Bitten But Alive (The Walking...

By chibicandimei

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When it all began, you,being one of the best soldiers,helped get as many people as you could out of multiple... More



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By chibicandimei

 Into The Prison I Once Called Home


Photo is your new outfit,all of it is black I just colored it differently so you could see it. You choose scarf & undershirt color


( Your POV )

This was either unlucky or just a huge coincidence that the place Rick had led the group to was a prison I was once placed in. Even though I was barely here for a month waiting on my trial they locked me up out of fear, if I remember correctly they even forced me into solitary confinement because I got into a fight with other prisoners...

I sighed as I stared at the prison in the darkness of the morning, everyone else was asleep. Including Daryl who had slowly gone from my shoulder, to my chest and then finally landing on my lap as he fell asleep without realizing it. After having left the group my strange moments of sleeping and dreaming stopped completely, every now and then though I did have voices ring through my mind as my memories came and went as they pleased. I wonder if anyone inside the prison is still alive?

I felt Daryl move on my lap causing me to look down and see him slowly roll over, "Well don't you look comfortable."

"I am."

I laughed at his response and settled my gloved hands in his hair, running my fingers through his short brown locks to detangle it," Been awake long?" To this he shook his head, which looked confusing and odd as he laid down before mumbling a 'No' and completely opening his eyes to look at me. "You slept fast last night."

He sat up slowly and reached out to grab his crossbow ,"Was s'posed to keep watch."

I rolled my eyes at this,"Don't worry, I kept watch all night. It seemed like you all needed a nice peaceful rest for once. So I let you all fall asleep, even Rick did when I told him I'd keep watch. That man's head hit the floor for one second and boom- he was out like a light." He nodded his head at me before looking at the sky to see the sun slowly making it's way up through the early morning," Does Rick plan on going inside?"

He didn't turn to face me, only shrugged,"Maybe."

"Well, if he does I'll at least be useful again." He raised an eyebrow at me, and I just gave a closed eye smile," I'll tell you once Rick tells me we're going into the prison."


I wonder how they'll take me saying "this use to be my home for like, a month- I think"


probably not well.

Maybe I just won't tell them.

( Rick POV )

I slowly opened my eyes to see a black figure digging though some of the bags before going back to a fire that was a bit away from the group. I was ready to call out and ask what was happening when the smell of food began to come from their direction. I pushed myself up into a seated position as my eyes adjusted to the scene, the sun begging to brighten up the scenery. "Y/N?"

The figure stopped moving and looked over at me before motioning me over, I made my way over and finally got a good look of Y/N 'cooking'. Her big coat and scarf were off leaving her in a f/c long sleeve shirt and a black leather vest. Though she still had her bag on her back as well as her gloves. "Slept well?"

I nodded quietly and sat down beside her, looking around I noticed Daryl awake watching our surroundings again like a guard dog. "You've been awake all night, you should sleep."

She simply shook her head and handed me a piece of what she'd made," The group doesn't have to tell me anything for me to know that you've changed, and that you haven't rested well at all." I was going to bit into the food but instead I lowered my hand and just stared at her, is it obvious? "You slept well for once, comfortable even ,didn't you."

It wasn't a question at all to me, she just knew it and decided to state it to me.

But she was right.

"Things changed after the farm.." she nodded at me asking me to continue. "Y/N there is something I have to tell you, something Jenner told me about. I hid it from the group but it came out because of Randall having turned without a bite."

To this she stopped cooking the food and focused in on me," We are all infected,right?" My eyes widened and I unintentionally dropped the food onto the floor and she sighed. "You didn't have to drop it, no wasting food. It's not like I said anything major.." she leaned over and picked it up.

"How do you know?"

She checked the food and smelled it through her mask, she then shook her head and tossed it away. Wonder what she smelled. After she finally looked over at me again," I possibly already knew...before I met you guys. Jenner only confirmed it."

"Why didn't you say anything?"

She shrugged and turned away, focusing on the food again, "Maybe for the same reason you didn't tell them. Less to worry about."

I nodded and after a bit of silence she handed me another piece, this time I actually ate it with her keeping her eyes on me in case of wasting it again. Once I finished she pulled all the food off the fire and covered in wait of the others waking up. "Thank you for saving us,back at the farm. We all thought you-"

"-died. Ya..I gave that impression without thinking about it, I'm sorry." She slowly turned herself completely to face me and started straight at my eyes," Are you planning on going into this place?"

