Daughter of Aizawa (True Colo...

By Toomuchnow

1.2M 40.5K 47.2K

(y/n) Aizawa, daughter of the pro hero Erasure head was like any other teenager... Dreaming of becoming a her... More

Important information
II: Interaction 1
III: Training?
IV: Interaction 2
V: Peaceful morning
VI: Unpleasant Presence
VII: First Hurdle
VIII: Beginning of the End pt.1
IX: Beginning of the End pt.2
X: Mysterious girl
XI: Hospital
XII: Aizawa's Daughter?!
XIII: Declaration? Strange feelings...?
XIV: Assigned Training
XV: Acceptance
XVI: Trust
XVII: Break time!
XVIII: The night before the sports festival
XIX: U.A. Sports festival... Start!
XX: Finish Line
XXI: Creating teams
XXII: Cavalry Battle Begins
XXIII: Results
XXIV: Calm before the storm
XXV: Heartache
XXVI: Battle On!
XXVII: Explosive
XXVIII: Friends or Foes?
XXIX: Quarter Finals
XXX: Winners!
XXXI: Thoughts
XXXII: Unexpected Visit
XXXIII: Arcade
XXXIV: Picture
XXXV: Names
XXXVI: Crush
XXXVII: Internships!
XXXVIII: Work...?
XXXIX: Think kitten
XL: End of Internships
XLI: Yes or No?
XLII: A start
XLIII: The past
XLIV: Text messages
XLV: Finals panic
XLVI: Prepping
XLVII: Studying
XLVIII: Awkward Greeting
XLIX: Practical Exam (pt. 1)
L: Fight!
LI: Practical Exam (pt. 2)
LII: Team Impossible
LIII: Out and About
LIV: Carnival
LV: Birthday
LVI: End of the night
LVII: Pool
LIX: Comfort
LX: Two of Four Wild Cats!
LXI: Food
LXII: Bonding
LXIII: Emotions
LXIV: I...
LXV: Targets
LXVI: Alert
LXVII: Search
LXVIII: Captured
LXIX: Plan
LXX: The truth
LXXI: Evil
LXXII: Rescue till the End
LXXIII: Days on
LXXIV: Recovering
LXXV: New Room
LXXVI: Memory?
LXXVIII: Useless thoughts
LXXIX: Move on! It's for your health!
LXXX: Back at it
LXXXI: Friends
LXXXII: Midoriya's Theory
LXXXIII: Before the Exam
LXXXIV: Provisional License!
LXXXV: Onto Phase Two
LXXXVI: Recuse mission!
LXXXVII: Pass or Fail?
LXXXVIII: Strange... & a fairy?!
LXXXIX: Surprise!
XC: One, two, three, maybe four
XCI: That girl

I: Where it all starts

60.7K 1.4K 3.2K
By Toomuchnow

It was a beautiful day outside somewhere in the outskirts of Tokyo, Japan. It was quite a small town, but very peaceful. The sun was shining brighter than ever as kids were screaming and playing around in the park. Birds were singing and building nests for their little ones coming as well as squirrels chasing after each other in the grass.

There stood a little girl with black hair to which were in pigtails. She wore a floral short sleeve dress that was matched with white shoes. She was looking into a forest. There was a slight tremble and her knees were growing weak.

 "(y/n)," a gentle voice calls.

The little girl turned around and runs up to the woman, clinging onto her legs.

"Come, your grandmother is waiting for you on the bench," she said softly, stroking the little girl's head tenderly.

She nods and takes a step forward until there was a sudden change in the atmosphere. Everything around her rose-red... her surroundings were clouded out as if something had taken control of her.

The delightful day had come to an end. There were outcries of terror enveloping the little girl as she stayed in her position. There was emerging tension rising. Kids were running away in awe and agony trying to find their parents.


A loud ringing...


The alarm to my phone was buzzing louder than I anticipated. Waking up in a fright and panting there was sweat appearing down to my forehead. I put an arm to my face to cover my eyes from any light coming through the window.

"Again with this lucid dream... even after 10 years..." I mumbled to myself.

"(y/n) if you don't wake up now, I'll leave without you!" a male voice exclaimed from downstairs.

 "Ah, yes yes I know, I can't miss my first day of high school. I'll be right down dad!" I shouted back, sitting up in my bed.

Still... why are these dreams so vivid...

I get up from my comfortable bed, frowning. Such a shame to wake up so early in the morning to leave my lovely bed all by itself!

I march out of my room and into the bathroom to clean up. Walking out of the bathroom I grab my new uniform, which has the insignia of U.A on it.

