Crazier. (Lab Rats fanfic/Ada...

By thatoneperson1000

124K 2.2K 500

My name is Jasmyn Dooley. I'm 16 years old, and I'm Leo Dooley's older sister. What happens when we move in w... More

Crush, Chop, and Burn: Pt.1
Crush, Chop, and Burn: Pt.2
Commando App
Leo's Jam
Rats on a train
Smart and Smarter
Exoskeleton vs Grandma
Bionic Birthday Fail
Bionic Birthday Fail: Pt.2
Death Spiral Smackdown
Can I Borrow The Helicopter? Pt.1
Can I Borrow The Helicopter Pt. 2
Back from the Future
Chip Switch
Drone Alone
Chore Wars
Dude, Where's My Lab
Air Leo
Night Of The Living Virus
Mission Invisible
Concert In A Can
Mission: Space
Spy Fly
Missin the Mission
Robot Fight Club

Speed Trapped

1.7K 31 9
By thatoneperson1000

Jasmyn's POV

All of us are hanging in the lab, except Mom. Adam and Leo are at one of Davenport's desks, doing what? I have no idea. Davenport is doing his thing, and Bree, Chase, and I are sitting at one of Davenport's circular glass tables.

Bree is brushing her hair, and I'm currently drawing a new design for a dress. Hmm, simple, yet elegant.

Chase smiles at us, "Tonight's the night! The new frozen yogurt shop is opening! Fifty-two flavors and four of them are sugar-free!"

Bree gives him a strange face, and he grumbles, "Oh, who are you kidding? You passed out the first time you discovered nail polish."

She looks at her manicured nails and shrugs.

I raise my eyebrows, "48 FLAVORS?! That's the best thing that's happened since sliced bread!"

Chase scrunches his eyebrows, "I said 52."

I wave him off, "Yeah, but, if 4 of them are sugar free, they don't count in my book."

Adam walks up to us ,"I've heard of those yogurt places. They get you by charging extra for toppings. So, I'm bringing my own."

He opens his jacket to reveal a bunch of baggies, filled with candy, stapled to his jacket from the inside.

He smirks, "You don't even wanna know what's in my pants."

As he says this, he hits his thigh, making him hiss in pain, "Aah! Ooh! Hot butterscotch! Ooh!"

Davenport shakes his head, "Sorry, you guys are coming home straight after school. So no flavors, no froyo, no hanging with the bros, peeps, and homies."

I sigh in disappointment and shake my head at Davenport.

"Bros, peeps, and homies? Don't. Just no." Bree says holding her hand up at him.

Leo approaches him, "What's got you so grouchy? They run out of human footstools at the rich-guy club?"

Davenport motions around to the lab, "Did you forget your little buddy Marcus found the lab the other day? He could've discovered our bionic secret."

Chase follows Bree, as she laughs slightly and stands up, "Oh! Okay, so it's our fault that your million-dollar smart home system didn't stop him?"

I stand up next to Leo, and Eddie pops up on the screen, "Don't go there, supergirl. I was getting my beauty sleep. Something you might want to look into."

My jaw drops slightly.

"Look, it doesn't matter whose fault it was, even though some people were supposed to be watching him." Davenport says and points at Leo and I as if we weren't supposed to notice.

"Well, technically someone pulled some people away, letting Marcus roam free." Leo sasses back.

I nod in approval and give him a low high five. Sometimes he does good.

Adam points confused, "Guys, I think you're talking about each other."

Davenport shakes his head, "Bottom line, I am keeping a tighter leash on you three."

He turns to us, "And, Leo and Jasmyn, because I can't always be there, you guys have to step it up and do a better job of watching out for them."

Ugh, sounds like a lot of work.

"No problem, Big D. We may have let one goon get too close, but we won't let any more Marcuses slip through the cracks. From now on, you can call us the enforcers!" Leo says doing a superhero pose at the end.

I pat Leo on the back sarcastically, "Those are great names Leo! Do you want to be the black, red, green, or blue 'Enforcer'?!"

He gives me a blank expression.

I smile and shrug, "It's fine. You don't have to choose now as long as I get to be the yellow one, we're good."

Third Person POV

Marcus stands watching on his tablet the events of what just happened unfold.

He scoffs, "Jasmyn and Leo are the Enforcers? Capturing Adam, Bree, and Chase is gonna be easier than I thought."

Jasmyn POV

Davenport goes upstairs to accept a call, and Leo turns to the siblings with wide eyes, "The hammer is down, people!"

