The Twilight Princess (Kingdo...

Von OtakuGirlInAnimeland

20.5K 443 69

Washed up on the shores of Destiny Island, an amnesiac young girl seeks to find out where she came from and w... Mehr

🖤Ch.1: Dive Into the Station of Awakening🖤
🖤Ch.2: A New Life with New Friends on Destiny Island🖤
☀️🌙Dawn's Personals🌕🌠
🖤Ch.3: Bustin' Up on a Beach of Memories🖤
🖤Ch.4: Another World Lost to the Darkness🖤
🖤Ch.5: Waking Up in Traverse Town🖤
🖤Ch.6: Powers Practice! Meeting a Cousin!🖤
🖤Ch.7: The Heartless Have Come! Forming a Team!🖤
🖤Ch.8: Meeting Some Masters of Magic! Reasoning For Visions!🖤
🖤Ch.10: Disrupting a Trial🖤
🖤Ch.11: Locating the Evidence🖤
🖤Ch.12: Searching for Alice! Finding Trouble!🖤
🖤Ch.13: Coliseum of Heroes🖤
🖤Ch.14: Zeroes to Heroes! A God's Tricks!🖤
🖤Ch.15: The Stoic Swordsman🖤
🖤Ch.16: Hades' Schemes Come to Light🖤
🖤Ch.17: Defeating the Guardian of the Underworld🖤
🖤Ch.18: Gettin' Wild🖤
🖤Ch.19: Danger's No Stranger🖤
🖤Ch.20: Meeting the Son of Man and Ape🖤
🖤Ch.21: Rumble in the Jungle🖤
🖤Ch.22: Divide and Conquer🖤
🖤Ch.23: The Invisible Adversary🖤
🖤Ch.24: Return to Traverse Town🖤
🖤Ch.25: A Friendly Face?🖤
🖤Ch.26: Missing Reports & Rematches!🖤
💛Olympus Coliseum Special Pt. I - Phil Cup💛
🖤Ch.27: Agrabah Days🖤

🖤Ch.9: Down the Rabbit Hole🖤

744 16 0
Von OtakuGirlInAnimeland

(Play 'Precious Stars in the Sky')

With Sparky still wrapped around her neck, Stitch curled up on her lap, and Dolly and Dylan looking out the ship's window in vast awe—Dylan more so than Dolly, as he has a deep love of space—Dawn fills both her journal and sketchbook depicting the rest of the day's events to the present point, including her sudden visions.

Being an astrology buff, I've always loved to gaze upon the stars every night. But flying in a Gummi Ship, actually amongst the stars and space puts looking through a telescope to shame.

So far, the journey is peaceful and I've taken advantage of it by studying the Spellbook Merlin gifted me with. It contains information about all kinds of Magic, including something called Summoning. In regards to basic Magic spells, there are seven elements/types: Fire, Blizzard, Thunder, Cure, Aero, Gravity and Stop. Each element/type can be strengthened with time and practice up to three tiers.

Yet something is strange with the Spellbook. There aren't any spells regarding anything outside of the Fire Magic that Donald helped unlock. Only information on the basic element/types of Magic, but no spells themselves. Maybe it's one of those "learn as you go" kind of things? Perhaps the book reveals more when the user gains or learns new Magics.

But it's not a total loss. The Spellbook also teaches other kinds of helpful Magic abilities. If I really do have high-levels of Magic, might as well put it to good use. I've been brushing up on the Charms/Enchantments section of the book, specifically Security Charms. I'm compiling a secret notebook dedicated to studying the different types of Heartless I have or will soon come across. I've already created pages for the Shadows, Darkside, the Soldiers, and the Guard Armor. Each page has illustrations, how they fight, discovered weak points and even Items they may drop. The information I'm gathering could be potentially dangerous should it fall into the wrong hands, which is why I'm going to charm the heck out of my stuff. 

Finishing up the entry, Dawn places the Security Charm on it, so only she can open it, before switching to her new , adding as much details and notes to the Heartless she's encountered so far (both corrupted and purified, to which she refers to as the 'False' and 'True'). Once finished, she places the same charm on the book and even tests it out by having Stitch try to open them. Neither budges under his impressive strength.

Now that she has peace of mind that her personals are safe, Dawn allows herself to be taken with the lovely scenery and adds a sketch to her personal journal.

"Wow. It's beautiful." She breathes, staring in awe out the Gummi Ship's window and into the vast starry space.

"Hyuk! Sure is." Goofy agrees.

"It's my wildest dream come true!" Dylan barks happily. "Constellations of stars I've never seen!"

"New adventures just waiting for the two of us!" Dolly joins in. "And all while we reunite our family! It's a win-win!"

