Bitten But Alive (The Walking...

By chibicandimei

1M 30.4K 17.8K

When it all began, you,being one of the best soldiers,helped get as many people as you could out of multiple... More



9.9K 276 125
By chibicandimei

Prison Mates


A/N: Life sucks. Anywho,Enjoy!


( Your POV )

"Those things that attacked us in the prison, is there anything you know about them? Anything at all?" I questioned.

All the prisoners looked at me, and the tallest and biggest answered easily, explaining to us what he had witnessed when this virus had struck the place. "There was a riot that broke out. Never seen anything like it before."

"Attica on speed man."

"Ever heard about dudes going cannibal , dying, and coming back to life? Crazy man."

The group just looked at each other before focusing back on them. "One guard looked out for us though, he locked us up in the cafeteria. Told us to sit tight, threw me this piece and said he'd be right back-"

"Ya, and that was 292 days ago."

"Well 94 according to my calcula-"

"Shut up!"

One of them sighed in annoyance at the guy with the gun and shook his head,"Look, we were thinking that the army or the national guard should be showing up any day by now-"

"There is no army,"Rick stated slowly before looking over at me and I just shrugged. The prisoners asked what he meant and Rick just started shaking his head," there's no government, no hospitals, no police-"

I scratched at the back of my head before raising my hand and cutting Rick off,"Unfortunately I'm your best bet at military right now. All my troops are dead as far as I know, and that was months ago at this point...."

"There nothing left?"

"For real?"

Rick nodded,"Serious."

"What about my moms? My kids? And my old lady?" The man speaking stepped forward with sadness on his face," Yo, one of you got a cellphone or something that we can call our families?"

"You just don't get it do you?" The mention of a phone made me take off my bag and begin to search through it, this only registered with the tallest prisoner who watched me curiously. "No phones, no computers. As far as we can see half the population has been wiped out."

I pulled out a metal rectangle that was way bigger than my hand and I opened it up,"hey you." I pointed at the one that asked about his family and he looked up right as I tossed the box at him. "Wanna get in contact with your family, that right there is your best bet. Military issue connection with generators that have back up power around the country. I didn't think it would still work."

He rushed over to me with it in his hand , thanking me before trying to get it to work as he sat on the table next to me. "There ain't no way your right."

Rick just sighed and pointed at the prisons exit with his gun,"See for yourself."

All the prisoners walked outside, with Rick and Daryl following behind them. I went as well with the man on the phone beside me continuously dialing numbers without any responses. I don't know why that thing still works...a part of the military must still be alive. But where? The second we walked out I noticed all the dead bodies on the floor,I forgot there were more than the ones I killed first.

"Damn the sun feels great!"

"Good lord their all dead."

"I never thought I'd be happy to see all of these fences."

"Hey! You never said it, how the hell did yall get in here in the first place?"

Rick motioned over to the outer fence,"We cut a hole over there by that guard tower, this one jumped over the fence." Only a couple of them turned around to see that he was talking about me and I just laughed at their faces.

"So what is this?" The biggest one began to poke at a walkers body with his stick,"Like some kind of disease?"

"Ya ,and we're all infected."

I made it down the stairs and was handed back the phone, I apologized to him before shutting it off and putting it back into my bag,"What do you mean we're all infected?"

"Like aids or something? That kind of infected?"

Rick shook his head and I sighed as I walked closer to the anger management guy with tattoos and the gun in hand,"It means that however your ass dies spunky, that you'll turn into one of them. No matter what."

"If I shot one of you with my arrows you'd come back as one of these things."

The man with the gun just starred at me until something clicked in his brain and he pointed the it at me,"What the fuck did you just call me."

I crossed my arms as I looked at him,"Really? Again with the gun, your more annoying than I remember Spunky."

His glare grew dark as he rushed up to me and pushed the gun into my chest,"I fucking knew I remembered your stupid face. I'm ready to return the favor of kicking my ass after one day in this block!" He raised the gun to my forehead and I just smiled," Gladly come back as one of those pieces of shit, then I get to shoot you twice."

I easily brought up my hands ,pushed the gun away from my face and unlatched the back of the gun causing the bullets to come falling out of the gun,"Oh wow, I'm so scared spunky. You have a useless gun now."