"Yep, what he said." I say following along, somewhat.

"No more talking to boys." Leo says pointing at Bree.

I follow right behind him, "No more!"

He points at Adam, "No more talking to girls."

Once again, I follow, and, this time, I shake my head, "No more."

He smiles at me, "Ok."

Leo points at Chase, "No more helping old ladies to their cars!"

"No more?" I say in confusion.

"I was helping your grandmother." Chase defends.

"Trust no one!" Leo responds.

Ok, he needs to chill.

Before I can say anything, Davenport comes running downstairs squealing, "It's here! It's here! It's here! It's here! It's here! It's here!"

"What? What is it?" Bree asks.

Eddie pops up on the screen again, "Whatever it is, I hope it came with a big box of masculinity, 'cause I never want to see that again."

Davenport slightly glares at Eddie and then turns back to us, "Just come here!"

He takes us to the back of the lab, and we walk into a garage. There in the garage awaits a car.

Davenport puts his hands up proudly, "Meet the world's first self-driving car, designed by yours truly. That's right, just when you thought I couldn't get more awesome, boom! I got more awesome!"

Wow, this is awesome! Kind of mad he didn't ask me to help him design it but whatever. He probably wouldn't have used my ideas anyway.

Bree smiles and jumps, "And, boom! I still want to be dropped off a block away from school."

Leo chuckles, "So, how does this thing drive itself?"

Davenport points at the top of the car, "Oh, well, uh, see this panel on top? It receives a satellite signal and sends all the pertinent information to the car's on-board computer and voila, it drives itself!"

We look at each other in awe, as Davenport continues, "Hey, did I mention, by the way, that this car goes 200 miles an hour? No? That's because it goes 300!"

He pulls car keys out of his pocket and presses a button making the car beep.

"Good evening, Donald. Would you like to take a ride?" The car asks.

Hmm... Inanimate objects talking. I'm not sure how I feel about that.

"She sounds classy." Leo says.

We hear the doors slide open, as Mom walks through, "Oh, yeah. Guys, what are you doing? You're gonna be late for school! Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go!" She says rushing us off.

Dang it why did she remind us.


Well, you guessed it; we're at school, but, luckily, we are at the end of the day.

Leo, Bree, and Chase are at their lockers, while Adam and I stand in the open area talking.

Suddenly a girl comes up to us and stands right in front of Adam, "Adam right?! I am loving the new tee!" She says clearly flirting with him.

Adam, being Adam, doesn't pick up on this in the slightest and smiles, "Thanks, Becky."

I turn to him, "Becky?"

He nods, and I turn back to Becky clearing my throat, "Sorry, Becky, Adam can't talk right now...or ever. He has a horrible disease. You'd better run before his flesh starts eating itself."

Leo walks up to me smiling and nodding proudly and staring at Becky as she walks off, "Oooo, good enforcing! Never know who could be trouble." He tries to give me a fist bump without looking, so, instead, I punch him in the stomach.

He grunts, and Bree walks from her locker shaking her head, "Leo, you are taking this 'enforcer' thing way too far."

He scoffs, "I have no idea what you're talking about."

A random guy tries walking past us, and Leo stops him with one arm, "Hey!"

He scans him with the hand held metal detector and finds nothing, "You're good."

"Hey guys! What's up?" Marcus asks seemingly coming out of nowhere.

"I'll tell you what's up, your time here. Get lost, creepy." Leo says pointing in the other direction with the metal detector.

Marcus fake chuckles, "Silly, Leo."

Leo scrunches his eyebrows in anger, and Marcus walks past him to us, "So, guys, are you excited for the new frozen yogurt shop? They're giving out unlimited toppings. Principal Perry's been camped out for a week."

Adam gasps, "Wha-unlimited toppings? Somebody could've told me that before I filled my socks up with gummy frogs!"

All the while, Leo continues making motions behind Marcus' back that say 'we can't go'.

When nothing happens, he steps past Marcus again and raises his eyebrows, "Stranger danger." He mumbles loud enough for only us to here.

Chase nods and leans back casually, "Uh, sorry, Marcus. We can't go."

Bree nods, "Uh, we have chores to do."

Adam shakes his head, "No we don't. We have an uptight dad who's afraid we'll reveal our secret...recipe for chili! Ooh, that works. Let's go!"

Everyone then takes off for the exit.


Adam's POV

Sitting here in the lab, bored. Bree is at Mr. Davenport's computer with her feet on the desk. And, Chase is watching me, as I play with this rubber band.

