Sunrise, Sunset | T.H

By _chrissstina_

74.8K 1.4K 331

Sabrina Lodge, is a news paper photographer with an ordinary life. She wonders the streets of london taking p... More

24 : Epilogue


2.5K 44 2
By _chrissstina_

i snuggled my head deeper into the soft pillow. i smelled the same cologne that had its arms around me last night. just then my eyes blinked open from feeling no more weight on my waist. i stretched while rolling over to see an empty space next to me. i felt my stomach twist, i wonder when he left. i stretched once more and got out of the bed. i wondered over to the bathroom and closed the door. my hands found there way to the white marble counter and pressed into it as i stared into my eyes in the mirror. i look like i had the best sleep ever, fully rested. a sigh escaped my lips, "oh god.." my head looked down. realization dawned on me, i somehow through everything i've been through, fallen for the mafia king. my fingers tightened on the edges of the counter, why was i so mad at myself. i turned on the faucet and splashed my face with water.

maybe if i forget about it they'll go away. my heart started to ache, i don't want these feelings to go away. my back stiffened when i heard the bedroom door open. i felt sweat drops form on the back on my neck. "sabrina," i heard tom call my name. a lump formed in my throat as i forced my feet to walk out of the bathroom. i pushed open the door more and there he was, folding up his black sleeves to his elbow. i leaned into the door frame and crossed my arms. "morning," i squeezed out. my heart was pounding in my chest. tom stopped rolling up his sleeves and let out a long breath. i felt my entire body stiffen up once i saw tom take steps towards me. i stood up straighter, tom wouldn't meet eye contact with me, he just put his hands on my shoulders. i could feel him shaking a little. "last night, uh, it was," tom stopped himself and pulled me into his chest roughly. after a second he loosened his grip on me and was hugging me tenderly. "i don't know- i'm not sure what last night was, but you make me happy sabrina." his voice was low and i wasn't sure he was intending for me to hear that but i did, and it made me weak in the knees.

tom pulled away and gently kissed my forehead before quickly turning around and heading for the bedroom door. "you need to get dressed, we're going somewhere." he said before slamming the door shut, i saw how red his cheeks were. i puffed out my cheeks and tried to fan my face off. my heart was beating seventy miles per minutes. okay, just head to my room, take a fast cold shower, get clothes on, and maybe by then i'll be calmer. i nodded my head and exited the room. tom and i made eye contact and we both quickly looked away. i shoved open my room door and locked it shut. a sigh left my lips and i went to start getting ready.

tom was staring out the window spinning a pen in his fingers. "hey," harrison walked up to him taking bites off of muffin. tom just nodded his head, still lost in thought. he was consumed with what happened the night before. tom knew he had strong feelings for sabrina and he knew that all he wanted to do was be laying next to her every night. he clicked his tongue and threw the pen on the small chair in front of him and ran a hand through his hair. "rough night?" harrison chuckled. tom sent him a glare causing harrison to shove another bite into his muffin. tom walked towards the little kitchen inside the suite and pulled out a water bottle. his eyes kept glancing at the door sabrina walked into a while ago. "so, the report from jared out there let me know about sabrina getting out." harrison leaned on the breakfast nook staring at tom with a confused smile.

"yeah," tom whispered still staring at her door. "something happen?" harrison leaned closer. tom felt the water get stuck in his throat and began to cough wildly. "why would you assume something did?" tom said in between coughs. "because, i also know how you chased after her, came back here a little after sunrise, and how she slept in your room." the smirk on harrison's face was vibrant. tom felt his ears heat up as he looked away. "so what, she- she was drunk and needed someone to watch her." tom tried to make a viable excuse. "okay, so why did she have to sleep in the same bed as you?" tom saw harrison glancing at him smugly, and it was starting to piss him off. "why the fuck does it matter! it was one night and it's not happening again! so fucking drop it haz!" tom snapped and slammed his water bottle on the counter top. "tom! when will you ever give yourself one god damn humane thing?" harrison stared directly at tom, but he remained quiet.

"all you've done since your dad stepped off was work your ass off to keep the order, you've handled every bullshit problem that came up, and now you finally have a chance to live some type of normality and you want to fuck it off?" harrison raised his voice. "harrison, i said drop it. so fucking drop it." tom snarled at him. he watched harrison shake is head all the way out of the hotel room. tom let out an aggressive sigh as he pressed his back into the counter. "it's not that easy," tom whispered to himself. he heard a clicking noise, he looked across the way and saw sabrina coming out of her room. he stared at her pulling her hair over to one shoulder. she was in a burgundy short sleeve and black tapered paper pants with black thick heels. "um, am i dressed alright?" she sucked in one side of her cheeks. "y-yeah, lets go." he said looking away from her quickly.

i followed tom in step as we made our way to the cars. i tried to glance at him to get him to look at me, but it didn't work. he was too lost in thought. well i hoped he was because thoughts of this morning and last night being a fluke ran through my brain. we got down to the garage and saw two black suv's. harrison was standing by one and i saw how his eyes were staring intensely at tom. tom must've saw too because he grabbed my hand and led us to the other car. once we were situated in the car tom tapped the driver on the shoulder and he began to drive. it was quiet for a few minutes, the only sound being tom texting away on his phone. "tom," i piped up. i watched him to see if he heard, don't think he did. "tom hey," i said louder. still nothing. i started to grow annoyed with how glued he was to that damn phone. without thinking i snatched it away from him.

