All It Took (Kaisoo)

By sugarwtter

24.5K 1.1K 324

Sequel to * A Monstrosity * *completed* After arriving at the mountain kyungsoo is now slowly reaching the en... More

Prologue (might change)
| Chapter 1 : Snowball |
| Chapter 2 : A Line In The Snow |
| Chapter 3 : Warming up |
| Chapter 4 : The Bound Mates share |
| Chapter 5 : Fallen|
| Chapter 6 : Special Luna |
| Chapter 7 : Manipulation|
| Chapter 8 : traitor |
| Chapter 9 : Right Here |
|.Chapter 10 : Consoling |
| Chapter 11: Of Predicting|
Story/charackter Info
| Chapter 12 : Handshake |
| Chapter 13: Oh No |
| Chapter 14 : when she took him |
| Chapter 15 : One Life For Another |
| Chapter 16 : The Worry |
| Chapter 17 : Everything of her |
| Chapter 18 : Ready for Sacrifices? |
| Chapter 19 : A Fear Of |
| Chapter 20 : Until We Met Again |
| Chapter 21 : Back In The Dark |
| Chapter 22 : One Way |
| Chapter 23 : Revenge |
| Chapter 24 : Return of the past |
| Chapter 25 : The Final Punishment |
| Chapter 26 : Agony for Love |
| Chapter 27: Relief |
| Chapter 28 : Precious |
| Chapter 29 : Hopeful |
|Chapter 30 : Last Hideout |
| Chapter 32 : Keep It That Way |
| Chapter 34 : Nightmares of the Truth |
| Chapter 35 : The pain |
| Chapter 36 : A True Alpha |
| Chapter 37 : Dreams |
| Chapter 38 : More than one |
| Chapter 39 : Prepare yourselves |
! recap important !
| Chapter 40 : The Edge hope |
| Chapter 41 : The Last One Standing |
| Chapter 42 : Its Bullshit |
| Chapter 43 : My Special One|
| Chapter 44 : Not Leaving |
| Chapter 45 : When we gave up|
| Chapter 46 : For our Miracles |
| Chapter 47 : For Him |
Another Epiloge
Story/Charackter info Completed

| Chapter 31 : Finally |

378 21 1
By sugarwtter


,, this is dumb " kyungsoo crossed his arms while jongin sat down besides him on the old couch throwing an arm around him.

Sehun returned with a paper some circles being drawn on them and some little object placing them on the fields I quickly recognized the game as the board game called ludo.

,, oh my god I haven't played something like this since childhood" I mutter out in shock when it brought memories back. My parents ... or .. the people who raised me I guess.

,, i know right I still remember jongin throwing it across the room because he lost 3 times in a row " Sehun giggled sitting down besides hyunsik.

,, what is this ?" Baekhyun asked with a frown as he glanced at the paper a little disliking ,, looks like it belongs into the garbage "

Sehun hand flew over his chest offended and I couldn't help but smirk. ,, forgot you lived in a tree "
I muttered to the side.

I flinched when baekhyun hit my arm quite harshly. Somehow feeling glad it was the one that wasn't bitten by the rogue earlier.

,, but .. I kind of ..don't know what this is either " kyungsoo rubbed did arm seeming a little emeberessed.

Hyunsik spoke up from where he was lazily leaning against the opposite couchlean ,, all the games we plaid where races or parkour building and absolving "

It was a little quieter now everyone letting the fact that not all of us had a childhood worth remembering.
,, I'm actually not realy in the mood for playing games " hyunsik stood up  ready to walk away but Sehun held his hand to stop him from doing so.

,, come on .. " he looked around at everyone ,, it will maybe lighten up everyone.. I'm tired of all of us drifting apart into different direction literly all the time .. we need to stick together and like jongin said before .. we're a pack now so we should behave as one..

Please ?" His eyes glanced up at hyunsik giving him the puppy eyes which made him roll his own and eventually take a seat again.

,, ok .. so the rules are simple. You throw the dice and you get 3 chances to throw a 6 if you get one you can enter the field like this " he showed it and explained for the next few minutes while my eyes drifted to my side and I found myself observing baekhyuns focused yet confused expression as he watched Sehuns every movement. I wasn't sure if he was confused because of Sehuns huge explanation that could've been kept short and clear or by the purpose of this game and why he was even spending time on it.

Either way his expression was cute and I couldn't suppress my smile when I let myself exam his features.


,, don't worry " jongin muttered and I rose my eyes from smirking at Sehun cheering while baekhyun seemed still a little lost. ,, you're still my champion" he started kissing his temple softly and I ended up watching them when kyungsoo giggled trying to hold him back when he started nuzzling his neck with his arms around kyungsoos waist.

