B4) The Lycan's Obsession

By Love-Saya-Chan

4.6K 261 31

Skyla left home, to give birth away from the problems. But it seems those problems followed her, as a clingy... More

1: City
2: Found
3: Labor/Born
4: Hello, Skyla
5: Accept
6: Baby Cries
8: Annoyed
9: Gathering
10: Unbelievable
11: After The Storm
12: Threat
13: Aggressiveness
14: Branded
15: Taking Her
16: Reconcile
17: Where is Sky?
18: Stay Put
19: What Happened?
20: Home?
21: Lost It
22: Agony
23: Who Has Sky?
24: The Town
25: Home At Last
26: Winter Comes
27: Never Again
28: Crazy Day
29: Going Away
30: Furball

7: Moods

140 10 1
By Love-Saya-Chan

Alton woke up, forgetting where he was. "Hmm, ah," he winced. "Skyla, get off my arm." He tugged on his arm gently as to not wake Sky up, who was still sleeping.

Skyla sat up and rubbed her eyes. "Sorry," she grabbed his arm. "Whoops."

"Ah, you did that on purpose," Alton didn't dare move an inch until Sky shiver and fuss for a moment, then she let out a small little sigh. And he felt something wet on his chest. "Did Sky, just, pee on me?"

"Yes, yes, she did," Skyla grabbed her and laughed. "That's what you get for complaining a lot. That's my girl."

Alton sat up and looked down. "Great," he stood and removed his shirt. "You better wash this."

"You wash it," she said. "I'm not your wife; I'm the mother to your child; that is all."

Alton groaned. "Fine," he said. "Oh, right before I forget." Alton grabbed the box and handed it to her. "For Sky, I wasn't just in town for the brothel."

Skyla took the box and opened it. "Oh, it's a gold rattle."

"Yes," he said. "I hope Sky likes it."

"I'm sure she will," Skyla smiled.

Alton smiled. "I'm going to go and change."

Alton walked out of the bedroom and made his way to his bedroom. Lyon was there sleeping. "Wake up, boy."

Lyon groaned. "Five more minutes," he mumbled. "You smell like pee."

"Yeah," Alton wiped his chest down. "Sky pee on me."

Lyon sat up and laughed. "Well, I guess that was her, thank you."

Alton shook his head and grabbed a clean shirt; he slipped it on and buttoned it. "Now wake up, today we have a lot to do. We have to help the farmers out, now let's go."

"Fine," Lyon stood and got dressed. "By the way, you think I have a chance with Marla?"

"I don't know, kid," Alton got ready. "From what I know, Marla is human, and you can't; I'm not sure she knows about anything. You must also get past Elvin and get his seal of approval, which I doubt he'll give it to you. Since you are my friend and he hates my guts."

"Ah," Lyon chuckled. "Well, it doesn't matter because I'm going to prove to Elvin that I'm not like you, mindless and stupid."

Alton glared. "Thanks, Lyon, for your kind words."

"No problem," Lyon chuckled and left the room.

Alton ran his hand through his hair. Lyon was right; he needs to mature.

He has a daughter now; he can't go around sleeping around with random women. But if Alton can't have Skyla, than he doesn't have a choice. Thought he could minimize it that way, he could spend more time with Skyla and Sky.

He walked out of the bedroom and made his way downstairs. Everyone was sitting, ready to eat breakfast. "Now that Alton is here, we need to discuss your little trip to town."

"Really?" He chuckled. "I assumed I could go anywhere I want."

"You can," Elvin said. "But be more responsible, you have a daughter, stop fooling around and act your part."

"And I will," he sat down. "But it doesn't mean I have to stay locked up all the time. I'm not married to Skyla. Therefore I don't have to act like a husband. I'll only be around when Sky needs me."

"You're an ass," Skyla said.

"Ah, watch your language," he said. "We don't want Sky to get your bad manners. Or your way or hurting people's feelings. I do hope Sky doesn't get your attitude."

"I hope she does," Skyla said. "Maybe Sky will end up breaking your ego into tiny little, unrepairable pieces. Perhaps she'll see you as the worst father."

Alton growled. "You know I'd have my limits in the amount of shit I can take from you. So, try to minimize it, please. Before you really, get me angry."

Skyla gasp. "Really? Oh no, look at me, I shaking in fear," she narrows her eyes. "I don't give a donkey ass about your limit, I have my limits, and I reached it a long time ago. So suck it up, Alton, no one cares. And you know something, you can go and fuck all the woman you want, but you're not allowed to be near Sky until you wash all that grossness off you."

Alton gripped the fork. "Skyla, your a testing my patients."

"Alright, stop it," Elvin growled. "Enough, you're getting Sky upset," he took Sky from Skyla. "Skyla, I understand you're angry at Alton, but try to restrain yourself, your a mother now don't let your feelings cloud your head. Think of Sky before you speak. And Alton, minimize your visit to the brothel. I can't risk you, bringing something home and getting Sky sick."

"Okay," Skyla smiled. "I'll try to not get angry around Sky."

Alton shook his head. Things are not going as planned.


Skyla sat on the bench. "I swear, Alton is getting on my nerve, and I gave him a chance to prove himself. It was a huge, mistake and I'm taking it back. He doesn't get a chance."

Kristy smiled. "Well, it was too soon. I think you two need to start all over. How did you two start? Was it just sex that got you closer?"

"Well," Skyla thought about it. "The first time was, an accident, I was in the river washing some clothes and Alton happened to come along all lycan up, and he dove into the river. I guess he was letting loose for a while. But yeah, I yelled at him that he would get hair all over my clothes, and as the jerk, he is, came up to me and deliberately rubbed against me. I got angry and pushed him; at least I tried, but I ended up fall into the water instead and got all soaked. He had shifted back and helped me up, and I felt this heat run through my body; it was so intense, I ended up jumping into his arm, kissing him."

"Ah, so you started it," Kristy grin. "And here I always thought it was Alton that started this whole thing. You're not so, sane, are you Skyla?"

Skyla smiled. "I guess not, but that day was the first time we had sex, and we promised never to do it again. I mean had we kissed before, but they were nothing, I was only curious. And the second time, Alton made a move, and sex turned into something else. We, I think, fell in love. But I guess it meant nothing to him."

"Alton went through a lot," Kristy said.

"It's only a scar," Skyla said. "It's not like Alton is missing an eye."

"Skyla," she sighed. "You need to understand, to Alton, it was traumatizing, he would always keep away from danger. His brothers would deal with the problems. All Alton ever did was take care of the paperwork and stuff like that. And for that to happen to him, to have silver thrown at you, it's painful."

"It's it, excruciating?" Skyla asked. "I mean, how bad could it be?"

Kristy held Sky. "Yes, it is painful, I haven't experienced it since I can't shift, but I heard it's like a burning sensation as if your skin is getting melted off your bones and it sizzles too. And with silver, sometimes the scars leave burn marks or scars. We are as humans, even we get scars, like me, but silver is worse."

"But," Skyla frowned. "I saw Elvin hold silver, and it doesn't affect him."

"We didn't know," she said. "That silver doesn't affect us while in human form, it only affects us when we are in lycan form. It seems we are learning a lot about ourselves that we didn't know."

"I see," Skyla sighed. "Well, I guess I won't have to worry about Sky getting hurt, and I think I understand, but still, Alton can't be acting this way; we have a daughter together. She needs him to be a father, not someone who comes and goes."

"True," Kristy smiled. "I'd hope Alton finds his way before its too late."

Skyla nodded.

She hopes Alton finds his way before it's too late to repair whatever little love they still have.





Miss SayaChan

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