He swung at me with the gun and I crouched down before kicking his legs in from under him, he slammed backwards on one of the dead bodies and he scurried off of it in disgust,"I'll fucking kill you."

I scoffed, "You couldn't even beat me when I was younger, what makes you think you can kill me now that I've had professional training for fighting and weaponry. Fucking try me Spunk!"

He got held back by a fellow inmate that now knew who I was," Wait, your the girl who got kept in solitary?" I nodded and he smiled,"It's nice seeing you again, and alive."

"Thanks Big Tiny, it's nice seeing you too."

Daryl came to my side in a protective manner and wrapped an arm around my shoulders,"Why do you call him spunky?"

Big Tiny spoke up with a laugh,"Is cause when these two crashed into each other on day one he-"

"Don't you fucking dare!"

I waved off Big Tiny to let go of Spunky, and I looked up at Daryl," I'll tell you another time if you remind me." He nodded with a small smile and kissed my forehead.

Spunky rushed up to Rick and I stopped him a bit away from him by extending my arm that was now holding my sharpened metal pole,"I don't fucking care what you do, you and your people gonna move your shit out in the field because this prison is ours."

"You're not an inmate anymore,why cant you just leave?"

He glared at me more,if even possible and spit at the floor in front of me. I had to extend my other hand to stop Daryl from hitting him," I'm not stupid. You people are here cause you ain't got a choice, and this is ma home now. You guys get the fuck out. Where the hell did you even come from?"

I didn't get to respond as Rick stepped in front of the prisoners and spoke,"Atlanta, and we don't plan on leaving. We took out these walkers, this prison is ours."

"Slow down cowboy, you snatched the locks off ours doors."

Rick sighed at the comment and pointed at Spunky with the long gun he held in his hand,"We'll give you new locks if that's what you're so worried about."

Spunky just scoffed and raised his arms up, motioning to the entire building," This is our prison, we were here first." I couldn't help but laugh at this, this isn't a home. It's a prison. "What so funny bitch."

I raised an eyebrow and gladly answered,"How low can you get spunky? Enough to claim the place that locked your ass up to be yours,how can I not laugh." I noticed his hands twitch to get the gun he'd stashed back in his pants.

"We're moving back into our cell block," Rick calmly said they'd have to find there own but he was quickly cut off. "It is mine! I've still got personal artifacts in there, and wanna know that that says to me. That it's about as personal as if fuckin gets!"

Rick stepped back as he drew the gun again, this time not pointed at me. Me, Daryl and Tdogg raised our weapons and Tdogg ran to Ricks side to protect him. I slowly lowered my weapon though as I noticed Ricks hand held gun remain pointed at the floor. I put my pole back in my bag and just crossed my arms as the other prisoners stepped up and spoke," Maybe lets try to make this workout so everybody wins-"

"I don't see that happening" "Neither do I."

Spunky lowered his weapon and starred straight into Ricks eyes,"I ain't goin back into that fucking cafeteria for one more minute."

The nicest prisoner that also happened to be the shortest turned to look at Spunky,"Look, there are other cellblocks-"

I wanted to smack Daryl for once as he just had to open his mouth and get the attention of Spunky,"You could leave. Try your luck out on the road."

I raised my hand to grab one of my poles in case of anything, but surprisingly Spunky just took a glance at everyones face before looking back at his fellow prisoners," If these three pussies can do all this, the least we could do is take out another cell block-"

The prison mate to his left just shrugged and stated obviously,"With what."

Spunky turned with a malicious smile to stare at Rick again, "Atlanta here will spot us some real weapons. Won't you boss ?" God I did not miss you Spunky.

Rick stayed silent for a bit, seeming to debate the pros and long list of cons before breaking the tension and silence with one question,"How stocked is that cafeteria?" When they didn't answer right away Rick and Daryl made comments on their appearances, they looked well fed for having been locked up for a year now in one small section of the prison.

Spunky seemed to understand what Rick was beginning to implied and he snarkily responded with,"There only a little left."

