Fix My Corrupted Heart (Seque...

By xomaggsxo

33.5K 1.1K 280

"It seems you have forgotten you have corrupted me once before in a completely different way than I ever expe... More

Chapter 1: For You
Chapter 2: Yeah, Surprise.
Chapter 3: Whirlwind
Chapter 4: I hate you.
Chapter 5: Like Father, Like Son
Chapter 6: There's Always A Choice
Authors Note!!!
Chapter 7: Sparks
Chapter 8: Corrupted
Chapter 9: Commitment
Chapter 10: Just Not Worth It
Chapter 11: Surprise!
Chapter 12: Moving Day
Chapter 13: I Always Did Wonder About You
Chapter 14: I love you, always
Chapter 15: With You I Can't Resist
Chapter 16: Really, Lay
Chapter 17: Always Chose You
Chapter 18: Family Dinner
Chapter 19: Worthy
Chapter 20: Regret
Chapter 21: Supposed To Be
Chapter 22: Defeated
Chapter 23: Julie Weston
Chapter 24: Dinner
Chapter 25: Save the Date
Chapter 26: Part 2?
Chapter 27: Unknown Woman
Chapter 28: Rehearsal
Chapter 29: To Love and To Hold
Chapter 31: Marriage Season
Chapter 32: Oh baby!
Author's Note

Chapter 30: The Rush

467 20 2
By xomaggsxo

Chapter 30: The Rush

The reception was fun, watching Belle and Jake be married and full of love is always a good time; considering none of us thought they would be where they are today. At least I did not. I knew Belle, and she was not the type to settle for anyone. I'm glad she did though, I'm glad she's finally happy. 

"Dance with me?" My thoughts were interrupted by a hand that waited patiently for mine, glancing up I grinned and nodded, being pulled up and walked to the dance floor. Henry cradled my hand in one of his large ones, and my head rested comfortably under his chin, as we swayed to the song Perfect by Ed Sheeran. 

"Did I get to tell you how beautiful you looked today?" I smiled, head still against his chest to hear his heartbeat increase a bit. "You always tell me." He chuckled lightly, the vibrations rushed through my body, making me tingle all over, "I'll never stop telling you." I laughed lightly, "Yeah, yeah we went over this already." He didn't say anything in return, except the fact that he pulled me even closer yet.

My stomach fluttered uneasily and I smiled lightly into his shoulder. "I love you." His heartbeat picked up again and I could feel him grin, as he pressed a kiss to the top of my head, "I love you, Laney." I smiled and we were silent for a bit, the song was closely coming to an end before Henry spoke again. 

"Marry me, Laney." The whisper was barely audible for me to hear, but the goosebumps that coated my body and the accelerated heartbeat, was the only things to remind me that I had heard him say that and he did say that. His hand brushed the back of my hair, smoothing it down. 

"I know what I want in this life, and I know I want it to be you. I don't want to just be boyfriend and girlfriend anymore, I want to introduce you as my Fiancée and then eventually my wife." 

I pulled back gently and what I was afraid of, shined so evidently on his face. He meant every word he said, he was absolutely serious. "I'm your girlfriend?" I grinned as he pulled back to look at me a little bit more, he chuckled. "Well, yeah. What did you think we were? Just friends?" My face turned red in embarrassment as I looked down toward the ground. 

"I didn't want to just assume that, that's what you wanted." His fingers tilted my chin up to make me look back up at him. "I'm sorry if I didn't make that clear enough. I should've made it more clear. But I meant everything I said within the last three months. I love you, Laney. I never want to be apart from you again and I want us to have a life together. I want to be with you from now and until were old watching our great grandkids run around." His hand cupped my cheek and I tilted into it, my hand resting on his, I closed my eyes.

"I'm not saying no, Henry, I want you to know that." His frown deepened all of his features. "But?" He questioned me and my eyes met his saddened ones, "But we need to talk first. It doesn't have to be tonight, but my China trip extension was moved up, remember, I leave tomorrow night." He nodded and kissed my forehead.

"I remember." I nodded and rested my forehead on his chest and his arms circled around me pulling me close to his body. "May I have this dance?" A new voice interjected and I grinned as we detached from one another. Belle grabbed my hand and pulled me with her as the fast pace music began. 

We laughed loudly as we danced the routine to the song that we learned when we were 14 in her room one night. "Nick! Get in this!" I shouted as he watched the scene unfold with a gigantic smile spread across his lips. "What? No! I don't even remember!" I rolled my eyes as his part was to come in soon. "Yes, you do! Get in this!" "Oh, alright!" He smiled lightly as he shook off his suit jacked and jumped in, behind Belle and I. 

We were positioned in front of him and he was behind us, we all shuffled to the song, Belle holding her dress tightly as the music to Party Rock Anthem by LMFAO blasted throughout the speakers. It wasn't hard to join in and soon everyone was shuffling to the song. 

I looked to Belle and she looked at me, laughing as we criss crossed our feet and shuffled when we were supposed to, I shook my head grinning as the song closed to an end, Belle and I were panting along with everyone else. Nick walked to us, throwing his arms around us and grinning. 

