Almost the Heir...

By fallingleafviolinist

23.3K 1.1K 328

Elena is a far-from-normal teenage girl living with the Avengers on the Hellicarrier. Elena is almost always... More

Chapter 1: the Arrival
Chapter 2: My Mischief will Never be Managed
Chapter 3: Genealogy
Chapter 4: Notes, interrogations, and decisions.
Chapter 5: Company
Chapter 6: Realization
Chapter 7: A Brutal Attack
Chapter 8: A rude Awakening
Chapter 8: A Rude Awakening
Author's Note: PLEASE READ!!!!
Chapter 10: Refusal
Chapter 11: The Search
Chapter 12: Terribly Wrong
Chapter 13: A Change of Mood
Chapter 14: Injured
Chapter 15: A different kind of beauty
Author's Note
Chapter 16: Pain
Chapter 17: The Search Continues
Chapter 18: Heights
Chapter 19: Satellite
Music Chapter: PLZ READ WHOLE THING!!!!!
Chapter 20: Rooftop
Chapter 21: No!
Chapter 22: My Own Little Hell
Chapter 23: My Own Little Hell Part Two
Chapter 24: Foreign
Chapter 25: Uncertainty
Chapter 26: An Illusion?
Chapter 27: Reunited
Chapter 28: Reunited (Tony)
Chapter 29: Reunited (Natasha)
Chapter 30: Reunited (Clint)
Chapter 31: Reunited (Thor)
Chapter 32: A Whole New World
Chapter 33: Pride
Chapter 34: Decisions, Decisions
Chapter 35: Esacape
Chapter 36: Wounds
Final Author's Note
Final Author's Note
I Swear This Is The Last Note!
Guys, It's Up (finally)!!

Chapter 9: No

745 32 6
By fallingleafviolinist

When Elena finally came to, her head was pounding and she felt as if she were going to throw up.

Groaning, she opened her eyes. she was horrified by the sight in front of her.

She was laying in a canopy bed, in an unfamiliar room, with her father sitting once again at the foot of the bed, she went to say something, but found out she had been gagged.

Some dad he was.

She tried to roll of the bed, only to find out that her wrists were tied together with rope and the rope wasn't long enough to allow her access off of the bed.

After she had tried everything to get off the bed and/or free of her bonds (with the exception of magic, she was still too weak for that. Besides, surely Loki wouldn't be dumb enough not to "magic-proof" them)

she settled for just giving the man that was her father a scowl and glowering at him.

Loki however, did not appreciate this at all. He didn't dare show it though.

After all, he had just found his daughter, what use would making her despise him do?

"It's just a precaution, Darling. We wouldn't want you running off after I've only just found you, now would we?" he said.

In response, Elena intensified the glower.

Darling? Who did this guy think he was?! Suddenly they're related and he magically has the right to call her "Darling?!"

Then a thought came to her. Maybe they could "mind-speak"!

Elena had had practice in mind-speaking; she would sometimes plant thoughts in people's heads. That could be very handy sometimes.

Besides, mind-speaking didn't use a lot of energy, and wasn't necessarily considered magic.

Go to hell. She thought as a test run.

"Watch your language, Darling!" he said. He was being uncharacteristically nice.

"Here we go with darling again..." she mumbled into the gag.

Why was Loki, a war criminal and assassin, being so nice.

"Well, this is where we will be living Elena." he said.

Elena wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of getting a response, so she continued glaring.

"Your attempts at unnerving me are futile Elena. Do not think you can have much influence on the God of lies and mischief." he said.

I'm sorry, did I hurt your ego? She thought sarcastically.

"You will not disrespect your father, little girl!" he said in his trademark dangerously calm tone.

Elena simply rolled her eyes in an attempt to tic him off further.

It worked.

He stormed out of the room and used magic to seal the door shut.

Smirking beneath the cloth that served as her gag, Elena began plotting.

After about ten minutes, she decided that she couldn't bear being trapped on the bed for any longer.

Mustering up any and all energy she had, she used magic to make the rope a few feet longer. Just enough where she could put some distance between her and the bed and sit on the floor.

Elena tumbled off the bed, but managed to silence her fall.

A stray piece of hair fell into her eyes. Looking up from the ground she smirked an evil smirk.

If she couldn't get away from her new dad yet, she could sure make his life a living hell.

A/N: Haloo! Well, for that part where she falls off the bed, picture in the exact same position that Loki is in when he first arrives on Earth in Avengers.

Yeah, that awesome scene!

223 reads!!!! YAY!!!!!!


(Best violinist in the nine realms)

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