When He Has A Nightmare.

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She's pulled from her slumber when she feels an odd sensation, like the earth is moving.

No, that would just be the bed.

Her heavy eyelids slowly sliding open to find that Law had finally fallen asleep beside her.

This realization would've likely had her flustered under different circumstances but she's currently still in the process of waking up, her mind riddled with confusion.


He's unconscious but tossing and turning like mad, his messy hair sticking to his sweat-soaked forehead and his breathing is ragged. 

She has never seen him look so vulnerable.

"Law?" She isn't sure what to do exactly, her voice is far too sleepy and quiet to wake him so she just presses her hand to his chest, in attempts to both keep him still and soothe him.
"H-Hey, it's alright..."

He still doesn't wake but he does gradually begin to settle, his breathing slowly calming as she carefully shuffles into his side, hoping that her closeness will ease him, like his does with her.

"It's alright, I'm not leaving you..." Her pale fingers gently stroke the side of his face as she murmurs these words, her tired orbs staring down at him worriedly, she can feel him sweating from head to toe and his breathing is still a little unsteady but at least he's not panicking anymore.

Her hand carefully brushing some of his hair out of his face, as she murmurs soothing words to him. She isn't surprised he has nightmares with everything he has been through and he has only told her half of it - she can only imagine how much pain he's really in.

"Everything will be alright..." She murmurs a little closer to his ear, hoping that he'll at least hear her in his sleep, her hand caressing his cheek as she smiles at his more-relaxed state.

Who would've thought? The big, bad supernova is actually pretty cute when he's sleeping. 

His hand suddenly reaches up and drapes over hers, holding her palm in place, as his breaths slowly morph into a soft snore, a sound that actually brings a smile to her face.

Hey, it worked. I did something useful. 

She soon finds herself holding his hand instead though, due to noticing that touching his face was just making him sweat more, her thumb gently stroking the tattoos that decorate his fingers in attempts to keep him calm as she rests her head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat.

This is pleasant, this reminds her that he's here and he's alive, but it also somehow scares her.

What if something goes wrong with this plan? What if Doflamingo kills him?
This sensation also comes with a dark realization that she cannot lose him, she can't bare the thought of not being close to him like this.

But his mind is made up about his goals and she respects and honours his decision.

I won't see you die any time soon, Trafalgar Law. I promise that much, I simply won't allow it.

This won't be like Marineford.

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