Boarding the Gummi Ship, Dawn and Sora are introduced to the ship's operators, the chipmunk brothers, Chip and Dale. The two take an instant liking to Dawn when she calls them cute and how it was cool that they could run the whole ship all by themselves. The two walking, talking chipmunk's return the compliment by calling the monochrome-haired girl 'very pretty'.

"Two paths have opened." Chip informs.

"Which one should we take?" Dale questions.

The World beyond the road ahead couldn't be seen fully. But to Dawn, Dolly, Dylan, Stitch and Sparky, it's just an adventure to find out.

At the helm, Donald picks a path to take, and off they go.

(End 'Precious Stars in the Sky')

(Play 'Blast Away~Gummi Ship I~')

"We travel to different Worlds on the Gummi Ship." Donald begins to explain.

"The Heartless ships often give us a hard time." Goofy adds.

"Always be on the lookout during flight."

"'Heartless. . .ships?'" Dawn echoes, quickly writing down this new information in her Heartless Research Journal. And just as she finishes writing the last word, an explosion hits the ship causing it to shake, nearly knocking everyone out of their seats.

"Hurry, Sora, Dawn! You'll be manning the lasers. Keep an eye on the blue gauge; It shows your power level." Donald squawks.

"Wicked!" Dawn cries as a console pops up in front of her and Sora's seats.

Heartless Ships begin appearing from every which way, their designs, colors and build as varying as the Heartless piloting them. Dawn mentally names them as she spots new ones as they come into her targeting range. Two types of Ahrimans, which she divides into classes A and B, and Sylphs.

It takes a while for the two islanders to get used to the controls, but they become fast learners and quickly blast their opponents away (despite Dawn's underlying chagrin at destroying the Heartless in place of helping them).

Once the space is cleared of Heartless Ships, the laser consoles deactivate and fold back into the floors as the Gummi Ship hovers around the new World.

It was an from space, to say the least. The world's groundwork is a light and dark pink checker pattern with hearts in each of the square's centers (light pink hearts in dark pink squares, dark pink hearts in light pink squares). On its top is a white castle designed to resemble rook chess pieces, complete with surrounding heart-shaped hedge arches. While on the bottom lies a comfy-looking, white with red finish, straw-roofed house.

(End 'Blast Away~Gummi Ship I~')


(Play 'Tricksy Clock')

Disembarking to the World, the heroes find themselves slowly falling down a long, intricately decorated hole.

Finally reaching the bottom, everyone lands on their feet. Well, save for Goofy, who thought it would be smart to take a nap on their slow journey downwards.

Dawn and her Dalmatian and alien experiment partners take in the room's design. Everything's look was a bit on the wacky side. Crooked furniture that still managed to look comfy. Numerous framed pictures litter the room's brick walls. And wavy floor tile that made it look like it was part of a funhouse at a carnival.

Once giving the room a once over, Dawn gets the feeling she's being watched. She turns to face Sora, Donald and Goofy to see that they are the one's staring at her. In Sora's case, with a light stain of pink on his cheeks.

"Guys? What's the matter?" Dawn asks, becoming nervous at the boy's odd stares.

"Dawn?" Goofy questions, as if it's the first time they ever met.

"Yeah. . .?" The girl replies, almost uncertainly. "Who else would it be?"

"It's just that. . ." Donald trails off, gesturing to her form. "Your clothes."

"Huh? What about my—Whoa!" Dawn looks at herself to see that her clothes have changed into a blue-red schemed card suit-themed dress with matching above-the-knee sock and lace-up high-heeled boots. Even her hair's been woven into heart-shaped buns and braids.

Hairstyle [A/N: Ignore the crown]:


"Wow! Dawn, you look amazing." Sora compliments.

Dawn blushes slightly. "You think so?"

Sora nods, as she gives herself a once over.

"I'm normally not big on dresses, but even I have to admit this is pretty cute. As long as it doesn't hinder my movements, it's alright with me." Dawn gives a little twirl, but is nearly knocked off balance by a small, yet elderly-looking white rabbit with a large red nose and short ears. He wears spectacles, grey pants with a hole in the back for his tail, and a red over-coat and bow tie which is worn over an orange button-up shirt with a white collar and carries a large golden pocket watch with him. However, he does not wear any shoes.

The rabbit is clearly in distress and is talking to himself aloud. "Oh, my fur and whiskers! I'm late, I'm late, I'm late!" He cries in a panic. "Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear! I'm here, I should be there. I'm late, I'm late, I'm late! The queen, she'll have my head for sure!"

As the white rabbit runs down a hallway, the group of outsiders are left dumbfounded.

(End 'Tricksy Clock')
(Play 'Welcome to Wonderland')

Dolly scoffs. "Rude much?"

"What was that all about?" Sora wonders.

"Well, whatever he's late for, it sure has him frazzled." Dawn observes. "And from his description of this 'queen', she doesn't sound too kind."

"Should we follow him?" Goofy asks.

