Only Want You

By mikeyangel55

34K 1.1K 486

Tom and Jake are on a press tour together for an upcoming movie of theirs. They are still great friends and t... More

Info about the book
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 3

2.3K 81 16
By mikeyangel55

Waking up in Sydney was definitely not as nice as it sounded. Tom had a headache so bad, he wasn't sure if he accidentaly didn't crash somewhere. He picked up his phone and found 10 messages from Iggy, asking various questions about the evening and if anything more happened. If only he knew that Jake had these same questions in his phone as well. After Tom had replied to all of them, he put on a white t-shirt, washed his face and went down to the hotel restaurant for breakfast.

After Tom had left the room, Jake suddenly woke up, shooting up from his sleep faster than the speed of light. He was covered in sweat after a bad dream he just had. In the dream, someone kidnapped Tom at a concert and he had to fight to find him, only to find him dead at the end, and that's when he woke up. He rushed to the bathroom, not even noticing that Tom was gone already. He stepped into the shower, standing underneath the cold stream of water. After about 15 minutes he was done and decided to go have some breakfast. He grabbed some grey sweatpants and a white hoodie and got out of the room.

When Jake arrived at the breakfast, everyone was already there. He sat down next to Tom greeting him and the others lazily. After a few minutes of small talk, he decided to actually eat something. He walked over and decided for scrambled eggs, sausages, pancakes and a chocolate yoghurt. Topped off with some coffee, they were all ready to start the day. Well, all of them except for Tom.

He was still thinking about what Jake was saying in his dream. He definitely needs to tell Iggy about that. And then it hit him. He is not going to be doing press with Iggy today, but with Jake instead. Who will he talk to for advice ? He can't be on his phone all the time. Guess he will just have to pull through.

,,Guys, I have to tell you something." Shawn spoke up after a little while of silence, thankfully breaking Tom out of his thoughts. ,,I won't be staying on the press tour anymore."
,,WHAT ?!" Sabrina gasped loudly ,,I don't want to do all the interviews alone, we had so much fun yesterday. Why did you choose to leave all of a sudden ?" genuine shock in her voice.
,,Well, I proposed to Sarah on our date yesterday and I would like to spend some time with her. Alone. We already booked a hotel in Toronto and our plane is flying tomorrow morning." Shawn explained, making everyone understand his decision right away.
,,So this is the last day we are doing press together ?" said Sabrina a little sadly.
,,Yeah, I'm afraid." Shawn confirmed and looked down, feeling a little ashamed for leaving his friends behind.
,,Well, let's make it the most fun then." said Sabrina excitedly. ,,What if we did all the interviews together today?"
,,That's not a bad idea at all." Iggy commented and everyone seemed to agree with them. Everyone except Jake.
,,Will we be able to make them all in time though ? We don't want to delay the tour." said Jake and all of them started to think about it, realising that Jake was actually kind of right.
,,Well, there are six interviews scheduled for today, so we could do five of them separately and then the last one together." suggested Tom.
,,Let's do it like that then." said Liam.

After they finished breakfast, they all headed to their rooms, packing things as well as preparing for the busy day. Their coach to Melbourne was leaving at midnight and they just had to tell the driver from where they would be leaving.
Tom has already packed everything, surfing through his phone when something caught his attention.
Kacey Musgraves will be performing in Sydney tonight ! Grab your tickets now !
He quickly screenshotted it and sent it to their groupchat.

Tom : Let's go pleaseeeee, we can celebrate the successful ending of the first press tour city. Plus it will be a great way to say goodbye to you Shawn.
Shawn : I'm all in ! Kacey is dope, I love her music.
Iggy : I don't mind, let's go. Sabrina would also like to go.
Liam : Yessss, that's gonna be so much fun.
Jake : Yea sure, why not.
Tom : It's settled then, I'm buying tickets.

Tom quickly bought the last remaining tickets to the Golden Circle VIP zone, also texting Kacey and letting her know, that they are coming. After a few more minutes of watching Jake struggle with his suitcase and then finaly closing it, they both headed downstairs to meet up with everyone else. On the way down, Jake spoke up suddenly.

,,So, I talked to the promo team of the movie, and they agreed on changing us up. You will be with me from now on and Iggy will be with Liam." said Jake with an excited look in his eyes.
,,Great, nice to know they were chill about it. But, who will Sabrina join after today ? Us or Iggy and Liam ? I'm sure as hell she won't be doing press alone." Tom replied to Jake, making them both think for a moment.
,,Well, she could join us if you wouldn't mind. She is fun and probably smarter than both of us." said Jake while shrugging his shoulders.
,,Yea sure, she is great. No problem."