"We'll take half," before he could loudly argue or threaten Rick again, Rick opened his mouth to finish his statement,"In exchange ,we'll help clear out a cell block-"

"Didn't you hear him? There only a little left, an you askin for half-"

Rick leaned in to get closer to the other prisoners face and for once I noticed the darker side of him that'd I'd only truly seen through his overall presence. The group wasn't wrong, he did take on a bit of Shane into his soul after having the man killed by his own hand,"It seems you got a lot more food than you got choices." To this the prisoner back off annoyed at the reality of the situation," You pay, we'll play. We'll clear out a block for you, and then you keep to it. You keep to yourselfves, we keep to ourselves."

Spunky looked at our groups eyes, avoiding mine and finally nodded,"Alright."

"Let's make this clear," Rick stood up straighter and slowly took steps forward to be right up against Spunky's face, that sinister side poking out again," if we see you out here anywhere near our people, if I as so much catch the smallest whiff of your scent , I will kill you. "

They glared at each other for a bit, I focused more on Rick. I knew he changed, it was needed and technically he still ain't Shane crazy but...I was uneasy about this but I always had the choice of leaving. Heck I had taken that choice for months. Finally Spunky looked away and just said,"Deal."

( Rick POV )

"Why does this bitch have to lead the way? We know how to get there too-"

He stopped talking as Y/N suddenly raised her hand, she then pulled out both poles from her bag and walked forward,"Wait here." The prisoners were about to complain until they heard a growl followed by a body falling onto the floor. We couldn't see anything, it was still too dark. All we could do was hear faint footsteps followed by a loud slam. The prisoners tossed confused glances at each other before she suddenly appeared around the corner with some blood dripping off her weapons,"It's clear now."

"Crazy bitch."

She just shrugged and we began to walk again until we got to the cafeteria, still as empty as when we had left. Now that we arrived Y/N went to stand in back of the group while the head prisoner led the way, "Pantrys back here."

The prisoners entered first and then TDogg who grew curious about the doors having been locked," Did y'all ever try to break out of here?"

A couple hummed and one nodded before answering," Yeah we tried to take the doors off once, but if you make one peep in here then those freaks would be lined up behind the door. Growlin, tryin to get in. Then the windows got bars on em, that he-man couldn't get through."

The shortest commented,"Bigger than a 5x8." And then Big Tiny, who I could see at this point was frineds with Y/N shurgged and looked at us,"You won't find me complaining. Doing 15. My left leg can barely fit on one of those bunks."

Another one let out a small laugh at the statement,"Well yeah, they wouldn't be callin em Big Tiny for nothin-"

Our small civilized conversation was cut off by the leader storming back and leaning against the door frame,"Y'all done jerking each other off? I'm sick of waitin back here, lets go."

My hand on my gun twitched in want to shoot him right then and there, but I suddenly felt smaller cold fingers pull my hand away from the gun before seeing Y/N pass in front of me to follow the prisoners into the pantry. How did she notice.


"You could have a bag of corn, some tuna fish-"

"I said we'd be taking half, that's the deal." Inside the pantry it turned out a little food left was actually a lot more than what they really meant. Maybe between five guys it was little, or they just didn't know how to manage food so that it would last longer. whatever the issue we could all use this food to our advantage, especially Lori who truly needed it. As I inspected the kitchen and the pantry I noticed what would be the freezer door closed and none of them seemed to get close to it," Whats in there?"

"Don't open that." "Rick don't-"

Both the leader and Y/N told me not do but I had already opened it only to have my senses attacked by the strong smell and sight, I started to cough and gag uncontrollably as I slammed the door closed. Behind me I could hear all the prisoners laughing and Y/N just sighed. "He wanted to know, how'd you know bitch?"

"I don't see shit and piss anywhere else Spunky, it's been a year. It had to be somewhere."

He glared at the name but none the less nodded at the answer. I forget how smart Y/N is sometimes. I felt my mind bring up the image again and I gagged by accident leading the prisoners to laugh again. The shortest of the group commented,"I can't wait for my own pot to piss in." I want to vomit.

( Glenn POV )

With Hershel down and the prisoners causing trouble it seemed like things were getting worse for us again but then I heard the gate being unlocked by Carl and in came in some good news. Tdogg and Rick carrying a box filled with cans and two bags. Carl opened the door and smiled as he asked,"What you got?"

TDogg returned the smile and proudly answered,"Got some canned beef, canned corn, canned cans."

