A War of Guns and Roses

By DazzlingJazz9

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Elaine Greene was the daughter of a multimillionaire. She loved her father and lost her mother at a very youn... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47

Chapter 35

13 1 0
By DazzlingJazz9

"Wait what?" I whined.

"I won't be seeing you tomorrow. At least until late in the evening, anyway."

"But why?" I asked.

"I have work, sweetheart. I came here because of the...business. So I need to go."

I glared at him. "You know we have only 4 more days and you're already cutting another day off right?"

"I know," he sighed and moved closer to me. "I'll make it up to you, I promise."

He leant in and placed a soft, chaste kiss on my lips. We had spent the entire day indoors today, just watching movies with Bree and basically, cuddling and talking about stuff. Xavier didn't mind cuddling. In fact, he was the one who always initiated it. As the days passed by, I realized that he was actually a really soft teddy bear of a person with a cold and emotionless exterior reared by the traumatic experiences he had gone through.

We had gotten close. And he was not afraid to pull me close to him, not any more. He didn't hold back and gave me everything I wanted from him. We didn't speak about what would happen after we got back. We avoided the subject like it was a plague.

And now, it was night and he was just leaving, when he released the news that he was not going to be seeing me tomorrow. I guess he knew I would be disappointed, that was probably why he had withheld that information for so long.

"Fine," I huffed and leaned up to kiss him again. This time, our kiss lasted longer than usual, him telling me that he didn't really want to attend to his business tomorrow, through his lips.

"Ahem," a cough broke us apart. I looked behind me to see Gran standing there, arms crossed against her chest, with a smile on her face. My cheeks reddened as I turned back to him.

"I'll see you later," hemurmured and with a final kiss on my cheek, he departed.

I turned back to Gran, who motioned me to follow her. We headed into the dining room and Gran took a seat, gesturing for me to do the same. Taking her advice, I plopped down and waited for her to speak.

"Alright. So...I know it's none of my concern, but since I'm so nosy and in desperate need of great grandchildren, especially since I missed most of my your childhood or teen-hood, whatever you would like to call it. People these days call it so many things..."

"Gran." I interrupted, my cheeks still heated. "Get to the point."

"So, I was just curious. To know whether you have actually done it with him."

"Oh my god, no!" I gasped, my face flaming with color.

"What? Why not?" Gran asked and I could hear the disappointment in her voice.

"I'm not discussing this with you," I said at once, embarrassment too mortifying to handle.

"Yes you are, young lady. I'm adamant in playing the role of your grandmother and mother together."

"Gran, no," I groaned.

"Tell me. Is he too small?" Gran asked, curiously leaning forward in her seat.

"Heck no!" I exclaimed. "I-I mean, not as if I have actually seen it or anything, but I bet he is anything but small."

Gran smirked. "Then why? Is he not experienced? Can he not bring you to pleasure as much as—"

"Oh my god!" I gasped and ran upstairs, my head hidden in my hands. I heard Gran's laugh behind me and knew that she was doing this on purpose to tease me.

I entered my bedroom and sighed, flopping down onto the bed. Grabbing my phone from my nightstand, I dialed a number that I was overly familiar with.

"Hey!" The speaker exclaimed.

"Hay is for horses." I snorted.

A chiming laugh echoed. "Oh, how I missed you!"

"Can't say the same about you." I teased.

"Oh, shut up!" she laughed it away.

"So how's it going, Eves?"

"All good, all good," she said happily. "Although I'm not going to forgive you for keeping the news of my brother's life away from me."

"Huh?" I asked, confusion seeping into my voice.

"His relationship with that online friend of yours, doofus," Eva laughed.

"Oh! Yeah...I'm really sorry, Eves. But to be honest, you can't hold me responsible. It was all Ivan. He made me promise and tortured me to keep it from you."

"Lies!" a voice shouted from the other side.

"Well, maybe the torturing part didn't really happen..." I conceded.

I could picture Eva shaking her head at me as she made that clicking sound with her tongue, that she always did when she disapproved of something.

"I thought better of you, El! I put my faith in you to be able to withstand the pain from my brother!" she exclaimed dramatically.

I heard Ivan scoff on the other line and mutter, "What kind of idiotic sisters do I have?"

"Oh, you love us," I chimed in.

I heard a screech and then a thud. "Ouch! Ouch! Gerrof me!" Ivan screamed.

I laughed as I pictured what had possibly happened. Eva would have kept the phone aside and given her brother that really evil smirk of hers, her eyes sparkling deliriously before jumping on him and strangling him half to death with a extremely loving -as she calls it-hug. And discerning by the sounds, I bet Ivan fell off the bed with that.

"So, what's up with you? How's your grandma?" Eva asked. I could hear Ivan muttering incoherently on the other line.

"She's really nice," I told her. "And she makes really good pasta. So it's all good."

Eva laughed. "Trust you to judge a person by what they serve you for food."

