Trials of the Hunt

By lavendardoll

1.2K 124 9

When the Wild Hunt rides at night, it blots out the sky and people disappear never to be seen again...or so t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73

Chapter 29

8 1 0
By lavendardoll

The wind grew cold and a light fog settled over the lake, threatening to envelop the courtyard. Only House Emberiz and House Lupuna remained with Gannon and Turi by the fountain.

"You have my deepest apologies my prince," Turi offered with a low bow. "I can't imagine what has kept the Duchess from tending to this very important occasion."

"I'm sure it was nervousness," Gannon tried to assure Turi and Hose Emberiz that he took no offense. "She wouldn't be the first maiden to have cold feet. Perhaps I should arrange something less public next week. Perhaps we should get to know one another before we make things public. I understand her hesitance at jumping into a betrothal so soon after my return."

Turi bowed again, and this time House Emberiz followed his lead. "That sounds wonderful, my prince. I shall bring her to you myself."

Then he turned to Kirwin and Aurora and bowed again. "My liege, you have my sincerest apologies for my sister's behavior. I cannot imagine what has kept her away from such an occasion. House Emberiz thanks your highness for all that you've done for us."

House Emberiz bowed with him, and remained bowed until he finished speaking.

"The throne appreciates your patronage, House Emberiz." Kirwin bowed his head to them and all of House Lupuna, including Gannon, followed his lead.

Gannon didn't like that his friend was placed in such a difficult position. He didn't want this and he was furious that Tallis had put all the noble houses through this. It would be the front page of the gazette, if it wasn't already. Things didn't have to be this way and she was making this more difficult than it had to be.

He had already decided to give in to her demands...she should have appeared for this. Step one in her grand scheme was to go off without a hitch...all her ducks in a row. Gannon grew worried. This was to be her grand entrance as it were, she would never have abandoned it.

As House Emberiz began to leave the courtyard, Gannon slyly sent a hand signal to Turi, requesting that he remain available to him.

The queen began her march back to the palace, with all of House Lupuna following behind her, as Kirwin remained behind with Gannon.

"This is none of my doing, father," Gannon implored.

"I know, son. How's your mother? I understand you ran into a little trouble during your visit."

Gannon audibly exhaled, grateful that his father didn't fault him for this. "She's fine. I left before it got to be too dangerous."

"Good. Where are you heading now?"

Gannon paused. He hadn't thought about it. Not really welcomed at his mother's home, not really welcomed at the palace. Where else was there to go?

"I don't know. I had only planned to stay last night."

"Then you'll remain here until you get your bearings. I insist." Kirwin patted him on his back and walked away.

Gannon waited for his father to disappear inside the palace doors, then caught up with Turi just outside.

"I'm so sorry, Gannon-"

Gannon didn't let him finish. "-I'm worried about Tallis. This was to be her first step towards becoming princess, the golden feather in her social hat. I got the impression she would never have abandoned this part of her betrothal, let alone willingly embarrass your family."

"What are you saying?"

"I've been attacked more than once since my return and my trials are just beginning. Would it be out of line if I went with you to check on her...see to her safety?"

"You worry your trials may have endangered her?"

Gannon nodded. "I's not at all my intention...I was attacked last night at my mother's home. I just don't know what to expect...or when to expect it."

"The queen allowed her one of her guest quarters to prepare, you know, in good faith."

"Then we should waste no time getting there."

He and Gannon walked swiftly through the palace, past a bevy of guards and pets, through the winding, but silent halls, until they came upon the queen's guest quarters. It was a long hall with doors to both sides, intricately carved of redwood. Lady Tallis' door was unmistakable. She'd placed a silver placard on the outside announcing her temporary residency.

Turi knocked gently and listened at the door. Hearing nothing, he turned the knob slowly and gently pushed the door open. Gannon drew Orion quietly, and the men entered the abode. It was beautifully decorated, as only the queen's quarters would be. Antiques decorated the main room. The wooden floor was shiny and clean with a few expensive rugs here and there. Plush, overstuffed furniture in burnt orange dotted the regal room. Laughing and giggling came from the bath.

Gannon sheathed Orion and grinned as the scent of hibiscus and lavender wafted from the room. She meant to do this.

Turi walked to the bath door and knocked hard, before he pushed the door open and walked inside.

Tallis sat in a tub of steaming hot water, two of her ladies across from her, with platters of fresh fruit, finger foods, and tea lining the floor around the deep tub.

"Did you forget your appointment, my lady?" he asked through clenched teeth.

Tallis laughed and her ladies followed suit. "No, I didn't forget. I just wasn't in the mood for something so grand." She waved her hand at him and he grew flustered.

"How dare you!" he screamed at her.

Gannon flinched. He'd never seen Turi so angry before, certainly not enough to yell at anyone.

"Get out, both of you. Get out right this minute," he yelled at the two young ladies. They exited the bath bashfully, covered themselves in towels and ran out of the bathroom, running into Gannon as they exited.

Gannon positioned himself just inside the front door as the young ladies left, half clothed, and listened to the whole thing. Turi was deeply embarrassed and ashamed for Tallis. She had cost him, personally, and their uncle many months of political wrangling just so she could watch the queen throw a party in her honor and then had the nerve not to show up. He would not listen to her apologies or her explanations. The fact that he found her living in the lap of the queen's luxury did her no small favors. He ordered her to gather herself and apologize to Gannon and to House Lupuna and he insisted that she lead House Emberiz into court the very next day to apologize for inconveniencing them.

He continued yelling at her for what seemed like another hour, until Gannon heard the door slam and Turi entered the great room.

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