Stay With Me (Short One-Shots...

By LowBatteryPnda

67.1K 1.6K 216

~"Hug me Tight and Never Let me Go"~ "What if sometimes its harder to hang on then let go?" More

~Stay with me~ P.1 (Doil) πŸ’–
~ Stay with Me~ P.2 (Johnmark)πŸ’–
Stay with me p.3 (Jungmark) πŸ’–
Stay with me p.4 (Johnil)πŸ’–
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EXTRA (JohnMark) (Short) πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.7(YuMark)πŸ’–
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Stay With Me P.9 (Markhyuck) πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.10 (Taeten) πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.11 (Johnten) πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.12 (Winil) πŸ’–
Stay With Me P. 13 (Johnhyuck) πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.14 (Dojae) πŸ’–
100 Vote (Rant)/(Special)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.15 (Hyuckmin)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.16 (Renle)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.17 (Chensung) πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.18 (Luwoo) πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.19 (Nomin) πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.20 (KunJun) πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.21 (Yangdery) πŸ’–
Stay With Me P. 22 (Dotae) πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.23(Jaeyong) πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.24 (Hyuckil) πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.25 (Renmin)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.26 (Renhyuck) πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.27 (Reno) πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.28 (Marksung) πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.29 (Johndo) πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.30 (Dowoo) πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.31 (DoTen) πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.32 (DoWin) πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.33 (Johnyong) πŸ’–
Stay With Me P. 34 (Johncas)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.35 (Johnwoo)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.36 (Dota) πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.37 (Docas)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.38 (Dokun) πŸ’–
Stay With Me P. 39 (JohnJae)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P. 40 (JohnTa)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P. 41 (Johnwin)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P. 42 (Johnkun)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.43 (Markyong)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P. 44 (Markil)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.45 (Markkun)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P. 46 (Tenmark)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P. 47 (Winmark)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.48 (Lumark)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.49 (Jungil)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.50 (Jungyong)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.51 (Jaewoo)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.52 (Kunwoo)πŸ’–
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Stay With Me P.54 (Jungwin)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.55 (Yuwoo)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.56 (Jaeil)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.57 (Jaekun)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.58 (Jaeten)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.59 (Jaewin)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.60 (Jaeyu)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.61 (Jaecas)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.62 (2Tae)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.63 (Taekun)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.64 (Taewin)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.65 (Yutae)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.66 (Taecas)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.67 (Yuil)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.68 (Yukun)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.69 (TenTa)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.70 (Yucas)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.71 (Kunil)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.72 (Tenil)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.73 (Lueil)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.74 (Winkun)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.75 (Wincas) πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.76 (WinTen)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.77 (Kuncas)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.78 (Tencas)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.79 (KunTen)πŸ’–
Extra (Yusol) πŸ’–
100 Comments! (Shohei x Eunseok x Seunghan)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.80 (Sungtaro) πŸ’–
Stay With Me P. 81 (Tenyang) πŸ’–
Stay With Me P. 82 (Xiaole)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.83 (Markno)πŸ’–
1K Votes! (YutaxWinwinxTaeil) πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.84 (Tendery)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.85 (Tenjun)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P. 86 (Kundery)πŸ’–
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Stay With Me P.126 (Johnyang)πŸ’–
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Stay With Me P.128 (Taejun)πŸ’–
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Stay With Me P.135 (Doyang)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.136 (Jaedery)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.137 (Jaejun)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.138 (Jaeyang)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.139 (Woodery)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.140 (Woojun)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.141 (Wooyang)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.142 (Markdery)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.143 (Markjun)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.144 (Markyang)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.145 (Renxiao) πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.146 (Xiaono)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.147 (Renkun)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.148 (Kunno)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.149 (Kunmin)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.150 (Kunle)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.151 (Kunsung)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.152 (Renten)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.153 (Teno)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.154 (Tenmin)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.155 (Tenle)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.156 (Tensung)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.157 (Winjun)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.158 (Wino)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.159 (Winmin)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.160 (Winle)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.161 (Winsung)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.162 (Rencas)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.163 (Jecas)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.164 (Lumin)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.165 (Chencas)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.166 (Lusung)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.167 (Rendery)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.168 (Heno)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.169 (Henmin)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.170 (Chendery)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.171 (Hensung)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.172 (Xiaomin)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.173 (Taemin)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.174 (Xiaosung)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.175 (Renyang)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.176 (Noyang)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.176 (Yangmin)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P. 177 (Chenyang)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.178 (Yangsung)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.179 (Renil)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.180 (Noil)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.181 (Minil)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.182 (Chenil)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.183 (Sungil)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.184 (Renjohn)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.185 (Johnno)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.186 (Johnmin)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.187 (Johnle)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.188 (Johnsung)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.189 (Renyong)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.190 (Noyong)πŸ’–
One Big Giant A/N You Don't Want To Miss