"Of course," I said, chucking along with her. "How's Aunt Louise doing?"

"Oh, mom's doing just fine! She's really happy now that we are back."

"You know, your mom should come live with us too. It's not like we are lacking in space or anything."

"I know. And that's what Ivan and I have been trying to convince her about. But you know her. She just won't listen," Eva sighed.

"Hm. Oh! How's your boyfriend doing?" I asked.

I could picture Eva's blush as she stammered. "He's not my boyfriend."

"What? What the heck is he waiting for?"

"Girls, girls. I'm still right here," Ivan groaned.

"Then get out," Eva said.

"You're becoming a bit too smart-mouthed for my liking," Ivan said and I imagined him narrowing his eyes at Eva.

"Oh, shut up. I was always like this," she waved it away.

More mutterings ensured and then, with a slam of the door, I heard Ivan's quickly dissipating voice.

"You better call me, Elaine!" were his last parting words.

"Will do," I shouted back, laughing. "So, what's up with you and Daniel?" I inquired.

"Nothing much, really."

"You sound like something's bothering you."

"It kinda is..." she trailed off.

"Tell me," I encouraged.

"He's been acting a bit strangely the past few days...."

"How strange?"

"It's not that noticeable or anything...but you know me."

"Yes. Now tell me!"

"Alright, alright," she sighed. "Well, this was two days ago. We were out on a...kinda date and—"

"Kinda date? Either it's a date or it isn't."

"Fine, fine. Guess it was a date. Anyway, so we just sat there at a table, talking and then suddenly a friend of his comes over."

"Okay," I said slowly as she made a dramatic pause.

"So he comes over and completely ignoring me, he lifts Daniel off his feet and into a hug."

"Okay," I repeated in the same tone.

"And then he notices me and Daniel kinda freezes over. And he says, 'Still at it, playboy?' And then with a smirk and a wink, he walks away."

"Weird," I commented. 

"I know right!" Eva exclaimed. "And so I ask him about it and he just waves it off like it's nothing."

"He didn't say anything about it?" I asked.


"Well, that sure isn't very..."

"I know what you mean," she agreed. "But I didn't goad him with it too much because he seemed a bit uncomfortable with the topic."

"Maybe he didn't like that friend of his," I offered.

"Yah, maybe," she replied, sounding unconvinced.

"Don't worry, Eves. That boy is whipped over you."

"Is he, really?"

"Are you seriously having doubts because of one encounter?" I asked, disbelief in my tone.

"N-no. It's not like that."

"Alright then," I said, not convinced.

"So? Heard anything about Xavier?"

"Uh, no," I lied, hating myself for it.

It just didn't feel right to tell anyone that Xavier and I were together over here.

"Oh, okay," she said and we continued chatting.

When she finally cut off the line, I changed into my pjs and laid down on the bed, trying to plan something to do for tomorrow.

Well, tomorrow was going to be one heck of a long day.


I didn't do much the next morning. Gran decided that this was the perfect time for us to have some kind of family moment. So we went out to town and visited some of the local museums and then went on a shopping spree. We had brought Bree along too, since she was bored at home anyways.

Gran's sense of fashion was different from mine, but good all the same. She favored skirts more than jeans while I was the complete opposite. I hated wearing skirts. Gran loved anything that had to do with hair while I was more onto the makeup side.

So all in all, it was an enjoyable experience.

At the end of the day, I walked over to the house adjacent to drop Bree off.

"Hey Adeline!" I greeted.

"Oh, hey Elaine! It's nice to see you again."

"You too!" I beamed. And then paused, wondering whether to ask or not. "Uh..."

"Spit it out, Elaine. I know you're dying to ask me something."

"How did you figure that out?" I asked teasingly.

"Ask away!" she laughed.

"Well, I just wanted to know whether...uh, is Xavier home?" I stammered. I don't know why the hell I was so nervous just to ask her about his whereabouts.

Adeline's eyes sparkled as if she knew why I was so nervous. And then as if she remembered something, the spark in her eyes dimmed.

"Oh, yes! I nearly forgot. Xavier informed just a little while earlier that he won't be coming home today and probably won't get back till late tomorrow. He said to inform you if you asked for him."

"Oh," I said, feeling deflated.

It was wonderfully disastrous, how close I had gotten to him in these few weeks. And so I returned back home in a sullen mood and called it a day.


I ended up waking up at half past seven the next morning. On a freaking holiday! Not really being a morning person, I was in a dreadful mood. I had nothing to do.

Hands on hips, I stared out of my window. The morning dew frosted around the edges of the window as I looked out. I pulled the cloak kinda thing which I found in my cupboard, closer around my body as I swung the window open.

The morning breeze blew in, caressing my flushed cheeks. The forest was visible beneath me and I saw a trail leading into it before making a split decision.

Quickly walking into my closet, I pulled out a pair of tracks jeans, a long sleeved, fitting dark blue t-shirt and a knitted forest green sweater.