"the hell? what're you doing!" he gasped annoyed. "i was calling your name." i stated bluntly. "okay what do you want?" it angered me to hear how annoyed he was. a pang hit my chest, i did just yank his phone away, i'd be upset too. i slid his phone back to him and he gently took it still staring at me. "uh, where are we going?" my voice showed how bashful i was feeling. tom sighed slightly and looked out the window. "remember how coleman chose for me?" the words hit my heart like a dump truck. "well, i'm glad he did. because now i have the upper hand. we're headed to a board meeting, the families of england will be video chatting with us along with some low mafia familes here in the states." i was looking down at my feet as he spoke so emotionlessly. "we're going to present you, the last heir of the pierce family, as a power move." i nodded to toms words.

god i felt like an idiot. was he just trying to butter me up? so i wouldn't object to this play he's trying to make? i felt sick and sad and angry and confused all at once. i stayed quiet the rest of the ride with my eyes glued to my thighs. i could feel tom stare at me every five minutes or so, but i couldn't bring myself to look back at him. "we're here sir," the driver said plainly parking the car. tom nodded his head and stepped out of the car. in a second he was opening my car door and letting me out. do i? what if i just didn't go? what would happen then? "sabrina?" tom spoke to me in a gentle voice, the gentle voice i grew to fall for. i nodded my head once and got out. "just follow my lead alright?" he spoke aloud as harrison approached us. i looked around and saw we were at a business building of some sort. tom had four men walk with us to the elevator, i knew two of these men. i side glanced at one of them and thought back at the day i was last at my office. i blinked my eyes a couple times and looked ahead of me to see the elevator doors opening for us.

once we were in and the door were shut tom swiftly put me in the corner and placed both of his hands on the walls bear my head. "i need you to listen to me okay, stay next to me at all times." his eyes were dangerously serious. "i can't risk them trying to take you from me." toms voice was low and made me shiver. my heart was jumping up to my throat. "when i introduce you i just need you to stand up, say your name, your mothers name and father name. and then sit back next to me." he brought a hand from the wall to caress my cheek. i was starting to get lost in his eyes wondering if he was saying this to me as tom from last night, or as a king trying to play his pawn. "sabrina, do you understand," he whispered leaning closer to me. i nodded my head slowly and i could see his body relax. the elevator dinged loudly and the men plus harrison started to exit but tom kept us in this position.

"one more thing," tom spoke softly, he felt his heart racing. what was he doing? what the hell was he thinking? did he like torturing himself? sabrina gave him a confused look and went to speak but he flicked his thumb across her lower lip. his insides bursted with giddiness seeing her eyes widen. he gently grabbed her chin and brought their lips together. sabrina softly moaned into the kiss and tom felt the smile growing on the corners of his mouth. "lets go," he said lightly and let his hand find its way to hers. as they were walking he saw sabrina bright red and he loved it. he looked ahead and saw harrison rolling his eyes at him with a smile plastered to his lips. tom thought about what a cheeky bastard his best mate was. but then his smile faltered when he felt sabrina squeeze his hand so he let go. it was like he was battling with himself for control! he wanted to be engulfed by sabrina but then he wanted to just let go and move on from her and get his kingdom stronger.

"sit here sabrina." he saw harrison pull out a chair for her. she nodded and sat down while tucking an invisible piece of hair behind her ear. tom said next to her and harrison on the other side of her, they were in the middle of a large light brown table. a massive computer screen was directly in front of them and with one nod from tom a video chat party was turned on. "osterfields, davie, edward, colton, and peter. thank you for taking time out of your day to meet with me. i have mr. rosnotti and mr. klemp from the states here with me as well." tom pointed at the older men as he introduced them. "what's the formality tommy? couldn't just shoot me a fucking text?" peter laughed lighting a blunt. "god when will you grow into that leader ship pete," colton groaned and rubbed his temples. "shut your trap colton. just because you're three years deeper into this shit doesn't mean anything." peter rolled his eyes. tom felt his foot tapping against the ground out of annoyance as his childhood friends, now leaders of their own families, bickered amongst themselves.

