For You
Touya Todoroki × Reader: Beauty In Ashes
Touya Todoroki × Reader: Beauty In Ashes II
Taishiro Toyomitsu × Chef!Reader: Delicious
Tomura Shigaraki x Reader: Revival
Katsuki Bakugou x Eijiro Kirishima x Reader: Three Is Good Company
The Thing About Smut

Sero Hanta × Reader: Frenemies

5.7K 122 74
By MKing28


Flextape: Hey (Y/n).

(Y/n): Yeah?

Flextape: I need some help studying. Can we meet tomorrow in my dorm or something so you could help me for the test?

(Y/n): Ugh, fine. The only reason I am agreeing is because you aren't texting like you had an anurism.

Flextape: wut do u mn? I am gr8 @ txtin

(Y/n): Nevermind.

Flextape: I'm just messing with you. Please? I need the help.

(Y/n): Fine.

Flextape: Thanks, you're a life saver

(Y/n): I know you love me. Now turn off your phone and focus on the class.

Flextape: You're actually annoying but alright, whatever makes you happy ;)

You grunted and dropped your phone in your bag as the dark-haired male infront of you snickered. You kicked the back of his chair causing him to choke and turn around making eye contact with you.

"I know. I'm stunning, you don't need to say it."

"Then I won't."

"Oh really?" You leaned close to him making him take a sharp inhale and causing his face to warm. "Y-yeah." To be honest, you were quite embarrassed by your own actions, but you couldn't show weakness.

Sero could feel your breath on his nose. He has always found you extremely attractive and funny, but for some reason he could never get on your good side.

You both had been like this for months. You didn't hate eachother enough to be enemies, but you didn't like eachother enough to be friends. The term frenemies was commonly used to describe your relationship.

For about a month or so now, for whatever reason, you couldn't get him off your mind. You tried to fuck with him and just be nice to him, but no matter what, you couldn't shake this feeling.

One night, as you closed your eyes you thought about him and his stupid ass smile. Then you began to think about him talking to other girls and you began to feel uneasy.

That was when you realized you had feelings toward him. You would have confessed to him, but felt that it was better to have a frenemy realtionship than none at all.

It was hard though, for both of you. He just wanted one reason to kiss you, you both should honestly be paid for how well you acted. Considering everyone was oblivious.

You so badly wanted to kiss him in this moment, but you pulled away, leaving both of you equally miserable but never showing it.

"Hey tape-face." You whispered poking Sero with a pencil after class had droned on for a bit longer. You could feel him get tense and huff in annoyance.

"What do you want (Y/n)." He questioned never even turning around. "Nothing, just wanted to see if you could resist me." Teasing, you leaned back in your chair and snickered.

"Please. I can easily resist you!"

"Oh really? Is that a challenge?"

Before he could answer the bell went off. Making you groan. "Maybe next time (Y/n). Wanna grab lunch?" He said turning to face you.

You playfully rolled your eyes and laughed standing up and straightening your skirt. "In your dreams scotch tape." You began to walk away before your ankle was pulled backward making you fall to the ground.

You let out a heafty breath of air as you hit the floor. Laughs errupted behind you as you whipped around and saw Denki highfive Sero. You grumbled and stood up and marched toward the boys which was also now comprised of Katsuki and Kirishima.

"Seriously Sero!?! WHAT THE FUCK!"

You crossed your arms and fumed toward the raven haired boy. "Seemed like a good idea at the time." You snarled and spun on your heal to the cafiteria.

You shoveled food into your mouth as you glared at Sero, him smiling and shrugging at you with a chuckle. "My ankle hurts." You said after throwing away your trash and sitting back down beside him.

"I can look at it for you." Offered Denki with a wink. Sero glared at him and pinched your ass making you yelp. "Sorry (Y/n). It was obstructing my focus." He made a quick excuse to cover his jealousy, but instantly he regretted his life choices after your dark aura began to loom over him.

"You know what else will obstruct your focus?" You said. As he began to reply, you sent a swift punch to his face.


"Huh. It seemed like a good idea at the time."

"(L/n)! Sero! My office now!" You turned to see Principal Nezu with an angry look on his face with Aizawa right beside him. You groaned and began to walk toward them with Sero watching for a moment before following you.

"Fuck me..." you said walking down to the principals office. "Gladly." Sero quickly replied. You elbowed him and glared toward him. His face was red where you had hit him and you felt bad but didn't say anything.

"(L/n), Sero, please have a seat." The principal said watching you both from the other side of his desk. "Aizawa said that you have both been causing some issues for eachother."

"We think that may some gime apart will benifit you both greatly." Aizawa added monotonously.

Your eyes widened as you realized what was about to happen. "We are putting you on restraint from one another. Meaning your seats will be moved and you cannot be physically near eachother while on campus."

"No!" Sero shot out of his seat and was in a sweat. You watched as he frantically tried to explain but Nezu had already made up his mind. "This plan will be in action for a month. If it needs more time after that then that is what will happen."

You wanted to scream and cry in protest, but instead you shoved the chair back and marched out of the room. Sero watched and heard your footsteps speed up once you left the room.