Carl immediately closed and locked the door again as they walked further into the cell block, Rick walked over to the group surrounding the cell Hershel was in,"There's a lot more where this is coming from." Seeing Hershel still out cold he asked,"Any change?"

Lori rested against the cell wall as she starred at him,"The bleeding's under control, and no fever. But his breath is labored, and pulse is way down...and he hasn't opened his eyes yet. We need Y/N here."

Rick shook his head,"She's the one guiding us to and from the cafeteria to make sure no more incidents happen. She does know a lot about the prison. There could be an infirmary that she could get to." Lori nodded to this saying the infirmary was there best option.

Rick stayed still for a bit starring at her Hershel before turning his body and looking back at me,"Take my cuffs and put them on him. I'm sorry but I am not taking any chances right now."

I sighed as I unhooked them from his pants and he walked away with Lori who patted my shoulder, I had just spoken to Maggie that he's be fine and now here I am having to hand cuff him because he might turn into one of them. My hands were fiddling with the cuffs before I walked into the cell and cuffed him with shaking hands. I'm sorry Maggie, our best hope right now is Y/N.

( Your POV )

With all the food now split in half between our group and the prisoners we headed to the next cell block, I went and got hand held weapons that could easily strike and kill walkers with being to close to them physically. I laid them on a table in front of the prisoners and simply said,"Take your pick."

They all thanked me, except for Spunky who ripped one of the weapons out of anothers hands and just starred at it, he then laughed and pointed it at me,"Why do I need this?" he shook the metal weapon before lowering it," When I have this,"he pulled out his gun.

I pushed his gun down with the point of my pole,"Because one doesn't make a sound, and the other will make you into a happy meal."

He just spit in my direction again , I rolled my eyes and Daryl explained that his gun would only be allowed for use if he was completely out of options. Not wanting a stupid argument to happen Rick spoke up with his arms crossed,"Alright, we'll go in two by two. Daryl will run point with T." He looked at the prisoners before pointing at one specifically,"I'll bring up the rear with you. Stay tight, hold formation no matter how close the walkers get. Anyone breaks ranks we could all go down. Too many come close and that's when Y/N comes in, she'll be in charge of taking down the majority if we get cornered, while the rest move out. Anyone breaks ranks we could all go down, run off and you could get mistaken for a walker. End up with an axe to the head."

Daryl spoke up behind Rick,"That's where you aim. These things won't go down unless it's with a head shot-"

Spunky cut off Daryl with a growl,"You ain't gotta tell us how to take out a man."

I shook my head at his comment, and it seemed TDogg was thinking the same as he stepped in,"They ain't no man. It's something else in there."

Spunky looked away and I just spoke up,"Point is, aim for their brain, don't expect them to go down so easily or you'll become their next meal." They all stayed silent and I handed the keys over to Daryl,"Alright, lets go."


I was in the back of the group, making sure nothing could attack from behind. Honestly I felt uncomfortable not leading because my nose was already warning me that we were getting closer and closer to walkers. I suddenly bumped into Big Tiny who had stopped,"Walkers coming."

I said it at the same time as Daryl so I went unnoticed as he held him hand up for everyone to stop, the shortest one suddenly yelled loudly about them coming and thankfully Daryl slammed his hand over his mouth,"Quiet."

"You'll hear em before you see em.."

And just as that was said we all saw their shadows against the back wall before finally seeing two appear around the corner and look at us, before our group could do or say anything the prisoners suddenly yelled and ran forward smacking the two walkers. Tdogg, Rick and Daryl just stood there stunned at the scene while I started laughing as Big Tiny held onto one of the walkers while Spunky and the shortest began to smack at its abdomen and chest over and over again. The other two smacked one onto the ground and began to take turns hitting it. How can I not laugh at this?

After them finally killing-killing them, Rick basically had to lecture them like kids to not do that. Afterwards we headed further in to a point that we were in a corner, facing a new hallway where walkers kept coming in one by one without stopping. They began taking turns striking them in the head, begging to get the hand of hitting the brain rather than just attacking in general, but there were to many,"Alright let me through in 3. Watch your back guys!"

