Sunrise, Sunset | T.H

By _chrissstina_

74.8K 1.4K 331

Sabrina Lodge, is a news paper photographer with an ordinary life. She wonders the streets of london taking p... More

24 : Epilogue


2.6K 64 9
By _chrissstina_

i watched the clouds drift by slowly. the plane ride was supposed to be an eight hour flight to the states- well new york technically, and we were rolling into hour three. my eyes stole another glance at tom's sleeping face. he fell asleep about an hour into the flight. harrison told me i needed to get some sleep too but i just couldn't. my mind was racing with different things, different scenarios. not good ones either. one that kept replaying in my head was me stepping off the jet then bang, bullet through my forehead. i shivered in my seat and placed my feet on the floor. i pulled my sleeves into my palms and held my chin. my eyes were glued to tom, how is he so peaceful when he sleeps? i wonder if he ever gets scared while he's so vulnerable.

"you know i bet he can feel you staring at him," harrison's voice startled me. he let out a small chuckle saying sorry as he sat down in the seat across the isle from yours. i didn't say anything to him, just looked out the window again. "sabrina, tom won't let anything bad happen to you." harrison said in a calm stern voice. i turned my head to look at him and nodded my head. "then why would he bring me to the exact location this psycho's located?" my jaw pressed into my palm as i spoke. harrison shrugged his shoulders, "tom's very- uh what's the word? possessive? no no, protect- protective of you!" he snapped his fingers as his eyes widened with excitement. "why?" my heart started to thump deeply and slowly in my chest. "really?" harrison had a cheeky grin. i groaned and slouched in my seat, "why do you all do that weird grin? just tell me!" i sounded like a whiny baby but it was getting annoying. always seeing him and the twins with that same grin.

"you're no fun." harrison folded his hands together. "but you'll know soon enough." he winked at me before getting up and heading towards the back of the plane. i rolled my eyes, not really surprised to his actions though. i stared back in toms direction and felt my body relax in the big seat. he slept so comfortably, he must do this a lot. i saw how his face was tilted down enough that his brown locks covered his eyes. he had his arms crossed in front of him and his body was slouched. my eyes traced every visible part of his body, the thumping in my chest still very active. i wonder what tom would be like without the mafia, if he was just a simple man. it would be easier to accept that i was starting to have feelings for him. but, that tom doesn't exists and if he did, i don't think i would find him as irresistible.

"hmm," i hummed aloud seeing this hand. they were bruised on three knuckles and the other two were cut slightly. images of the bloody man being dragged by some men popped back into my head. i wish i never saw that, i wish i would've just stayed by that gazebo and never saw tom. i bit my lower lip, how could i allow myself to feel something for him when i can't even accept who he is? every time i see a side of tom that has nothing to do with the mafia, i see something that just slaps me in the face with a reality check. my hand reached forward, inches from his hand. but before i could touch him i realized in all that thinking i was doing, i got closer to him. i sighed and sat down beside him, observing him closer. my eyes started to feel heavy. i snuggled into the side of the seat and gently rubbed the tips of my fingers on top of his knuckles.

a small smile was plastered to my lips as i started to drift into sleep. maybe i could get used to his life style, i mean after all, i come from the mafia too.

- - - - -

"mate," tom felt a nudge on his shoulder. "tom wake up." that was harrison's voice. tom opened his eyes quickly and he tried to move his body but harrison held him down. tom saw his hand on his shoulder, he looked up at his friend with a confused look. harrison was just smiling at him. tom feeling annoyed and confused looked away, his eyes went to look at sabrina. "where is she!" tom spoke loudly trying to get up again when he saw the seat in front of him empty. "calm down," harrison laughed lightly and shook his shoulder. tom went to yell at him but saw he was pointing beside him. tom turned his head and his heart jumped to his throat.

how did he not feel this before? sabrina had moved closer to him, but not only that, she was snuggling his hand on her face. tom felt his ears heat up and his tongue dry out. "can you admit it now?" harrison spoke calmly. "admit what?" tom forced out, his eyes still glued to the sight in front of him. "that she's not just some asset to you, she's something more." tom didn't have to look at his best friend to see his eye brows wiggling. he thought about the words for a little. should he just come out and say it? or will that be another way of saying, "hey i'm falling for this girl, my crowns up for grabs!". "i.." tom tried to speak but stopped himself. he can't. sabrina did mean a lot to tom, hell he knew he was bound to fall in love with this annoying girl. but he doesn't know what to do.