"Finally, the place I have dreamed of is finally coming true," I said to myself, grinning like a fool.


"Just so you know, I haven't told you anything but make sure the whole father-daughter thing is a secret between you and the students. It is to keep it so that there is no favoritism, all right?" my dad said glancing down at me as we walk into the school gates together. 

"I know dad! You already told me like ten times!" I said slightly annoyed.

He hits me on the head lightly, "I swear, you really are my daughter huh..." 

I walk in front of him, stopping him in his tracks throwing a big smile at him, "You bet. Your one and only, the whole world, that is me!" 

He smiles back at me, "Let's go, I'll walk you towards the direction of the classroom before I head to the faculty room," 


I followed the instructions my father gave to me and somehow I still ended up lost. I sigh aloud, frowning. 

"How is it that even with directions... I STILL END UP LOST!" I shouted.


I turned around, noticing a girl wearing the same uniform as me. She was far, but easy enough to determine her appearance. Pink skin. Bright gold eyes surrounded by her black sclera. 

Odd, maybe it's her quirk? 

She had a toothy grin, running towards me. She stopped in front of me, leaning forward with her hands on her knees out of breath.

"Are you okay?" I asked, reaching my hand out to help her.

She looked up and her eyes twinkled, "ARE YOU A FIRST-YEAR?!"

"I-- Uh, yes!"

"GREAT! I'm glad! I'm a first year too! Are you looking for classroom 1-A? If so, I am too! I just figured out how to read the map layout," she took my hand, laughing out loud.

"1-A... oh the hero course classroom. Yes, I am... and you are?" I puzzled.

"OH I'M SO SORRY! My name is Mina Ashido! What's yours?" she bowed.

"Uh-- I-- Don't bow! It's okay! My name is (Y/n) Aiza... yes Aiza,"

She looked at me confused, shrugging it off afterward, "Let's go before we are late!" 

She grabbed onto my arm and started dragging me.



Mina positions herself in front of the vast door labeled 1-A. 

"Well, isn't this a bit excessive..." I murmur.

"But, it's the real thing!" She said, letting go of my wrist and sliding the door open. She gasped, in shock, seeing everyone wearing the same uniform. 

I heard bickering in the distance inside the classroom, shifting my attention towards a tall, yet broad looking kid. He was shouting at another guy with blonde spikey hair for putting his legs on the desk.

Suddenly, they turned their attention to me.

"Huh?" the blonde raised an eyebrow.

I flinched, glancing away to the side. 

Great start, (Y/n).


I notice Mina running towards the people nearest to the door and greeting them immediately. She complimented everyone on how they looked in their uniform, sending friendly vibes in all directions.

I sighed through my nose.

For someone so bubbly its a nice change once in a while instead of dealing with my lazy father. 

"Good morning! My name is Tenya Iida!"

"Eh?" I looked up as a broad figure rushes towards me.



I bow awkwardly, "(y/n) Aiza... yes,"

He looks at me confused for a second before ranting about the unknown. 

I look around the room trying to find Mina. She was standing next to two other girls, talking with them. I walked over to them and she gave me a wave, "Ah (y/n)! I've already met two new friends other than you! This is Tsuyu Asui," she points to the frog looking, girl. 

"Call me Tsu. Ribbit," she said, waving a hand towards me.

"And this is Ochaco Uraraka," Mina points to the other girl with short brown hair. 

"It's nice to meet you," the girl said. 

"Nice to meet you too... my name is (y/n) Aiza... yes..." I laugh nervously. 

I swear if I have to keep introducing myself... I'm actually going to kill something. I said to myself.

The bell rang and everyone who was standing up started returning to their seats. Sadly, Mina was sitting in the front to which I did not enjoy the most and the only seat left was between the spikey blondie and another guy with two-toned hair. I walk over towards the back and plant myself at the desk as I glance over at the kid with the two-toned hair. He's actually quite handsome and the scar makes him look cooler... hm...

The door to the classroom slammed open, revealing the one and only... my father. I was sitting there with my mouth hanging open. WHY DIDN'T HE TELL ME HE WAS GOING TO BE MY HOMEROOM TEACHER??

"Hello everyone, my name is Shota Aizawa. Your teacher," he said, struggling slightly to zip up a yellow sleeping bag. 

I facepalm, covering my face with my bag. Oh, how embarrassing... I thought to myself.

"Alright now let us get to it... put these on and head outside," he said in a lazy tone.

Outside...? What are we doing... 


