The Missing Parents Club

By RWBY_Fangirl12

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Ruby, Oscar, Ren, Nora, Emerald, Neo and Mercury are all friends who live in an orphanage together and call t... More

Carnac Orphanage
Adoption day
Curiosity killed the Cat
Hideouts and forgotten memories
10 years later
Some People just want to watch the world burn
Train Ride
A day in Vale
Entrance Exams
Why do you want to become Huntsmen and Huntresses?
Beacon Academy
Initiation pt.1
Initiation pt.2
Initiation pt. 3
First day
This is the part where we get involved.
This is the part where we regret getting involved.
The beginning of the end
Houston, I have too many problems.
Not a chapter

Signing up and Faking our Deaths

649 21 4
By RWBY_Fangirl12


I was exhausted. Why? My watch turn was in the middle of the night! I hardly got a wink of sleep. "Ugh~" I groaned as Ren shook me awake "Nora~ C' mon we're here" he whispered. At hearing those words I opened my eyes and bolted right up "We're here!" I shouted "Shhhh!" shushed Emerald.

Ruby and Oscar were peering out the hatch with Emerald, Mercury, and Neo right behind them. I got up and slung my dark pink backpack over my shoulder "What are we waiting for?" I asked. Ruby and Oscar seemed very interested by whatever was going on outside so Ren answered: "We stopped right in the middle of the city but since this is a cargo train there are men outside unloading so we're waiting for the right time to slip out unnoticed".

"Wait, look-" said Ruby "-I think they're having Lunch" my stomach growled. I hadn't eaten anything for breakfast. Well, to be fair fleeing town and hitching an illegal ride in a freight train did take up most of our time. When the coast was finally clear we got out of the compartment and gasped.

It felt like discovering the cave all over again just that this was a whole city! We quickly jumped off and blended with the pedestrians. Once we were far enough Mecury spoke up "So, Where's Beacon?".....Oh No. Oscar opened his mouth to speak but closed it again "You seriously don't know!?" exclaimed Mecury "Oh, do you?" retorted Oscar.  Mercury simply rolled his eyes and Emerald stepped in "Let's look around, we've seen pictures of Beacon it's huge! I'm sure we'll be able to spot it even from here."

"Em's right, Beacon tower is pretty big" agreed Ruby. I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around just as Neo started signing 'Let's split we'll cover more ground and meet at the center of town in an hour'.

"Good idea" agreed Ren "Yes, Oscar you, Emerald, and Ren are with me. Mercury, you go with Nora and Neo" said Ruby. We made our teams and split, What could go wrong?


Everything. Everything could go wrong. Mercury got us lost and was now in a fast sign language argument with Neo. I wandered not so far away from them until a building caught my eye. It was a two-story building painted in white and blue, "A police station" I murmured to myself I got closer wondering if they could give us directions to the center of town where we were supposed to meet the rest of the MPC 5 minutes ago.

Before I even got close enough to the door I heard a commotion inside. I put an ear to the door and heard what must've been a police report. The man talking in the radio sounded worried

"Attention to all Vale units, the village of Patch was under attack last night, We sent Huntsmen and they managed to get almost everyone out, unfortunately two buildings collapsed including Carnac Orphanage, the owner Ms. Alexandra Mellicaid was found dead next to six-year-olds we managed to identify as Penny and Sandy Polendina" My eyes widened, I couldn't bear to hear anymore but I forced myself and listened "The rest of the kids stationed there weren't found but are presumed dead" Crap! That's us! We're not dead! We're not dead!

Of course, I couldn't tell him this what was I going to say? Just burst in the room and declare 'Oh, hey! I was just listening to your conversation anyway, I'm one of the kids that were presumed dead in that town that's 8 hours from here! How did we get here? Oh! We just slipped into a freight train unlawfully' yeah right.

The man pressed a button and answered: "Do you have identification on the kids?" a cold sweat trickled down my forehead "Negative" I let a sigh of relief if the police knew our names we would have had to change them.

