Law/Kyo Moments.

By KiraReno

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This is just gonna be a book full of "oneshots"? I don't even know what to call them. Not all are shippery, t... More

When They First Allied.
The Surgeon's Crew.
When He Pulled A Muscle.
Odd Beliefs.
Discussing Feelings.
You're Wounded.
When She Ran Into Other Pirates.
When He Became A Shichibukai.
The Dream.
Punk Hazard.
When He's Irritable.
When He Has A Nightmare.
The Straw Hats.
Zoro's Grilling.
When They Stayed Up Late.
When Doflamingo Was Defeated.
The News.
The Call
A Place Called Zou.
Seeing The Crew Again.
When He Plays Teacher.
The Deal With Kids.
Their Little Talks.
Eating Habits.
When She Cares.
When She Says Those Words.
Awkward Talks With Penguin.
Awkward Talks With Penguin. #2
When--Happy Birthday!
When A Wild Luffy Appears.
When X-Drake Happens.
Reuniting With The Heart Pirates.
When He Escaped.
Chatting With Jean Bart.
Countering Teleportation.
To Onigashima.
When Front Gates Were Destroyed.


404 31 5
By KiraReno

Kyo doesn't mind saying, she's a bit envious.

She can hear the explosions from the levels above her as she sieves through information about this "Punk Hazard" place, Law is persistent about going there, he just needs to know exactly where it is and if his information is correct, these pirates should have the directions.

But her jealousy actually stems from having to do the more boring task when she can hear the Heart Pirates having all the fun fighting on the floors above her. 

A subtle smirk etching into her features when she finally stumbles upon a full dozier about Punk Hazard, it would seem these pirates like to be well-informed of the islands they plan to visit.

Makes sense, we are in the New World after all... 

Slipping the pages of information into a satchel, Kyo then begins to make her way out of the room, contacting Law on the den den mushi. 

However she notices an odd smell in the air, it's strong and if she breathes it in for too long, she'd surely get quite the headache.

But that isn't too important right now, she doesn't plan to stick around here for any longer than she has to. A slight pout taking over her face when the den den mushi rings a few times, she isn't too fond of unanswered--

"Kyo-ya." Oh, nevermind. He picked up.

"Hello there, you'll be pleased to know that these pirates have a lot of information about that island, as well as coordinates. I'm on my way back now, should I go straight to the submarine or would you guys like..." She trails off when she notices a figure before her in the long corridor, albeit it's a little blurry. Her eyes slowly adjusting on the shape to see that it's actually a dishevelled woman with long brown hair, however it's when the lady turns around, Kyo's eyes widen. "Mother?"

"Oi, Kyo-ya! Where are you?" She can't quite bring herself to answer the question, her mind turning a little blank as a small hum escapes her throat.

It's definitely her mother, the woman's eyes are streaming with tears and those damn sobs echo throughout the whole corridor but the redhead can't bring herself to move, it's like she's that stupid kid again.

What the hell is happening here? Is this a devil fruit? Is someone messing with me?

The den den mushi has fallen silent, as well as the commotion upstairs, there's no sound other than her mother's crying. 

"Save me!" The woman cries out, causing Kyo's brows to knit together as she takes a single step back, her legs feeling heavy all of a sudden. 

"But you're already dead..." What she didn't expect was a gunshot to follow her words, there's no sign of a gun anywhere but Kyo still witnesses half of her mother's face seemingly explode with the noise, a sight that she had already seen before, one that she still sees sometimes in her dreams.

But the difference is that this time, the corpse doesn't fall.

Kyo's wide eyes stare at the woman in disbelief as her heart pounds painfully in her chest, she would usually wake up when reliving this scene. She never had to see her mother's brain in her nightmares but this time, she doesn't have the luxury of forcing her eyes open and waking up in a different room. She doesn't get to save herself from this sight.

"You aren't real." The redhead finally finding her words although they come out as more of a whisper, she can't even bring herself to move as her mother starts making her way toward her, Kyo's hand instinctively reaching for her dagger but she's hesitant.

She's sure that this isn't real, she knows it isn't, but she still feels the guilt. 

She doesn't want to kill her mother. Not again.

"Stay...stay away from me! I don't know who the hell you are but I'll still kill you!"

Please, stay away...

But the threat doesn't stop her mother, the woman may be missing half of her face but she doesn't seem effected by this, her hand reaching out to touch the redhead.

Out of impulse, Kyo rips her dagger from it's holster and slashes at the woman but she manages to catch the redhead's wrist mid-swing, blood still dripping from her head wound and causing the girl to wince. 

But within a split of a second, her mother's appearance changes completely. The person gripping onto her wrist was now Law, does that mean she tried to attack him? Her watery eyes widen as she releases her dagger entirely, dropping the weapon to the floor as sweat begins to run down her face. 

 "I'm sorry!" She hasn't apologized for attacking anybody before, even when she probably should but this time, she genuinely feels horrible about her actions. "I didn't know it was--! A-Are you real?" 

A truly stupid question but she's so shaken up at this moment in time that looking a little dumb is the very least of her concerns. 

The surgeon doesn't murmur a word, instead he just pulls the girl into his chest, releasing a subtle sigh as his free hand brings his den den mushi up to his lips."Seems the gas is clear, Bepo. Gather whatever supplies you can and head back to the sub." 

Yes, this is definitely Law...

 All she can bring herself to do is press her face into his chest, tears beginning to stream down her cheeks as she clutches onto his hoodie, as if it was a lifeline. 

He's not usually a hugger, but he doesn't seem to mind her closeness at least, something she's silently grateful for since his warmth is actually managing to calm her nerves. 

He'll have to explain to her what happened properly later, she'll surely be unimpressed but at least she'll be reassured that she isn't going crazy. During the fight with this pirate crew, there was a bit of struggle which resulted in a gas leak, unfortunately for Kyo - the canisters were all on the bottom floor, where she was digging up information. 

At least Bepo was able to activate the ventilation system.

But now Law's beginning to question his idea of bringing her along to Punk Hazard. Caesar can manipulate gas, but he's also aware that she's not a member of his crew so she has no business in following his orders if she doesn't want to.

Not to mention, she has seen the coordinates so if she truly wants to see the island, she will. Best she goes there in his company, they won't be hostile toward her that way.

But he's definitely going to keep her as distant from Caesar as possible now.

"Come on, let's go back to the sub."

It's in this moment, Kyo actually realizes just what she's doing.

Oh splendid, just hug your ally while crying! How pathetic, why don't I just go ahead and ask him for a bedtime story whilst I'm here?!

Although, upon trying to break away from the hug, his hold around her only tightens. 

What? Is he mocking me or does he want to walk back to the submarine like thi--


Oh, of course...I almost forgot he teleports.

At least it's a familiar and welcomed atmosphere surrounding her, she's really beginning to like this yellow submarine.

Law tried to make her lay down upon returning since she had breathed in so much gas but she refused, he could tell that she didn't want to fall asleep out of fear of what will be awaiting her on the other side though. He can understand that feeling.

Everyone is a problem that wants to be solved.

He eventually decided to just lounge with her, he knew she'd be tired and fall asleep on her own soon enough so he let her lean against his chest whilst this happened, he occupied himself during this time by reading through the dozier that she had retrieved from the pirates.

It would seem his company eases her though.

She didn't have a nightmare, like she had feared.

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