Rick and Daryl nodded at me, Spunky killed one more before I ducked under the group and rushed through the line of walkers getting some of there attention. I took our three before stepping a bit down the hall. Taking out a couple to try and lessen the blow on the group. It seemed to be working and then I suddenly heard a scream,Big Tiny! I started swinging both poles slicing off heads and trying to get back when I heard gun shots go off, what the hell is going on! Eventually the other prisoners and me met up ,now that they were all down I rushed passed them into the corner I'd just been to see Big Tiny turned around with Rick looking at his back," No big tiny...."

Seeing me as well as the others starring at him he turned back around,"I'm telling you, I don't feel anything. It's just a scratch."

Rick shook his head,"I'm sorry man-"

"I can keep fighting!"

Before me and Rick could say anything one of the other prisoners spoke up," You cut that old guys leg off to save his life!-"

"Look at where the bite is!"

"Guys I'm fine!" Big Tiny yelled in anger before looking at me and then Rick,"Just..I'm fine. Look at me, I'm not changing into one of those things."

"Look man, there has to be something we could do-" "We could just lock him up." "Quarantine him." "We can do something, why are you just standing there!? We gotta save him."

I stepped up to Big Tiny and turned him around to look at it, I traced my finger along the wound and smelled it through my mask, ignoring me Rick just looked at them and said,"There's nothing we can do."

"You son of a bitch."

I stepped away from Big Tiny and wiped my fingers on the wall to get rid of the blood,"Look I'm alri-" I turned around just in time to see Spunky smack Big Tinys head with the point of his weapon and he fell to the floor. My eyes widened as I watched him go in for another hit to his head but I stuck out my hand and caught the weapon. I felt the point go into my hand me I didn't care.

With a glare I pushed the weapon forward smacking his face and he fell back,"You fucking asshole, I'll kill you!" Daryl's arms wrapped around my body stopping me from going forward and stabbing Spunky to death while the other prisoners helped him stand back up.

"He's one of them now! What's the issue you stupid bitch!"

"He wasn't one yet! and unlike you, he was a friend!"

"Friends don't matter!"

I stopped struggling and just looked at the ground," No wonder you were locked in here, no one likes you." Daryl let go of me and I crouched down on the floor, with my left hand I pressed two fingers against Tiny's neck looking for a pulse. He's dead. Reluctantly I pulled out a knife I had on my leg and pushed it into his school, It was nice seeing you again Big Tiny.


When we finally got to the door of the new cell block I grabbed the keys from Tdogg as I was supposed to open it, but now I wouldn't dare. With a glare I tossed them at Spunkys feet, he scoffed at the action,"I ain't opening that door."

Rick nodded at him,"If you want this cell block, you're gonna open that door," he just starred at Rick angrily. "Just the one, not both of them because we need to control this."

Without a choice he leaned down and picked them up, his glare directed at me who wasn't even holding any weapons. I simply stood there with my arms crossed watching him, he slowly unlocked it before grabbing the handle of the left door,"Alright, you bitches ready?" Giving us all a glance he began to pull of the door, it didn't open. So he pulled harder and it still wouldn't budge. "I got this," he grabbed it with both hands and with all the force in his body pulled it open, problem was. He opened both doors.

"I said one door!"

"Shit happens!"

I sighed as I pulled out the small knife I had, they all scrambled to try and kill the walkers while I stood by making sure my group was safe. That's when I saw Spunky swing and almost kill Rick along with a walker. They both stopped and starred at each other when suddenly Spunky grabbed a walker and tossed it at Rick causing him to fall back. Daryl rushed over to Rick to help him while I walked forward and killed the last walker by stabbing its forehead. Rick was pulled back up by Daryl, thankfully he was fine. "Spunky."

"What?" He looked at Rick and shrugged with his arms acting as if he didn't understand what he did wrong,"It was coming at me bro."

Rick stood tall and just starred at him," Yeah, yeah. I get it." They continued to keep eye contact and I watched Rick's hand clench harder on his weapon. "Shit happens." I saw fear come into Spunkys eyes for once in my life but he kept his starring front as he starred at Rick. "Y/N."

My glare darkened as Rick swung, purposely missing so Spunky could move out of the way and accidentally move towards me. "Gladly," I pushed forward and shoved my knife into his throat. His legs buckled underneath him, I pulled out the knife watching him drop his weapon and hold his bleeding throat. He didn't glare at me for once, he was pleading for help, and my response was shoving my knife into his head.