Bree groans, "Ugh, everybody from school is checking in at the yogurt shop! Even Susie Reynolds, and she's lactose intolerant."

I grow confused... Lactose intolerant?

Mr. Davenport comes in from the elevator, "Guys, I need your help to make Tasha's dinner tonight extra-special."

I put the rubber band down and smile, "Yeah, sure. What can we do?"

We all get up and lean in very close to hear what he has to say.

"Stay far, far away." He smiles at us and heads back upstairs.

"I knew we should have gone to the grand opening with Marcus! He just texted me and said that Principal Perry is shotgunning tutti-fruity straight from the dispenser!" Chase says after checking his phone.

"We are missing the biggest social event of the year. Let's just go!" Bree exclaims.

Chase shakes his head, "We can't. Mr. Davenport wants us here."

I hold up a finger, "No! Mr. Davenport wants us far, far away, and the yogurt shop is far, far away..." I finish proudly.

Chase crosses his arms and smirks, "Your razor-thin logic works for me!"

We start running to leave, but Bree stops us, "Wait, wait, wait, wait! What about Jasmyn and Leo?

Chase shrugs, "Marcus said not to invite Leo, and he's right. As for Jasmyn..." He trails off.

"She has to go." I defend.

"Well, I don't know, where Jasmyn goes, Leo goes. They've been kind of a package deal lately." He says stuffing his hands in his pockets.

I raise my eyebrows, "What that's not true at all! I'm gonna go ask her to go with us right now just to prove it to you."

Right before I turn around to go upstairs and talk to Jasmyn, I catch a glimpse of a smirk on Chase's face.

Bree stops me, "Wait, let me bring her down here we can't go upstairs remember."

I nod, and she speeds off to go grab Jasmyn.

A few seconds later, Jasmyn is down here trying to catch her breath, "You...could'"

Once she catches her breath, she stands up straight, "What do you guys need?"

Bree and Chase look at me expectantly.

I hesitate before speaking, "We were wondering if you would go to the new yogurt place with us..."

She thinks for a second and crosses her arms, "You know you guys aren't supposed to leave the house right?"

"Well, technically-" I start before she interrupts me.

"Alright, I'm in!" She interrupts me.

I smile, and Chase shakes his head in confusion, "That's it? You're just gonna go with us?"

She shrugs, "Yes, yes I am."

I glance down and notice she already has her shoes and a jacket on.

Bree crosses her arms, as she notices too, "You were gonna sneak out anyway weren't you?" She says smirking.

Jasmyn smiles, "Yes, yes I was."

"Ok, if we don't want Leo to find out, we just have to be quick." Chase says.

"We'd never be quick enough." Jasmyn says staring off into space.

I raise my brows, "You know what else is quick? Davenport's car."

Chase shakes his head, "Are you crazy?! Mr. Davenport would kill us if he knew we drove his car." Chase says.

"Yes, but we wouldn't be driving his car, it drives itself. Boom!" Bree cheers and points a fake gun in the air.

"Can't argue with that!" I yell in response.

As me, Bree, and Chase start running to Mr. Davenport's car, Jasmyn stays glued to her spot.

I turn back around.

"Still not quick enough." I hear her mumble, as she continues staring off into space. I snap my finger in front of her face to get her attention.

She looks at me quickly, "What?" She says confused.

"We're leaving." I say slowly.

"Oh, ok. Let's go!" She says grabbing my hand and dashing for the door. Weird.
Jasmyn's POV

We are on our way to the yogurt shop, and Adam and I are sitting in the front seat, of Davenport's one-of-a-kind car, playing a very intense game of rock paper scissors.

He started off pretty strong because we kept choosing the same thing. But, now, I have pretty much predicted each one of his next moves. Although, I'll let him win because he's cute.

"Ha! I win!" I yell at him as my paper beat his rock. You didn't actually think I would let him win did you. I am the champion of this game, and I am not losing it to a pretty face.

Adam frowns, "I let you win."

I pat him on the cheek, "Keep telling yourself that babe."

"Babe?" Adam questions, as his eyes go wide.

"What?" I say pretending to be oblivious while on the inside freaking out.

He scrunches his eyebrows, "You just called me-"

"Shhh." I say putting a finger on his mouth.

Once I pull it off, he tries to talk again, "But, I-"

I interrupt him once again, "Shhh!"

This time when I pull my finger away, he smiles at me.