"It's the best course of action so far. The situation of this World may not be in the best state."

The group chases after the rabbit, running into quite a few surprises along the short way. One which includes finding the door the rabbit went through and upon opening it only to find another door, slightly smaller than the one before, and after opening that one, yet another door smaller than the previous. Opening up the third door, Dawn sighs as she finds no other door beyond it, as it finally leads to a different room.

One by one, the taller of the company squeeze past and enter a room which appears to be an abode of sorts. But certain aspects remind the monochrome haired teen of a dollhouse since some of the room's furnishings look like two-dimensional stickers placed on the room's surface.

The company of ragtag heroes look around the room until hearing Dawn's experiment friends' exclamations.


The alien experiment cousins each point a clawed hand at something scurrying along the floor of the room.

Upon closer examination, the scurrying object is actually the white rabbit, shrunken down to the size of a mouse. The rabbit runs through a door, perfect for his now miniaturized size, with a golden doorknob nearly the same height as the door before closing it behind him.

Sora and Dawn squat closer to the small door while Stitch and Sparky approach to sniff at it.

"How did he get so small?" Sora wonders, examining the small door.

"No, you're simply too big." The doorknob answers lazily, all of a sudden.

Everyone jolts back in shock.

"Wah! It talks!" Donald exclaims.

The doorknob's keyhole, which is also his mouth, opens widely to yawn. "Must you be so loud? You woke me up."

"Good morning." Goofy replies casually.

"Good night!" The doorknob answers grouchily. "I need some sleep." He yawns again, his eyes beginning to droop.

"Wait! We're very sorry to disturb your slumber, sir, but may we inquire as to how we can get to the rabbit's size in order to carry on?" Dawn asks politely.

"Why don't you try the bottle, young lady. . ." The doorknobs yawns. ". . .over there?"

Everyone turns around to where the doorknob was "nodding" to, and would you know it? A cushioned chair and pristine table with two bottles, filled with either red or blue contents, stacked neatly atop it appear in a puff of shining, white smoke.

"Uh...Where'd that come from?" Dylan questions the World's logic.

Dawn is the first to approach the table to examine the bottles.

"Are you sure we should be taking advice from a doorknob, Dawn?" Sora inquires.

"Well, it's the best option as of now. This world must have it's own set of rules to follow. The best we can do is go with the flow." Dawn advises.

"Yeah, I guess you're right."

Dawn takes a swig from the red jar first and, to her surprise, she shoots up in size unlike how she wanted to, her head slamming against the room's ceiling. "Ow!"

"Dawn, you're giant!" Donald squawks.

"Yeah. It appears so." With one hand, the girl presses down on the skirt of her new dress to prevent anything underneath being seen by her friends, now that they're currently smaller than her, while the other hand rubs her throbbing head. "Well, it's safe to say that that particular bottle wasn't the correct one." With her large pointer finger and thumb, she places the red bottle back on the table and picks up the blue one and brings it to her lips. And all at once, she shrinks to the exact size needed to get through the door, just like the rabbit. Stitch catches the shrunken monochrome-haired teen, as Sparky catches the blue bottle.

"Now you're tiny, Dawn." Goofy chortles.

"Sure am. Well, at least now we know which bottle is which: red to grow, blue to shrink."

The rest of the company follows suit and are now shrunken to the smallest proportion. But soon after that they are ambushed by Heartless.

(Play 'To Our Surprise')

Though lacking in any fighting expertise, Dolly and Dylan use their respective talents in unison to combat the Heartless. Dylan's homemade rocket-boosters added in with Dolly's skateboarding skills, make for a very speedy, yet uncontrollable, form of attack.

Dawn meets a few more Shadows and Soldiers and a new species of Heartless she dubs Red Nocturne.

The Red Nocturne has a smooth, conical, red body with a Heartless emblem emblazoned on its chest. The top of its body flares outward and forms a jagged "collar" below the Heartless's spherical, pitch black head. It also wears a conical, yellow hat that has a jagged brim and a thin, curled tip. Like many of the Heartless Dawn's met so far, the Red Nocturne has glowing yellow eyes. Its seemingly useless feet sport three small, thin toes.

These species of Heartless utilize Fire magic to damage opponents, and, from a mistake on Sora's part, Dawn observes that they can absorb and are healed by Fire magic when it is cast on them.

During the fighting, Dawn, Sora and their parties aren't the only ones being pursued by the Heartless. A swarm of the creatures breaks off and goes chasing after two young black-and-white spotted canines that were keeping themselves hidden amongst the large-sized furniture of the room.

Dawn manages to purify the few that come at her, before taking off after the Heartless in pursuit of the pups. Sliding across the floor to put herself between the two, she dispatches the Heartless with a wide uppercut slash with her Keyblade. A new Ability acquired from the encounter.

