Her Final High [C.Cullen]

By PocketKing3

464K 8.5K 1.4K

The air is filled with death. Black filling her lungs. She had nothing keeping her here. Except the smooth sm... More

Wattpad Deleting and Glitching
Beginning of New Moon.
1. (NM)
2. (NM)
3. (NM)
4. (NM)
18+ 4. (NM) Part 1
18+ 4. (NM) Part 2
5. (NM)
6. (NM)
7. (NM)
8. (NM) 18+
9. (NM)
The Beginning of Eclipse
1. (E)
2. (E)
3. (E)
Beginning of Breaking Dawn
1. (BD)
2. (BD)
3. (BD)
4. (BD)
5. (BD)
6. (BD)
8. (BD2)
9. (BD2)
10. (BD2)
10. (BD2) 18+
11. (BD2)
12. (BD2)
13. (BD2)
Thank You
Sequel Teaser is up

7. (BD)

5.9K 153 9
By PocketKing3

Carlisle punched Jacob as he went for a front assult. The brown wolf let out a yelp and a growl. Seth let out a high pitched whine nipping at Carlisle's shirt.

When Jake tackled Carlisle and pinned him down snapping his canines at him, Leah snapped at Jacob's side as Carlisle just barely held him off by his jaw.

Jasper ran outside surveying the scene.

"Jacob, your shift broke Bella's spine. She's giving birth." Jasper said watched the alpha wolf back away in surprise. He shifted and ran inside immediately.

"Carlisle, while you were picking a fight, your wife's water broke. Go see her." Jasper snapped toward him. The blonde vampire nodded.

"Emmett" The vampire looked down jumping from the trees. "Go help." Jasper commanded.

"But Sam-"

"I'll deal with him for the moment. Get back as soon as you can." He said in a no nonsense voice. Emmett nodded before speeding off following Destiny's scent.

"Let's go, Seth and Leah." He said running towards where the wolves would appear.

Leah paused feeling a strong pull before getting nipped by Seth.

Destiny groaned as the contractions came every minute. Each one stronger than the last. The door opened.

"Jasper?" She asked.

"No, it's me." Carlisle said with a warm grin

"Carlisl- Oh my god!" She screamed in agony.

"Breathe, Sweetheart." He kissed her forhead.

"Carlisle, He's coming so quickly." Destiny gasped feeling the contractions wash over her like waves of fire.

"What can I do to help?" Emmett asked.

"Catch him." Carlisle stated. "I'll be helping her breathe."

"Carlisle." Emmett called out "Are you sure you want me down here?"

"This is not the time to question my jealousy!"

Destiny giggled at that "I'll protect you, Emmett."

"Thanks, mom." He muttered bashfully. Destiny blushed and smiled.

After an hour, Rosalie came in with a bundle as Destiny was breathing.

"It's Renesmee." She said bending down to show them the adorable baby girl in the blanket.

"Oh, she's so beautiful like her mother." Destiny gasped as another contraction hit.

"Push, Destiny." Carlisle commanded. She gasped closing her eyes as she listened to her husband count to 10.

"Ok. Rest." She panted wiping the sweat from her head.

"He's almost out." Emmett said softly.

Rosalie looked down, "He's a big baby. Like Emmett."

"Shut up, Rosalie."

"Guys!" Destiny hissed pushing instinctively as her contraction hit.

"Oh god." Rosalie said in shock looking downwards.

"I'm sorry for ever doubting you, little guy." Emmett whispered holding the baby that fell into his arms as he wiped his tears on his shoulders.

"I'll go get scissors." Rosalie said going into the next room.

"He's so quiet? Shouldn't they be crying?" Emmett questioned in concern listening to the baby's irregular heartbeat.

The baby coughed in reply whining.

"I got it." Rosalie said gave the scissors to Carlilse. "Cut the cord."


"Wait! I did research on this. It'll bleed." Destiny whispered grabbing his arm.

Everyone tensed and the baby began crying. Renesmee cried in response. Rosalie cooed rocking her.

"It's stopped pulsing. Should we cut it now."

"Yes. Rose get some gauze." Destiny commanded taking control. The blonde nodded. The baby wiggled in Emmett's arms as he put him on Destiny's chest.

"He's so handsome." The baby opened his little mouth and coughed before beginning to cry again.

"I got clamps and gauze." She stated.

Carlisle clamped the cord waiting a moment before cuting it and taping the gauze on.


"What?" Carlisle asked.

"He looks like an Aiden. That's his name." Destiny explained.

"Aiden Cullen." Emmett smiled.

"Hmm." She pulled him close to her face and his hand touched her bare neck. His eyes opened glowing red for a split second. Destiny jumped in fear before taking another look. They were black.

"You ok?"

"I just thought I saw his eyes turn red for a moment." She whispered.

"It was probably an hallucination."

Destiny nodded "Probably."

Right as they said that, a loud snarl tore through the room. A black snout pushed the door opened.

