All It Took (Kaisoo)

By sugarwtter

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Sequel to * A Monstrosity * *completed* After arriving at the mountain kyungsoo is now slowly reaching the en... More

Prologue (might change)
| Chapter 1 : Snowball |
| Chapter 2 : A Line In The Snow |
| Chapter 3 : Warming up |
| Chapter 4 : The Bound Mates share |
| Chapter 5 : Fallen|
| Chapter 6 : Special Luna |
| Chapter 7 : Manipulation|
| Chapter 8 : traitor |
| Chapter 9 : Right Here |
|.Chapter 10 : Consoling |
| Chapter 11: Of Predicting|
Story/charackter Info
| Chapter 12 : Handshake |
| Chapter 13: Oh No |
| Chapter 14 : when she took him |
| Chapter 15 : One Life For Another |
| Chapter 16 : The Worry |
| Chapter 17 : Everything of her |
| Chapter 18 : Ready for Sacrifices? |
| Chapter 19 : A Fear Of |
| Chapter 20 : Until We Met Again |
| Chapter 21 : Back In The Dark |
| Chapter 22 : One Way |
| Chapter 24 : Return of the past |
| Chapter 25 : The Final Punishment |
| Chapter 26 : Agony for Love |
| Chapter 27: Relief |
| Chapter 28 : Precious |
| Chapter 29 : Hopeful |
|Chapter 30 : Last Hideout |
| Chapter 31 : Finally |
| Chapter 32 : Keep It That Way |
| Chapter 34 : Nightmares of the Truth |
| Chapter 35 : The pain |
| Chapter 36 : A True Alpha |
| Chapter 37 : Dreams |
| Chapter 38 : More than one |
| Chapter 39 : Prepare yourselves |
! recap important !
| Chapter 40 : The Edge hope |
| Chapter 41 : The Last One Standing |
| Chapter 42 : Its Bullshit |
| Chapter 43 : My Special One|
| Chapter 44 : Not Leaving |
| Chapter 45 : When we gave up|
| Chapter 46 : For our Miracles |
| Chapter 47 : For Him |
Another Epiloge
Story/Charackter info Completed

| Chapter 23 : Revenge |

329 20 1
By sugarwtter

Previously on 'All It Took '

(Whoever read this in TWD voice,
I love you 😂😂👌)

Basically kyungsoo is preggy they were staying in hyunsiks house in the mountains to hide. But jongin and kyungsoo found an old cabin after getting lost in the snow to get to shelter and discovered that its kyungsoos fathers cabin and there was a picture of kyungsoos mother.

Hyunsik house got burned down after an attack from hunters and kyungsoo got kidnapped by his father while Sehun was left with a serious injury.

Jongin and hyunsik went to get kyungsoo back while chanyeol left with baekhyun and Sehun to hide in the city and find a place to stay and take care of Sehun.


,, you're worried "
Hyunsik concluded after it was silent for way too long, we've been walking through the woods for what seemed like houres now, altho I wanted to run to get there faster, hyunsik explained me that it wasn't that easy to find the hidden underground jail and that he had to be careful not to trigger any traps and follow the right signs carved in the trees, hed avoided quite a few traps that i would've blindly triggered and walked into to get killed if I were alone, 

,,ofcorse I am, this is my family "
I answered in obvious, I was aware that my eyes hadn't stopped glowing it dangerous red colour. I could feel Kai clawing on the door in my mind that was holding him back. The fact that we didn't know what kyungsoo was prpbably going through right at this moment was making me more than restless, it was killing me. I was carving to see him alright, peacefully asleep in my arms again where I could protect him and know he would be ok.

,, did you consider what would happen once you reach the end of the pregnancy ?" He asked shamelessly while holding his gun as he read another sign on the tree and I ended up looking at him with a frown.

,, baekhyun said he will sedate him and cut the baby out-"
,, if it even comes to that " he cut me off finally turning to me to give me a stern look.

,, how dare You "

,, what ? Dare I what ? You think I like thinking about that ?? Kyungsoo one of the only people I ever called family he means .. a lot to me ok. Did you even notice ? Did you see how damn thin he is-"
,, I know I know, baekhyun said its getting better ever since he started eating the raw meat ok-"i shot back on my way on getting angry when he spoke to me in this way, as if I was oblivious to the situation and didn't care when the truth was the opposite.

,, I'm telling that to myself too " he sighed keeping his walking pace
,, but I don't know.. there's always something new coming to it, it's not just that its killing him.. its everything" his head shock as he swallowed ,, I mean there's a fucking demon after us, the devil, the moongoddess And hunters will be too now. The whole world is Basically after this baby "

,, I don't care" I simply said ,, even if I had to fight the whole world, I wouldn't give up on family "

He sighed rubbing over his forehead when he suddenly rose a hand to stop me from walking.
,, I'm not suggesting anything anymore... But, maybe chanyeol was right on this one, don't tell me you haven't considered it aswell,

I mean did you realy think this through, it might cost kyungsoos life, Sehun life any of us just for this baby and when it's born what then ? You think the devil will stop trying to get it ? You think the moongoddess will accept that you aren't giving her the baby ?