Dawn learned Slapshot




"You're most welcome." Dawn responds lowly while continuing to fight off and purify the still coming Heartless, so Sora or the others can't hear her over their own fighting. "Tell me, have you all been here long?"


"This 'queen', what is she like?"







She can hear the other Heartless laugh at the Red Nocturne's joke.

"Goodness." Dawn gasps. "That sounds more like a tyrant than a queen."




Dawn nods in understanding. "I will. Thank you for all your help."

The True Heartless bow in thanks before vanishing in their dark voids.

With the ambush of Heartless defeated, the party regroups, with two new pups in the mix.

"Dizzy! Dee Dee!" Dylan and Dolly exclaim, rushing in to hug the two pups.

The two pups are some of the many younger sisters of the Dalmatian family, both having the standard white fur and black spots.

Dizzy wears a blue collar with dark blue stripes on it. Her spots are sparse aside from a black, notched left ear, a mask of black, a black-tipped tail, a marking resembling a toeless sock on her rear-left leg, and a similar marking on her front-right leg.

Dee Dee wears two thin collars, one purple and one blue. She bears a long stripe of black spanning her forehead to her snout and black spots around her eyes resembling eyelashes, and black-tipped paws.

"Dolly! Dylan!" The two female pups return their older sibling's joy at their reuniting.

"Did you see that human beat those creatures?"

"She was incredible! Knocked 'em both with one hit!"

Dolly chuckles at her younger sisters' awe. "She certainly is. Dizzy, Dee Dee, this is our newest friend Dawn. She's helping us track down the rest of the family."

"And I think I have a away to get you back from here." Dawn chimes in, having her nose in the Spellbook.

"Whoa! Really?!" Dylan jumps for joy.

"Mm-hm. I found a spell for just such an occasion." She shows off the page in which the spell is on. "It would be best to send the puppies back as soon as we find them. Are you both alright being the first I test this spell on?"

Dizzy and Dee Dee look to one another, looking for confirmation in the other's eyes. They nod to each other before turning to nod at Dawn.

"If it means we get to see Mum and Dad and Auntie and Uncle again..." Dee Dee begins.

"We will brave the journey!" Dizzy finishes.

"Very well." Once memorizing the spell, Dawn returns the Spellbook back into her Spacial Pack. She calms herself, imagining the magic within her flowing at a steady pace, unlike the first time when she used Fire magic. Though, it's rather difficult, considering how much she feels building up within her, ready to overflow. But she pushes back the overflow to allow just enough to perform the spell.

"Near as far as here is there,

Across the sea, earth and airNo matter how far or many Worlds beyond,I ask my Magic to respondTo return those who I wish to their home with those close to their hearts,And may they never again be torn apart."

As she speaks the incantation, a magic circle appears underneath the pups. Not long after the last word is spoken the pups vanish in a flash of light, leaving behind a silhouette of sparkles.

"They're gone!" Sora exclaims.

"But did it work is the question." Donald points out in his typical pessimistic fashion.

Goofy notes that Dawn hasn't argued for her sake and finds her frozen in place, the colors of her ombre eyes becoming a hypnotic swirl. "Dawn?"

Goofy's worried tone grabs everyone's attention.

"Dawn? You okay?" Sora asks slowly.

As the spiky brunette's hand finds place on the monochromette's shoulder, she snapped from her thousand yard stare. She smiles out of nowhere. "They made it."


"What do you mean 'They made it'?" Squawks Donald.

"I saw it."

"Saw it?" Goofy echoes.

"I'm not quite sure about it myself. It was like the spell was showing me that Dizzy and Dee Dee got to the Dalmatian House safe and sound. I was shown Doug, Delilah, Pongo, and Perdita welcoming them at the door. Maybe it's to help the caster have peace of mind when sending someone else with the spell." Dawn theorizes.

"Well, they're both safe and back home and that's all that matters." Sora sighs.

With the spell's efficiency not in question anymore, Sora, Dawn and their parties ready to pass through the door, only to find the doorknob has fallen asleep again and doesn't look to be waking up anytime soon.

"Now, what do we do?" Donald questions.


The girl in question turns around to see that Stitch and Sparky have pushed the room's bed til it turned two-dimensional against the wall, like certain other furnishings of the room were, revealing a hidden hole in the wall.

"Nice work, you two." Dawn praises the alien experiments. "Let's go!"


Main Outfit | [Wonderland Style]

Keyblade: Nightfall Guardian

Obtained: Eclipse Necklace | Seeker Bands of Light & Darkness | Links to Light & Darkness | Sketchbook | Journal | Pencil Holder | Walkman | Utility Belt with Pouches | Experiment Containment Gauntlet | Spacial Pack | Experiment Database Laptop | Spellbook | Heartless Research Journal

Special Items: Dalmatian Family Photo


Ikata - Exclamation of discovery/command to approach/get/attack


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