Even though she'd pointed with her thumb behind her I didn't need to see to understand what she meant, I ran my hand through my hair and nodded. "We need a place to stay that's secure, Lori is-," I stopped and looked back at her sleeping with Carl. Her hands holding onto her stomach as she slept," I cant keep her moving around like this."

"I understand, if you want I can clear it out while they continue sleeping and eating."

She got up but I quickly leaned over and grabbed her gloved wrist, even through the gloves I could feel how cold her hand was. Its been way too cold out too, I need to give Lori a place to call home. With a sigh I shook my head at a confused Y/N," I cant put your life at risk, again."

She placed her hand against one of the straps on her thigh and pulled out the 'machine' I hadn't recognized yesterday. Her grabbing hook. "Sorry but that's kinda up to me." I raised an eyebrow at her before understanding and reaching out to try and stop her. She launched it behind her at the closed gate and moved away from me,"I'll be right back."

"Y/N stop!" My hand barely grazed her boot before she flew backwards and flipped up and over the gate blocking walkers from the group. Oh shit.

My yelling caused Daryl to look over only to see Y/N surrounded by walkers on the other side of the fence, "Y/N!"

"I'm fine!" She stuck her tongue out as she sliced off a walkers head and ran back into the actual building.

"This isn't good."

( Carl POV )

Why is there so much yelling?....

I opened my eyes, sat up quickly and grabbed the gun on my hip to raise it. I spoke through a yawn,"Are we being attacked?"

No one answered me, looking around they were all asleep, minus my dad and Daryl. I stood up quickly which moved and awoke my mom who stared in confusion at me before trying to sit up as well. Before I could say anything though we both looked to see Daryl rushing from his watch post over to the gate and yelling out Y/N's name.

This started to wake everyone else up and I finally noticed that Y/N was on the dangerous side of the gate and I felt my heart sink as she was getting surrounded by the walkers,"No-no not again."

"Open the gate!"

Everyone once awake mentally began to panic as they heard the two yelling, and I soon joined in on waking them up,"Wake up! We need to help Y/N!!"


Daryl had run to the gate and began slamming on it to try and get the walkers away from Y/N, it worked a bit but she continued to kill them and walk backwards to the buildings doors before suddenly disappearing within it. The noise of the door only gained the walkers attention even more as some entered through the open door. My eyes were stuck on the door as those around me began to get up and grab weapons now that they understood what was going on.

"Why would you let her do that!?"

"I didn't! She went on her own!"

"Did you try to stop her-"

"Of course I did!"

"Hurry up we need to go in and help her!" At Daryls yell everyone with their weapon in hand rushed over to the gate with me and my mom joining, though she had to walk due to her belly. The gate was opened and shut fast to make sure no walkers made it into the safe area. While about half of the group stayed outside the gate, including me, the others half rushed in and began to smash walkers left and right.

Luckily Y/N had gotten rid of a lot so they weren't overpowering us, with my gun I aimed at a couple through the gate before joining in making a racket at the gate to make the walkers pay attention to us and not the small group on the inside.

"Come on! Over here! COME ON!"

"Hey!!! Over here you dummies!"

Out of everyone Daryl kept getting most of the kills as he wanted to get to the door as fast as he could, Y/N please be ok.. we already lost you once..

( Your POV )

I didn't even look at the last walker that had followed me inside, all I did was stick my arm out and shove a knife through its skull before letting it fall to the floor. The inside of the building looked so familiar yet different to me. It's been years.. Even with the yells I could hear outside the door I didn't really care, they can get mad at me later. I just wanted to see if I could get memories back with this place but..

"It's not working.."

The entire room was filled in darkness, the only light came from a large window that was higher up on the tall wall to ensure no prisoner could use it for escape, there were dead bodies on the floor, most were my fault though. On the opposite side of the window was a guards post, I didn't have to walk up the stairs to see a huge blood splatter on the clear window. Plus my nose gave me a good indication of what went on in here. Just as I was going to pull down my face mask to get a better idea of the place, smell wise, the big door behind me opened up fully. In ran Daryl who pulled me into his chest without a warning and my face just slammed against his chest.

"Don't fucking do that again."

Before I could respond I was pulled out of his arms by Glenn who held me tightly while breathing unsteadily from the fighting that occurred outside," If anything happened to you I'd have to blame myself, again."

I looked over at Maggie in confusion to the fact that I'm sure her and Glenn were a couple now ,but the way she looked at me knowing that I was safe only made me even more confused. Maybe I'm just reading things incorrectly.. ya t-that's all...I hope..

