Fallingforyou // Matty Healy

By hoodinouterspace

84.6K 1.8K 337

Bea and Matty have been best friends since out the womb. Read their journey. The story has many time jumps... More

Little Loves
Matching Scars
The Beginning Of A Lifelong Friendship
3/4 Of The Band
The Band
Seven Minutes In Heaven
First Move
Muse And Marty
Prom Two
Broken Nose
Stick 'N' Pokes
LCD Soundsystem
The 1975
Dirty Hit
New Love
Day In Bed
Facedown EP
The Love Collection Tour
Coachella '14
On the road
New Years
I Like It When You Sleep
Losing It
All Things Must End Part 1
All Things Must End Part 2
Paint Your Thoughts
A Few Months Later
Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood
Island Party
The Brit Awards
just a lil psa
Boston Calling
Between The Bars
another lil update


1.1K 24 4
By hoodinouterspace

Jamie had called an important meeting for this morning, telling Matty that I was to be present as well as them. So here we were, 8:30am slumped on a sofa in the foyer of DirtyHit waiting for Jamie to be off the phone so we could go in.

I had my feet up on Matty's lap, letting him draw on my docs that I'd had for years. He was fidgety this morning, always is when it comes to meetings or important things to do with the band or life in general. I knew him well enough that he needed a distraction so I handed him a sharpie and he smiled nervously in gratitude before squiggling random patterns.

Ross who was sat next to me, nudged my shoulder and nodded in the direction of Jamie's office "Wanna get pancakes after this? M'starving and it's too early."

I nod tiredly "Yeah I'm down for pancakes."

George chimes in excitedly "Pancakes? I'm in!"

Matty lifts his head up, looking around like a lost puppy before yawning and going back to draw drawing. I see Hann mime "He's cute when he's quiet." at me which made me chuckle and nod my head in agreement at him.

It's 10 minutes later when Jamie calls us through into the meeting room, we all take our seats before he starts.

"Morning, sorry to call you all in so early but trust me when I tell you it's worth it." Jamie says, smiling at us all like a madman.

He sits down, taking a deep breathe before opening his diary "Been trying to book you more gigs since December cause it was successful and you smashed it! So Muse want you to headline their dates at London, The Neighbourhood want you to open for them for the whole month of June in the US and I'm in the midst of booking another special show."

Everyone in the room freezes before I speak up "Sorry what? Muse and The Neighbourhood want The 1975 to tour? Holy shit."

Jamie smiles widely and nods, laughing at everyone's reaction "I've got til Friday to confirm but I'm taking your reaction as a yes." He nods at the lads "Debut album is in the making I'm aware but this gives you more exposure in America!"

The 4 men look at each other and communicate through nods, mumbles and facial expressions before Matty turns back around and coughs "Yeah we're in but Bea has to come with us. She loves The Neighbourhood."

I furrow my eyebrows when Jamie nods without hesitation "I knew you'd say that, it's why I called you here today as well." he says directed at me "I want you to be their photographer and help design the set. You're basically the 5th member so it's only right you're there."

I grin, thanking him whilst trying to contain my excitement. Hann leans over "Fucking Muse man, MUSE!" I high five him and share his joy.

Matty leans forward "I could fucking kiss you right now, Jamie." before getting up from his seat and literally planting a kiss right on top of Jamie's head.

"My best friends, Muse and The Neighbourhood. This is going to be a good summer." exclaims George.

It was an hour after the meeting had ended, everyone going their separate ways whilst Ross and I went for the promised pancake breakfast. George had decided he wasn't hungry and wanted to get straight to packing even though the tour wasn't for 2 months yet, Hann saying he was going to the studio to record a guitar part and Matty wanted to go back to bed, leaving me with a peck to the lips.

"Can't believe we're going to meet Matt Bellamy!" Ross says, the news finally hitting him.

"Init, also Jesse fucking Rutherford. I can't believe The NBHD know who you are and want you to tour with them!" I splutter out.

Ross finishes his mouthful "I knew as soon as Jamie said their name that Matty would have you on that tour no matter what."

"Are you sure I'm ok to come? Don't wanna be in the way or anything and I know, he's a sweetheart I'm lucky."

He looks at me like I'm stupid before answering "Of course we're having you there. You're never in the way, we need someone to make sure we eat our vegetables. Plus it's kind of unwritten that You'd come with us as much as you can."

I fake groan before laughing "Children, absolute children."

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