"hey numbskulls!" harrison slammed his hands on the table catching everyones attention. "dad," he waived casually as he said down. tom nodded him a thanks and stood up. "look, for some years now the families have been doing their own thing. keeping on their own turfs and when someone steps over territories a full on mafia war breaks out." tom clapped his hands together. "i remember a time when we lived in unity, one person on top taking care of everything, no wars between anyone, and everything was divided evenly. i want to bring that back." tom nodded his head staring at each man on the screen. "and how do you plan on doing that holland?" davie raised a brow. "i have a big game piece." tom spoke excitingly rubbing his hands. "what i announce will not only secure my spot on top but will secure our families reuniting and being one strong fucking force to mess with." tom held his hand out towards sabrina. "who said you'll be on top?" edward growled. just as sabrina was about to grab toms hand he pulled back and looked at edward through the screen.

"do you have a problem with that ed?" he said while squinting an eye. "i mean, aren't i the king? don't i make sure you get your shipments of contraband in full every thursday evening it's delivered?" tom chuckled a little. "yeah and? i can do that shit." edward grunted and rolled his eyes. "oh yeah? tell me. can your small ass group of men take down my fortress? actually do you believe you can beat me? one on one?" tom crossed his arms and rubbed his chin, his anger rising in him. edward was looking behind his camera and glancing back at tom, "i-i'm sorry continue." tom nodded at edwards apology and held his hand back out for her to grab. she did hesitantly, her eyes looking at tom for reassurance, to which he nodded. "i'm sabrina lodge. my mother was brinly lodge and my father, he was-" before she could finish they all gasped. "bull shit! that's not true." peter dropped his blunt on the desk under him. "tom are you serious? that's not possible, they were all killed." davie clamped his hands together. "my god, you look just like your mother," mr. osterfield spoke fondly. "i do?" sabrina smiled softly. "your family was a great family, i was very fond of your grand father. great man." mr. osterfield nodded his head and leaned back into his chair.

sabrina went to speak again but tom gripped her hand softly. "i plan on combing the families again with the help of sabrina." tom said confidently. "how?" colton asked genuinely. "sabrina will take her place as a pierce, and since they were a high up well respected family. i know people will follow her and she'll be by my side simple." tom said shrugging his shoulders. "you intend to marry her tom?" mr. osterfeild spoke up. tom could hear harrison holding back a laugh and he saw sabrina bright red. "marry her?" tom spat out. "yeah, why would we follow you if she's on her own? why not just make her our queen?" mr. klemp chimed in this time. all the rest began to nod their heads in agreement. tom was a lose for words. he didn't even think about that, he just assumed he'd stay on top. before he could come up with something he heard sabrina speak. "i do not wish to be the queen, i didn't know anything about this until a few weeks ago. i would want tom to stay the king," her voice was gentle. it made him smile to see her acting so shy but he held back that smile and nodded his head. "gentleman, what do you say." tom stared at them deeply.

"i'm at your service tom holland." mr. rosnotti stood up. "me too," davie grinned. "you got me in when you scared the shit out of ed here. i believe in you tom." peter chuckled. "shut up. yeah whatever i'm for it." edward rolled his eyes like a pouty child. "long live king tom," colton raised an imaginary glass. "i'm in kid. just better be as good as you say you are." mr. klemp smiled. tom looked at mr. osterfield waiting for his answer. "tom, what does your father think of this." he said slowly staring intently. "he doesn't have a say in any of this, but i know he believed the pierce family could be our missing link. so i know he'll agree." tom smirked. "harrison, you make sure he doesn't screw this up." mr. osterfield chuckled before logging off. tom nodded his head and motioned for the video party to end. "god is your dad a prick," tom rubbed the back of his neck. harrison just started to laugh getting out of his chair. "no, my dad just has a bad sense of humor. i'll see you at the cars." he patted toms shoulder and smiled at sabrina. tom waited for the men to step out of the door before trying to talk to sabrina.

i was about to start heading out but i felt a tug on my pinky finger. "we need to talk." tom said sharply. "okay?" i furrowed my brows together. "for this to work, i need you to be as open and honest with me as possible. we can't have them or anyone see any weakness we may have." tom said rubbing my arm. "what weaknesses do we have?" i bit my lower lip. was he thinking about me? "sabrina, you don't know this life. if you show any type of sympathy for anything, they'll use that against me." tom tried to cup my cheek but i stepped away from him. "wait so you telling me i have to be okay with all the killing and abusing you do to people?" i snapped at him. "yes! and you have to learn to demand that! you have to step up and be the person your mom was!" tom snapped back at me. "no!" i shouted taking a step back again. "why are you making this so difficult! what did you think would happen??" he leaned forward holding his hands in front of him. "i-i don't know! that i'd just be sabrina pierce and be left alone!" i shouted throwing my hands up. tom started to laugh, "real funny sabrina! this is the mafia! like it or not you have to play by it's rules. your mother had no probl-" i cut tom off by shouting. "you don't know my mother!! stop bringing her up!!" i stormed passed him and down the elevators. i didn't stop when harrison tried asking me what was wrong, i just got into the car and waited to leave.

to leave here. to leave the states.

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