But why Me? (Jason Voorhees x...

By PuppyBaby15

16.1K 300 61

Mireya is a Latina burn victim in college who convinced her friends (except Amy) to go camping for spring bre... More

Authors note on setting
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Authors note about updates
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 13

488 10 6
By PuppyBaby15

The next morning I gave Penelope her daily bath and fed her some formula, she seemed very fussy about it hating the taste. I sighed and burped her. I then went back upstairs and froze at my doorway, Jason was sprawled out on the bed head facing away from me and laying on his stomach. The reason why I froze was his butt, how and why does he have a nice ass? It's pure muscle too, that's America's ass I giggled to myself. I let Precious out of her cage and opened the back door so she can frolic and do doggy things. I set up her high chair and made sure it was tight against the island I am not sure if this is safe, would it hold her weight? It's hanging off the table, but if her moms trust it then maybe it's ok? I sat her in it, gave her a rattle and teething ring. I started making breakfast, some rosemary pancakes will be fine right? I started mixing up the batter and thawing out Precious's food. The sun was bright and went through the sliding glass doors making the kitchen feel very warm and homey. This was quickly interrupted by Precious body slamming into a glass door, the bang caused me to jump dropping the bowl of eggs making them spill all over the floor, Penelope jumped too and looked over at the door. I ran over to see the idiot of a dog wobble from side to side I sighed and slid open the door and she walked in and flipped down, Penelope giggled and clapped her hands. "You are supposed to be a smart breed" I chuckled and then gave her her food. I checked her for any injuries but the most she had was a lump forming on her head.

I taped an ice pack onto her head and let her lay down, I called a nearby vet to see if I needed to go in. "Yeah she just ran into the glass door at full force, it didn't crack or anything. She is a 70lbs Doberman Pinscher and is just 13 months old." The lady hmmed and said, "if she still is dizzy and wobbly for the next hour then bring her here it could be a sign of serious damage." "Alright thank you" I hung up and looked over at Precious who was already eating guess she's fine. I sighed and cleaned up the spilled eggs then went to crack more. I poured the mix into the frying pan and let it sizzle, to be extra productive I made sure the heat was on low and I put Jason's clothes into the wash. After about six pancakes I went to go check to see it was done the washing. I grabbed his clothing and some clothing pins and went outside to the drying line, I pinned them up and let the hot summer hair dry them. I looked at his machete, it was rusted with blood I sighed and grabbed it hiding it away in the den's closet. I don't need him around weapons I went back to the kitchen and paused. Jason was sitting at the island entertainment Penelope with a game of peekaboo, I felt a pull in my chest as my heart melted once again this man is going to be the death of me. I walked passed and finished the pancakes "breakfast is ready" I sang out, Jason bounced excitedly as I handed him his plate he sat down and gobbled it "Jesus someone is hungry" I heard Penelope coughing up a lung so I looked through her bag for medicine. I pulled it out and measured an exact amount, I place it into her sippy cup with then got my food processor and processed some oranges, guava, kale and lemon slices. Straining it into the sippy cup to make juice, I handed it to her and let her sip to her heart's content. "She caught a cold on the plane, so cold medicine with vitamin c should help her with it" Jason nodded, when she finished I picked her up and put her into the den on a blanket. I surrounded her with toys "Jason, watch her. I have to work upstairs alright?" I blew a kiss at him and his face went red again.

I sat at my desk typing in emails and checking at accounts, this was going to take a while.

Jason's P.O.V

Why does she trust me? I asked myself as my heart pumped faster than it ever has, it hasn't done that unless I am chasing those bad people. I stared at the baby as she crawled around, or at least try to. Precious ran around her making her laugh and sit up, Precious went to jump over her but her back paw tipped Penelope over "Jason catch her head!" I heard mother's voice scream in panic, everything went in slow motion as I slid down and caught her head in my large palm, she looked at me and giggled crawling towards a toy and pressing its buttons. The yellow one makes the bee looking lump pop up with music, she jumped and froze for a good three seconds before whining and starting to cry. "Jason hold the baby and pat her back, she's scared!" Well, I know that much mom, I walked over and sat down holding her to my chest and rubbing her back. When she calmed down I made all the functions of the toy work, moving the levers, twisting the knot, making all the bug lumps pop up and sing their special song.

