B4) The Lycan's Obsession

By Love-Saya-Chan

4.6K 261 31

Skyla left home, to give birth away from the problems. But it seems those problems followed her, as a clingy... More

1: City
2: Found
3: Labor/Born
4: Hello, Skyla
5: Accept
6: Baby Cries
7: Moods
8: Annoyed
9: Gathering
10: Unbelievable
11: After The Storm
12: Threat
13: Aggressiveness
14: Branded
15: Taking Her
16: Reconcile
17: Where is Sky?
18: Stay Put
19: What Happened?
20: Home?
21: Lost It
22: Agony
23: Who Has Sky?
24: The Town
25: Home At Last
26: Winter Comes
28: Crazy Day
29: Going Away
30: Furball

27: Never Again

123 7 1
By Love-Saya-Chan

Alton sat on the bench as Skyla and her sisters dance around with the other girls. It was the first of November, and the Anton decided to throw a little celebration for the arrival of his first child, a boy named Owen.

They are starting to notice that their pregnancy gets shortened, and no one knew why, but Evelina said it had to do that the wolfs and lycan mixed speeds the pregnancy to a few months or less. It was good but bad at the same time.

Good because the girls won't have to suffer for nine months, bad because they won't know when the baby is coming. Either way, Evelyn and Owen are okay.

"We should have another one," Skyla sat down. "I mean, once Sky is a bit grown, of course, maybe a baby brother."

Alton chuckled. "Sure, I'm up to it, but after Sky has grown. For now, let's enjoy her while we can because once she's grown, we'll be too worry fending off the boys."

"You will be too worry," she laughed.

He groaned. "Hush," he spanked her.

"Hey, not here," she kissed him. "Perv."

"Andre, look what you did," Grace growled. "This bowl goes here, not there, there kids running around they could easily bump into it and burn themselves; why do you always have to move things around. Now I have to fix it again."

"You always want things your way," he said. "And you always wonder why I don't want anything to do with you."

Alton groaned. "Those were not the right words for Andre to say, your sister looks pissed off, she could shift and kick his ass, and I'd love to see it."

Skyla nudges him. "Don't say that Grace could hurt him or someone else."

"Look here, Andre," Grace glared. "I'm so done with you. I don't need a man who deflours the girl and walks away like it means nothing! Your perverted lycan!"

Alton bit his tongue as not to laugh. "You better stop your sister; I think she just embarrassed herself and Andre."

"I think my mother is on it," she said. "Grace sure does look embarrassed."

Alton chuckled. "I'd wonder if those two will ever get together. They are both bossy and have a nasty attitude."

"Yeah," she sighed. "But only time will tell, I mean look at us, we went through a lot."

"And we're together now," he said.

"Hey, here I think she's sleepy," Shaun handed Sky to Skyla.

"Oh, bedtime," she smiled. "Thanks, Shaun. So when are you and Emma having kids?"

"I don't know," he sighed. "It's still too soon to think about it since we lost one child. We want to wait for a few more years, to just a joy life."

"That's good," Alton said. "Take your time; I can tell Emma is still a bit depress."

"Yeah," Shaun smiled. "I thought Emma was okay, but it has taken a toll on her, thankfully her mother is with her. So it makes things easier for her."

"Emma will heal," Skyla said.

Shaun nodded. "Thanks, I better get back."

Alton grabbed Sky. "Come on; bedtime, we are staying here for the night. It's too late to go home."

Skyla nodded. "I'm exhausted too, it is pretty late, and it's starting to snow."

After a while longer, everyone began to call it a day and head home.

"Look at her," Skyla said. "I'd wonder if Sky will be like you or me."

"Hopefully, like someone else," he said. "Because our personalities suck."

She chuckled. "True."

"Let's get to bed," he dragged Skyla to bed and pinned her down.

"Alton," she wiggled around. "We can't not while Sky is in the room."

"Oh, come on," he groaned. "Sky is asleep; she won't hear anything or see."

"No," she glared.

"Okay," he laid down and held her. "I won't force you."

He will never, ever force Skyla.


During December, Skyla had trouble with Alton about the stupidest thing. "No, Alton, I don't want that table there, it takes up too much room; I liked the other better."

"The other was old and falling apart," he said. "This table is better and is round with no corners. That way, Sky won't hurt herself when running around."

"You should leave the decoration to us, woman," she glared. "I don't want this table. I want the old one."

"No," he growled.

"Okay, you two, stop," Emma said. "Honestly, the woman doesn't always have to decorate. Skyla Alton is right, this table is much better; take it from someone that knows, baby Aken started walking, and the first thing he did bump into the corner of the table it left him a bump."

Skyla sighed. "I don't want that for Sky, fine Alton; you win, we'll keep this table."

Alton chuckled. "I thought we weren't going to fight anymore, but I guess we will always disagree on somethings."

Shaun laughed. "Of course you two are going to argue, you can't agree on anything. That is going to be a problem in your marriage."

"I can handle it," Alton said. "I know how to keep Skyla satisfied."

Skyla blushed. "Alton, we are not discussing that in front of my brother."

"Gross," Shaun said. "I hear a rattle."

Skyla smiled. "That is how we knew Sky is awake; that's the first thing she goes for when she wakes up." She went and grabbed Sky from the bedroom. "Hey, come here." She carried her out to the living room.

"Goodness, look at the bed hair," Emma said.

Skyla smooth Sky's hair down, but there was one little hair that wouldn't go down. "Oh, well."

For the rest of the day, they sat around, talking and enjoying the beautiful day. After that, Shaun and Emma went home.

"Let's not argue anymore," Alton said. "Please?"

"We can try," she smiled. "There, all washed up, I know it's a bit chilly. Let's get you all warmed up." She wrapped Sky with a fluffy towel and held her against her chest. "Let's get you dressed and sit near the fireplace." Skyla carried Sky to the bedroom and quickly dried her off and slipped on some warm clothes. "There, see that wasn't so bad. You will be getting daily baths."

"I don't think Sky likes that," he chuckled.

"Gross," she wrinkled her nose. "Sky is not going to be like you; she will have baths."

He laughed. "I wasn't saying Sky was going to be like me."

Skyla set Sky in the basket, not to close to the fireplace. "I need to take a bath; you take care of Sky. And don't leave her alone."

"Okay," he kissed her hand.

Skyla went back to the bathroom and got undressed. She needed to take a bath; she felt gross. She stepped into the tub and sat down. "Hmm," she grabbed the sponge and soap that smelled like cherries. Smiling, she scrubbed her body.

She wet her hair, washing it; first, she brushed it out and put it up in a bun. She wiped her body, rubbing the scented oil against her skin.

"Hey," Alton walked in.

"Didn't I tell you not to leave Sky alone," she stood.

He walked over and gripped her waist. "Sky is asleep in her bassinet next to our room. I left the door open just in case."

"Okay," she sighed.

"Hmm," he stroke her side. "I barely notice the scar I have you that one time when I got hurt. I didn't mean too; you know that."

"I know," she kissed him. "Besides, you can barely see it; it's faint and nothing too serious. I don't care about it."

He sighed. "I wished I was that strong back then, but I have never hurt that badly, my brothers were the ones that always did wild things, not me. That was my first time doing something out of my comfort zone, and it went terrible. I think I was in shock or something."

"Probably," she stroked his cheek. "But you're alright now."

She wrapped her arms around him and kissed him passionately.





Miss SayaChan

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