"Sam." Carlisle hissed. The wolf growled pouncing on him knocking everything over. Emmett jumped on Destiny to shield her and the baby from the falling glass frame.

"Be careful, I'm going to join the fight, Mom." Emmett whispered.

Destiny caressed his cheek, "Be careful, Emmett. I'll help your father." He nodded in response jumping over the black wolf and out the window.

Rosalie backed away running at top speed from the house. Jake stopped her at the front door with a murderous intent in his eyes.

"Carlisle! Dodge!" She yelled as the wolf clawed at him. Carlisle grunted at Sam ripped his shirt open. His crystalline abs were unfazed by the blow.

Sam's canines came next snapping just centimeters from Carlisle's neck.

Destiny grabbed a large glass shard from the ground and ran over stabbing it into Sam's spine.

The wolf howled in agony backing away. Everytime he moved, the glass would embed itself deeper as the body attempted to heal over it.

"Run. Get out, Destiny." Carlisle said pushing her out the door. Sam shifted clawing at his back as silent screams came out of his mouth.

"It's you and me, Sam."

"Very well, Carlisle." He gritted out putting his fists up. He would not go down without a fight today.

"Your wound is severe." Carlisle observed with a tinge of concern.

"Your willingness to care about your opponent is something to take pride in. You're a kind soul, Carlisle Cullen." Sam said with a sad smile before his knees crumbled. He fell to the ground in a puddle of his blood.

Carlisle check his pulse. Weak but still there. He pulled the glass out and the skin instantly began to close. The vampire listened close to Sam's pulse that was growing stronger.

The vampire laid him on the bed and walked out the window to join the rest of the fight.

"Stupid dog, are you crazy!" Rose growled backed against a tree.

"Give me the damn baby!" He snarled, "It killed Bella."

"So you're gonna make her sacrifice in vain." Rose screamed. Renesmee whined waving her arms.

Jacob snatched the bundle from Rose looking down at the disgusting creature that took his Bella. Renesmee opened her eyes looking at Jake's.

Jacob paused falling to his knees in front of the baby. Seth looked back and forth between the two with wide eyes.

"Jake, you imprinted..." He whispered backing away.

Destiny held Aiden in the hallway before Alice bumped into her and almost tripped. The pixie haired girl looked with wide eyes.


"Alice! Carlisle was fighting Sam. He locked me out." Destiny explained.

"Let's get you and the baby to a safe place." She whispered. Destiny nodded holding her precious son to her chest.

When dawn broke shining above the horizen. Carlisle stepped into the house covered in blood. The various wolves walked in following him.

None had any visual wounds but all of them were scared to fight. Jasper commented that they looked like war prisoners.

Carlisle broke the locked door and Sam looked at him wincing a bit.

"Your pack wants your commands." Carlisle explained.

"Retreat. We've been defeated." He admitted. The pack looked down in shame to have disappointed their alpha.

"Carlisle." Destiny called holding her baby boy that looked up in a blue onesie. His hair had had filled out with golden blonde hair.

He grabbed his son holding him for the first time. The baby babbled in his arms blowing spit bubbles.

"Hello, Aiden." He greeted the infant. The baby's hand grazed his and his eyes turned red for a split second.

"Bella didn't make it. Esme said that the venom is in her system."

Carlisle nodded bouncing the baby as Sam watched.

"I was wrong about you...about you all." He looked down in shame before turing toward Destiny, "He's beautiful like his mother."

She blushed turning away.

After a day or so, the house was almost back to normal except the occasional wolf drop in.

Edward wasn't associating with his daughter which left her in the care of Rosalie and Alice.

Carlisle and Destiny showed up to the familar white house.

"Charlie." Destiny called. Carlisle chuckled as he heard Charlie's stumbling footsteps walk to the door.

"Hey, Destiny." He gasped as the blonde dropped the baby in his arms.

"How's it feel?" She asked teasingly as the baby yawned in his ear.

"Like I've become a father again." He whispered rocked the baby.

"He's your godson, Charlie. " She said with a smile.

"You're joking?" She shook her head smiling brightly at him.

"Me and Destiny discussed this a long while ago. You'll have to share him with Esme, his godmother and Rosalie, his sister." Carlisle teased.

"I'll need to meet them offically someday." He said bouncing the baby as he looked back at his mommy. "He seems so much older."

"He's about 3 to 5 months in size. In all actuality, he is 2 and a half days old."

"Wow." Charlie whistles as the baby squirmed in his arms. His cooing getting a bit louder. Charlie looked down "You just wanna be heard today. Don't you, little guy?"

He looked at Charlie with his big eyes and grabbed his mustache. Destiny laughed silently as the baby pulled and fiddled with it.

"Seems like your mustache is a point of interest." Carlisle pointed out.

"Hmm." He looked down and the baby waved his hands around innocently. Carlisle laughed a bit.

"He's perfect." Destiny giggled.

"He sure is..." Carlisle responded

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