As Long As I Have You (A Zayn...

By esupreme

56.8K 903 218

"I need you so I can be happy." Avianna Carlson is a ordinary 20 year old college girl from New York City... More

As Long As I Have You (A Zayn Malik Love Story)
Opprotunities Aren't Always The Best
Talking and Accepting
The Plane Ride To England
England And It's People
Time Matters!
The Fabulous Five?
Out Of Your Mind
Seriously, Zayn?
The Discussion With A Side Of Happiness
This Kiss
The Happy Couples?
The "New" Girls
Down To Business
Give Your Heart A Break
Kissing Someone Different
Too Close
So Far So Good
The Proposal: Part 1
The Proposal: Part 2
The Proposal: Part 3
The Proposal: Part 4
Let's Let Them Go
I'm Broken: Part 1
I'm Broken: Part 2
I'm Shattered
Goodbye My Love
The Plane Ride To New York
Broken Promises
Family Reunion
Its Been One Day
A Life Changer
Thank You
Truly, Madly, Deeply (Last Chapter Part 1)
Truly, Madly, Deeply (Last Chapter Part 2)

Dodging and Wanting

2K 34 1
By esupreme

~One Day Later~

Avianna's P.O.V

I decided to dodge my packing and made up a plan. I was having second thoughts on this. It all just came out of nowhere- and to up and leave and go off to a different country was completely nerve racking. I thought if I didn't show up at the airport to go to England, they wouldn't mind calling me because I'm sure they had a lot of other dancers. But now I feel like I'm kidding myself. No matter how many times I tell myself I don't care about this gig, underneath I am really excited to be a dancer for One Direction. Maybe they will finally help me be somebody. All of a sudden, a tiny shrill of excitement ran through my body.

"Avianna," I heard my mom knock on the other side of my bedroom door. "Have you started packing?" She asked, opening my door to my small bedroom.

I looked down at my suitcase, and back up at her with a smile. My suitcase was a complete mess and I wasn't taking the effort to fold anything. I simply threw everything inside. "I mean, this is my definition of packing," I shrugged, pointing to my suitcase.

She laughed "By throwing everything in?" I nodded. She sighed and came over to my suitcase "You obviously need help,"

My mom was the quiet type sometimes. It was like she stayed in a tiny shell until someone forced her to come out and speak up. Other times she is a bundle of fun and I love her to bits.

"Yeah, just grab anything that you think looks useful to take with me." I said to her. I started to move around the room, looking on the floor for loose things and throwing them on the bed for her to pack. She moved around my room quietly and picked up things, too. Something's I didn't even know that was in my room.

"I'm so proud of you, Avi." She started to fold some clothes into my suitcases

"Is it bad to say I'm proud of myself too?" I chuckled, standing beside her as I began to help. I grabbed a pink crop top, folded it and handed it to her. She looked at it disapprovingly and threw it on the bed, refusing to put it in my suitcase. I scoffed, grabbed it and put it in the suitcase.

She sighed. "Not at all, Avianna. You should be proud because you came a long way."

I sighed "But it's-"

"Forget about One Direction, you go and dance for you, only you." She smiled sweetly. That gave me a sudden boost of confidence.

I smiled back at her grabbing the last things I needed from my closet and drawers. "I'm taking my shoes in a small suit case as my carry on, right?"

She let out a big hoot "Yeah," She left the room and came in with a small suitcase that she gave me when I was 13 when I had my first dance recital out of New York. It was blue and it said Moms #1 Dancer on it. I took it out of her hand and put a bunch of heels, sneakers, and slippers in.

"Do you want this, Avianna?" She asked after a moment of silence. "You know because this could turn out to be something you don't want. Or this could all be some con," I thought for a moment. "Because you know you can turn it down." She suggested

"No," I said sharply. "I want this, I'm positive." I zipped up the small suitcase she had just given me, and dropped it down on my bed. "This is the start of something I've always wanted, so I know I need and want this."

She kissed my cheek and smiled "Good choice. I'm so happy for you, darling" She kissed my cheek one more time before walking out the room. I watched her as she looked back at me before closing the door again. Then, I continued to pack, wondering where dad was. Probably out getting dinner or something. I couldn't cook for my life.

I smiled because at that moment, I knew that I wanted this. I was ready for this exciting journey.


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