"It's been so long since we did that." I nodded with a grin, Belle chuckling lightly, leaning into her brother. "I miss ya, Nick." He turned to her and ruffled her hair. "I miss you too, little sis." She pouted lightly, "I only ever see you anymore and I'm sure it's because of, Layne." He only grinned and my cheeks tinged pink. "I need a drink, okay, bye!" I quickly walked away and towards the bar, slouching into the seat.

"Chardonnay, please." I asked once the bartender made his way to me and nodded before getting the glass of wine ready for me. He handed it to me and I grinned my thanks, the older man winked at me and my saucer sized eyes, quickly turned and my legs led me away. 

Henry's arm looped around my back and guided me through to the table we were sat at. "You really do draw all kinds of attention to you, huh?" I grinned and shook my head taking a sip of the red liquid. "You're one to talk, aren't ya?" He flashed me his pearly whites and wiggled his eyebrows and I only rolled my eyes. 

We sat at our assigned table and watched closely as Tyler leaned against the chair and sweet talked Ivy. Henry and I laughed loudly, once the chair tipped, causing Tyler's hand to fall limp and for him to almost tumble down with it. Ivy laughed lightly and helped steady him. He grinned smoothly and her cheeks tinged a tiny shade of pink. 

"Can I get you something to drink?" He asked and I nudged Henry's side. "Wait for this." Henry's eyebrows creased but he still watched their interaction. "Sure, but you do know I'm only Seventeen, right?" She questioned as he took a sip of his drink, the liquid splashed out of his mouth as he choked, the dark colored liquid splashing onto his light colored top. "Seventeen? As in still in High School, Seventeen?" His dumbfounded face only made her smile falter, making me believe she's actually for once upset with the response he gave her.

"Yeah, do you know any other kind?" He didn't reply, she only rolled her eyes and walked away, joining the seat next to mine as she slumped into it. Tyler walked away, probably to go yell at Jake or Belle, either or. "Something wrong, love?" I questioned her and she only shot me a disappointed look and shrugged. "Honestly, I don't know. That's normally the reaction I get from older guys when they hit on me, but for some reason I'm not as pleased. I actually kind of liked his personality." 

She glanced to the table and I threw my arm over her shoulder. "Tyler isn't even that much older than you. He's only 22." I stated as I looked to Henry for reassurance. "Right? Tyler is 22 still?" Henry nodded in confirmation and I looked back at her and grinned. "Not much of an age difference, he's just not used to attention from someone like you." 

Quickly noticing what I said I shook my head as her head snapped to me and her eyes blazed. "Someone like me?" She scoffed, "And what the fuck is that supposed to mean, Layne?" I shook my head, my hand grabbing hers. "No! That's not what I meant. What I mean is that, uhm, well. Tyler doesn't exactly hang around younger girls, not saying you're young what I mean is, Henry help." 

He nodded and cut into our conversation when he was spoken to. "What she means is that Tyler bangs older women. Like cougars, usually." Her mouth set open and I snapped my eyes to him. "Well, I could've explained it like that!" His eyes dropped as if I just told him he couldn't have ice cream for breakfast and I sighed. "Ivy, you are smart and beautiful and any guy would be lucky to have you, and I know, Tyler. He'll be back to following you around like a puppy soon, just you wait." She grinned at me and I smiled back. She excused herself and began walking to the bathroom. 

I turned my attention back to my drink and swirled it, glancing at Henry. "I'm sorry, I scolded you." He laughed lightly, shaking his head. "I'm sorry I put it so frank to begin with." I shrugged and waved my hand. "Hey, at least she won't be surprised, she knows exactly what she's getting into. Besides, last I heard, she was fucking her teacher, so." I drawled out and shrugged. Henry sat with his eyes bugged out and I nudged him, he shook his head and muttered to himself. 

"If she were my daughter." He only shook his head and took a sip of his beer. I laughed lightly, shaking my head too. 



Heading back after the Reception was- I don't even think I knew how to describe it. Layne was drunk. I had to pull her down from the table she was dancing on and swing her over my shoulder to leave. I asked Belle and Jake if they needed any help cleaning up to which Belle waved me off. 

"No, we hired someone to do it for us, besides, I know how she gets when she's drunk and it's like taking care of a toddler." Layne stopped her singing to the song Tik Tok by Ke$ha to pull her head up and glare at Belle. "Hey, no need to be so rude!" She pouted and put her head back down to continue singing lowly to the song. I only shook my head and laughed, bidding the couple goodbye and a congratulations. 

Walking out to the SUV my driver brought I greeted him and he greeted me back. I placed Layne in the seat, strapping her in the seat belt and watched as she slumped against the window, her hair blowing out of the window, into the cool air. 

Picking up the magazine that was on top I grinned at the headline, as I read it though, the more pissed off I became. They were only using this garbage to get money. The image from the first was blurry but the second picture they took of Layne and I in Chicago, anyone who knew her would know that's her. 