for the first time tom holland was completely at a loss at what his next move was. "just drop it haz," tom whispered as he squeezed sabrina's hand gently. if he couldn't figure out what his next move was, he'd at least enjoy the time he has now. harrison clicked his tongue and walked away. tom looked out the window and saw that they were close, probably just another hour or so. without budging his hand from her hold, he pulled out his phone and opened his files. he had done some digging and found out that mark did indeed have men scouting sabrina. he found out that mark had an "ace card" up his sleeve and that meant mark was going to make a big move, and soon.

tom kept scrolling until he saw a picture of a hotel building. "the chateau blossom," tom mumbled out. it was one of mark coleman's businesses and tom had planned on staying in the building just across the way. sure it was still under small construction, but tom knew the owner and he gave them the pent house. better to be right next to the enemy that farther away, easier to catch the prick. tom's plan was to infiltrate the chateau blossom, grab as much information- papers or men, to figure out who this ace cars was and how did mark plan on using him. mark coleman needed to be dealt with before presenting sabrina to the other families. no way was anyone going to one comply when there is a hit on hers, not to mention my own head, and two no one will let tom keep the crown with mark still alive. a king must keep his kingdom save, and that means taking down any tyrant that tries to bring harm.

the clicking sound of tom's phone locking was the only sound he could hear. he sighed and turned his attention towards her. a smile crept on face as he saw her still holding his hand so close to her face. "how did you get so under my skin.." he whispered to himself. he reached up and moved a strand of her hair out of her face. he held his hand near her face, his own face twisting. he couldn't help but feel his chest tighten thinking about the life he couldn't live out with her. he clicked his tongue annoyed and turned away from her. without looking back he slowly removed his hand from her hold and got up. tom grabbed his laptop from a bag and sat in the back near harrison. he felt a smack on the side of his arm but tom just ignored it. harrison kept trying to get his attention but tom kept shrugging him off. he knows what harrison wants to talk about, and honestly tom couldn't even speak about it. it made him too mad, too annoyed that he gets upset about it.

- - - - -

i blinked a few times feeling slight nudges on my arm. "hey sunshine, we're here." i looked up to see harrison grinning at me, he looked tired. i wonder if he slept the whole time we were on the plane. i stood up and stretched my arms upward while nodding my head. we headed off the jet and i couldn't help but search for tom. he wasn't around anywhere. we were getting into the car that was parked inside the plane hanger, it was just harrison and i. my mouth opened a few times but i closed it, deciding not to ask where tom was.

harrison tilted his head and gave me a forced smile, "tom, he went ahead to the hotel." he sighed and rested his chin into his palm as he stared out the window. "oh," i breathed out. "to the hotel," harrison knocked on the window connecting to the drivers side. the man quickly took off and the scenery around me morphed into a city. there was tall buildings that were cramped together just like "home," i breathed out pressing my hands to the window, my mouth gaped open. "it does look a lot like where you lived huh? well- minus the dingy looking buildings." harrison snorted out a laugh. i shot him a glare. "my dingy buildings have character, unlike your boring pristine high ceiling mansion." i stuck my tongue out at him. he just shrugged his shoulders, "hey at least my so called boring mansion- which is not even mine by the way, doesn't have old woman who sell worm infested apples." my eyes shot wide open. i looked over at harrison to see him holding back his laughter.

"ugh that idiot!" i grunted as i squeezed the air like i was holding one of those apples. "tom tells me everything sunshine," he let out a happy sigh slouching in the car seat. "well did he tell you about how he acted like a blubbering idiot asking me to come along this trip?" i leaned forward crossing my arms like a bratty child. "no, he didn't. but thanks for the ammo." he winked at me pulling out his phone. i rolled my eyes and leaned back into my seat, seriously wishing i had my phone. i looked out the window again, watching people pass by. i miss kate. my heart started to ache, oh god she must be so confused and worried. i glanced back to harrison's phone and sucked in my lower lip.

"harrison," i said softly. he hummed at me not looking away from his phone. "could i- uh could i use your phone?" i put on the sweetest smile i could. "you're joking right?" he laughed. "uh no, i just need to make one call." my smile started to twitch. harrison looked at me dead in the eye, "sabrina. tom has gave strict orders, you are not aloud to be on the phone." he said with a sharp tone. "why!" i shouted. "because coleman can track your location." he said plainly. "i highly doubt he doesn't know where i am now. he's part of the mafia for gods sake." i grunted. "shit i was even able to watch you guys without being noticed." i crossed my arms and slouched deeper in my seat. "and it's your phone harrison! is he really tracking yours too?" i mumbled staring at him with dead eyes. harrison rolled his eyes not replying to me.

the rest of the ride was silent. buildings flashed by with the speed we were going. "we're here," the driver spoke up. harrison nodded at me and i just shrugged. "tom has the pent house all ready for you, and your luggage should be up there already." harrison talked me calmly, i could tell he was trying to see if i was out of my mood. "cool, i'll head up there now." i gave him a fake smile and practically ran into the building. one thought raced through my mind, hotels have phones, pent houses will definitely have phones. hopefully tom forgot all about that little detail. i button smashed the close door button so harrison and whatever men he had waiting here wouldn't be able to get in the elevator with me. as soon as the doors shut i pressed the "p" hoping it meant pent house. once the doors opened i was relieved to see a door man next to a plaque that read "pent house suite".