I shook my head and pulled away from Glenn, now that they knew I was safe they were checking the area with their weapons drawn. Now free from arms I pulled down my mask and smelled the air, death..death..death..andd more death-wait...

I heard Rick make his way up the stairs, treading carefully with his weapons ready to attack towards the guards post," Don't worry Rick, he's long gone."

He lowered his weapon as he looked in and saw I was telling the truth, after thanking me I went back to smelling the place and it lead me into a familiar direction, there is a group that's still alive. I looked into the locked hallway with curious eyes before looking up at Rick,"Rick, grab the keys on the guards hip, we're gonna go this way and he has the key to open the gates."

His face only grew more confused but he did as I said, the jingling of the keys getting all our attention. He made his way down before handing me the keys, I took one look at the ring of interesting keys before grabbing one, sticking my hand through the bars and opening the door,"How did you-"

I tossed my knife forward as a single walker came out of one of the cells but dropped dead in a second. This scared Glenn and got him to stop his question mid sentence. That's when I noticed that all of the cells were unlocked,"Why are the cells open?" My question caused the group to raise their weapons again. I got closer to the wall with windows sprawled across it and looked up to the second floor. All of the cells were open as well, minus three doors that remained shut. Two walkers were behind two of the three shut doors, other than that the entire block we were in was full of dead people.

Daryl and Rick went up top while I searched further into the block we were in and I found another locked door, looking in I sniffed and the same scent came to me, normal people, probably prisoners still live more within the prison. "Glenn, Maggie, go get the others."

They nodded at Rick's command and left while me and TDogg began to drag the dead bodies out of the cell block to make it more comfortable for the group. Daryl and Rick stayed up top. Once the group started coming in though Rick rushed down the stairs to his pregnant wife,"Is"

Rick smiled as he stood in front of her,"This cell block is."

Hershel came in starring at the place,"What about the rest of the prison?"

"We'll find the cafeteria and the infirmary later."

Maggie came in behind the whole group carrying stuff,"Are we gonna sleep in the cells?"

To this Rick nodded as I made my way up the stairs ,"Thanks to Y/N we found keys on a guard, Daryl has a set too-"

Daryl scoffed gaining our attention,"I ain't sleeping in no cage," he then motioned to the top of the stairs where there was a straight platform,"'ll take the perch."

Daryl said this down at the rest and once I got close to him I nudged him with my elbow,"They aren't that uncomfortable, at least from what I can remember. It could be worse. Solitary confinement didnt even have a bed,just a floor."

"From what you remember?"

"Solitary confinement?"

"Nothing,"I laughed awkwardly before stepping out of the view from the group and they dropped the subject for now, deciding to find their own cells to stay in. I followed suit with Daryl's eyes trailing me as I and walked to one of the cells that was on the second floor, the door was locked. After some fussing with the lock I opened it and sighed with relief as I found no one inside, maybe my friend got out in time. I searched the room looking for things I remember to be hidden in random spots by my friend, they were here for killing an ex boyfriend that used to abuse them. She got a light sentence for killing someone, mostly cause her boyfriend was someone the FBI had been looking for apparently. Soon enough I found a small opening in part of the bottom bed, digging inside I pulled out a small folded piece of paper,"Found it."

"Found what?"

I looked back to see Daryl with his arms crossed watching me carefully," What happened to not wanting to be in a cage."

He just huffed before walking in and joining me in sitting on the bed, he was very curious about the folded note in my hand," What is this?"

"A folded..paper?" He made a face and I sighed,"Fine fine, it's a note my friend said she'd leave me if she ever made it out of here. "

"You're friend?" I nodded at him and began to open up the note," What did ya come here for? The military?"

I shook my head no , ignoring his facial reaction as my eyes scanned the note,

Dear (nickname), if ya get the chance to read this I got out earlier than expected. Some jockey that makes tea or whatever for his boss like a wuss knew more info on my ex. The details are too long and fucking boring, point is I'm out now, just gotta do some community service for like 3 years. Better than being here I guess.

"She got out," I smiled until I moved my thumb out of the way and noticed a final message,

Oh, also I've been asked to consider the military as my 3 year community service.

I sighed and crumbled up the note, tossing it against the wall harshly,"What happened?"

"She joined the military.." he didn't understand what I was so upset about so he just raised an eyebrow,"it means she's dead Daryl, or a fucking walker for all I know. No regular military troops survived." Not even I did.


Thankfully my thoughts were interrupted as I noticed Lori and Carol passing by,"Lori wait." She turned back with one of her hands on her belly, slowly rubbing it. "Take this cell, it's the cleanest ,also I know for a fact this bottom bunk has the most bed padding out of the cells."

