The Elite School Of Omegas (C...

By Silkbutterfly

847K 61.9K 32.9K

Jimin is not your average Omega. He's strong, smart and can fight for himself. His parents raised him to be d... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Pop Quiz!
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Begging for votes?
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Questions Anyone?
Your Questions Answered
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter 55 Final Chapter (Part 1)
(Final Chapter)

Chapter Thirty Three

12.3K 1K 243
By Silkbutterfly


Jimin's heart was beating so fast he thought it might actually come out of his chest, he was so nervous. The time had come. Tae looked over at his best friend. He felt the nervousness which caused him to grab Jimin's hand, squeezing it. He wanted to reassure him.

Jimin's mother walked up to her son. Touching his face gently lifting it up, smiling at him with love in her eyes. Waiting for him to meet her gaze. 

"You look breathtaking." She said. "Are you ready?"

Jimin who didn't trust himself to speak just nodded his head in the affirmative. The Elders took that as their cue to leave the room so they could take their place in the line of procession. Leaving Jimin alone with his handmaidens. Whose sole purpose was to be a source of comfort to him.

Sungyeol and Tae grabbed hands encircling Jimin hugging him and reassuring him. It felt nice.

"You'll be fine." Tae said.

"We will stay by your side the entire time." Sungyeol reassured.  "We'll leave only when your ready."

Jimin took a deep breath to calm his nervousness. He could do this. It's just walking. He broke apart from the other two, pulled himself together and walked towards the door. The two follow behind him. Tae on his right and Sungyeol on his left.

"I'm ready." He said. Standing tall. Elongating his neck looking as elegant as ever.  

Sungyeol reached in front of him to open the door and Jimin walked through it. The trio said nothing as they were guided to and entered the elevators. However, instead of going to the lobby the trio was lead in a different direction, in which they ended up two floors above the lobby. Standing in front of two massive double doors.

The well dressed Beta, who guided them thus far turned back toward the trio "Are you ready to be announced?" 

Jimin shook his head yes and they waited while the guide himself went through the double doors.  They could hear the chatter of abo's as they waited for Jimin to make his appearance. Who were all line along the path Jimin would walk.


Suddenly the doors were pulled open and Jimin was revealed.

He hesitated only a half a second before he began his walk. He knew he was supposed to take his time as this walk was important. It's meant to introduce him into society as an Omega who is now spoken for. It put a face to a name. It's a showing off of sorts. Jimin forced himself to take his time as he let his bare feet absorb the cooling softness of the wildflowers. The colorful flowers marked the path Jimin was to take.

He look so elegant walking slightly in front of Sungyeol and Tae, who flanked his sides. Heads held high. The walk was supposed to be silent, but the abo's couldn't help but whisper among themselves at how beautiful Jimin looked with his green eyes sparkling. The deep waves of his charcoal hair and his handmaidens. One of who also happened to be another rare male Omega.

Each level had its own set of stairs that led to the next level that would lead him to the lobby and to the end of his walk. Which he knew would lead to  both sets of parents and his intended waiting for him. Jimin made his way to the top of the first level and began his descent down with his handmaidens still elegantly by his side. Each step Jimin took looked graceful with his train flowing beautifully behind him. He made sure not to make eye contact with a single abo or he knew he would lose his composure.

He kept his eyes straight ahead as his bare feet continued to follow the trail. It seemed like the line of abo's would never end as he made his way through them to the second landing, which  curved around leading to the last set of stairs.

He centered his mind as he knew he would finally get to see Jungkook at the end of all this. He could hear all of the whispered comments. "He's beautiful" "He looks unreal" "look at his eyes" He even heard them compliment his handmaidens. Jimin kept walking. He was all too relieved when he finally made it to the bottom of the final set of stairs to the lobby. He paused briefly before he continued. Still following the path of wildflowers. Keeping his eyes straight ahead. He was relieved when his eyes finally landed on familiar faces and he couldn't help but smile, causing an even bigger stir.

The flowers ended at his family who embraced him and praised him for doing such a wonderful Job. He smiled and welcomed the hugs, until his eyes landed on Jungkook. Who looked absolutely stunning. He didn't think any Alpha could look so perfect. The families parted ways as Jungkook made his entrance walking up to Jimin taking both his hands in his.