He went to follow after you but Aizawa grabbed his shoulder and shook his head.

After a few moments he went back to class after the bell only to find that you weren't there. Ochaco now sat behind Sero and he wasn't pleased. You were now on the opposite side of the room all the way in the front.

The class went by quietly and everyone could feel how tense it was, even Aizawa. Without warning you bursted into the room with a straight face and marched to your seat before plopping down and growling.

Sero watched you the rest of class, everyone noticing his stare but you.

To be honest, you were pissed and you just wanted to go to your dorm and punch a pillow. Once the bell rang, you blitzed from your seat and ran home wiping the occasional tear slipping from your eyes.

You felt awful. It was both of your faults, but you had punched eachother before and no one said anything. Why did it have to be that time? You shook your head and ran faster.

Once you arrived in the dorm you slammed your door and collapsed on your bed, screaming into the sheets.

You sat there for a moment and tried to restrain your tears when your phone began to ring. Quickly noticing it was your mom. You reluctantly answered to be met with a voice on the other end.

"(Y/n) (M/n) (L/n) what in the world happened!?" Your mom said in dissapointment from the other line. "The school called and said that you pretty much have a restraining order against someone in your class!"

"It is a misunderstanding...I didn't mean to-"

"I don't want to hear it."

"But mom I-"

Suddenly there was a knock at the door. And you just hung up the phone and turned it off. You would deal with her later. You tried to calm youself down and opened the door.

"Sero...what are you doing here. We aren't allowed to be around eachother on campus." You stared at the boy before you who looked like he had ran after you. "(Y/n) I don't care about that-"

"Well I do! So just leave me alone!" You went to slam the door but tape stopped the latch from closing. You scurried to the other side of the room as Sero followed closing and locking the door behind him.

"Get out of my room you pervert!" Shouting in emberassment, you began to pick up pillows and chuck them at Sero. He got hit by a few and began to attempt to dodge them. "(Y/n) put the pillows down!"

"No!" You retorted chucking another pillow at him. "(Y/n) please...".

"We can't be around eachother Sero, you know that. If we are seen around eachother, we may never be able to see eachother again and I don't want to lose you!"

You screamed at Sero whos dark eyes were now locked with yours. "So please....just leave." And with that, Sero reluctantly left.

A whole month had eventually passed and you hadn't spoken a word to eachother. Not via text or anything. But due to that lack of contact, the more you craved eachother. He couldn't wait to be able to finally tell you how he felt.

"Guys! Where is (Y/n)?" Sero asked walking into class. "Oh, um I think she stayed in her dorm today....she said she wasn't feeling up to class today."

"Sweet! Thanks Momo!"

Sero quickly ran back to the dorms, not caring that he was missing class. He bursted through the doors and rushed to your room. As he neared he slowed down his pace allowing him to realize his nerves.

He felt an uneasy feeling in his stomach and began to sweat as he neared your door. As he raised his hand to knock, he heard a soft kind voice coming from down the hall.


His head whipped around to face you as his cheeks heated up. "Ah, (Y/n)...Momo said you weren't feeling well or something like that so I came to stop by to make sure you were okay and-"

His voice was silenced by a pair of soft lips on his own. He was so caught up in his ramblings that he didn't even notice you nearing him with a small smile on your face.

The pale boy was pulled into the kiss, quickly melting into it the longer it continued. Your hands rested on his jawline while his own arms were shaking their way around your waist, pulling you closer.

Finally, you pulled away for air with a puff of breath. "(Y/n) I really like you...I have for the longest time but I didn't want to say anything becasue you are so talented and smart, not to mention hella gorgeous."

You smiled and shook your head, pecking his cheek lightly. You played with the hair the hung down on his neck and pressed yourself against him even more. "I like you too...I was also scared for the same reasons.."

"Huh. Wow....I didn't expect you to actually reciprocate the feelings."

"Well I too bad. And also. Question."

"Answer." He replied with a smirk. You rolled your eyes and continued. "Do you want to continue our game from earlier? See if you can resist me?"

Sero squeezed your hips and bit down on his lips, staring into your gorgeous (e/c) eyes. You noticed his gaze becoming clouded sending a light chill through your veins.

"(Y/n)...I can't resist you anymore." His teeth attached to your neck as he left small love bites down your soft skin making you tug at his smooth hair. "I really like you (Y/n). I want you to be mine."

"Y-yes Hanta. I'm yours." You tried to contain your moans as Sero picked you up with suprising ease and pushed open your door all the while he kissed you hungerly, but with more love than you have ever experienced.

Once you were in your dorm and your door was shut, Sero pushed you up against the wall and gave you a tender kiss upon your lips. "(Y/n)....I love you more than you could ever know." Muttering, he began to leave soft kisses down your neck.

You stifled a laugh as the soft sensation tickled your skin. Sero pulled away for a moment and arched his brow. "You're ticklish?" You replied with silence making him smirk. "Good to know." He said before placing a light kiss on your lips and tossing you onto the bed.