To my surprise, which I really shouldn't have thought of it as a surprise since I dealt with this every year for a daily checkup for my health, it was a quirk assessment test. 

Aizawa-sensei... explained basically the run down. It was eight physical tests to determine the potential of our quirks. He said this wasn't for fun since we only have three years to become actual heroes and not what we dream of it. This didn't really surprise me too much, however, it really depends on which side if not both I would be using. 

I stare at Aizawa-sensei... my father with a concerned look. He felt the presence of my stare and shakes his head. I sigh softly and start to bite my nails from being nervous. 

"Before we start, the person in the last place will get expelled," Aizawa smirks. 


"If you want to be a pro, you have to push yourself. Show me it is no mistake that you are here," he said.


We all started at the first physical test, 50 m run. It shouldn't be that hard, I thought to myself.

It was finally my turn to go with Mina. I let out a short breath closing my eyes to focus on my quirk. I just need to relax...

There was a sudden rush of adrenaline that I felt pulsing in my head. This feeling wasn't new, but it wasn't a pleasant feeling I enjoyed either. Opening my eyes slowly, my surroundings became slightly dark than normal. I could feel Mina's stare on me as if she was in shock. 

"Runners on your marks! Ready..."

There was a sudden shot and instantly there was an ice path on my lane to, which I glided on. 

"6.03 seconds!" the robot shouts.

"Wow (y/n)! .02 faster than me," Mina said giving me a thumbs up. 

I smiled back at her weakly. Standing up, I felt a glare towards me.

"Alright, next test," Aizawa calls out.


Seven of eight of the tests were completed without a problem for everyone... well mostly. Mina was standing next to me as we watched Uraraka throw the ball for the distance throwing. She was incredible for her zero-gravity quirk. Everyone was left in shock that she reached to infinity, but I found it quite amusing.

"(y/n), you are next," Aizawa spoke sternly.

I glance over at my father restlessly as he hands me the ball. "Don't worry too much," he murmurs. I nod and locate myself in the circle. I closed my eyes again and that same feeling from before came back. Opening my eyes, I threw the ball with my right hand with everything I had causing my body to react a bit more than I foresaw. The spot I was in created a small yet compact wind tunnel, so whoever was behind me got dirt on them. Oops.

Aizawa studies his device before reading off the distance. I gulped heavily in slight awe.

"950 m exactly," he said emotionless.

I sighed in relief and walked next to Mina. She gave me a pat on my back with a big smile on her face. I crouch down into a sitting position, placing my arms over my knees, "All of this physical activity is making me tired..." I stammered.

Finally, it was Izuku Midoriya's turn. Out of all the tests he has done there wasn't one that he did really well in... I mean he averaged in the 50 km run but other than that there wasn't really much.

Staring at him positioning himself in the circle he looked overwhelmed and unsure of what was right. I could sense something was off with him from the start due to the benefits of my quirk with other emotions. It was like he was in deep thought, however, he was ready to throw the ball with everything he had until I felt the presence of my father's quirk come. I glance over to see his eyes glowing red as his "scarf" becoming obscure.

Izuku looked petrified as he stared down at his hand, "I was trying to use..."

"I erased your quirk. The judges for this exam were not rational enough..." Aizawa states.

Izuku shoots up and stares at Aizawa, "You're... Eraser head!"

Everyone else began whispering about him saying he operated on the down low, which wasn't a lie. Knowing my father he didn't enjoy the whole hero thing anyways.

"You're not ready. You don't have control over your power. Are you planning to break all your bones again?" Aizawa said as he grasps onto Izuku with his scarf.

I stand up staring at the two of them concerned. Aizawa glimpses over at me and hums out as he releases Izuku and returns back to normal.

Everyone was still in shock about what had recently occurred.

"I've returned your quirk. Now take your final throw and hurry up," Aizawa says.

Midoriya eventually threw the last ball leading to injury only one of his fingers. His results were amazing, 705.3 m.

Sighing in relief it was finally time for the results.


Turns out there no one was going to be expelled and it was all a joke. There were only a few people that knew that it was a joke and I for one knew what my father said was too much to be true. Though for how funny it was I would have been angry myself if I didn't know my dad that well. He started walking off, leaving us to finish up and head back to get lunch.

Standing there I glanced over at the boy again as he walks towards the school building.

"(y/n)! Let's eat lunch together with Uraraka and Tsu!" Mina calls out to me snapping me from my daze. 

"Ah, sure..." I said walking towards her.


A/N: Hello, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! I know it was quite long, but hey...

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