"Wow! Sometimes your beauty leaves me speechless."

Jimin giggled and just like that his tension was eased. That or the pheromones he could feel his Alpha releasing around him made him relax considerably. Jungkook let go of the Omega's hand opting to pull him close, embracing him.

Jimin took that as an opportunity to tease him. "I thought you were going to sneak up to my penthouse suite to see me. I waited for you."

It was Jungkook's turn to laugh. "You don't even wanna know how many times I tried." He said pulling back from the Omega wanting to kiss him, but knew he couldn't as he turned from Jimin to face the crowd. Wrapping Jimin's arm around his own, signaling the end of this portion of the ceremony. He guided his Omega inside the first ballroom where very few seats were set up. This portion of the ceremony was private. It involved only Jungkook, Jimin, his handmaidens and immediate family. Which included just both sets of parents and grandparents. With the exception of Mr. Yoo being allowed in.

Once the procession was completed. The abo's on the outside are provided with brunch, entertainment and picture opportunities.  Different areas have been set up for mingling during the ceremonial tattooing.


Jungkook led Jimin over to a table that was low to the floor with an Omega waiting for Jimin.There was a second table that looked exactly like the first except it had an Alpha. Both holding a small gun like contraptions in their hands. Jimin is lowered down on a wide thick pillow.  Directly in front on his tattoo artist and Jungkook walked over to his designated table and does the same.

"Hand me your right arm." The tattoo artist said.

Jimin lifted his arm up and placed it on the table.  Tae who is still to his right. Loosened the knot on his wrist and pulled the sleeve up, exposing Jimin's soft delicate wrist.

"So where do you want the tattoo placed?" The Omega asked.

Jimin eyed his wrist wondering exactly where the golden mark would go as his moved his wrist this way and that. He eventually looked back  and forth between Tae and Sungyeol.

"Where do you think it should go?" Jimin asked.

"I don't know. That's completely up to you." Sungyeol said.

"Duh, but I still want your opinion." Jimin said.

Tae eyed Jimin's wrist as he gave his opinion.  "Right there." He said touching a part of Jimin's wrist.

Jimin eyed the spot. He thought it was perfect. He looked up at the tattoo artist.

"Right there." He said, pointing to the spot that Tae touched earlier.

The tattoo artist nodded her head in understanding. She pulled out a small tin container filled with soft white pads in which she took one and gently wipe Jimin's wrist sanitizing it. She then took the gun like contraption filled with a gold translucent ink and began tattooing the image that JImin picked out earlier.

He flinched a little when the needle pierced his skin, but the Omega stayed relatively still as he watched the Tattoo artist work quickly and efficiently on creating the image that Jimin and Jungkook had chosen.

For Jimin it was a butterfly. A tiny golden butterfly will be tattooed on the inside of Jimin's wrist. To get his mind off of what was happening he looked over at Jungkook who was being tattooed as well. Except his was in black ink and in the image of  the tribal symbol for Alpha on the outer part of his wrist. Jimin wanted to see how the Alpha was faring and he looked just fine.

Real fine, just looking at his side profile had Jimin squealing on the inside. His jawline. Jimin Just wanted to take his fingers and trace the chiseled features. Jimin forgot he was being watched as Tae inconspicuously squeezed his side. Bringing Jimin's eyes back to his own image being created right before his eyes and in under an hour it was completed. Jimin eyed the golden image and thought it was exquisite. The more he rotated his wrist around, the more he liked it. Jungkook got up and walked over to Jimin. He wanted to see the Omega's design too, as his was finished.

Jimin held out his wrist for Jungkook to see. The Alpha couldn't resist any opportunity to touch the Omega and gently held his wrist in his hands resisting the urge to caress it, while he examined the golden butterfly. "Nice." He said.

"Let me see yours." Jimin asked.

Jungkook held out his wrist for jimin to see and his was just as exquisite. That was as much as the pair could admire before both tattoos had to be covered with a special cloth for twenty four hours before it could be shown due to the special ink that was used.