After looking over my outfit in the mirror and assuring that I was satisfied with it, I shook my head at myself and began tying the laces of my Nike shoes.

Digging further into the closet, I found a small, classic black backpack. Dusting it, I began piling it with necessities as in, food, food and food and also a flashlight, water bottle and after a second thought a blanket-incase it got too cold.

Shouldering the backpack, I made my way downstairs. Making a quick butter and jam toast for myself, I wrote a note for gran telling her that I was going out and would probably be back later in the evening. Xavier's aunt and uncle were taking Bree to the zoo today so I didn't have her to distract me either.

I grabbed a hat on my way and placed it on my head before heading towards the trail. I took a deep breath and smiled at the looming and dark forest ahead of me. Was now not the perfect time to explore?

And so I entered...

The day was still new and fresh. The air was cold, but being in the forest radiated a certain warmth. I followed the trail, the sunlight trickling through the gaps in the canopy. The entire forest was awake, even at this ungodly hour of the morning. Birds chirped happily from their spots on the huge trees.

The luscious greenery was enticing to look at. The trees, bushes and wild plants all went together to form a beautifully enticing picture. As I walked further, following the trail, I was reminded of the recent two instances that I had been at the forest.

Both of them included Xavier, especially the more recent one. But this time, I was out all alone to enjoy the solitude of it all.

The hours passed as I trekked through the forest, not really aiming for anything, but occasionally pausing to look at various multicolored flowers and the unique species of insects and animals alike.

Finally, feeling exhausted, I sat down on a large fallen log. Sweat poured down my face from all the walking that I had done and the cool breeze was welcomed with open arms.

Now the forest was much denser. The trees were closer in together and only a little sunlight trickled through, shrouding the place in semidarkness.

I looked at my watch to count how many steps I had taken and was surprised to see the count. Tapping at the watch, I looked at the time to see that half the day had passed while I was in the forest.

Tired off my limits with how much I had walked, I took out a couple of sandwiches that I had packed and began devouring them. I was so focused on my food that I didn't see the cute little puppy that had hopped over to me.

"Hey buddy!" I greeted in surprise after I had felt something soft and moist on my hand.

"Woof, woof!" it replied, happily licking my hand.

"What are you doing here, lil bud?" I asked, scratching its ears.

It made a whining sound as if reminded of something.

"What's wrong?" I cooed in a soft voice.

It whined again and pawed at my hands. Then suddenly, it turned and began walking away.

"Oh, okay," I frowned.

But it turned and tilted its head to the side before turning in front again and then looking back at me.

"You want me to come with you?" I asked, making a confused expression.

It turned towards me again and began pawing at my hands.

"Alright, alright. I'm coming," I said and shouldered by backpack.

The small stray puppy led me further into the forest, ignoring the trail. I hesitated, second thoughts clouding my mind as I asked myself I would really risk getting lost for a lost puppy.

Heck yes!

So I followed it.

But not before spreading some breadcrumbs to mark the way I was going on. The old fashioned way. I'm not that dense.

The forest was becoming even darker now and it looked almost menacing. Sunlight barely trickled through the small gaps between the trees and the dark trees themselves loomed over terrifyingly. Every crunch of the leaves under my foot echoed through the forest.

I kept my eyes on the little pup who was making its way forward, as if he had known this place for ages.

I tightened the straps of my backpack over my shoulder and stood up straight. No one was going to be able to do anything to me. No one. I was strong. I was unbeatable. I was invincible.

Just then, I heard the snap of a twig and I almost screamed in surprise. I spun around on my spot and looked on at the direction that I had heard the twig snap, suspiciously.

A beat or two passed and then after making sure that there was no one, I looked forward again. And to my utter disbelief, the pup was nowhere in sight.

I gulped.

Would that puppy really leave me all alone in this treacherous jungle?

Nah, it will come back for you. My mind retorted sarcastically.

Now what? I asked myself.

Why don't we check our the area that the twig had snapped in. Maybe we would find someone.

Have you gone utterly insane? I asked. I mean, who the heck does that? It's like I'm asking for someone to come and either kill me or eat me.

Or both. My mind offered.

Shut up.

Okie, dokie. Best of luck in getting out of this yourself!

Yeah, well, I don't need your stupid thinking to help me out of this anyway.

You do realize that you're still talking to yourself right?

"Oh yes!" I murmured, surprised.

Shaking my head at my stupidity, I looked around, deciding what to do now.

Should I go in the direction that the puppy was heading? What if someone was hurting him at this very instance!?

No, no! I couldn't let that happen. That puppy was so cute! Such a pure creature shouldn't be hurt or left alone at all! With that decision made, I rushed forward and towards the unknown, slowly being enveloped in darkness.


And that, my friends, is the story of how Elaine Greene, an 18 year old girl who made a stupid decision, had her death announced a few hours later.


I am so evil, lol.

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