After their little conversation they both went to look through their phones, both of them texting with Iggy. After they arrived downstairs, everyone except Liam and Shawn was there. After around 5 minutes of waiting they showed up. Security guards were already waiting outside of the hotel to get them through the crowd of fans and paparazzi that were surrounding it. They stepped out, immeadiately being greeted by loud shouts of their names and clicks of cameras. They took some pictures, signed some autographs, even got some souvenires from the fans. They liked meeting fans, it always helped in making their day better. They each got in their separate limousines and were driven off to different parts of the city.

After around 15 minutes, Tom and Jake arrived at their destination. They quickly got out of the car and were rushed inside, even tho there weren't any fans or media. The interview was actually quite pleasant even though it took around 45 minutes. After they were done, Tom texted to their groupchat.

Tom : How are you guys doing ? Me and Jake have already finished.
Iggy : Me and Liam have around 30 minutes left until we finish. We could meet up for lunch somewhere after that.
Sabrina : That's a great idea. Me and Shawn will be finished in 10 minutes I'd say.
Tom : Okay, should me and Jake go and look for a restaurant ?
Iggy : Yeah, sure
Iggy : Just text here when you find something.

And so did the restaurant hunt begin. Luckily, Jake had downloaded an app the evening before that had all the cities restaurants in it. So of course they went to the best rated one. The last day in Sydney requires a proper lunch, right ? After they got there, they asked for a table for six and they were swiftly given one. It was a beautiful restaurant with a pond full of fish in the middle. There was also an open air part, but it was closed due to reconstructions. After they both sat down at their table, Tom quickly texted the address to the groupchat, all of them also giving him their orders. After around 15 minutes of waiting, and occasional small talk between him and Jake, Sabrina and Shawn showed up, making everything less awkward in an instant. Jake got into a very heated discussion about koalas with Shawn, meanwhile Tom and Sabrina were talking about her next album and him trying to get her to send him the album earlier. After around 30 minutes, Iggy and Liam finally arrived and with them, their food as well. They were all enjoying eachothers presence, making the most of it, since Shawn will be leaving to Canada to spend some time with Sarah.

2 hours later, the lunch was finished and they were heading to their last interview in Sydney. It was the first and last interview they were going to do as a full cast and they were visibly sad about it.
,,Guys, I know this is the last interview we are going to do as a full cast, but that makes it even more special. Let's make it worth it, okay ?" said Sabrina excitedly and made everyones mood get better in an instant. When they got to the radio show, there were huge amounts of fans outside, mainly wearing cowboy hats, obviously not here for them. Once they got inside, they knew right away for who these people were here. The one and only, Kacey Musgraves herself. They approached her and greeted her excitedly.
,,Oh my God, hi guys !" Kacey replied kindly. ,,I'm so excited to have you at my show tonight. Are you doing an interview now ?"
,,Yea, we are. Our first group interview actually." Liam replied, getting an 'oohh' as a response from Kacey.
,,Well good luck then, and see you later today." she said kindly and left the building.

During the interview they had a lot of fun. From answering fan questions to playing games like truth or dare or beerpong, it was definitely one of their favorite interviews in a while.
,,That was such a fun interview." said Tom on their way out.
,,Yea, it was definitely worth it doing it together." said Shawn, appreciating the effort of his friends to make this day as much fun as possible.
,,Well, it's only 4pm, and the show starts at 8. What are we going to do ?" asked Jake.
,,We could go to the Luna Park." said Iggy excitedly. ,,There are lots of fun rides there."
,,That's a great idea !" exclaimed Shawn with the happiness of a child that opened a pack of sweets.

And so they embarked on their way towards the Luna Park, all of them excitedly talking about what they are going to do there. Well, except for Tom. He was not feeling the Luna Park at all. He hated fair rides and was definitely not willing to change it today. He didn't even notice how far infront of them he was walking, until Jake caught up to him.
,,What's wrong ? Why so speedy all of a sudden ?" he asked with an amused face. They slowed down a bit, not enough for the others to catch up to them though.
,,I hate fair rides." Tom confessed, a little embarassed about it.
,,Aww, don't worry, I'll stay on the ground with you if you want." Jake said, making Tom relax instantly, grateful for the fact, that Jake was not pushing him to go on the rides anyway.
,,Really ? You don't have to. You can enjoy the day if you want." Tom said, slightly in shock from the offer.
,,Nah, don't worry bout it. I'll probably enjoy it more with you anyway." Jake said, quickly realising what he said and getting red. ,,Oh, I forgot, I had to ask Liam something. Talk to ya later." And with that, he rushed off, leaving Tom in shock.

After they finally arrived at the theme park, everyone started running towards the rides.
,,So, what do you want to do first ?" Jake asked from behind tom, making him jump a little in surprise.
,,I was thinking we could just look through the different stalls ?" Tom said, raising his eyebrows in hopes of Jake agreeing.
,,Yeah, sure, why not. Maybe we will find a coffee shop as well." Jake replied, making Tom breathe out in relief.