I start to feel my face going warm, so I look away awkwardly, "Hey, keep your eyes on the road. You're driving."

Chase speaks up from the backseat, "The car drives itself?"

Oh my gosh. He has saved me from this awkward situation.

I nod my head at him through the mirror, "Thanks Chase. I didn't know that." I say sarcastically.

"Just ignore him, that's what Bree and I usually do." Adam says shrugging.

"Hey, maybe you guys should try to be a little less annoying." Chase suggests.

"Hey, don't be a backseat driver!" Adam yells.

"Oh, you're right. I completely apologize for trying to make the ride more enjoyable for the people in the backseat!" Chase retorts.

Adam holds his hand up, "Chase, will you just shut up and let me drive?"

Chase grows with frustration, "Again, THE CAR DRIVES ITSELF!"

"Yeah, well be lucky this car drives itself because Im sure it would be much worse if I were driving!" Adam declares.

Bree rolls her eyes, "Will you two morons stop fighting?"

Chase sighs, "Whatever."

At last, we arrive to the yogurt shop. That felt like the longest car ride ever.

As we get out the car, Marcus awaits us, "This thing is awesome!"

Adam, Bree, Chase, and I line up facing the side of the car.

"Yeah, you just say any destination and it automatically takes you there." Chase explains.

Bree nods, "Yet, no matter how many times I tell it, 'take me to a better life', here I am."

Adam gets really excited, "And get this, it even has a compartment for your gloves!"

Marcus points behind us, "So, guys, the line looks pretty long. Maybe we should just cruise this thing over to my house." Marcus suggests.

I cross my arms, "Umm, excuse me. I came here to get yogurt not to go to your house. I don't care if the line was from here to Antarctica. I am getting that yogurt!"

Marcus holds his arms in defense, "Sorry, you can stay. Would you guys be interested in going?" He directs to Adam, Bree, and Chase.

To everyone's dismay, Leo comes running up completely out of breath.

He stops when he reaches us and glares at Marcus.

Approaching us, he holds up a finger, "Hold it! Eddy told me you guys snuck out. You're all coming with me!"

Bree scoffs, "No, we're not."

"Oh, yes, you are!" Leo argues.

Chase shrugs, "You can't tell us what to do."

"Yeah, you're not the boss of us." Adam smirks.

"You're really not." I say.

Leo's eyes widen, and we all start attacking him with words.

"Okay, I'm warning you." Leo says to get our attention.

He points at us, "Do not make me call for backup! Because, I have none considering she's with you guys."

Marcus joins us, "Guys, Leo's right. I don't want you to get in trouble. Maybe you should go home. But, at least grab some yogurt before you go. I'll watch the car."

We all start walking towards the yogurt line before Leo turns around and grabs me with him.

"No, no, no. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. I see what you're doing. You're not gonna lay one slimy little finger on this car. Beat it, eyebrows!" He says glaring at Marcus.

"Leo, why am I here and not in the line with them?" I ask with my arms crossed.

"I need you here to help me guard the car, so the intruder doesn't do anything to it." Leo says pointing at Marcus.

I fake smile at Marcus, "Leo, he wouldn't do anything to the car. We're fine."

Leo stares me down.

I don't trust this kid at all. I'll stay.

Faking defeat, I groan and get into the passenger seat of the car. The only reason I'm not too angry right now is because I have confidence that Adam will buy me a sugar filled yogurt when he notices I'm not in line.

I look over and see the driver's door is already opened.

I raise an eyebrow.

Leo bucks Marcus off, and he gets into the driver's seat.

As soon as he closes the door, our seat belts are automatically strapped onto us, and the car turns on.

"Door closed. Acquiring fastest route to the bottom of the Pacific Ocean."

Leo and I look at each other, "Bottom of the what?!"

We start frantically trying to get out, "Help, help, help!"

"Safety locks engaged. Departing in three, two, one." The car says.

The car takes off super fast causing me and Leo to scream.

"Stop!" Leo yells at the car.

"Your final destination is the bottom of the Pacific Ocean and cannot be overridden. Would you like to hear some music until we arrive?" The car suggests.

"No!" Leo and I say.

"You said 'disco'." The car responds before playing disco music.

Well, it's comforting to know I'm gonna die in such an interesting way, in a self-driving car that's destined to be submerged in the Pacific Ocean while listening to disco music.

Third Person POV

Adam, Bree, and Chase stand near the line with Marcus where they had picked up their half-eaten yogurt when they come to the realization that Jasmyn and Leo have still not joined them.

