Changing My Alpha

By Trustyallie

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A good, but aggressive alpha. Mates to an alpha? Impossible for Olivia to wrap her head around, but it happen... More

My Abusive Alpha
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Holiday Announcement
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 11

1.7K 25 16
By Trustyallie

I make my way towards them but Daniel just growls, "Take it outside if your gonna fight. Got it?"

They stare at him before saying, "Thank you, Alpha." then they walk opposite ways.

I smile a little, but he doesn't notice me. I go back inside putting on some jeans and a shirt. I walk down and look to see a lot of people smiling and I hear some whisper that they're happy he found me. I go on a search for him and a bucket of water, when he sees me he says, "So what are you pla_"

I jump on him before he can finish the sentence and attach my lips to his. he smiles widely when I pull away.

"Good morning to you too."

I smile, "Thanks for trying."

He looks at my face with a strange smile, "I'm gonna need another kiss for that."

I groan and jump off, walking toward the door I say, "So much effort." and I walk out. As I knew he would he follows but before he steps out the door I dump all the water on him from the staircase just above his office.

He growls and his death glare meets me, but I just laugh until he starts climbing the stairs two steps at a time. I smile at him as he stalks toward me. "Oops?" I say backing down the hall.

"Oops. Seriously?"

I shrug, "Must've slipped." He growls playfully and gives me a hug getting me soaked. "AH!"

He smirks, "Must've slipped." I growl nipping his neck. He lets go, but happily enough this is so not over. I turn the corner and hear his footsteps and I quickly turn throwing the pie at his face and then...


He looks over at me and growls so I say, "Gotta go, nice seeing ya." I run out of the packhouse seeing someone unexpected. "Oh, hey Toby." I turn seeing my lovely pie faced mate stalking after me. I get in my car and say, "If I die then it was because I laughed too hard at his face." I then shut the door driving away at a great speed. 40. Make that 45. Alright 50 is the highest I will go.

I hear my mate in my head. 'And where are you going.'

I smile, ' Out. Don't wait up, my alpha.' I don't know why I called him alpha but oh well, cause I did. I see images from his head and they are so not PG thirteen. 'I'm trying to drive stop showing me porn from our sex life.' Seriously I'm too young for that.

He smirks before showing me more and I block him out. I drive down the road until I stop and get out shifting into my wolf. Then I just run. I shake off the leaves but then I smell a strong pine scent. 'Daniel! Rogues!'

'Run. I'm coming!' I hear his panicked voice and that's when I hear a deep growl behind me.

I run refusing to turn. My wolf takes strength from Daniel but that means him seeing my emotions and the one that sticks out is fear. A lot of fear. I feel it pounce on my digging it's claws into my shoulder, but I don't yelp.

The rogue growls lowly and powerfully then bites down on the back of my neck. I yelp this time but am able to twist and get him off my neck then I turn kicking him away. Running isn't an option, he's faster. He's bigger but what choice do I have.

My wolf says, 'I got him.' then she takes control waiting for his attack. When he finally does she attacks strong and confidently keeping our head low, and our teeth bared. I feel claws on my shoulder and side. It bites down on my neck. He claws at me but we jump onto his back digging our claws in and holding on for dear life. I feel fear scratching at my stomach. He growls lowly before somehow saying, 'I will kill you. The greatest alphas little mate.'

He growls but yelps when I dig my claws in deeper. He tries to swing me off but I don't go until he suddenly swings me over him and I hit a tree whining. I don't move because I can't. The wolf stalks toward me but I growl trying to protect myself. And with one last leap I go for the wolfs jugular.


Daniel's POV

I finally find her only to see her on the ground with blood on her mouth and paws and the other wolf dead. She shifts back before looking up at me with wide and scared eyes. She's shaking visibly and asks, "Is it dead?" She hasn't been forced to fight like that it seems. I frown and pick her up.

"Its dead." After going home I hold onto her the entire night with her not wanting me to leave her and me not wanting to let her go. I say, "Next time don't go out for a run unless I'm with your or at least three pack members. She simply nods not saying a word, but cuddling closer into me.

She falls asleep after a few hours of my comforting but I just stay with her looking down at my mate. I don't know what I'd do if I lost her. I'd kill a pack so she doesn't die. I love her completely and absolutely. She clings onto me so I close my eyes hoping for sleep to come.


Olivia's POV

I stare at the doctor thanking the moon goddess for saving my baby. It does turn out Im pregnant and in three months well be having the baby, yes three months. It's actually only a month along, and since its alpha gene is in play from Daniel it'll be born sometime in the winter.

I smile looking at the ultrasound. Daniel smiles proudly before looking down at my stomach where a bump is showing. I'll be the size of a balloon in a couple months. Strange to think how fast this is all happening. Daniel learned that the rogue that attacked me is from a rogue pack that is Daniel's enemy. They want to hurt him and they know I'm the way to do it.

He refuses to leave my side, unless I go for a quick bathroom visit. Even when I bathe or shower he'll shower with me and any pack business he makes sure I'm in the room always protecting me. A girl needs space though, and I wanna go out. I don't care if I have to take the whole damn pack, I just wanna go to the freaking mall.

I smile at Daniel who looks at me suspiciously. "So, Daniel... I was,"


I whine, "Daniel." He growls and continues his work. "Daniel, I just wanna go to the mall."

He growls, "No." Its been two freaking weeks and I'm the one that was attacked yet I'm freaking over it!

I growl, "I'm going." I walk out and to the door. I'm walk out when suddenly two guys from the pack pick me up and carry me back inside. Luckily for me, I kick one and send the other flying. I run outside shifting not even bothering with the car.

I run full speed towards the south point, the weakest one. I run out of territory to hear Daniel and say, 'Don't freaking tell guards to bring me back in asshole!' and shutting him off I take a nice long run along the territory around Daniels. I let the shields down and mess with him a little. I step a foot in the territory but run back out and his growl fills my head. I wolfily smile before turning and heading to my cousins who is the mate of an alpha also.

I arrive there and my cousin, Josie, runs out greeting me. I already informed her I'd be there. Sadly her mate isn't all to happy about me being Daniels mate. He treats me like a sister and he protects me like a big brother would. We've all known each other for a while since her mate, Owen, went to our school with his pack. After we had to move we switched packs.

After Josie turned sixteen he came for a visit and they found out the undeniable truth that they were mates. I smile at my cousin, "Hey, Josie."

"You're early." She smiles wide though.

I say, "Me and Daniel got into a fight that's all. He still doesn't think I should go out so I got mad and left. Its gonna be a short visit though cause I don't want him to worry too much."

She frowns, "He didn't hit you though, right?"

"No, he doesn't hit me, and he doesn't hurt the pack anymore." I smile a little, "He's actually really sweet."

She sighs and says, "Well... if your happy, but if he touches you he'll die."

I roll my eyes but then I hear him, 'Olivia please.'

I smile and hug her, "He needs me, but I'll call you tomorrow and come visit again."

"Awe, you just got here."

I smile, "I'll come back." I shift and run towards Daniel's territory. When I get there I walk inside. Daniel runs to me pulling me in a hug.

"Thank god you're back."

I frown, "What?"

He frowns, "The pack that wants to kill you... they sent out rogues to find you if you ever leave. You can only go places with me."

I frown, "Daniel, I like you, but if I have to spend another god damn minute with you I will rip my hair out."

He shakes his head, "Fine, but it's only to the mall and I'm waiting right outside and you have_"

"Five hours. Thanks baby." and before he can argue I hurry to kiss him. He pulls me into our room and one thing leads to another.


I'll leave it at that. I'm seriously tired right now :c

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