Daryl grabbed my hand and we walked out, after thanking me Lori walked into the clean cell with Carol in tow behind her. Once we were far enough away he turned to face me,"You was a prisoner, here right?"

I opened my mouth to lie but then I just let out a small laugh,"Made really obvious huh?" He shook his head no,"Ok, I made it obvious to you then," to this he responded with a nod.

"So, you a criminal then-"

"Not really, I never actually did any crime. At least I don't remember doing any.... A powerful man was just not on my side so boom, I landed in jail."

"What about being in the military?"

I sighed and then I groaned, dammit I'm gonna have to explain so much for him to believe me. Fucckkkkk. After getting my thoughts together I looked up at him again,"I said before ,me being in the military wasn't much of my option. I was put in here at a young age. Technically not even an adult yet, and then cause of stuff that happened the military sought me out for a...special mission.."

and that's how I met SM.

( Andrea POV )

This girl that saved me ,on appearance could match Y/Ns strength and skill but she was different. Mainly she wasnt in the military, and unlike Y/N, this girl was mysterious but not in a dangerous way.

"What are you doing out here?"

I felt very sluggish as I laid awkwardly on the floor, looking up at her I noticed another big difference between her and Y/N. She always had her hand on her katanas handle in case of anything, while Y/N took notice of her surroundings but still managed to be care free. I licked my lips as I looked at her,only moving my eyes,"I needed some light."

Knowing it was her I shut my eyes again. She sighed before coming closer,crouching and then helping me up into a sitting position with my back against the wall. I didnt open my eyes but I could hear a rattle in a bottle before she tilted my head slightly and placed her cupped hand against my mouth. "Take this."

I did as she said,opening my mouth and trying to swallow them. Then I heard the sound of her opening a water bottle and soon the opening was placed against my lips. Once again I followed her command and took a bit of water into my system, the pills easily sliding down my throat. With a sigh I opened my eyes a bit as she placed the water bottle against my forehead. The nice and cold surface felt nice resting against my heated forehead,"How is it..out there?"

She looked at me a bit before muttered a single word,"Same." I tried to raise an eyebrow but it didnt come out right, she still responded to the change,"Its quiet."

I let out a small snort,and through a groggy voice I said,"You're lying."

She lowered her hand with the water bottle, my forehead already missing the cold sensation, and she looked down at the floor. "We should leave in a few days."

We both stayed silent before I muttered,"They're should go."

To this she perked up in worry, another difference. I struggled to keep my eyes open but I needed them to stay like that,"No."

I sighed,"I'll just hold you back,go." She just continued to shake her head, the idea being improbable to her,"I can take care of myself. I even saved your all all winter, didnt I?" At my last comment I struggled to get a smile out for her but it was quickly interrupted as I started to cough harshly. My lungs felt like they were on fire as coughed against the wall with so much force. It burns! Tears welled up in my eyes but I held them back, shut my eyes,and forced myself to bear the coughing until it went away. When it finished I struggling ti breathe, heaving in and out heavily and she began to pat my back before bringing the water bottle back to my dry lips. I'm sorry. I pushed the water bottle away from me, rather rudely making her face grow in confusion,"I wont have you dying for me. Good soldier wont leave your post...Screw you."

Her face slowly reverted back to her control, being monotone but still emotional,"We'll leave in a few days."

She got up to leave but my voice paused her,"If we stay...I'll die here."

She got our stuffed put away and grabbed her two "pets" that held baggage on their backs. Opening the back garage like door she looked back at my disgruntled appearance,"Let's go."

I nodded, letting her go a bit in front before tagging along a few steps behind her pets, I hope nothing bad happens.

( Your POV )

By the time I had sat down across from Daryl ready to explain the most confusing part of my life, everyone else had already fallen asleep. It seems me waking them up and causing them to fight only made them more sleepy...oops.

I shrugged at my thoughts are Daryl remained quiet for the most part before stopping me mid sentence and asking a question," That story you mentioned before, it was you and yer dad?" I nodded. "Ya killed your dad-"

"Almost," I cut him off and then I sighed. "Maybe if I had killed him, I wouldn't have been tossed in jail... he was too powerful for his own good. He taught all his kids that your either strong or.. dead."

"And you?"

I shook my head as I leaned back and laid on the floor,"In his eyes I was far too strong, he knew if I lashed out one day I would win." He soon asked why I didnt attack back, but that answer was simple enough. "That little boy in the picture you found in my hood, because of him I couldnt fight back. But one day he hit him, and he was gonna kill him for being so weak..." Daryl stayed silent and I brought my arms up and behind my head," My mind went blank, and I attacked him...with my own intent to kill."