After Jimin was adjusted and looking as flawless as he did when he walked in. The couple exited the ballroom arm in arm. Jimin was still accompanied by his handmaidens.  The group briefly joined the festivities. Everyone seemed to be having a good time. Jungkook looked over at the bar and saw Headmaster Namjoon and Mr. Min. He knew that Jimin had yet to see them so he walked them in that direction. 



The Alpha points. "Look who's over at the bar."

Jimin's eyes follow the direction of Jungkook's finger and his eyes lit up with excitement when he saw Headmaster Namjoon and Mr. Min.  He was still smiling when they approached the two.

"Hello Headmaster Namjoon. Hello Mr. Min.  I am so happy you two were able to make it! I'm so happy to see you!" Jimin said leaving Jungkook's side to go stand with the two, when he was quickly pulled back. Jimin looked at Jungkook confused.

"You can talk to them from here." He said holding Jimin close.

"Really?!" Jimin said. Not believing Jungkook's actions.

Jungkook shook his head yes. Jimin inhaled in an attempt to remain calm and looked back over towards two of his favorite people.

"Are you enjoying the festivities?" Jimin asked.

"I am Mr. Park and might I add you look very lovely today." Headmaster Namjoon said, smiling.

Jimin beams with pride. "Thank you!"

"I hope my invitation didn't interrupt any of your fishing plans Mr. Min."

"Not at all. Supporting one of my favorite Omegas trumps fishing anyday." Yoongi repiled.

Jimin smiled even brighter and Jungkook was internally second guessing bringing Jimin over to meet with the pair. He doesn't know why he gets so jealous of them. Maybe it's because he can tell how sincere  Jimin's feelings are towards the pair.

Headmaster Namjoon looked past the couple to greet Tae and Sungyeol who also express how happy they were to see them again.

"I look forward to seeing you all for the next school year?" Namjoon asked. Feeling like there was nothing wrong with double checking.

"Yes! We will definitely be there!" Jimin said excitedly speaking for the trio.

Mr.Yoo who always has his eyes roaming. Was close, but not too close to the group when he  noticed an uninvited guest.

Mr. Yoo walked up to whisper the information in Jungkook's ear, alerting him of the uninvited Alpha. Jungkook  resisted the urge to turn and look at the Alpha in question as he simply shook his head in understanding.

Jungkook waited patiently for an opportunity to break back into the conversation.

"Im sorry, I don't mean to cut this short-"

"Of course you do." Jimin said instantly through gritted teeth.

Jungkook laughed because in a normal circumstance he would have, but he was innocent this time. He just wanted to get Jimin secured back up to his suite while he got rid of the unwanted guest, himself.

"No, really!" He insisted. "I think it's time for you to head back up to your suite."  He said looking down at his watch. "You can eat and rest a little before this evenings ceremonies." 

Jimin rolled his eyes. He wasn't tired at all, but he was a little hungry having eaten very little at breakfast, but still he wasn't ready to part from his current guests.

Jungkook looked past Jimin to Namjoon and Yoongi silently eliciting their help. Knowing Jimin wouldn't leave voluntarily unless they sent him.

Namjoon got the hint when he spoke up. "I think he's right Jimin. Your going to need to rest up for tonight and we'll catch up to you during the dinner party."

Jimin nodded his head as he looked to his handmaidens. "Do you want to rest up?"

They both shook their heads yes as Jimin gave in to the fact that he was headed back up to his suite.

"Okay, fine."

"Do you want me to escort you up?" Jungkook asked.

"No need, Mr. Yoo." Jimin said without thinking.  Mr. Yoo holds firm to his neutral face as he almost smiled. It felt like he seamlessly became apart of Jimin's life and he was happy that the Omega was so accepting of him. 

"Yes, Mr. Park."

"Will you escort us back to my suite please."

"Of course, Mr. Park."

Jungkook waited and watch to make sure Jimin was nowhere in sight when he turned back towards the pair."

"What's going on?" Yoongi asked.

"We have an uninvited guest who also happens to be a psycho admirer of Jimins."

Jungkook briefly updates them on the situation as he turned to leave.