"i'm sabrina lodge, i believe tom holland reserved this room for me?" i rushed my words. "yes ma'am, the room is well made for-" he began to speak but i cut him off with a quick "uh huh" and slammed the door shut. i shoved off the door and ran to the find a phone. "where are you dammit?" i whined pacing around. finally along side the large bed was a small old fashioned phone. grabbing the phone i entered the numbers slowly trying my hardest to remember kate's number. "please please please please" i mumbled to myself. the line clicked and my breath got caught in my throat. "hello?" a groggy voice whispered to me. "kate!" tears pricked my eyes. "sa-sabrina!" i heard her voice crack.

"he-hey! long time no talk!" i stifled out a laugh while choking back tears. "where are you?! how are you!? i thought you were dead!" she was full on crying now. i sighed feeling so much relief that she answered the phone. "let me explain okay," i sniffled.

tom walked into the front doors of the hotel, he was near by meeting one of his ground men. he wanted to know the whereabouts of coleman and what he was doing. he glanced ahead and saw harrison standing by the elevator with a scrunched up face. as he walked closer his eyes darted left to right looking for sabrina. "oh shit," harrison sighed out. "where is she." tom blurted out jamming his finger into the elevator button. "tom, she went up to the pent house. but it's fine, it's not like you forgot any details of the room. so she's fine." he said more to himself than tom. "what do you mean details?" tom pinched his nose annoyed. "well, i'm guessing she ran without us because she wanted to use a phone. she asked for mine on the ride here. but theres no phones so we're fine- oh look! the lift is here." harrison patted toms shoulder and stepped in.

tom stood there frozen. he forgot the phones. he gulped deeply and stepped into the elevator not saying a word. if haz was to find out tom forgot to get the phones taken out of the room he'd never hear the end of it. "you okay sir?" one of the men noticed tom's shaking hands. "i'm fine you nitwit quit asking such ridiculous questions." tom snapped. then he heard a groaned sigh, another gulp went down his throat. "you forgot about the phones." harrison rubbed the sides of his forehead. "shut up haz." tom whispered. "she's probably on the phone right now," haz sighed, "i wonder who she called," he tapped his finger to his chin. tom had his eyes trained on the changing room floors.

"do you know if that piece of filth is in the same state at you?" kate questioned intently. "honestly i'm not sure, i know he's from the states so.." i dragged out the vowel. "well if he's not, why stay cooped up inside the room? go out and explore?" she sounded optimistic. "yeah right, so i can get mugged? i heard stories about this place." i snorted pressing my back farther into the wall. "sabrina, you can't keep living in fear. i know what you must be going through is terrifying." she paused. "but would you honestly rather die trapped in a room, or- you know what nevermind! such a horrible topic to be on!" she laughed nervously, i could hear her voice trembling again. "no..i know what you mean kate.." i said softly. we were silent for a while, just the comfortable dead air between us. even that made me feel back at home, safe away from all this.

"so that tom holland, is he really as handsome as they say?" kate coughed awkwardly. "dear lord kate!" i giggled feeling my eyes welt up, "hey.." i felt a tear roll down my cheek. i heard kate sigh, "i know.." i nodded my head at her words. i had to get off the phone and act like nothing was different. "brina, i beg you, be safe. and.." i could tell she was crying. "i'll come home kate." i promised her. with that we ended the call, i placed the phone back where i found it and i wiped my eyes. my ears picked up on the sound of the door opening. i shuffled into the bed to pretend like i was asleep.

"tom don't go in there without knocking!" i could hear harrison yelling but that didn't stop tom from forcefully opening the room door.

tom's chest was rising and falling heavily. his mind was racing with different outcomes if she was to be on the phone. but there she was, asleep in the bed. tom felt his knees wobble but he caught himself by gripping the door handle. he felt a smile tugging at his lips so he lowered his head so no one saw. tom closed the door and walked over to his room, "get some rest. i know how tired you are. meet back here in the morning." he spoke calmly to harrison before shutting the door to his room behind him.

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