I may as well have been a psychopath


I didnt dream again, it has yet to occur. I mostly stayed still with my eyes closed, feeling Daryl pull me closer every hour or so as the entire group slept in peace in their own cells. Rick was hunched against a wall, looking extremely uncomfortable and yet he was dead asleep.

After talking to Daryl he had gone over to me on the floor and held himself slightly above me. His hands against the floor on both side of my head, seeing my face mask down he lowered himself as kissed me. Something seemed off though,as he pulled back quickly, it seemed like he wanted to say something but in the end he shook his head and just pulled me against him as he laid down too.

This group became even more strange over winter.

I continued to wait, and when the group finally came around to waking up the search began, at least in the small area we were in right now. Mostly what was found were weapons, something that made Rick happy. Daryl didnt seem to care much but I found a baton on a dead body and handed it to him.

He does that more hands on weapons, guns and grenades ,not so much.

As I picked up a helmet with gross liquid slipping out, Carol suddenly came over to the four guys here and me."Hershel," she said nothing more but motion her head back to the cells the group was staying in.

It must be about Lori's pregnancy..

He nodded understanding and went over to her, but Rick stopped them as looked at Carol,"Is everything alright?"

She nodded,"Yeah, nothing to worry about." With an unsure nod from Rick the two left, I could only wonder what was happening with Lori.

( Hershel POV )

"I-it's the baby....I think I've lost it."

I couldn't come to any conclusions yet, the distress was more from a worried mother than something that could be fact,"You havnt felt it move?"

She swallowed from nerves and shook her head,"Nothing and no Braxton hicks." I stared at her, she wasnt done yet and I needed to know as much as I could. She wiped at her eyes, tears threatening to spill out. "At first I thought it was exhaustion or malnutrition-"

"You're anemic?"

She didn't answer, but avoided eye contact which answered enough,"If we're all infected...then so is the baby." She looked up at me then, now I understand. "What if it's stillborn? W-what if it's dead inside me right now? What if it drips me apart-"

"Stop." Her tears finally spilled out as she shut then tightly,her grip on the bed frame making her knuckles become white. "Dont let your fear control you."

"O-okay..." she wiped at her eyes again as stared at me,"Let's say it lives and I die during childbirth-"

"That's not going to happen."

"Why not?" She looked dead serious about this,"How many women died during childbirth before modern medicine?" You'd be fine. She wasnt done and began to say her final thoughts through shut eyes,"What if I attack it? Or you? Or Rick? Or Carl? If I do,if there is any chance, you put me down immediately. You dont hesitate. Me,the baby- if we're walkers you dont hesitate and you dont try to save us....okay?"

( Glenn POV )

Carol, Beth, Lori and Carl were the only ones to stay behind. Carol locked the cell block door behind the rest of us ,and with all out new protective gear on from dead guards we headed over to another locked door that Y/N held the key to. This protective gear was nice, but it smelled like Walker and blood and all of us had it on..


Everyone minus Y/N.

I missed having her here with us, with me. Me and Maggie were a thing, finally. But when Daryl kissed Y/N in front of the group I felt- I shook my head as Y/N reached her arm through and unlocked the door as quietly as she could. Once she pushed it open those with flashlights went in first except me,my job was to leave spray painted arrows on the wall to get back. Y/N then gave the ring of keys back to Daryl before going into the hallway as well. It was pitch black since the only windows were extremely small and high up on the walls. Also the number of windows was so little that each hallway was a nightmare. Every time we came up to a corner Y/N would go first being able to see better in darkness, we wanted to avoid any attention if there happened to be a walker. Once she motioned there was nothing, Rick who had a light would shine it in the direction and lead the way with Daryl beside him.

I stood in the back with my own light making sure we were watched on both sides, I looked on the floor and noticed so many bodies. Most of them were so decayed and had chuncks missing or pulled off, the smell getting worse the farther we went. "God the smell," I muttered.

Before I could turn away I felt something come around my face and press against my nose and mouth before feeling it get tightened at the back of my head,"There, that should be better."

I turned and realized it was Y/N who had done it, she heard me? I don't know where it came from but she had secured a cloth against my face that looked a bit like her face mask so my breathing wouldnt be so laced with the dead bodies."Thank you Y/N."