It will be a run and chase game until death. And even afterwards hell who knows what these fucking gods are capable of"

I was quiet as he said that looking into his eyes I felt the glowing fade from mine. I did consider giving the baby up but after kyungsoo fought so hard for the baby I hated myself because I thought of it as the own father. I told myself to take care of it. I didn't want to give it up.
I was ready to give my life for it.
But was I ready to give kyungsoos life for it ? All of my packs life.

Living like this, constantly on the run.. would it be worth it ?

I will have to lose my pack for their sake if the baby was born maybe even lose kyungsoo to protect him and the baby .. i-if he made it, I didn't even want to think about him not making it.

,, shit " hyunsik suddenly grabbed onto my arm pulling me down and with him to hide behind the trees and I blinked confused and alarmed ready to hurt and Ripp whoever came between us and kyungsoo apart.

,,I think we just found it " He whispered leaning away from the tree.


,, hey " I flinched forward when baekhyun tripped exhaling heavily as he steadied himself by a tree.
,, you ok ?"

He looked at me as he swallowed an nodded but I could clearly spot the sweat drops on his forward and the fast pace of his beating heart.
,, maybe we should take a rest "

,, we can not ! We have already taken one not too long ago " he instantly argued and I rolled my eyes.

,, you're still injured aswell stop being so stupi-" I stopped talking when Sehun moved in my arms, groaning quietly and I stopped in my tracks as baekhyun came closer.
,, Sehun?" I called him carefully but his eyes were still squeezed shut, eyebrows furrowed in pain.

Baekhyuns hand landed on his forehead as he sighed ,, he is getting way too cold, we need to find a place to stay at soon"

,, the city is still too far away, we'll never make it .. how about you ?"
I looked over him. As far as I know elf don't have the ability to keep up their temperature when it gets cold.

,, I am fine " he simply said while turning away again as he looked around. ,, I can try to create a barrier if we found a cave or something, but I do not think I will have much energies left to actually help his healing process to speed up, "

,, we won't make it to the city even if we walked through the night, I think our chances are better if we found a cave that way we can meet the others more easier too " I suggested finally as i looked around.
Keeping my eyes out for a cave or anything like it.

,, there !" He suddenly concluded and I turned my head as he started walking forward.

,, wait " I rushed after him through the snow and trees as he stomped through it , coming off the way which only had a little layer of snow compared to the one here.

,, here this looks good " he described  stopping by the little cave as he pulled his daggers out which started glowing as soon as they were in his hands.

I walked past him when he checked on me indirectly urging me to step inside which I did. Luckily the ground here seemed pretty much clean. There were only some stones in some corners. It wasn't that big aswell, I couldn't stand straight in it but it was long enough to hide inside and that was the most important thing.

He walked after us the glowing of his daggers was lighting up the dark so we could walk further until we reached the end.  We found out that his daggers weren't actually necessary to see or at least for me. Since it wasn't that far away from the entrance but far away for us to make a fire and not be noticed.

,, ok .. it's perfect " he muttered looking around the ground probably to find a perfect spot while I took care of Sehun lay in him down gently. I rolled my jacket together and placed it under his head.

,, we should make a fire.. I'm going to get some wood"
He only nodded briefly while carving something into the ground with his daggers.

I watched him for a moment when he suddenly cut over his palm.
,, what are you doing !?" I got down to him taking his hand quickly.

He just looked at me with wide eyes when I suddenly held his hand.
I let go awkwardly ,, it's necessary for the barrier to hold .. don't worry.. just get some wood "

I pressed my lips together
,, y-yeah "


It was night time now. We were just sitting by the fire, baekhyun had ended up treating Sehun after all using that little strength he had left to heal him more but he said it was concerning because he wasn't waking up and Baekhyun finding it concerning was making me especially  concerned.

My eyes travelled over to him when his head fell to the side but he quickly sat up straight again keeping it straight. Cute.

I chuckled lightly ,, tired ?"

,, shut up " he blinked tiredly focusing on the fire.

I sighed moving back to lean against the wall once I checked on Sehun again. ,, why don't you try to sleep you realy spent enough energies today "

He didn't answer at first and I wasn't sure if he had actually heard me.
,, baek "

I got up moving over to him slowly as I sat down besides him, moving my knees up to steady my arms and elbows on them.
,, you should sleep "

,, I don't want to "

,, but you need to "
He moved his eyes to look at me as I said that before looking back onto the fire, he shifted a little but ended up wincing at It.