And with that, they started walking towards the stall section. As they were passing around a stall with plush animals, Toms attention was caught on a big red panda hanging in the top right corner of the stall.
,,Jake, look at that !" he pointed his finger towards the panda, making Jake laugh.
,,Don't tell me you want that." Jake said in between his laughs, making Tom crack up as well.
,,Not for me you dumbass, for my dog." Tom explained with a big smile plastered on his face.
,,Oh, well, then go and get it." Jake said simply, looking at Tom, not seeming to get where the problem is.
,,Are you blind ? It is a shooting range, I can't shoot for shit." he said with an annoyed tone in his voice, making Jake laugh even more. ,,What's so funny now?"
,,Spiderman can't shoot ? Aren't you supposed to be a superhero ?"
,,Oh shush it, webs and guns are different. Now come on, please get it for me !" he said like a 5 year old, dragging the last part out to make it sound as needy as possible.
,,Okay, okay. But under one condition." Jake said, a mischievous smile plastered on his face, his eyebrows raised a little.
,,Okay, I don't care, just get it for me." Tom said quickly, wanting to have that red panda, not leaving until it would be in his hands.
,,Well, here I go then." said Jake, breathing out loudly, before concentrating on shooting the middle.

Jake was skilled at using a gun. Tom didn't know that though. And Jake used it to his advantage. He had 5 bullets, purposefully missing 4 of them, making Tom annoyed as never. At last, he shot the fifth bullet straight in the middle, winning the panda, while at the same time winning Toms heart over as well. He turned around, a proud smile on his face only to be met with a hard crash into him as Tom hugged him tightly.
,,I thought you were gonna miss all of them." he said, relief in his voice.
,,Nah, I wouldn't do such a thing to ya." Jake said truthfully, making Tom smile and hug him once more.

They continued walking, approaching a coffee shop that was visible from far away, the smell of coffee in the air bringing everyone closer to it.
,,Jake they have waffles as well !" Tom almost yelled from all the excitement.
,,Yesss" Jake said, almost moaning at the image of fresh waffles in his mouth.
They got in the line, not even realising who was infront of them. Then suddenly, a familiar face appeared. It was Sarah. They started talking, before she got to the window and left with her coffee, wishing them a pleasant concert.
,,She is really nice." Tom exclaimed, making Jake nod.
,,Lucky Shawn." Jake said, both of them laughing for a bit at how they sounded like 60 year olds.

After they got their coffee, they started making their way back to the entrance where they separated. There were a few benches there, so they sat down, waiting for their friends while sipping on their coffee.
,,Any plans for Melbourne ?" Jake asked, breaking Tom out of watching people pass by.
,,Hmm, maybe some exploring ? Or shopping ? I haven't made my mind yet." Tom said truthfully.
,,Nice, I'm probably gonna do some shopping as well, so I could join you." said Jake, a light blush playing over his face.
,,Great, at least the three days will pass by faster." replied Tom, smiling up at Jake, glad that he will be joining him.

Tom wanted to continue with the conversation, but sadly he couldn't. He was interupted by their friends coming over, cheerful mood flying over them. They talked for a little and then they headed in the direction of the show. It was now around 7pm, a great time to get inside the venue. It was quite close to the Luna Park, so they didn't have to walk too far. As they approached the venue, a team of security guards came over to them, taking them backstage. There, they met up with Kacey, talked for a little and then went and got seated. The show was incredible, all of them enjoying it greatly. After the show, they went backstage once more, thanked Kacey for inviting them backstage and left the arena. They slowly approached their coach, getting sad as they realised that they probably won't see Shawn for a long time. They each hugged him, a few tears came out and then they got into the bus. As they were leaving Sydney, the atmosphere got more and more tired and they all slowly drifted asleep. Tom and Jake only stayed awake for a short while, sitting in the 'living room' of the bus, staring out from the windows, enjoying the night.

,,Aren't you tired ?" asked Jake calmly.
,,Not really, just thinking about some stuff from today." said Tom, not really wanting to talk about it.
,,If you don't want to talk about it, we don't have to." Jake informed him. ,,Anyway, I'm gonna go to bed. See ya in Melbourne." said Jake, smiling kindly, making Tom smile back.
,,Wait" Tom said louder than he expected. ,,Thanks for staying with me today and for winning that plushie. I had a great time." he said, blushing while saying so.
,,No problem, I had a great time as well." said Jake, while pulling Tom into a tight hug. Tom immediately melted into the hug, leaning against Jakes body and closing his eyes.
,,Hey, don't fall asleep on me." said Jake while chuckling lightly. Tom smiled against his chest, pulling away shortly after.
,,Let's go to bed then." he said contently, following Jake towards the sleeping area.
Once in bed, Tom closed his eyes, thinking about this day while falling asleep and into the dreamworld.

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