They had the audacity to question if it was the same girl. I glanced at Layne and frowned. Of course it's the same girl. It's always been this very girl. I pulled my phone out and texted my publicist. 'I want to confirm the rumors, I'll let you know when to set the date and time'. She texted back immediately telling me that was great news and she'll wait for my word. 

Locking my phone, I went back to watching Layne. Her eyes were barely open and she took in the Connecticut wind. "I don't want to be here anymore. I want to leave and go somewhere else, but everyone I love his here." She mumbled and I just listened as I rubbed my hand on her back. 

It was hard to hear anything she really said, for she was mumbling and the helicopter noise was so loud now that we were picking up speed to get onto the highway. I pulled her in gently and rolled her window up. "Put the window lock on please, and open the sunroof." He nodded and did as I said and I pulled Layne's slumped body into mine.

"Do you ever want to leave? Or is this place too much your home to do so?" I brushed her hair back lightly, "I always thought about making a living in San Francisco, but you weren't there so I had to come back here to get you first." She grinned and rolled her eyes.

"I'm nobody special." She waved her arms drastically. "I am just like my mother." Her words were rushed and slurred and I shook my head and shushed her. "No, your mother was weak. You're so strong." She shook her head and giggled lightly. 

"Are we almost home?" I nodded, "Almost, love." She burped and nodded, "Good, because this room is spinning." I shook my head and placed her off of me and grabbed a water bottle. "Here, drink some of this." She let me help her guide it to her lips and she let me know when she was finished. She tucked her hair behind her ear and slumped her head against the headrest. 

Her head lulled to the side to look at me and she grinned. "You're the best thing to happen to me." I grinned at her and kissed her lips lightly, "I say the same about you." 

We finally reached my grandfathers property, which is now my current property and current home. The acres stretched on and on and it felt like forever until the large house came into view. I exited the vehicle and cuddled Layne into my chest as I carried her bridal style to the front door.

"Wow, so pretty." She breathed as she took in all the lights and I only grinned as one of my men opened the door for us, "Thank you, James." He nodded and I carried Layne upstairs and to my bedroom. I plopped her on the bed and she was more aware of her surroundings now, the water helping and the fresh air as well. 

"Thank you, Henry. For always taking care of me." I grinned as I sat up and looked at her laying on the one side of my bed. "I'll do it time and time again if I have to." My stomach turned as I watched her tuck her hair behind her ear and smile drunkenly at me. 

He smile faltered and she sat up, grabbing my hand. "I don't want to rush anything with you, ever. I don't want you to feel like this is rushing anything." I smiled as I shook my head, "I don't think there's any rush. I love you and I know I want to be with you forever." She sighed and grabbed both of my hands. 

"I called you, I had stopped calling you and when I called you again, your older number was turned off. You never got my message." I sighed and grabbed her hands. "I know, and I'm so sorry for that." When she looked at me her eyes were glassed over and she pulled her hands from mine. My heartbeat rapidly waiting for her to say what I knew she would. 

I knew something was wrong. She only gets drunk like this when she is trying to forget something. Maybe, she was starting to work on forgetting me. For good this time. Looking at her now made my heart break so much more. 

"I really needed you. I was too stubborn to ask questions from Jake and Belle. I convinced them, hell I even convinced myself I didn't need you." I went to grab her hand again but she pulled away and stood. "You want to be my husband and the father of our children, but you weren't even there for your first child." As her words came out a bit jumbled and a bit slurred I quickly pieced them together, my eyes becoming wide.

"M-my, what?" She sighed and her tear fell. "I lost our baby at 13 weeks, 5 days. I carried our baby, your baby, for 13 weeks. Then I-I lost it. I had a late miscarriage. I lost our baby. I lost our baby." Her voice broke as she kept repeating it over and over again, until she broke. 

"I needed you so much." She sobbed as she gripped the bed for support. The amount of heartbreak in her voice, left me frozen. She wailed for air as I knew the amount of pain she was going through. Layne was broken. I had been the cause of that. 

I thought I was doing what was best, but it was the worst for her. I blamed my grandfather for so long for making me cut all ties, I blamed myself because I could have disobeyed him. Why didn't I disobey him? But now, now I blame Jake. He knew. He knew about this and he never told me. He was the only one I kept in contact with besides my mom, assuming she didn't know, my heart was breaking too. 

Layne's sobs turned louder as she clutched her chest and my own tears fell silently down my cheeks. How could everyone keep me away from this? From the truth. What do we do now? How do you forgive someone who turned the other way for years? How could Layne ever forgive me. 

My legs took me to her and we crumpled to the floor as she wailed into my shirt. Breaking all over again, and as we sat there, her crying muffled by my shirt and my soft tears, landing on her own cheek and becoming one, I wondered how often she did this. The anniversary of the baby's death? The original due date? How often did I break Layne's heart without even being near her? 


Authors Note:

Hi guys, my story was eligible for the wattys of 2019! Please help spread my story by liking, commenting and sharing. It would mean so much to me! Thank all of you for the support as well! 

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