"NO!" One of the prisoners swung at me but Rick stopped him and kicked him back onto the floor, his response was to get up and run into the door we just opened.

Shaking his head Rick rushed through the door,"I'll get him."

"We have no affiliation to what just happened,"said the shortest prisoner as I pulled out my knife, using Spunkys clothes to clean it. The other prisoner told him to shut up but I just laughed as I put my knife away.

"He's right, you don't have to plead to us. It's gonna be Rick so save your breath."

"Tiny was my friend too."I looked over at the shortest one who had spoke but he just looked down at the floor.

"Then you should be happy I killed Spunky,"I kicked his body as I walked over to the back door to guard it. It didn't take long for Rick to come back alone, if my ears and nose were right he let the prisoner die. I could see his eyes changing as he interrogated the remaining two prisoners, basically telling them that if they didn't want to get killed they had to beg. The smaller one ran his mouth wanting to live, as for the other one he stayed silent. Simply stating that he never begged back then, and that he wouldn't beg now.

"They could stay with us, it's only two of them. I'll even guard them." The two prisoners looked at me in surprise,"Might as well,I used to be a prisoner too."

Rick thought about it but shook his head,"We're already here, and I wont risk it. This is your block now."

I sighed but it wasnt my choice in the end, collecting the fallen weapons I handed them to the two guys and we led them to the block. All the cell doors were open with the bodies just laying on the floor in front of the doors. It seemed that once they turned they were pulled out,shot in the head and left there.

"You just gonna leave us here?"

"That was the deal, Im locking down our block. You have this block and we have ours." Rick left after saying that along with Daryl who apologized about their friends before leaving. TDogg stared at them and gave them advice on taking the bodies outside and burning them.

Once he left too I was the only one left, "Be careful, if you need help come back to us."

"You people will kill us."

"They've been through stuff on the outside,as long as you don't hurt our group, and you help. Everything will be fine." They both nodded at me and I said goodbye ,turned and left.

"Were you really imprisoned here?"

I stopped and looked back at them through a gate,"Yes, but it was a long time ago."

( Andrea POV )

My body still felt exhausted that I didn't speak when me and Michonne watched a helicopter tumble into the ground from the sky, instead I tossed her a small look before walking towards the crash site with a slow walk. People are still alive out there. I heard her sigh behind me but she tugged on her 'pets' and began to follow me through the open wilderness towards the woods. I don't know where the helicopter had come from, but the smallest glimpses of military only made me think of the group and Y/N, maybe they can help. Maybe they know Y/N.

With each step I took my body felt worse, my head got dizzy and I felt like I was just sliding my feet with barely any force. The second I got to the helicopter I quickly held onto a nearby tree as my legs went weak, I tried to hold myself up as I coughed but I quickly tossed myself onto my knees when the coughing became vomit.

"Don't push yourself." I stared down at the pile on the floor before feeling myself be lifted up to stand on my feet with Michonnes arm wrapped around my stomach,"Come on, you better sit down." I didn't want to but I had no strength to fight back and I allowed her to set me down slowly away from my vomit. With me on the floor she walked over to another tree and tied the chain to her pets around the trunk. Then she came back to me, crouching down and handed me a gun," I'll go check it out. Take this."

I only nodded and watched as she walked over to the wreck, her arms locked to her katana in case of anything. She walked slow and steady as she was about to look into the helicopter but she suddenly stopped, and I noticed the grip on her katana tightened up. She backed away and quickly rushed back over to me," Someones coming."

Even with my throat burning I couldn't fight back my curiosity,"A-Any survivors?"

She shook her head but then shrugged,"Two dead, I'm not sure on the last one. I didn't get to check."

I quickly noted the sound of cars coming and in came the view of one truck and one minivan that stopped behind the destroyed helicopter, where they the ones who did this? Feeling another coughing fit I raised my hand up and bit into my flesh to keep my mouth shut with the pain. A big group with weaponry came out from the cars and we both simultaneous;y back up a little.

"Fan out."