It made me flinch sitting up to have a good look on him
,, let me see "

,, no .. it is fine " he argued but I refused to listen when I ignored it and grabbed onto his hand gently to move away.

He wouldn't let me at first but i guess he realized I wouldn't back down any soon and eased his hand letting me move it away.

My eyes roamed his shirt at first before I pulled it up carefully, his bandage was old, worn out and most of all.. soaked in blood and dirt.
,, aren't you suppose to change that ??"

He said nothing and only exhaled tiredly. ,, I do not have time for such an unimportant action"

,, what ?" I squinted disbelieving
,, are you stupid ?"

,, n-"
,, shut up, unimportant action my ass! " I cursed moving the bandage slowly off, he hissed at the movements and the stickiness of them. How could he think so lowly of himself. It sickened me and made me feel horrible, my wolf was practically scolding me from the inside now because j hadn't given him enough love to.make him realize his value.

,, chanyeol " I heard him call as I was removing the Bandage to have a better look on the wounds. It'd ripp my shirt if there was no other option because that Dirty little bandage on an open wound could not be healthy.
,, it is fine just stop " he attempted to move my hands which I wouldn't let him at first but figured I realy had no clue how to handle wounds and I frowned when I felt how ice cold his hands were.

Lowering my hands I watched him remove the bandage himself. The wounds didn't look that bad anymore to be honest and it made me relieved
,, It will be fine to keep it open now"

,, are you sure ?" I looked sceptical at him but he only nodded.

Sighing I took his hand back in both of mine after he was done and he looked at me with an expression I couldn't quite point.
,, you're cold "

,, I am ok " he simply said but ofcorse I didn't buy that when I looked into his eyes letting him know I was there for him and that he didn't have to lie to me.
,, how about you try to sleep for at least a bit ?"

He looked hesitant but eventually agreed quietly, moving his hands out of mine to get to the wall which he leaned himself against at not spending me another glance
,, why are you doing that ?"
I was hoping he'd stay and figure that I wanted him to lean against me. Where it's warm and not at the other end of the damn cave far away from me.

,, what ?" He acted innocent.

,, you always avoid it" I pulled my knees up again ,, i know you want to get close to me too .. we're mates ok having these feelings is normal it's suppose to be like this but you're just avoiding it. If you don't want it then why don't you just reject me already like she did before you " my eyes drifted away, mainly because I didn't want to tear up and let him see it I'd rather look at the ugly walls of this cave.

,, I told you .. We can not-"
,, I know you think you can't because you want to sacrifice yourself but then why haven't you rejected me ??" I hear him shift and looked back at him almost desperately.

,, I do not know .." It surprised me that it came of more as a whine than a the empty stern voice he'd usually had as he hurrying his face in his arms steadied on his lifted knees aswell. ,, I just .. a part of me hopes that maybe there is another way like jongin says but .. The other knows there is none and I just realy do not want  to ... em .. " his voice was leaving him and I shifted closer to him at that.

,, just let us try it. I know there will be another way, I won't let anything happen to you ok " I assured him confidently and I meant it. I was tired of this game, avoiding and trying but then not meaning it but at the same time meaning it. I just wanted closure I wanted to know where we are at. I wanted to know that me and him are more. We are mates and for fucks sake we need to act like it.

My hands moved eagerly to lift his head and face me. My expression softened looking over this steady red eyes of his. He'd always looked so tough it was weird and sad seeing him so vulnerable.

I smiled softly when I removed his tears with my thumbs before starting to move closer, he closed his eyes just waiting and I closed mine.

,, g-guys, I don't mean to r-ruin the mood " 

we turned our heads instantly to Sehun in shock.
,, Sehun !" I exclaimed getting up and attempting to get to him. He was sitting up holding his neck, he looked quite pale but that wasn't why I stopped in my tracks.

He was staring toward the cave entrance and I turned my head to look aswell just to freeze.

Baekhyun stood up and I blinked In shock. A wolf was standing there, dirty messy furr and glowing red eyes. There were wounds on him. His smell only faint masked by all the dirt and blood but I recognized it instantly anyway.

In seconds I turned away again pulling Sehun up and toward baekhyun before shifting myself I growled loudly standing in front of the wolf showing my teeth as it growled back and raced toward us onto to collide with the barrier.

Baekhyun groaned falling to his knees at the pain of bearing the impact he had done on the barrier only kept up by baeks willpower at the moment.

Lost in thought I turned back to the wolf as it fan against it again causing baekhyun more pain.
,, We can't kill him !" Sehun whined with a hoarse voice.

I clenched my teeth looking back and forth between everyone.

I don't think we'd have much of choice.

Concluding that, I jumped onto the wolf being aware that the barrier didn't affect Me as I was half wolf half elf.

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