She nodded before walking ahead again but I reached out and stopped her, grabbing hold of her hand I started walking forward with the group. My hand holding the flashlight still up and moving to look at all the dark space. I felt her stop for a split second before following after me, I didn't want to look back at her face. If her eye sight is good in the dark does that mean she can see if people blush? I turned a corner to follow the group only to crash into someone ,freak out and unintentionally back into and push Y/N onto the ground.

"Shit, Glenn are you ok?"

I looked up with my eyes flinching at the flashlight pointed at me but I noticed a worried Maggie behind it, "I'm ok, sorry."

"Glenn, get off you're heavy."

Oh shit Y/N! I rushed to stand up and turned to see her pushing a corps away from her with her left leg, why did I do that? If my face wasn't red before now it is..."I'm so sorry-" Y/N raised her hand up and I stopped talking to pull her up," Did I hurt you?"

She shook her head,"Don't worry Glenn, but try not to yell." She placed a finger over my lips as she said this,her face close to mine so that she wouldn't have to speak loudly."It's not completely safe in here."

I could only nod with my eyes wide as I looked at the little bit I could make out of her face in the darkness. With a small nod to Maggie who stayed by me Y/N left as Rick motioned her over to check another area just in case, I thought these feeling had been long gone for her, but that was because she was dead.

( Your POV )

Rick and Daryl were ready to rush in when I had said nothing but I stretched out my arms ,practically smacking them both in the chest. Though this only caused Daryl to smirk,"Wait... I hear something."

"What is it?"

I turned around and looked at everyone,"All of you don't move a muscle and keep your weapons and lights up. Unless I say anything don't get close," before they could say anything I turned and ran down the hall.

"Y/N, come back."

I went down the hallway with quick steps and turned down a corner, then another and instantly stopped as a thud erupted down the hallway, here they are. Walkers, and tons of them. I couldn't risk the group coming down here with so many around these halls. With a sigh I pulled out a knife and began to stab through the walkers heads, their own bodies falling to the ground creating noise that attracted more to come to me. The bad thing was, it also attracted the group that began to rush over in worry, I kicked the walkers in front to the floor for the others to trip and made my way back,"No don't come down here!"

I was too late as I turned the corner and crashed into the entire group,"Whats going on-"

Growls came from behind me, with the groups noise and scent they all began to rush over to us,"What the fuck did I say about staying still, you idiots." I put my knife away and pulled out the sharpened metal poles I had from my backpack,"Run guys! Run!"

They didn't have to hear me twice as I quickly turned and started slashing at dozens of walkers shuffling down the dark hallways, they were coming from two different ends of the confusing labyrinth of cells,"Y/N come with us-"

"I'm keeping them back just go! I'll catch up, but I need to tell you that there are people still alive in here! They'll help you even if their criminals! GO!"

( Rick POV )

She keeps risking everything for us, and we still don't listen.

"Let's go!" I yelled before shutting my mouth and clenching my teeth in anger, I headed in front of the group lighting the way while Daryl and Glenn watched the back. I turned right without paying attention and rammed straight into walkers whose eyes lite up like a nightmare with our flashlights, I attacked quickly before turning another way and running passed another hallway.

From the corner of my eye I noticed walkers come from the hall we passed so I quickly turned into another direction that was empty and hidden, I opened the door,the others followed behind me and we all crouched on the floor shutting it as walkers passed down the hall. I sighed as I looked up at the group and realized it wasn't just Y/N missing. Oh no.

"Where's Glenn and Maggie?!"


"We have to go back for them."

Daryl slammed his fist on the ground,"An for Y/N, problem is which way."

I pointed my light down and only a tiny bit away from the floor, giving us just enough light to see each other but to also not alert any of the walkers," Daryl's right, they could be anywhere. And Y/N could be even farther inside."

I ran my hand over my face before standing up and looking through the opening, the hallway was silent again and no walkers seemed to be around at all,"Alright we head back the way we came, Maggie and Glenn should be close by. Y/N should've gotten away already-"

"What if Y/N ran farther in?"

I motioned for them all to stand and then I opened the door slowly,"Then we'll be going farther in." Once the door was open they all got out their weapons,"Ready?" With a nod I went through first, then Daryl who checked every angle before motioning for the rest to come out. I went straight down the hall we had run through first, while Hershel went into another one.

"Maggie? Glenn?"

Hearing him call out I backtracked only to hear thud and then him yell,"Hershel!"


I rushed in with Daryl, Tdogg behind us only to see Hershel on the floor with a walker biting through his right ankle,"No!" I didn't even care if we alerted the walkers, I raised my gun and shot the walker right then and there are Maggie and Glenn turned the corner only to stare in horror.