I lowered my hand as I peered over the bushes we hid behind to watch them, they were all men and one had a bow and arrow he used to kill a walker. Even they were conserving ammo. I bit my lip as I felt my suppressed coughs fighting back, and I hunched over to the floor and coughed into the ground trying to mute myself. Michonne rubbed my back to try and soothe me enough to be able to control them. It wasn't working.

Two more walkers appeared to the group and another guy got them this time, with a metal bat. On the other side of the helicopter a man who had his back to us spoke,"We got a breather. Tim,come help."

I was so focused on them that when Michonnes began to pull out her katana I freaked out, until I realized it was because a walker was getting close to us. No she can't. I placed my hands on her and shook my head no. She didn't understand until we both stopped moving and watched the walker pass us as if we didn't exist. Thank god.

"Over here, shumpert."

Shumpert is the man with the bow and arrow, I think.

I shook my head as I went back to watching two men drag out the only survivor," They're saving them, I think we should show ourselves." I must have been wrong about them causing the crash.

Michonne only shook her head, her grip still on her katana,"Not yet,"she simply stated as she watched them very carefully.

We watched him kill a man on the floor, then he went inside and we heard another crunch of his knife entering the other bodies skull, were they still alive or were they walkers? I didn't have time to think as Michonnes pets started making noise and one of the guys with a gun suddenly pointed it in our direction. He heard!

She had no choice but to get up and kill them, the last noise coming from us being their chains clinking as their bodies fell to the floor, I looked back over at them and realized they were all looking in our direction now, this isn't good.

"Lets roll out."

I let out a breath I didn't know I'd be holding as they all began to turn and leave, right when I thought we were safe though michonne made a sudden movement but was stopped by a voice and my eyes went wide. "Uh-uh-uh. Easy does it girl. Mine's a whole lot bigger than yours, so put down your weapons. Now. That's it, nice and easy." I could see Michonnes nose flaring out in anger as he breathing became rigid. "Now let me see those hands. Now spin around, that's it, oh holy shit.."

I slowly turned around only to look up and meet eyes wide in surprise only to be followed by a grin that I thought I'd never have to see again in my life,"Blondie. Damn, you're lookin good"

Merle Dixon.

I watched as he payed no mind to a walker that rushed up to him, and he easily raised his mechanical arm with a point and killed it in a second flat. My eyes only widened more and he stood up and towered over us both with his gun specifically pointed at me. "Now, hows about a big old hug for your old pal Merle."

No..No fucking way, all I could feel was my mind shut down before falling over and having everything go black.


Half my face felt cold and I realized as I opened my eyes that half of my face was covered. My vision blurry but I could hear a man talking about me, michonne, and what I could only assume was the last survivor of the helicopter wreck.

My eyes shut again and I was out, not too long after I was shocked awake again only to see it was night time and that I was getting closer and closer to a what I thought was a fort. My mouth felt dry but I managed to say Michonnes name. "I'm here."

I couldn't pinpoint where she had spoken from, so when I turned around I came face to face with Merle who simply shushed me before fixing the blindfold and taking away my vision again. I passed out again.



I snapped my eyes open only to see a woman in a nurses outfit standing in front of me, I was in a room now, Michonne next to me with an unreadable expression. I could only assume she was angry at getting caught. After having the woman check on me medically I asked where we were, why we were being held and why we couldn't leave. She gave simple answers or simply stated that sh could not say a word. Before I could ask another question though, Merle walked in and I stared at him blinking constantly to see if I was imagining him or not. "Go check on your patient ,doc."

The woman looked at me once more before scurrying out of the room leaving me and michonne with Merle and two guards at the door,"Bet you was wondering if I was real, probably hoping I wasn't huh?"

I didn't respond as he grabbed a seat, flipped it around so the back was facing us. He didn't sit down and just raised his mechanical arm up,"Well, here I am! I guess this old world gets a little smaller towards the end. Ain't too many of us left to share the air, right?" He finally sat down in the seat, that grin on his face only getting smaller as he watched Michonne look between us not knowing the history. "You know, when they found me I was near passing out from blood loss, starvation. Heh, I thought to myself a bullet would make a good last meal. Take myself a nice long nap after. Wait for Daryl on the other side. You seen my brother?"

I swallowed the lump in my throat and shook my head,"Not for a long time, we got separated."

