Cerulean Feathers

By EchoingHowls

745 85 1

An Omega is thrown to the streets, where he raises himself until he catches someone's eye. As he is shown a l... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 44

15 1 0
By EchoingHowls

An uneventful week passed like a lazy river through the base. Ohm had resorted to fully relying on Luke to carry or help him walk everywhere, which allowed Tyler to use the crutches and that seemed to soothe the Alpha's stress at least a little. There hadn't been any further discussions about Jonathan and his attacker, and it was quickly established that they would follow through with Scotty's wish of ignoring it.

The detective spirit still burned through all but one of the Alphas, and he seemed to be the only one of them getting decent rest.


The autumn air shook the leaves off trees, and strong pools of sunlight warmed those who were nipped by the greedy cold. Couples linked fingers and Alphas pulled jackets closer as Omegas tucked their wings around their shoulders. Children splashed in rain puddles from the past storms as their parents chastised them. A few kites zipped and flapped in the winds, and a group of teen Omegas sat atop a skyscraper as they sipped cans of sodas. A few of them still had cheeks hazed with Heat as it faded from their systems.

Smitty had blinked the fog from his eyes and mind away, wincing as a headache clawed greedily at his skull. Jonathan has also seemed to wake from his Heat, groaning and rubbing a groggy hand through matted hair and feathers. Jonathan flicked his bright gaze toward Smitty, scoffing before saying,

"Your hair is growing out."

Smitty hummed, pulling the long strands as far as he could into his vision before noticing the streaks of his natural brown that now topped his head. The dove shrugged and smiled at the jay,

"At least I don't have a mullet, your hair is almost as long as Evan's!"

Jonathan ran a hand through his also long hair, flipping it into his face with a smirk.

"It's not a phase mom,"

He joked with a deep voice.

"I've seen your clothing, it's who you are,"

Smitty teased back, earning a shove from Jon.

The two of them giggled, faces still dusted with blush.

When they calmed down, Jon tilted his head at Smitt's new hair.

"I like it, you should keep your hair like that."

Smitty hummed, looking back at the slightly curly strands that had fallen into his face.

"I'll think about it, I'll see what it looks like when its not covered in knots."

Jon scoffed, stretching his right wing before pausing and frowning. Smitty copied him in the stretch, but tilted his head at the jay when he frowned.

"Jonny? What's up?"


Smitty sat up a bit to see Jonathan was looking at his left wing, bound in a similar fashion to the dove's.

Jonathan ran a delicate hand over the bandaged wing, wincing at the touch.

"Does it hurt?"

Smitty asked carefully. Jon paused before nodding. They were quiet for a while as Jon carefully maneuvered it so it hung lifelessly off the bed.

"Did Brock help you patch me up?"

Jonathan asked finally, looking up from all the bandages that littered his body. Smitty nodded, offering the jay a small smile,

"You were pretty bad, John and Brock helped me save your life."

Jonathan hummed in acknowledgement, running a hand through his hair again before sighing.

"I'm starving."

Smitty giggled at the comment, Jon joining him before the dove added,

"Me too. Want to head down and raid the kitchen?"

"Hell yeah!"

Soon, the two were ducking out of their room full of morning light, dashing down the stairs and leaving a trail of giggles.

The rest of the gang was already awake, and glanced curiously at the thundering steps before the two Omegas burst from the stairs. The smell of bacon and waffles wafted around the room, and Smitty could already feel his mouth begin to water as he raced Jonathan to the sizzling plate of waffles. Brock was standing nearby, smiling as he continued making more of the breakfast.

"Good morning you two, I see you're out of your Heats,"

Smitty hummed an agreement, licking his lips as he stacked several of the thick waffles onto his plate and drowned it in syrup like the true Canadian he was. Jonathan was quick to copy him, and then they got twin cups of orange juice before they plopped down at the table, Jonathan sandwiched between Evan and Smitty.

Smitty saw the looks the Alpha cast at the jay-wing, a fond smile as the Omega shoveled the breakfast into his mouth.

The dove was brought back toward the Alpha on his other side by a kiss pressed to his temple, turning and giving John a syrup-filled grin. The antelope chuckled at his dopey expression, then ran gentle fingers through Smitt's hair and helped him untangle the two-toned strands.

"Nice hair,"

John said with a smirk as he turned back toward his own waffles.

"Thanks, only the finest for yours truly."

They giggled at the phrase, and soon the table was bubbling with laughter and light conversation.

Eventually, Brock came to the table and sat down himself, and with a bright smile chirped,

"By the way Smitty, your wing should be fully healed, want to take the bandages off?"

The dove stared wide-eyed at Brock before turning and eagerly tearing the wrappings off.

When the white gauze was off, he stretched the wing.

Pearly, shiny feathers caught the morning light and Smitty beamed at the ache in the unused limb.

"Thank you Brock!"

Smitty squeaked, quivering with excitement. Brock sent him a wink and John pressed a kiss to his lips, both of them smiling.

While they were pressed together and Smitty was bringing both of his wings back toward him, Brock asked,

"Jon, how does your wing feel?"

Smitty pulled apart to glance at the jay, quieting John's huff by entwining their fingers. Jonathan didn't answer immediately, taking another bite of the syrup-soaked waffles as Evan's expression turned worried.

"It-It hurts,"

He answered finally, and Brock tilted his head, his hazel eyes glinting with concern.

"How bad?"

The jay-wing hummed, and whispered,

"A bit,

Before taking another bite. Brock fell quiet, poking at his waffles before hissing,

"Darn it! I really hoped you being in Heat would help."

"Help what?"

Smitty asked, John giving his fingers a squeeze.

"His wing, it was practically shattered... but I hoped the Heat would help the bones mend. If it still hurts then maybe-"

Brock cut himself off, biting his lip nervously.

"Maybe what?"

Jonathan pressed, setting his fork down.

"Then...we may need to take the wing off."


Want to yell at me on Discord? Here you are! <3 (https://discord.gg/frSrVVN)
Want to yell at me without Discord? Comment! I read and respond to all of them! <3
Want to read without directly talking to me? Also fine! <3
Enjoy however you would like, it means a lot that you take the time to read Cerulean Feathers!

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