"More walkers! Behind you!"

"Get him up!" Maggie was frozen in place while me and Glenn grabbed Hershel's by his arms and lifted him up, laying hid arms over both out shoulder.

"Daryl help!"

He went forward trying to stall the walkers while we turned back, but TDogg pushed us into the hall Maggie and Glenn had come from as walkers were coming from the other two directions leaving us with no choice. "Hurry! Let's go!" We reached a dead end, a double door stood there with a lock on it and those walkers were beginning to close in. Fuck! Glenn came over with a pole he had in hand and shoved it against the chains and lock, three of us pulled at the same time with Hershel struggling to hang onto us.

Loud banging began to surge through the hallways, walkers turning around as the noise was starting to become louder than us, those in the front who had already set eyes on us stayed facing in out direction but the others began to turn and leave. "At least we know Y/N's alive!"

"And saving our asses again!"

Just then we got the door open, not paying any mind to the room other that making sure no walkers were in it, all of us rushing in with Daryl and TDogg immediately shutting the door behind us and keeping it closed with their backs as walkers tried pushing it open. Eventually TDogg was able to slip a hard pole on the ground next to him through the handle bars ensuring it wouldn't budge to the walkers, with protective gear on he stayed at the door to make sure it didn't open. Daryl ran over as we lowered Hershel onto the ground. He was breathing heavily with wide eyes as he struggled not to scream. Maggie cradled his head, her eyes watering as she watched her dad in pain.

Everyone grabbed his limbs and I pulled up his pant leg, a huge piece had been ripped out by that stupid walker,maybe I can still save him. I just have to stop the flow of the virus which means- I stood on my knees and began to remove my belt,"Hold him down!"

"What are you gonna do?"

I didn't answer Maggie, I didn't even look at her as I tightly wrapped my belt above his knee to cut off the blood flow so he wouldn't bleed out with what I was about to do, I'm sorry friend. I swallowed the lump in my throat,"Alright." My eyes went over to one of the bags we had carried with us, reaching over I pulled out an axe,"There's only one way we can keep you alive."


It was too late and I began to slam the axe down on his leg, his yells increased before going silent as he passed out from shock and pain, the others only watched in silence as I yelled and with a final hit his leg separated into two pieces. "He's bleeding out."

"We need to-"

"Duck." Daryl whispered at us and we slouched as he got up and pointed his crossbow at the other side of the room, lighting up five people who were behind a small cage for a kitchen. They're criminals.

Daryl got closer and closer,"Who the hell are you?"

"Who the hell are you??"

I ignored them as I focused on Hershel,"He's bleeding out, we gotta go back." I looked at Glenn and motioned him to my others side,"Come around here, and put pressure on the knee." Glenn went to grab something else from the bag so Maggie came over and did it instead,"Hard hard! Push! PUSH!"

"Why don't you come on out of there? Slow and steady."

They did as they were told, when on of the prisoners looked behind him at us,"What happened to him?"

"He got bit."


The man instantly pulled out a gun and TDogg easily raised his up telling them to calm down,"Guys, this is what Y/N meant. The survivors."

Daryl huffed as he kept his weapon pointed at them with a hard glare,"Ya well they ain't too helpful now are they." Daryl got closer as Glenn rushed passed them into the place they were hiding to look for medical supplies. We gave no answers and they only asked questions:

"Woah woah where are you going?"

"Who the hell are you people?"

"You don't look like a rescue party."

I shook my head as I lifted Hershel up into a seated position, he seemed to slowly be regaining consciousness but his wounds immense pain was keeping him out of it. With a sigh I finally looked over at the criminals,"If it's a rescue team you're waiting for, don't."

Glenn came back to help us get him on a metal table he found, he pushed passed the convicts who just starred in confusion that turned into worry as the bangs against the door only continued. "Come on, help." Together we all got him up and onto the metal table, the convicts tarring with wide eyes. "Alright, T the door!"

"Are you crazy? Don't open that!"

We didn't care or listen, once TDogg opened the door there was only one walker left that he grabbed and killed on the floor, and the only other thing in the dark hallway was none other than Y/N. She rushed in and looked at hershel's leg,"Oh shit, what happened?"

"Y/N we gotta get him back."

She looked over at the convicts, even though we gave no warning or indication of them it's as if she already knew from the begging that they were there. Something flashed through her eyes as she looked at them, but it went away and she looked at the group instead,"Ok, I'll lead the way I know how to get back. Let's move!"

"Daryl! Lets go!"