1k SpecialπŸ’–

703 14 3
By LowBatteryPnda

Soo again thank you guys so much for one freaking k. It is still an unbelievable number. And here I am with a special! And more important:

Norenmin, omg this was the first NCT poly relationship I have liked and here I am to supply yall readers with that good good. Not even sorry for these 🤣🤣


It had been a year since Jeno, Renjun, and Jaemin had embarked on their unique and loving journey as a polyamorous trio. As the sun began to cast its gentle morning light into their cozy bedroom, the three of them were wrapped in a warm, tangled embrace of limbs and hearts. It was a reflection of their deep bond, a connection that had grown stronger with every passing day. Jeno was the first to stir, his dark, tousled hair framing his sleepy, handsome face. He blinked his eyes open, slowly becoming aware of the two precious souls sharing his bed. Renjun, with his delicate features and porcelain skin, lay peacefully beside him, and Jaemin, a vision of ethereal beauty, was nestled on the other side.

As he carefully extricated himself from the embrace, Jeno couldn't help but marvel at the love that had blossomed between them. It was a love founded on trust, understanding, and the willingness to embrace unconventional paths. The trio had faced challenges, but they had always emerged stronger, determined to make their unique relationship work. Jeno tiptoed out of the room, leaving his lovers to sleep a little longer, knowing that he had a special surprise in store for their one-year anniversary. He quietly made his way to the kitchen, where he set about preparing a picnic breakfast to celebrate this important day.

The sun had risen higher in the sky by the time Jeno had finished. He spread a checkered blanket on the living room floor, adorned with a basket filled with croissants, fresh fruit, and a bottle of sparkling cider. A small vase of wildflowers graced the center of their makeshift picnic spot, lending a touch of natural beauty to the room. As he carefully arranged the food and set the mood, Jeno couldn't help but think about the path that had led them here. It hadn't been easy, as society often cast judgmental eyes on unconventional relationships. But they had persevered, finding strength in each other and the love that bound them together.

With the picnic ready, Jeno tiptoed back to the bedroom, where Renjun and Jaemin still slumbered. He couldn't resist leaning over to plant a gentle kiss on Renjun's forehead, eliciting a soft, contented sigh from the Chinese beauty. Then he moved to Jaemin, his lips brushing against the delicate curve of his lover's neck, sending shivers down Jaemin's spine.

Both Renjun and Jaemin stirred, slowly awakening to Jeno's tender morning kisses. As their eyes fluttered open, they were met with his warm, affectionate smile.

"Good morning, my loves," Jeno whispered, his voice a soft, soothing melody. "Happy anniversary."

Renjun and Jaemin exchanged sleepy smiles, their hearts swelling with love for the man who had brought so much joy into their lives. "Good morning, Jeno," Renjun murmured, his voice filled with affection.

Jaemin, with his eyes still half-closed, added, "Happy anniversary, babe."

Jeno's heart swelled with happiness as he watched them, his two lovers, beautiful in their vulnerability and love for each other. He had planned a day full of surprises, a testament to their extraordinary connection.

"I've got a surprise for both of you," Jeno said, excitement dancing in his eyes. "But first, I want you to get dressed. We're going on an adventure."