They walk back to the area they were at earlier, and Marcus follows them.

"Um, where are Jasmyn and Leo?" Bree questions as she approaches the spot where the car should be.

Chase's eyes widen, as he notices the empty space, "More importantly, where's the car?"

"Even more importantly, where are the napkins?" Adam says walking up with two melting fro-yos that have now gotten all over his hands.

One of them was for Jasmyn, but it started melting pretty quickly. So, he decided to eat it...

Marcus smiles at them, "They probably went for a joyride. I'll just call my dad to pick us up. He's been dying to meet you guys."

As he pulls out his phone, Bree's phone begins ringing.

"It's Leo. Leo, where are you guys?" She questions answering the phone.

"We are trapped in the car speeding towards the bottom of the ocean! Do something or the next time you see us we're gonna be fish sticks!" Leo yells.

Bree's eyes widen, and, without thinking, she quickly hangs up the phone, "Guys, they're in trouble. We have to go help them. Sorry, Marcus, we gotta go."

"Wait, you can't go yet! We haven't taken a picture with the froyo-a-go-go dodo!" Marcus says in an attempt to stall them.

Adam nods excitedly, "Oh, right!" He pulls his phone out and quickly snaps a selfie with the dodo and Marcus.

Adam shows him the picture, "Huh? Now we're good."

The siblings walk away from Marcus to a more secluded area of the fro-yo place, and they call Leo back.

"Hey, Leo, the left pedal is called a brake. Take your foot and step on it!" Adam suggests.

Leo rolls his eyes, "Don't you think I would have tried that already?!"

Adam furrows his brows, "Hey, if you can't be polite, this conversation is over."

He goes to hang up the phone, but Chase stops him, "Leo, I'll use your cell signal to locate the car with my bionic GPS. Got them! Taylor Avenue and 28th!"

Bree nods, "I'll use my super-speed to catch up to the car and pull them out."

Chase raises his brows and covers the mic on the phone, "You think you'll be able to save both of them?"

Bree thinks about it, "We'll find out."

Chase nods, "Just in case...grab Jasmyn first."

Bree nods in agreement, "Yeah." She then speeds away to save Jasmyn and Leo.

"Speaking of Jasmyn, she hasn't said anything during this entire call which is pretty weird for her." Adam pitches in.

Chase uncovers the mic," Hey, Leo. Put Jasmyn on the phone."

Leo nods and glances at Jasmyn's limp body, "Yeah, I would, but she is slightly unconscious."

Jasmyn sits up trying to get more comfortable, "I'm not unconscious. I was trying to take a nap."

"What?! How can you nap in a time like this?!" Leo asks incredulously.

The girl shrugs in response but quickly jumps, as Bree grabs on tight to passenger side of the car.

"Wow." Jasmyn says.

"Open your door!" Bree yells at the girl.

Not thinking twice about it Jasmyn quickly opens the door, "Later, Bro." She allowing Bree to grab her and superspeed her to safety.

Once they get back to the yogurt shop, Jasmyn is out of breath.

With her hands on knees, she looks up at Bree with a slight glare, "I'm starting to get tired of that."

Adam rushes and hugs her, "Yay, you're safe!"

Still not breathing right, Jasmyn completely loses her breath, "Adam...can't breathe."

He quickly lets her down while patting her on the back.

She nods, "Thanks. While we're still here, I'm gonna go get some yogurt."

Chase turns to her in confusion, "You're not worried about Leo."

"He'll be fine." The girl says waving it off.

"Just so you know, I did buy an extra cone for you." Adam informs Jasmyn.

She smiles lightly before walking away, "I know."

Meanwhile, Bree is going after the car yet again to grab Leo.

She begins repeating the same steps she took to save Jasmyn, "Open the door!"

As Leo attempts to open the door, he finds that it won't budge, "I can't!"

"The child safety lock is always engaged for passengers under the age of nine." The car states.

"I'm 14!" Leo says bewildered.

"You are very small for your age." The car responds.

Bree tries a different approach, "Look for the emergency brake!"

Leo spots a lever that looks promising, "Maybe this is it!"

"Turbo-booster engaged."

The car accelerates, and Bree goes flying off of it, "Aah!"

"That wasn't it!" Leo says almost in tears.

When Bree gets back to the yogurt place, she is now covered in dirt and has twigs sticking out of her hair.

Chase looks at her with wide eyes, "What happened to you?"

