B4) The Lycan's Obsession

By Love-Saya-Chan

4.6K 261 31

Skyla left home, to give birth away from the problems. But it seems those problems followed her, as a clingy... More

1: City
2: Found
3: Labor/Born
4: Hello, Skyla
6: Baby Cries
7: Moods
8: Annoyed
9: Gathering
10: Unbelievable
11: After The Storm
12: Threat
13: Aggressiveness
14: Branded
15: Taking Her
16: Reconcile
17: Where is Sky?
18: Stay Put
19: What Happened?
20: Home?
21: Lost It
22: Agony
23: Who Has Sky?
24: The Town
25: Home At Last
26: Winter Comes
27: Never Again
28: Crazy Day
29: Going Away
30: Furball

5: Accept

169 9 1
By Love-Saya-Chan

"Since you are staying," Kristy smiled. "You can't lay around doing nothing. You and your friend are going to work on the farm for us."

"Great," Alton sat down. "Fine, whatever, so long as I don't have to go."

Kristy chuckled. "Alton, you hurt Skyla; you can't expect her to take you back so easily. It'll take a lot to gain her trust."

"And I will," he said. "Whatever it takes, I will get Skyla back. And that man, I don't want him coming here anymore."

"It's not for you to decide," she said. "It's up to Elvin and up to Skyla if she wants to see him or not."

He growled. "Skyla shouldn't be interested in a man like that."

She shrugged. "That man has been the only one that wants something with Skyla; he wants her to be his wife. He's respectful and isn't pressuring her. And he's not one to abandon her."

"Go on, rub it in," he crossed his arms.

"Look," she set the basket of bread down. "With the way you are acting right now, you won't get anywhere. You need to stop with that attitude of yours."

"Ahem," Skyla walked over with Sky in her arms. And that maid, Marla, was behind holding a blanket. "Good morning."

"Morning," Kristy smiled. "Hello, there, Sky, aren't you a cutie."

Skyla sat down with Sky. "Today, I'm going out to get some fresh air, now that I don't have to hide from Alton."

"Okay," Kristy said. "But only around the garden, the town is off-limits until your better."

"Okay," Skyla handed Sky over to Marla. "Where's Elvin?"

"He had to leave for another meeting," Kristy said. "He didn't even get to eat breakfast; those men are really, trying too hard."

"Well, Elvin is never going to," Skyla said. 

"Where's your friend?" Kristy asked. 

"He's a bit shy and decided to eat in the kitchen," Alton said.

"Okay," Kristy smiled.

After breakfast, Alton walked around the garden holding Sky. "I'll win you, mother, over, you'll see, she can't resist me." Sky coo and yawned. "Your a sleepy little one, like me."

He kissed Sky's head and took her back to Skyla, who sat on the chair. He handed her back. "Come here."

"I'm going to go and look for my friend," he walked away.

Alton found Lyon lazying around in the hay. "How did it go?"

"Great," he said. "But Skyla still hates my guts."

"What did you expect?" Lyon said. "That Skyla would jump into your arms and forgive you?"

"Yes," he said.

Lyon chuckled. "You're an idiot."

Alton sat and laid back. He closed his eyes and allowed his thoughts to reorganized. They were all jumbled up, and he couldn't think. Skyla has become more beautiful; motherhood is doing her excellent. Alton wants to have more kids with her, but he needs to gain her trust and forgiveness to do that.

"Not to alarm you," Lyon said. "And you need to keep calm, but that man is back." Alton sat up and looked over. He growled. "Easy, you can't act out, remember you need to show Skyla that you can control your anger, I mean, your jealousy. So let's stay here and wait."

Alton didn't like that idea, but he had no choice. Alton needs to prove to Skyla that he can control himself even though he wanted to go over there and rip that man's head off and shred him.

"Okay," he took a deep breath. "I'm going to sit here and keep calm. That man better, make his visit quick, cause I don't know how long I can keep myself sane."

Alton grabbed a pitch work and gripped the handle tightly. Skyla, she better not accept anything from that bastard.


Skyla looked at Mr. Cox. "Thank you for the gifts, but you didn't have too. It's too much."

"I don't mind," he smiled. "Anything for the little one, Sky is her name, right?"

"Yes," she held Sky, who was wide awake and looked around as if looking for something or someone. She could be wanting to see Alton.

"I heard the father is here," he said. "Sorry, I did my best to stop him, but it seems he found you anyways."

Skyla sighed. "It's okay, at least Sky was able to meet her father; that is the only thing that matters to me. I want Sky to grow up knowing that her father and I love her. Even if we aren't together."

"That is great," he said. "So, I know your answer will be the same, but I am having a small gathering; it's my niece's fifth birthday, and well, I would love if you could attend."

"Oh," Skyla looked at him. "Your niece, the one your raising on your own?"

"Yes," he smiled. "I talk about you a lot, and she wants to meet you if it's possible. I know you're still recovering."

Skyla smiled. "When?"

"Next week," he said.

"By then, I'll be better," she said. "I'd love to come to your niece's party. I'll attend. Thank you for inviting me."

Mr. Cox nodded. "Well, I shall see you then, I must get going, Lady Kristy, please tell Elvin that I got what he asked for, and can pick it up at my shop."

"Will do," Kristy said.

Skyla watched him go. "Hmm, I bet Alton will be pretty jealous about me going to that party."

"You did this on purpose," Kristy said. 

"Yes and no," Skyla said. "Yes, because I want to show Alton that I do as I please and no, because I know it was the child who asks for me. And I would be rude to decline; I don't want to break her little heart."

Kristy smiled. "Your too kind, but Alton will want to accompany you."

Skyla sighed. "I won't stop Alton, but he will need to behave and not ruin the child's birthday. I'll talk to him now. Here take Sky."

Kristy grabbed her. "Come on, let's go look at the baby ducks."

Skyla walked out and looked around. She spotted Alton laying the hay with Lyon.

Frowning, she walked over to them and kicked their feet. "Up, you two can't lazy around like this."

"Ah, sorry," Lyon stood. "I'm waiting for orders; one of the farmers here went to get something. I should go look for him."

Skyla watched him go. "And you?" Alton just laid there.

"I'm tired," he said. "There's nothing to do here."

"Help the farmers with the hay," she kicked his feet. "Get up, I thought you were trying to gain my trust; you are not doing such a great job." She kicked him again.

Alton growled. "Okay," he grabbed her hand and pulled her down and pinned her. "You irritate me sometimes. And that's what I like about you." He kissed her.

Skyla tug on her hands. "Hey, I didn't give you permission to kiss me." She stared into his eyes. "I accepted an invitation from Mr. Cox, and you can't say anything about it, because its a birthday party for his niece, and if you want to come, you'll behave and not ruin it for her. Understood?"

"Fine," he kissed her again. "But if Mr. Cox tries to make a move on you, I won't hesitate to snap at him."

"You will not," she said. "If you do, I swear I'll forbid you to see our daughter."

He growled and bit her neck.

Skyla winced. "Alton, that hurts."

"Good," he pulled back and licked the bite mark. "I'll do my best to behave, but I can't grantee anything."

Skyla huff. "Okay, can you let me up now?"

"Yes," he stood and helped her up. "I'm heading to town; I'll be back later, so don't wait up."

Skyla watched Alton walk away.

Sighing, Skyla went back inside and helped Marla wash the diapers. 





Miss SayaChan

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