Their interest piqued, Renjun and Jaemin quickly got out of bed, shuffling to the closet to choose their outfits for the day. Jeno, in the meantime, made his way to the bathroom to freshen up. The anticipation of the day's events coursed through his veins, a delightful mixture of excitement and nervousness. As they prepared, they couldn't help but reflect on the past year. It had been a journey filled with ups and downs, a testament to their unwavering commitment to each other. Their love had grown stronger, their bonds deeper, and their understanding of one another had reached profound levels.

Jeno had always been the practical one, the anchor of their relationship, keeping them organized and grounded. Renjun, with his gentle soul and creative spirit, had an uncanny ability to bring peace to their lives. Jaemin, vibrant and passionate, had a gift for adding spark and excitement to even the most mundane of days.

Together, they were a harmonious trio, each member complementing the others in a unique and beautiful way.

Once they were all dressed and ready for the day's adventure, Jeno led his lovers to the living room. Their eyes widened in surprise as they took in the picnic spread, the checkered blanket, and the vase of wildflowers. Jaemin gasped in delight.

"Jeno, this is amazing," Renjun exclaimed, his heart swelling with love. "You really went all out for our anniversary, didn't you?"

Jeno grinned, a hint of mischief in his eyes. "Just wait, there's more."

He led them to the blanket, and they settled down, ready to enjoy the delicious spread. Croissants were buttery and flaky, the fruit was sweet and juicy, and the sparkling cider added a touch of effervescence to the meal. They ate in contented silence, the love between them radiating from their smiles and glances. 

As they sipped cider and shared bites of croissants, Jeno began to share his thoughts, unable to contain his emotions. "This past year has been nothing short of incredible," he began, his voice sincere and filled with warmth. "I feel so blessed to have both of you in my life. You've brought so much love, joy, and laughter into my days. This relationship, as unconventional as it might seem to others, is the most beautiful thing I've ever been a part of."

Renjun reached out and took Jeno's hand, squeezing it gently. "Jeno, we feel the same way. You've enriched our lives in ways we never thought possible. This love we share, the trust and understanding we've built, it's the most precious thing to me."

Jaemin's eyes glistened with tears as he added, "I never imagined I could love two people at the same time, but with you both, it feels natural and right. I can't imagine my life without you."

Jeno couldn't help the tears that welled up in his eyes, and he pulled Renjun and Jaemin into a tight, loving embrace. They held each other, three souls intertwined, sharing a beautiful, intimate moment that spoke of the depth of their connection.

When they finally pulled away, Jeno stood up and extended his hand to Renjun and Jaemin. "Our adventure awaits."

Curiosity and excitement sparkled in their eyes as they took his hands and allowed him to lead them out of the apartment. Jeno had planned the day meticulously, choosing a combination of activities that would reflect their unique bond and celebrate the love they shared. Their first stop was a visit to a botanical garden. The trio strolled hand in hand, surrounded by the vibrant colors and intoxicating scents of blooming flowers. They paused by a tranquil pond, watching as koi fish glided beneath the water's surface. It was a serene moment, a perfect reflection of the peace they found in each other's company.

As they walked, Renjun couldn't help but admire the way the sunlight filtered through the leaves, casting dappled shadows on the path. He leaned into Jeno, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek. "Thank you for this, Jeno. It's so beautiful here."

Jeno smiled, his heart filled with love. "I wanted our day to be as beautiful as the love we share."

Jaemin, always the adventurous one, couldn't resist running ahead and exploring the various nooks and crannies of the garden. He was like a butterfly, flitting from one flower to the next, his laughter filling the air. The sound of his joy was infectious, and soon both Jeno and Renjun joined him in his playful exploration. Their visit to the botanical garden was a perfect representation of the way their love had grown. Just as the garden had flourished with care and attention, so had their relationship. It had taken patience, understanding, and a lot of nurturing, but the results were undeniable.