"You know those signs that say 'Deer Crossing'? They don't lie." Bree says trying to pull the twigs out of her hair.

Chase sighs, "I don't know how we're gonna stop that car."

"What, you don't think the ocean's gonna stop it?" Adam asks confused.

Ignoring Adam, Chase begins to think of an alternative, "If the car is being driven by an internal computer system, maybe I can tap into it remotely and shut it down. Hang on, Leo, I'm gonna try something!"

Chase hands Bree the phone, looks up into the sky, and taps his temple.

Suddenly the horn in the car starts blowing, the windshield wipers start wiping, and the blinkers start blinking.

"Well, Chase, you completed the 14-point maintenance checklist. Now all we need is an oil change and we're good to go!" Leo says in slight, yet major, frustration.

"Okay, the car won't let me tap into its CPU, but what if there was a way for me to block its satellite signal?" Chase questions to no one but himself.

"But is your force field powerful enough?" Bree asks.

Chase looks down disappointedly, "Well, yeah, but I'd have to surround the entire car, which is miles away and moving fast. I could never throw that far."

Adam smirks, "You can't, but I can!" He says posing as a superhero.

Jasmyn now walks up with her strawberry yogurt in a cup, so she can avoid any messes.

"Yes, you can! If I can calculate the distance, arc, and force necessary to launch, I can guide your arm and use your strength to hurl the force field at the car." Chase exclaims.

Adam smiles excitedly, "Ah, so it's like a Bionic-bro combo! A Bro-motion! A Bro-tation! A super Bionic Bro-chacho-"

Bree rolls her eyes, "Just do it already!"

"Hurry, hurry!" Leo yells in fear.

Chase begins explaining the plan to Adam, "Okay, we've only got one chance. You gotta think of it like a basketball. We're shooting a full-court shot across 98 courts that are moving at 125 miles per hour."

"Yeah, numbers, numbers, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Just tell me what I'm chucking." Adam says.

"Fifteen seconds to destination." The car alerts..

"Guys, I'm sorry. You're trying to rescue me when I'm supposed to be protecting you. I guess I wasn't a very good enforcer." Leo says with no hope left.

Adam chuckles slightly and shakes his head, "No you weren't."

"Just get ready." Chase says.

Jasmyn feeling guilty takes the phone from Bree, "Hey, it's not your fault. I took them out, and...I'm sorry."

"I forgive you."

Chase makes the forcefield and shrinks it down to about the size of a basketball, "Get on your knees." He directs to Adam.

"Destination approaching."

Chase angles Adam's body to match the direction of the car, "Perfect. Alright. Three, two, one, now!"

In anticipation, Marcus and the mystery man watch from his tablet, in a dark room, the camera he had placed in the car earlier when he sent it to the Pacific Ocean.

After the ball has been released, the force causes Chase to fall on top of Adam in a very uncomfortable position.

Bree and Jasmyn glance at each other then pick up their phones.

"I don't know what that was, but it's going on my profile page." Bree says.

Jasmyn laughs, "I think I'm gonna make it my wallpaper.

Adam and Chase quickly get up and adjust their clothing.

"Ew." Adam mumbles.

Chase sighs, "Let's see if it worked."

"Five seconds to destination. Four, three, two..." The car counts down.

Leo closes his eyes awaiting the impact.

"Signal interrupted. Braking system engaged."

"It worked! The car stopped!" Chase cheers, as everyone gives a group hug.

Leo smiles and chuckles like a maniac, "Yeah! Ah! Ah-ha! Ah!"

Marcus groans in frustration from his dark room and throws his tablet, "NO!"

"Thank you for driving a Davenport supercar. Would you care to participate in a short survey about your experience?" The car asks politely.

Leo points at it, "NO!"

Ignoring Leo it asks questions anyway, "Question number one.."

"Let me out! Let me out!" Leo says frantically moving his arms around.

Luckily, Bree super speeds up to the car with Chase who resets it to its original settings and programs it to drive back to the yogurt shop.

Jasmyn's POV

Out of luck, Adam and I were each able to get one more cup of yogurt before they closed for the night. We are currently sitting at a table at the yogurt shop waiting for Bree, Chase, and Leo to get back with the car, so we can go home.

So, as of now, we are the only two people here.

I look around us slowly, "Wow, it is really dark out here....and quiet."

Adam chuckles slightly, "Are you scared?" He asks with slight concern.

I turn back to him quickly, and we make eye contact, "What?"

"Are you scared?" He repeats.