It made me jealous when I looked back onto baekhyun who surprisendly was watching them aswell.

But then hyunsik suddenly stood up.
,, let's clean the mess "
I looked at the paperbacks and figures on the ground. I was enjoying myself when we played and even laughed a couple of times because of jongins twisted expressions when he would fall behind the others or sehuns evil little chuckles.

But now I suddenly felt like I've hit the ground again.. returnig to reality that wasnt all too much fun right now.

Hyunsik cleard his throat directing the noise at the 2 of them still cuddling and nearly making out on the couch now. Sucking each other's faces off which made me roll my eyes as I hot down to picking the mess up.

,, I'm pregnant, no can do " kyungsoo simply said which made jongin chuckle as he at least ended up getting down to help me and baekhyun while I noticed Sehun not relay doing anything either and rather talking to hyunsik which made me roll my eyes again.

How is it that it was working out for everyone except for us.. or rather except for me? Maybe I'm doing something wrong...

I looked back at baekhyun at that to see him already having his eyes on me and he quickly averted his eyes getting back to cleaning up which made me sigh..

We had fun, I remembered the snowball fights in the mountains the laughs we had when we teased each other.. It was like we've finally made progress but now .. It felt like we were at the start again and I knew why he was being distant I knew his reasons and that it wasn't just that simple.. but it only made me feel even more frustrated.

,, chanyeol " jongin suddenly spoke up holding me by my arm when I had felt myself being heavy for a moment and had to lean forward and grab onto the table for support.

I flinched back when he this time touched my injured arm and clutched it a little.
,, is it still hurting ? Maybe it's not cleaned yet, you should be said something " his frowned yet worried eyes roamed over mine.

I sighed shaking my head ,, it's fine.."

,, are you a toidi ? Or just acting like one " baekhyun stepped closer again from wherever he had gone to a  minute ago.

,, t-O-I-D-I ?" I spoke after him slowly before turning the letters and figuring out what he meant. I forgot he was raised extra formal and wasn't used to saying cuss words.

,, come on .. I will have a look at it " he ordered without anyone else interfering and as he walked forward up the stairs in a rather hurried pace ignoring everyone else. I realized this wasn't just because I was injured .

,, what ?" I looked at him once he went into the bathroom and locked the door behind us.

He didn't turn to me at first and only faced the door for a couple of moments before he turned blankly around and grabbed a few things out of the shelf ,, show me "

I hesitated but kept quiet as I took a seat and pulled my sleeve up only to realize it wouldn't realy be reachable anyway so instead I took it off seating shirtless in front of him.

I could tell it was effective him when he started working on my wound. Dipping a tissue which he had checked over into the disinfection shit before bringing it over my wound to clean it and I hissed at first . Whining away hut let him continue since I trusted what he did was right.

I've watched him the whole time and he must've noticed because in the middle of it he was turning pretty red from blushing.

his hands came to a stop once he finished bandaging my arm. They rested on my shoulder and I swallowed at the feel of them.

The simple touch gave me the urge to pull him closer and bury him in my arms. Keep him there forever.
But as always I've kept myself together.

Soon enough he dropped his hand tho with a soft sigh.
,, I have been thinking, you know "

,, oh god " I joked and he rose his arm warning me to hit me if I continued which made me smirk.

He sighed again lowering his hand and instead burying his face in both of them ,, I am trying to be serious !"

I frowned my smirk fading when I noticed his voice was shaking.
,, hey, .. come on, what have you been thinking ?" I got closer to him holding his hands to move them away from his face and surprisendly he didn't fight against it and I found him looking at me with red eyes and a clearly stressed out expression.
,, and I thought I was stressing too much "

,, Chanyeol !" He ripped dhisbhands away from my gripp ,, as if you are stress, you are always careless"

,, what ? " I frowned again tàking a step back. He coudlnt honestly think I'm that careless to not give a shit about pure situation

,, that is not what i meant.. could you just listen !" He ran his hands

,, I am what do you mean ? You're the one who caused all this stress because you don't want us to make progress, your too focused on those 2 love birds out there to see us" I defended pointing at the door to clarify what I meant as I stared at him.

,, I know, I know .. I have talked to jongin about this too but I can not help it. I just do not want to hurt you " he exhaled quite in stress when he stared at the ground rather than into my eyes in desperation.

,,back on the mountain.." I started slowly this time ,, we've had this talk more times. You always change your mind, one them you agree to try, another you wanna be friends then you ignore me and now what ? You want to reject me ? Then do it already cause I'm tired of playing this game, because thats what realy hurts me " trying to remain calm I spoke directly at him and he lifted us eyes when I mentioned rejection. Which somehow made me feel afraid for a second yet I couldn't return now and I would lie of I said I didn't mean the things I've just explained.