He chuckled before responding,"That makes two of us."

"He went back for you, him and Rick...and Y/N. You were already gone.."

At the mention of her name he became more interested, but he held off on asking about her ans instead removed the thing on his arm,"Not all of me was gone." I looked away at the sight. "Ya Rick, the prick who cuffed me to the roof in the first place, and a girl who knew none of us is the one that came and saved me that day."

"Yeah," I awkwardly nodded,"he tried, Daryl saw that. Y/N lead them back to look for you, Daryl wanted to keep looking but...things happened."

He laughed again and began to put the contraption back on his arm,"He's always been the sweet one, my baby brother."

"People died, a lot of them did." He looked up with a much softer look,"Jim, Dale, Jacqui, Sophia....." I looked up as I tried to stop my tears from comming out as I said a name I hadn't thought of in the longest time. "Amy."

"You're sister?"


"She was a good kid, I'm sorry to hear it."

I nodded and continued,"There were more, a lot more and we ended up having to leave atlanta. We ended up on a farm, Daryl stepped up and became a valued member of the group-"

"Now he's dead."

I shook my head,"I don't know that for sure. the farm was attacked months ago by a herd of walkers. We all would have died to if it wasn't for Y/N, she saved us. She saved Daryl."

"How long ago?"

"Seven or eight months? I got separated from them. Got left behind, I was the last one to escape the farm thanks to Y/N drawing all of the walkers attention to her. I know what it feels like."

He looked away with a shake of his head,"I doubt that." He sighed and he touched his arm,"Here I was hoping to see that beauty again, but she has to be crazy and get herself killed for my baby brother and that group."

I ignored the comment about Y/N and just went ahead and changed the subject,"What do you want from us?"

He laughed, loud and proud before standing up and standing next to Michonne,"Damn, there she sits with four walls around her. A roof on her head. Medicine in her veins and she wants to know what I want from her. Makes me wonder if my beauty dying for yall was a mistake or not." Michonne gave him no answer and he looked over at me," I plucked you and your mute out of the dirt blondie. Saved your asses, how about a thank you?"

"You had a gun on us."

"OOH, she speaks huh?" He looked at me to say something but nothing came out but warm air and he looked at Michonne, laughing and smiling again. "Tell me who ain't had a gun put em them in the past year? Show of hands yall? Anybody?" He raised his mechanical arm taunting us both, he turned to face two men that were at the door,"Shumpert? Crowley? Y'all had a gun on y'all?" He turned back to us and continued his taunting, making fun of us both and I now hated him more than ever. Oh how I wish Y/N had just left you to die that day.

It hurt my pride but I cut off his ranting and ignored Michonnes glare to say,"Thank you." He shut up, nodded and left. After a while he came back and stood there until another man we'd seen in the woods came in and whispered to Merle.He nodded before the man's attention came to me as he asked if I felt ok.

I had no time to respond as Michonne stepped in front of me,"We want our weapons."

He just shrugged,"Sure, On our way out the front gates."

"Can you show us the way? You've kept us locked up in this room."

He raised an eyebrow and looked around,"You see any bars on the windows? You're being cared for-"

"Under guard?"

"To protect our people, we don't know you two."

I scoffed," we know enough about you to want out. We watched your drive a knife through the skull of two dead people."

"They turned."

"They weren't bitten."

The man and Merle side glanced each other before looking at us in confusion, there's no way they could have turned. We got to them before a walkers could have. He sighed before stepping a little closer to us,"Doesn't matter how we die, we all turn. I put them out of there misery. It's not easy news to swallow at first but there it is." He walked passed our frozen bodies to the door where the guards stood. "You're not prisoners here, you are guests. If you want to leave, as I said you're free to do so But we don't open the gates passed dusk, it draws too much attention. Besides you need a solid nights sleep. You wouldn't last another day out there in your condition." I looked away from him in embarrassment," I'll have you brought over to my place in the morning, return your weapons, give extra ammo and some food for the road, get to a vehicle if you want one and that's that. Send you on your way."

Him and one of the guards left the room, with us following behind him in confusion. We wear lead out of the room and towards the front floor that I expected led outside. He opened the big door and looked back at us,"Welcome to Woodbury."

I'm sorry <3


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