After a few hours at the garden, they moved on to their next destination: a cozy, local café. The three of them settled at a table by the window, enjoying cups of fragrant tea and decadent slices of cake. They chatted about their favorite memories from the past year, reminiscing about the moments that had solidified their bond. Renjun spoke of the first time they had all confessed their feelings for each other, the vulnerability and courage it had taken. Jaemin recalled a spontaneous road trip they had taken, where they had laughed until their sides hurt and had created unforgettable memories. Jeno shared his own memories, the quiet moments of intimacy and connection that had anchored their relationship.

As they spoke, it was clear that their love had evolved, deepened, and become something unique to them. They had faced struggles, moments of uncertainty, and even judgment from the outside world. But they had also experienced joy, love, and a sense of belonging that was unmatched. With their appetites sated and their hearts full, they moved on to their final stop of the day: a secluded beach. The sun was beginning its descent toward the horizon, casting a warm, golden glow over the sand and water.

Jeno had chosen this location with care. It was a place where they could find both serenity and excitement, where the calming waves of the ocean met the passionate hues of the setting sun.

The trio kicked off their shoes and strolled along the shore, their feet sinking into the wet sand as the waves lapped at their ankles. Jaemin couldn't resist the allure of the water and waded in, laughing as the cool waves splashed against his legs. Renjun and Jeno watched with fond smiles, their hands entwined as they stood at the water's edge. The love between them was evident in the way they looked at Jaemin, their hearts swelling with affection.

Jaemin turned to them, his face alight with joy, and held out his hands. "Come on, you two! The water feels amazing."

Jeno and Renjun exchanged a knowing glance before they joined Jaemin in the water. Their laughter echoed over the beach as they chased each other through the shallows, splashing and playing like carefree children.

It was a moment of pure, unbridled happiness, a testament to the fun and excitement that Jaemin brought into their lives. In that moment, they were simply three people in love, reveling in the beauty of the world and the beauty of their unique relationship.


As the sun dipped lower on the horizon, casting the sky in shades of orange and pink, they made their way back to the shore. Jeno spread out a blanket, and they sat down to watch the sunset, their arms wrapped around each other. The air was filled with the soothing sound of the waves and the gentle caress of the sea breeze. They sat in contented silence, each lost in their own thoughts, reflecting on the year that had brought them to this beautiful moment.

Jeno's heart swelled with emotion as he gazed at the two most important people in his life. He had never imagined that he could be so lucky, to share his life with two incredible souls who loved and understood him in ways that no one else ever could. Renjun and Jaemin's hearts were equally full as they watched the sun dip below the horizon. The struggles and challenges they had faced seemed distant now, overshadowed by the love and happiness they had found in each other's arms.

As the last rays of sunlight disappeared, Jeno turned to his lovers, his eyes filled with emotion. "I love both of you so much," he whispered, his voice choked with feeling.

Renjun and Jaemin didn't need words to express their love. They leaned in, and their lips met in a tender, passionate kiss. It was a kiss that spoke of the depth of their love, the way they had overcome obstacles and grown stronger in their unconventional relationship. They held each other close as darkness settled over the beach, a cloak of night that couldn't dim the light of their love. The stars above shone brightly, a celestial dance that mirrored the dance of their hearts.

As they made their way back to the apartment, their fingers intertwined, they were filled with a sense of contentment and love. Their one-year anniversary had been a day of beauty, adventure, and reflection, a celebration of their extraordinary love. As they settled into bed, limbs entwined and hearts connected, they knew that their journey was far from over. The path they had chosen was not always easy, but it was the most beautiful and fulfilling one they could have imagined. Together, they faced the struggles and celebrated the joys, forging a love that was as unique and powerful as the three of them. Jeno, Renjun, and Jaemin had found something truly special in each other, a love that defied convention and celebrated the beauty of their hearts intertwined. And as they drifted off to sleep, they did so with the knowledge that their love would only continue to grow, to thrive, and to shine.






Word Count: 2,149 words

Authors Note:

Also, I am not 100% back yet, I am still on hiatus for a good nother week or two. I just wanted to get this special out because its been needing done for a while now. And I wanted to get it done before y'all got this book to 1.4k. Which thank you guys again so much more the support. And I'm so glad everyone loves it. Until after my hiatus!


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