"How did you find us?"

Y/N rushed forward and kicked a walker back just as it turned the corner, it's head exploding against one of the cement walls," It's not that hard, you guys were the only loud thing in here."

Daryl stood next to Y/N fighting as she continued to lead the way," Where'd all the walkers go?"

"I distracted them, got em away from this area." She shoved a knife through a walkers head,"but there's still a few stranglers." She looked all around before pointing down a certain hall,"This way, let's go." We didn't question her and just pushed the metal table in a hurry,"I see you guys found the survivors."

"How'd you know?"

"Small memory came to mind earlier, ironically enough for convicts they were also supposed to be saved but didn't happen. As you can see, most died in here along with the guards," I continued to think about what she had said. They did mention a rescue team, so she must know what she's talking about. "It sounds like they might be following us."

"We'll worry about them later."

We all rushed back, Y/N leading us perfectly and unlocking the door then holding it open for us all to hurry inside to safety. Her and Daryl stayed in front of the door because of the convicts following us while the rest hurried to the Carol.

"It's Hershel!"

"Oh my god, unlock the door!"


"Go go go go, In there!"

Once the door was open we all rushed in, TDogg locking the door behind us as a guard, the rest of us rushed Hershel into one of the cells,"He got bit."

"Oh my god, he's gonna turn-" "Did you cut it off?" "Yeah." "Maybe you got it off on time!"

"Alright," we all got our arms under his body,"In three two one-lift!" We all moved him onto the pain, staining the white bedding with blood but that was definitely the least of our worries. I'm not letting you die Hershel, no way in hell.

( Your POV )

"Well look at that, they know their way around." I sat on the metal table nearest to the open door, watching even from the dark hallway as the convicts slowly made their way out and into the light, Daryl stood farther behind me with his crossbow up.

"That's far enough," Daryl stated to them, they all remained still and quiet minus the first one that I couldn't help but believe looked familiar somehow.

"Cell block C, Cell 4...that's mine gringo. Let me in."

I laughed at the word he used, causing him to look over at me and bring out his gun again, I raised my arm up and pulled out one of the sharpened metal poles I had." Just try me."


"Come mierda."

He pointed his gun at me knowing I understood what he said and was not a deep threat to him. Even with his gun pointed at me he focused back on Daryl who spoke,"Well, today's your lucky day fellas. You've been pardoned by the state of Georgia, you're free to go."

"What you got going on in there-"

"It ain't none of your concern."

He pointed the gun at Daryl this time with his finger on the trigger and I leaned forward ready to attack if needed,"Don't be telling me what's my concern-"

One of the other convicts, the biggest and tallest stepped up and spoke, "Chill man. Dude's leg is messed up. Besides, we free now? Why are we still in here?"

He seemed the most comforting out of all of em and the rest of the convicts began to loosen up and nod in agreement with him, the first guy still wouldn't budge,"The man's got a point."

"Yeah, and I gotta check on my old lady."

Even with the others now being ok with leaving, that first one that I thought looked familiar just wouldn't back down," a group of civilian breaking in to a prison that you got no business being in has got me thinking, there ain't no other place for us to go."

I smiled behind my mask,"Hey, you gotta brain too. That good to know." He glared at me.

Daryl got closer to me because of this,"Why don't you go find out."

"M-maybe we'll just be going now-"

"No, we ain't leaving!"

TDogg rounded the corner with his gun raised, and the man quickly pointed it at him as TDogg yelled,"Well you ain't coming in either!"

"Hey this is my house! MY rules! I go where I damn well please!" The arguing continued , slowly getting louder that I started focusing more on the dark hallway than the convicts. I swear if he causes walkers to come I'll be tossing him in there as a happy meal and I won't feel bad about it. Rick came in telling everyone to calm down, and when asked how many of us there were Rick replied sassily with 'too many than you could handle' and I started laughing.

"You stupid bitch," he came at me but I didn't move, simple lifted my leg up and stuck his chin sending him back onto the floor.

"He said to calm down, your not calm."

Rick sighed before asking all the convicts together a really important question that genuinely was concerning me as well,"How long have you guys been locked in the cafeteria?" They seemed to know nothing about the walking dead, but they could tell something was wrong.

The guy on the floor slowly got up, glaring at me but answered none the less," Going on like-10 months."

We all just starred at them, they genuinely had no clue.

Sorry, things came up...rather not talk about it

I'll be posting small updates probably this week cause next week I'm going to anime expo, and the week after I'll be in Mexico.

Hope you enjoyed, even if it's short or sucks.


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