"Why did you just chuck me?!" You screeched making him laugh as he took off his shirt. You went slient as you saw his lightly toned chest and torso move as the shirt was lifted over his head.

"Like what you see?" He teased. You rolled your eyes and took off your shirt and noticed that he was almost drooling while staring at your figure that was slightly proped up on the bed.

"Like what you see?" You copied him from earlier and he nodded in reply before jumping on the bed making you bounce slightly off the matress. "If you break my bed I am going to be so pissed."

"We'll break your bed together babe~"

You blushed and a warm feeling grew inbetween your legs. You rubbed them together but it only seemed to make it worse. "I wouldn't mind..." you responded.

His eyes went wide and a serious but concerned demenor came across his face. "(Y/n)....I was just joking, but I mean...if you want to..."

"I have wanted to for a while now." Confessing, you pulled him on top of you while laid down on the bed topless in front of the raven haired boy.

"God you are so gorgeous." He said before kissing you once more with a firey passion. His hands were planted by your head as yours tangled in his locks. You wrapped your legs around him and pulled his hips to meet yours.

He grunted and let out a breath before beginning to grind against you.  You felt his growing bulge poke at your thigh as he began to let out shakey breaths. "Hanta, let me help you."

You pushed him off of you and undid his pant button and zipper before slwoly sliding down his pants. You pushed him down on the bed as you hovered over him kissing his jaw and neck before biting down a little rough.

After his moment of shock, his hands found your bra clasp and began to fumble with it. After about 15 seconds he got it undone and you pulled away and looked at him suprised. "How did you know how to do that?"

A smug look played on his face as he answered: "I have my ways."

"Is Denki your mentor? I am pretty sure he has bras in his room that he practices on for when he gets laid."

"I won't say anything...but you are pretty close. I guess I am stealing his technique though." Sero winked at you making you giggle. "Fine you win this one."

You let the bra slide from your shoulders and threw it to the side of your bed. Sero stared at you and slowly creeped his hands up your sides until they landed on your breasts. He began to massage them and roll your nipples making you let out a soft moan.

"I wanna hear more of those." He  growled. You stood up on the bed and pulled down your skirt and undies and kneeled over Sero once more.

You began to grind over his bare erection making his chest rumble with pleasure. You lined himself up at your entrance as Sero gripped your hips. "Wait. (Y/n). Are you absolutely sure. I don't wanna do this without your absolute consent."

"I am perfectly okay with this. Do you want this? Your consent matters too."

His tumbs rubbed your hips and he nodded and let out a breathy 'yes' in response. You nodded and lowered yourself on him, taking him whole. You shivered in delight and let out a moan.

Sero squeezed your hips and restrained himself from slamming into you. "God, I can't believe it took me so long to do this.."

"Fuck me?"

"That too...but just to ask you to be with me. You deserve so much (Y/n). I love you."

"I love you too Hanta."

You kissed him sweetly before oulling away and slowly lifting up and then slmming your hips back down to meet his. Once you got into a repetative motion, you began to move faster, letting out sweet moans of Sero's name.

"Hanta. You feel so good~"

"Ah, you feel so damn good (Y/n)...fuck."

After a while you felt a knot form in your stomach which grew amplified by Sero suddenly thrusting his hips to meet yours. He panted as you moaned his name and quickly realized what was abiut to happen.

"Hanta, I'm gonna cum~" You mewled collapsing on his chest, legs shaking too much to support yourself. You drooled onto his chest as he slammed into you making your eyes roll back. You felt your high shoot through your veins making your body shake in his arms.

"Hanta! I'm cumming!"

"Cum (Y/n), cum for me babe!~"

You let out a loud moan of his name as your high reached its peak. He pulled out of you and layed you on your back watching your chest rise and fall with your rapid breathing.

You wrapped your arms around him as he instered himself back in. "Hanta!~" You were more sensitive than before as he pounded into you. His teeth gritted whike his black hair fell into his face, some of it sticking due to the sweat.

You scratched his back making him groan your name deeply, turning you on even more. "(Y/n) you're so fucking feels so good." His pace picked up once more after he spoke.

He rapidly thrusted in and out of you and bit down on your neck leaving a huge lovemark. "(Y/n) I'm gonna cum-" He muttered repeatedly. His forehead met yours as you looked into eachothers eyes.

"I love you (Y/n)." He said as his thrusts became more and more eratic.

"I love you too Hant-ah!!!" You moaned as your high hit you by suprise once again. Sero pulsed inside you, letting you know he was close. "(Y/n) come for me again. Moan my mame."

You happily obliged screaming his name as your high hit you like a crashing wave of pleasure. He pulled out and came onto your stomach before rolling over and collapsing beside you.

His head turned to look at you and your legs were still shaking lightly. "I'll be right back." Sero got up and grabbed a tissue and cleaned hinself off before throwing on his pants and opening your door and checking outside before leaving.

You layed on your bed and smiled to yourself before he came back with a wet towel and wiped you off before kissing you lightly. "I love you (Y/n)."

"I love you too Sero."

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