Suddenly I fell on my nose. Oh no! Someone had opened the door. I looked up to see a very confused officer, I quickly got up as the man asked: "...Can I help you?" I considered just running away but that would've looked rude. Instead, I said "Um, yeah! Well, you see me and my friends got lost but no one seems to understand when we tell them we need directions to the tall building in the center of town" which wasn't entirely a lie, I just didn't mention that fact that I overheard his conversation.

"Um...You mean our CCT tower?" he questioned. I raised an eyebrow in confusion "The what?" the man was getting even more confused by the minute "You know, the CCT, the Cross Continental Transmit System-" I still didn't get it "-For our scrolls" he finished. I made a little 'O' with my mouth, well it wasn't my fault I've never had a scroll but I was sure I'd heard that name somewhere. 

"Oh~ Of course, silly me!-" I just pretended to know "-The Course Constitutional Tower!"

"Cross Continental Transmit" he corrected. I smiled nervously "Yeah that, anyway do you think you can point where it is?"


"How doesn't the police know our names?" asked Emerald. The officer's instructions were correct and in no time we were back with the rest of the MPC. I told them what I had overheard back at the police station. Ruby started silently crying as Oscar held her, I guess she still had hope that they got out alive.

"Our records were in Ms. Mellicaid's office they must be ash by now," said Oscar sadly. He was right luckily Ms. Mellicaid gave us all a copy of our documents and identifications and told us to store them away safely in our rooms, we did just that in the cave. I unzipped my backpack and took out the documents.

"Well-" sniffed Ruby "-store those away safely we'll need them when we sign up for the entrance exams" I snapped my head back at her "Wait, what?" I questioned "We found a map and now know where Beacon is" explained, Ren.

I fist-bumped the air "Yeah! And we're not late for the Entrance Exams?" I asked "Nope they're tomorrow in the morning" reported Oscar.

"But we need to sign up today," said Ruby "Then what are we waiting for!" exclaimed Mercury "To Beacon!" he started running but the others remained in place after some second Merc came back "Yeah um...Where's Beacon?" we laughed and Emerald led the way.


We were now in line waiting for our turn, Beacon was amazing! I know we were just in the lobby but still. We haven't even seen 1/7 of it and I was already breath taken. I looked around and my stomach did a backflip, there were many students here hundreds even and all of them looked so different. I subconsciously touched the sides of my boots where my electric sticks were hidden. I turned and saw the MPC doing the same, Ren and Emerald were touching their sides, Ruby and Oscar were touching their backs, Mercury was fidgeting with his legs, and Neo was playing around with her umbrella.

"Okay please remember kids, if you're already students here you may proceed to your dorms and if you're here to sign up for the entrance exams come to me. Next!" shouted the man at the front desk. We were next, we walked up to him as he asked "Name?"

"Nora Valkyrie" I answered "Age?" my heart thumped "18," I said casually as possible "Have you discovered your semblance?" he asked "Yes," I said remembering the day I got struck by lightning.

He did the same questionnaire to all of us and it was going smoothly, he believed us! Until we got to Ruby.

"Name?" asked the man now addressing Ruby "Ruby" she answered "Ruby...What?" all our eyes widened. Crap! Ruby didn't have a last name due to being delivered without a note! For god's sake, we didn't even know her original name, Ms. Mellicaid named her 'Ruby' because she was wrapped in a blanket so red 'It shone like a ruby'.

Ruby looked down like she was deep in thought then answered "Rose. My name is Ruby Rose" I didn't get it but then it hit me. Her semblance, she can super-speed whilst turning into an explosion of rose petals. Petal, Ms. Mellicaid sometimes called Ruby 'Petal' or 'My little rose' and Ms. Mellicaid said that her second option for Ruby's name would've been 'Rosemund' which translates to 'Rose of the world'.

"Okay Miss Rose, Age?" Ruby didn't hesitate "18" the man scribbled down the information "Have you discovered your semblance?" Ruby smiled at this "Yes" she said.

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