"Wait, I'm going with you." Yoongi said wanting to get a good look at the bastard.

"That's not necessary." Jungkook said.

"Oh' yes the hell it is. No disrespect intended."

"None taken." Jungkook said as the pair head over to Mr. Dim, who was chilling with another Omega by his side.

Jungkook didn't bother with politeness as he jumped right into the conversation.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" He questioned.

The Omega was confused by the hostility between the two and became instantly nervous.

Mr. Dim looked up unaffected by the question. "I'm here as a plus one, Jungkook.  Last time I checked that wasn't illegal. I have no ill will towards you are your Omega. Who's your friend?" He asked, looking at Yoongi.'

"Don't worry about who I am. I think you need to be more concerned about whether or not your going to make it out of here alive."

"Threats, threats and more threats. I'm not here to bother any abo, Mr. Jeon. I was invited as a plus one and thought what a great opportunity to celebrate your wonderful engagement. Nothing more, nothing less."

"Do you forget that I know you."

"I know that you know of me."

"Yes, and what I know of you sickens me to my stomach. I know that you stalk Omegas and make their lives horrible until they submit to you. You picked the wrong Omega."

"Did I?"

"You have no idea what Jimin is capable of."

"Well, as intriguing as that sounds. I'm simply here as a plus one. Considering the fact that I've already told you that I have no ill will towards you or your lovely Omega and I have a witness here to prove it. Isn't that right sweetheart?" He said looking at the Omega on his arm, who all of a sudden wanted to be anywhere but there, as she nervously shook her head in agreement. "And if anything should happen to me in the form of "Not getting out of here alive." As your friend here so eloquently put it. Then there will be criminal consequences and we can't have you in jail. Then that would leave your beautiful Omega unprotected, but I'm no threat of course."

"Jimin will still be protected regardless. Just in case you thought he wouldn't." Yoongi said, anger rising by the second.

"Leave." Jungkook said.

"Of course Mr. Jeon. I didn't think my insignificant presence would even be noticed."

Junkook walked up very close to the Alpha so the Omega standing next to him couldn't hear. "I know that Jimin is on your radar and for your information I notice everything that you do, so be careful. And if you ever send flowers to my Omega again, it will be the last thing that you do and that Mr. Dim is  not a threat, but a promise."

Mr. Dim did not reply, but smiled as he grabbed the hand of the Omega he was with and walked away.

"Mr. Yoo?"

"Yes sir."

"Make sure that he is followed and really does leave. Also make sure to send his picture out to security I don't want him to try and get  back in here."

"Yes sir."

Jungkook turned towards Yoongi. "I'm glad you got a good look at him. I'm not sure how this all will play out, but Jimin will be returning back to school soon and I don't put anything past that bastard."

"I meant what I said about Jimin having protection from more than just you. No worries Jungkook. He will be safe."

(End of Chapter)



Too many things to talk about.

Sorry for taking so long to update. I'm in summer mode and I could not pull myself together this week! I know you were looking forward to seeing what happens with Jimin getting bit. A lot happens. It's coming. In the next chapter. Lol 😊 I was already at three thousand plus words and if I would have kept going this would have been easily two and a half chapters in one. The next chapter will be long. I promise I will uploaded within the next 5 days!

I am almost at a 100,000 reads! Wow! I want to do something special for all of you and I'm clueless about what you all would like. Please offer me some suggestions!

My son and I have been in a friendly competition for followers. He, on Instagram and I, on Wattpad. Just a friendly mother and son competition. Which was all fine and dandy until his numbers jumped way far ahead of mine and he got the big head!!

I told him;
"If I want to I could involve ARMY in this."

He said;
"You can Involve who you want."

I said;
"You don't know the power of ARMY."

He said;
"I don't need to know the power of ARMY."

Now, let's be clear. I'm not asking any one to follow me just so I can beat him, (Yes! I don't play games even with my own son) but if you were already just happen to be thinking about following me and just maybe hadn't gotten around to it yet. I think now is the perfect time!!!👍😂👋

Have a great rest of your day! Don't forget to hit the ⭐️!

(End of A/N)

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