He didn't answer so I shock my head hopelessly ,, I don't.. hate you or anything in fact I feel- I care a lot about you not only because of the bound.. you're not just hurting me with this I know it you just can't be selfish not even for me .." turning away as I opened the door a tiny spark of hope that he would stop me sparked in me but
he didn't.

I opened the door and closed it behind me, walking off with nothing but a broken heart..

But that he wouldn't try to fight for us wasn't the only thing that broke it. It was the fact that his heart was probably just as broken as mine and the fact that he knew the pain we both had was caused by him.

,, chanyeol .." his voice suddenly appeard just as I was about to walk down the stairs and get to the others.

His hand suddenly appeard intertwining with mine and I frowned turning back around to look at him. My frown fading when I saw tears roll down his cheek.
,, it's o-"
,, it is not ... you are right.. I followed orders and others well being for all my life now.. I want this and I care about you a lot too, even if it will not last for long.. I want to be selfish and take you despite the risk, you just need to know that there is a risk "

I was going to smile but once I thought over his words a little more I found myself doubting it.
,, .. and you are sure about it this time"

He nodded whiping his tears off his cheeks and rose my hand to his cheek ,, really?"

He nodded again laying his hand onto mine ,, really really ?"

,, chanyeol let us go on a date "  
He finally said and I finally smiled imitating his nodding.

,, bout time you 2 stopped cockblocking each other " hyunsik voice cut through from where he stood on the stairs arms crossed .. and ruined the moment in which we had just been looking  at each other.

,, you are one to talk you haven't even realized your situation "
He looked a little irritated when I said that clearly proofing my point. Half of him was still focusing too much on kyungsoo to realize it's someone else he should be focusing on.

A sudden yelp coming from downstairs made us all turn to its direction. Hyunsik instantly started rushing back down the stairs and me and baekhyun followed in a rush.

I could already hear the uneven breathing and wheezy inhales
,, what happened!?" Baekhyun ran there before me as jongin was holding kyungsoo in his arms on the couch, Sehun being besides them obviously helpless.

,, we were talking.. He just started coughing and " jongin tried to explain obviously in panic himself and the closer i got to them the more I could see of the situation.
There was blood all over the table and on the ground. Kyungsoo hands were raised to cover his mouth smears with blood.

Did he cough all of that out ?
,, the mask !" Jongin then yelled almost in an order ,, get the mask !" definitely an order

Baekhyun turned his head to me and I understood instantly as I turned away running out the door and to the caravan as I went through all the stuff we still hadn't moved out. Mainly.lookig around the bed to find the oxygen mask and equipment until I spotted it laying on the ground.

I quickly returned with everything and baekhyun wasted no more time setting it all up and putting the oxygen mask on kyungsoo, who instantly gripped onto it tightly as he still took wheezy exhausting breaths.

Jongins hand was caressing kyungsoos and his belly.

He had cough up blood more times by now but it was never this much.
It was worrisome considering how far in the pregnancy he was. We hä showed he would gain some more weight to be stronger during the Labour but it seemed like he bearly gained anything.. One could even say he lost even more.

,, sh.. it's ok, the little ones ok I can feel it just relax .. " jongin softly spoke to him looking at Sehun standing besides him as he nudged his head toward the blanket laying on the other chair in an order which he understood as he got it for him and he lifted it.

I helped him lay it fully over kyungsoo
Watching as his eyes started dropping again. ,, what just happened ?"

,, it ... I did not think it would go tis fast I was sure we would still have weeks until this happened .." baekhyun thought to himself, the way he spoke and what he said was making me even more unnerving.

,, what. Does. This mean ?" Jongin pushed his question as his eyes started glowing in a threatening red as he still held kyungsoo close, who's head was laying on his shoulder and chest now leaning against his neck.

,, it means.. that.. it means we do not have as much time as I expected" he explained getting to his feet with his eyes on kyungsoo.
,, it is killing him.. it wants out"

,, what ??" Hyunsik stepped forward ,, how can that thing kill him yet ?? He recently only started kicking !"

,, and wasn't he suppose to have like another month, I'm pretty sure I've kept track of the time " Sehun rose his fingers while looking at the ceiling as he started counting mentally.

,, but what can we do ?? " jongins voice cut through both of theirs and Sehun lowered his hand again looking at jongin rocking kyungsoo back and forth with a terrified expression.
,, we need to save him. You need to save him baekhyun "

Our eyes shifted to land on baekhyun who was just blinking staring at kyungsoo obviously lost in thoughts probably thinking of what to do now when he hadn't expected this scenario .,, we will ... " he started, taking a deep breath determined
,, we will have to take it out "

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