The baby stared in awe, crawling to it and tried to repeat my actions with no success since it was already triggered. Her lip started to wobble again "push the characters down so she can play again" I nodded to mom and did as told. This made her happy again, but she got bored quickly and crawled to another toy it was a bright green bow tie with a rattle for the knot. She started to teeth on the handles of it, I felt at peace and warmth in my chest. Last night was something I had never experienced and mother never mentioned it or interrupted, but isn't that what those bad teenagers do? That bad thing, sex? "Not if it's true love my baby boy," true love? There's no way that beautiful angel loves me. It's absolutely impossible "but she hasn't killed you" but "and she hasn't called the police, she even missed you when you were gone killing those degenerates." I felt a pounding on my chest and my breath went heavy, I snapped out of my thoughts to her crying. I looked at the baby and she was crying, shifting uncomfortably, was she ok? "Pick her up and smell her tooshie Jason, she might need a diaper change." I picked her up and turned her around sniffing her bottom, I gagged at the horrible smell. "Go upstairs, look into the suitcase, it will have everything you need" I nodded picking her up and going to the master bedroom. I opened the case and got a diaper, wipes, changing mat, and baby powder. I laid her down on the bed and took off her pink onesie, I laid her on the mat and placed a pacifier in her mouth as I got to work. The smell was horrible but I was able to manage, it's better than rotting bodies is all I'll say. I threw away the soiled diaper and washed my hands before carrying her into the hallway.

Mireya walked out of a room across from us, "oh hey you two, knew I heard something" she stepped closer and my knees grew weaker, my palms sweaty, and my heart raced 1000 miles a second. She palmed Penelope's forehead before doing the same to mine "yeah she still has a fever, but it did go down. Don't put clothes on her Jason, we don't want her to overheat" I nodded and she giggled. Oh, that giggle was music to me, I grabbed her hand and put it on my forehead again loving the feeling of her tiny soft hands on my skin. "You don't have a fever Jason" she chuckled and peered down to the baby "Penelope seems tired. Well, she is sick and needs more rest, follow me Jason" I followed her to the master bedroom and she laid her into the crib thing. She fell asleep instantly, Mireya smiled at her and pet her hair "oh I can't wait to have her as a daughter in law and grandkids!" M-mom! I felt my face heat up at the thought, her laying in the hospital bed holding a bundle of joy, then her handing the baby to me but they look like me, have my horrendous face. How could she love me? It's impossible to believe!

"Jason? Earth to Jason? I was asking if you wanted to watch me work" I nodded and followed her into what looked like her office. She sat down in a very plush rolling chair and started typing away and going to a calculator ever so often. "Choose a book from those shelves over there to read" I nodded and looked at the bookshelf, there were so many to choose from, but one caught my eye Kama Sutra I never saw it before. I slipped it out, it has a nice drawing on the front, I opened to a random page and my heart stopped, they were doing bad! They were having sex! Under the picture it had a description of how to perform it and its effectiveness for pregnancy, wait? THIS is how one gets pregnant? I flipped through more curious now, I ended up one what was called "Toad sex position" it made my heart race, imagining Mireya under me as we hold each other. I dropped the book and shoved it back grabbing another one, it was a cookbook with no meat, anywhere.

I felt a hand on my forehead "Jay are you ok? You feel warm," I shook my head and pointed at the evil book. She giggled and pulled it out, "naughty boy you are." She flipped through the pages, occasionally biting on her lip and rubbing her thighs together. "I see what's on your mind, maybe after Penelope goes home we can start trying for a baby. How does that sound" my heart dropped, was she serious? She wasn't teasing last night? She actually wants a kid with me? I grabbed her shoulders and held her tiny form taunt to mine. "I actually want to have a family with you, I realized when you were gone that I ... I must love you. Even if you do kill people, you are so sweet and gentle." She whispered in my ear before hugging back.

I growled softly, cursing that I couldn't speak, I then pat her back I-love-you.

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