"Hmm, let's think about it shall we. I'm in a place where it would be pretty easy to kill and hide someone's body. There is no one around to see or hear it." I begin.

Adam's eyes widen.

I giggle, "But, regardless, I'm with the strongest person in the world, who I am fairly certain doesn't want to murder me, so no. I'm not scared." I say eating a spoon of my yogurt.

"Yeah, you're right. I don't want to kill you, but how do I know you don't wanna kill me?" He asks mimicking my actions.

I furrow my eyebrows, "Adam, even if I wanted to, I couldn't."

He smiles, "Aww."

I shake my head, "No, I mean I physically can't. I'm not strong enough, so I would probably hire someone else to do it."

I laugh at his stunned expression, "I'd never wanna kill you."

"Good." He says nodding, as he continues eating his yogurt.

"So, shall we consider this our second date?" I question.

Adam raises his eyebrows, "So, 'first date', we ate ice cream, and, now we are eating yogurt? I'm starting to see a pattern here..."

I shrug, "Sometimes patterns are good."

"Hmm...your spontaneity is intriguing." Adam tells me.

My jaw drops, and I nod my head, "Yeah, so is your ability to randomly use big words."

After that, we spend a little time discussing some of the designs I've been working on with and without Davenport, well except for one. And, don't worry, we threw away our yogurt cups.

My phone dings, and I look to see that it's Bree who texted me saying they will be here shortly.

"Bree says they'll be here in roughly two minutes." I read and type a response.

Once I look back up, Adam smirks, "So....'babe'?" He questions.

I smile and lean my head on my hand, deciding to trick him.

"Yes?" I say in response.

He grows confused, but he blushes as soon as he realizes what just happened, "No, I-I wasn't calling you babe. I was just..."

I smirk at him, "Just what?"

He stares at me before seeing the car pull up, "OH, LOOK! They're here! We should probably go."

Adam quickly jumps up from his seat while I stay seated, "Why the heck did they park so far?" I ask staring at the self-driving are that is about a hundred feet away.

"No idea." Adam says.

I stand up next to Adam, "So, you never-"

Adam puts his finger on my lip, "Shh!"

"Why can't I-"

He interrupts me again, this time by carrying me, "Shh."

Once we get to the car, he sets me down, and we head home.


We have arrived at the lab, and the car looks exactly the way it did when we left.

As we get out of the car, Leo crosses his arms, "You guys may have saved my life, but you also almost ended it. So, you're not off the hook. I'm gonna be on you like yogurt on Adam's shirt."

Everyone looks at Adam's shirt to see a random pinkish stain on it. I don't think that was there before.

He licks it, "Hmm. That is not yogurt."

Confusion grows on everyone's faces.

Suddenly we hear Davenport's booming voice, "Hey! Do you guys have any idea how much trouble you're in?"

We all look at each other nervously.

'I told you, three feet away at all times, and no breathing on the windows!" Davenport commands.

We all jumble out lame excuses before heading our separate ways.


Third Person POV

As Leo frolics happily from the kitchen to the living room, with his warm glass of milk and plate of chocolate chip cookies, the doorbell rings.

He looks at the door, sighs, and balances his milk on the plate to open the door to Marcus.

"Oh, hey. Perhaps I haven't made this clear, but I don't like you." He says smiling and closing the door in Marcus' face.

Grabbing his milk off his plate, he turns around, and, as soon as he does, Marcus opens the front door and just walks in.

"Leo, I am so happy you're home safe! I can't believe you and Jasmyn almost ended up at the bottom of the ocean!" Marcus exclaims faking gratitude.

Leo eyebrows knit together, "Wait, how did you know where the car was set to go?"

Marcus looks around awkwardly and raises a brow, "I didn't?"

"Wait a minute. You sabotaged me and Jasmyn! You programmed that car! I'm gonna tell Davenport!" Leo yells before trying to sprint to the lab.

He drops his cookies and milk when Marcus shoots green lasers, from his eyes, and hits the microwave, "I wouldn't do that if I were you. That was a warning shot. Next one won't be."

Leo points from Marcus to the microwave, "You? With-th."

Marcus smiles and holds his arms up, "Surprise! I'm bionic, just like Adam, Bree, and Chase." He says proudly.

"And you know abou-Okay, you are just droppin' bombs everywhere, man!" Leo screams in both frustration and major confusion.

Marcus steps up to Leo, with his eyebrow up, threateningly, "You tell anyone and the whole world will know about your family's little secret. Adam, Bree, and Chase will be taken away. Davenport would be ruined forever, and Jasmyn would be heartbroken. You know, I'd hate to see your family torn apart because of your big mouth. And, for the record, I wasn't trying to sabotage your sister, just you. She just happened to be brought into this, we wouldn't want that to happen again would we?"


Jasmyn's POV

I was hanging in the lab with Adam, Bree, and Chase until we decided to come upstairs and watch a movie. We did not expect to find Marcus up here.

"Hey, Marcus. What's up?" Chase says happily.

Marcus smiles at us, "Oh, hey, guys. I just stopped by to make sure Jasmyn and Leo were okay."

"How sweet is this guy?" Adam says.

"You okay, Leo?" I ask when I notice the look on his face.

"Leo, you good?" Chase follows up.

Leo looks at Marcus, who nods slightly, then back at us, "Uh, yeah. Yeah, I'm good."

I can't be the only one who saw that nod?


I am finally back in my comfortable bed, and Marcus left about an hour ago which means it should be safe to ask Leo what's up with him.

I text Leo to come to my room.

Once he gets here, I see he has on dinosaur pajama pants.

I cover my face to stop from laughing, "Don't you think you're a little old for dinosaur pajama pants?"

"What do you want?" He asks ignoring my remark.

"Close the door." I command. He does as told and sits at the foot of my bed looking at me weirdly.

"What did Marcus do to you? Because I saw that look on your face. It's the same look you make when I threaten you to stop you from telling Mom about some of my whereabouts..." I trail off beginning to put the pieces together.

His eyes widen, and I gasp, "OH MY GOSH! He threatened you again! What did he say?!"

"I can't tell you." Leo says calmly.

I get starting to put my shoes on, "Ok, well, if you can't tell me, I'm sure Marcus can, as soon as I beat it out of him!"

"You can't do that!" Leo screams, as I have my hand on the door.

I scoff, "Leo, I'm pretty sure I can take Marcus."

He gets up and pulls me back, "No you can't!"

"Why not?" I ask crossing my arms.

"I can't tell you why! That's apart of the threat."

"Well, why don't you write it down." I suggest looking around for any kind of paper.

After giving up on the paper, I sigh, "Leo, just say it. He's not even here!"

"Hey, you don't know that! He could be watching us, as we speak!"

I put my hand on my hip, "He better not be! My room's on the second floor by the way, so he'd have to climb up here in a very specific way, might I add, to even get close to- "

Leo shakes his head, "Alright, alright! Marcusisbionic." He says mumbling the last part.

"What?" I ask not hearing it.

"Marcus is bionic."

I sit down next to Leo, "Wow."

"Yeah, and he also knows Adam, Bree, and Chase are bionic."

"Wow, wow, wow. Slow down you are dropping bombs everywhere man." I say trying to process everything he just told me.

"Marcus is bionic, and he knows Adam, Bree, and Chase are bionic. He also knows that you know he's bionic, but expects you not to tell anyone because you wanna protect everyone?" I ask for clarification.

He nods, "Pretty much."

My eyes widen, "Well, guess what?!"

He waits expectantly for me to say something, and I turn disappointed, "You're supposed to say what."

He rolls his eyes but complies anyway, "What?"

I smile, "Marcus knows that you know that he's bionic, but he doesn't know that I know that he's bionic, or that I know you know that he knows that you know he's bionic!"

Leo looks at me in confusion, "I understood half of that. But, I think what you're saying is you're gonna play like some kind of Double Agent?"

I nod, "I mean, more than I already have been."

He gets excited, "That is so cool!"

I shrug, "Eh, not if it doesn't work."

"Must you ruin everything?" He questions.

"Yes, goodnight." I say trying to push him out.

"What?! But, we barely talked about the plan we were gonna use to trick Marcus!"

"Tomorrow. I'm tired."

Leo groans, "Fine." He leaves heading back to his room.

I sigh, well, this was an eventful day.


Word Count: 6521

What is up everyone? That was the first episode of season 2! It is also the longest chapter I have written so far. The next couple of chapters should go by pretty quickly because they are less eventful, but still entertaining! But, anyways I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Vote, comment, follow, and see you guys in the next chapter!😁

P.S. Feel free to bother me as much as you want about updating because it motivates me lol. I'm gonna remind you guys of that every chapter. And, please comment maybe what you enjoyed most about the chapter or a funny moment or something! I love hearing what you guys think. ✌

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