With Every Step Forward (Negl...

Da Dracopyre321

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Y/N Rose is the middle child of the Xiao Long/Rose family, being Ruby's older twin brother. Life was great... Altro

Y/N Bio
Prologue Part 1/2: A Little Rose
Harem Update
Prologue 2/2: A New Home
Harem Update 2
Chapter 1: A New Rose
Chapter 2: Awakening
Chapter 3: Revealing the Truth
Chapter 4: Classes and Training
Chapter 5: Jaune Grows and Faunus Trouble
Chapter 6: Fight With the Fang
Volume 2
Chapter 7: Best Day Ever!
Chatper 8: Greeting an Army
Chapter 9: Awakening Pt. II
Chapter 10: Sharing the News
Chapter 11: Taking Inventory
Chapter 12: The Dance
Chapter 13: Field Trip
Chapter 14: The Reason Why
Chapter 15: The Real Reason
Chapter 16: The Long Ride
Chapter 17: Breaking Point
Y/N Bio Updated
Volume 3
Chapter 19: Gathering Info
Chapter 20: A Brawl Between Families
Chapter 21: Reunion
Chapter 22: Tastes Like Victory
Chapter 23: Giving a Choice
Chapter 24: Consequences and Conviction
Chapter 25: The Battle Between Kings
Chapter 26: Fear
Chapter 27: Battle of Beacon
Chapter 28: Unexpected Surprises, the Good and the Bad
Chapter 29: Chaos of the End
Chapter 30: Aftermath
Volume 4
Chapter 31: The Next Step Forward
Chapter 32: The Days Pass
Chapter 33: Fixing a Mistake
Chapter 34: Running
Chapter 35: Looking Forward
Chapter 36: Welcome Home
Chapter 37: Closing In
Chapter 38: Punishment and Consequence
Chapter 39: A Much Needed Talk
Chapter 40: Uncertainty
Chapter 41: A Hard Pill To Swallow
Chapter 42: Desolation
Chapter 43: Trials
Chapter 44: Arrival
Volume 5
Chapter 45: Welcome to Haven
Chapter 46: Dread Everywhere
Chapter 47: New Information
Chapter 48: What We Seek
Chapter 49: Unforeseen Truths
Chapter 50: Welcome Back
Chapter 50.5: The Twin Roses (Ruby Lemon, 18+)
Chapter 51: Decisions to Make
Chapter 51.5: A Night Out (Filler)
Chapter 52: I Burn For You (Yang Lemon, 18+)
Chapter 52.5: A Good Omen (Raven Lemon, 18+)
Chapter 52.75: A Mother's Love (Summer Lemon, 18+)
Chapter 53: Alone Together
Chapter 54: The Perfect Storm
Chapter 55: A Person's True Colors
Chapter 56: It Begins
Chapter 57: Confusion and Surprise
Chapter 58: Epiphany
Chapter 59: Together
Chapter 59.5: The Most Enjoyable Ice Cream (Neo Lemon, 18+)
Chapter 60: A Much Needed Explanation
Chapter 60.25: Mischievous Cats (Blake Lemon, 18+)
Chapter 60.5: Thunder and Lightning (Nora Lemon, 18+)
Chapter 60.75: Deflowering the Princess (Weiss Lemon, 18+)
Volume 6: Annoucement And Recap
Chapter 61: Planning Our Next Step
Chapter 61.5: Blooming Roses (Ruby/Summer Lemon, 18+)
Chapter 62: Return to Vale (+62.5: Required Extra Credit (Glynda Lemon, 18+))
Chapter 63: The Forbidden Tower
Chapter 64: Argus Ahead
Chapter 65: Relighting the Beacon
Chapter 66: Lost
Chapter 67: Truth
Chapter 68: Heightened Emotions
Chapter 69: Noice
Chapter 69.5: Overprotective (Saphron/Terra Lemon, 18+)
Chapter 70: Protection

Chapter 18: The First Round

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Da Dracopyre321

Your dorm

It was the day before the tournament's start.  You had been training nonstop since you got your balance breaker.  You were lying in bed with all of your girlfriends, all ten of them. Yes, the night after you got back to your dorm defeating the Beringal Alpha, Coco and Velvet joined you in bed. You had to request from Ozpin a bigger bed since your old one was starting to get really cramped.

Ddraig (in your mind): 'Something on your mind partner?'

Y/N (in your mind): 'A lot of things actually. Between the tournament, the girls, the scheming, and getting stronger, I've just been worried of what will go wrong.'

Ddraig: 'I get what you're saying, but remember. You are the Red Dragon Emperor. You can handle it.'

Svartur (in your mind): 'He's right kid. You have my power as well. I've been thinking. You're the Red Dragon Emperor, but with me, what are you? The Black Dragon Emperor?'

Y/N: 'Sounds good almost. How about... the Black Dragon Grimm King?'

Svartur: 'I like it! So, what are you planning to do in the tournament tomorrow?'

Y/N: 'Is that obvious? I'm going to win.'


Ozpin has called you to his office, but you're not sure why. You knock on his door.

Ozpin: "Come on in Y/N."

You enter the room and close the door behind you.

Y/N: "You wanted to see me Professor?"

Ozpin: "Yes, please take a seat. Now, you're aware that four-person teams fight in the tournament, don't you?"

Y/N: "Yes sir, in the first round, teams of four fight. The winners select two people to continue for the doubles round and from there, a single person is chosen for the one on one battles. But what does this have to do with me? I can't enter."

Ozpin: "You remember your Red King piece, do you not?"

Y/N: "Yeah, I carry it with me." You say as you take out the piece.

Ozpin: "Not only does that piece allow you to command multiple teams, but since you have a King piece, you are being given special permission to fight in the tournament on your own. You won't have either of your teams, but I don't imagine that will be much of a problem for you."

Y/N: "I can enter? And I'd be fighting a team of four in the first round?"

Ozpin: "That's correct. Now I suppose the question is do you want to?"

Y/N: "Ddraig, Svartur, what do you you two think?"

Svartur: "Lets do it. It will give you a chance to test your abilities and restraint."

Ddraig: "I agree. It will be an excellent test to see my Balance Breaker against multiple skilled opponents."

Y/N: "You heard Professor Ozpin. Sign me up."

Ozpin: "I expected nothing less from you. Try not to use the Boosted Gear though. Only use it if you absolutely must. We do not know who will be watching."

Y/N: "Yes, of course. Professor? While I'm here, there's something I'd like to ask you about." You pull out your blue gem. "I'm looking for more gems like these. Do you know where any might be?"

Ozpin: "What is that and where did you get it?"

Y/N: "Ddraig tells me it's a piece of another Sacred Gear like him. I found it in a cave in the Emerald Forest the day of initiation.

Ozpin raises an eyebrow.

Ozpin: "I have seen something that in my life, but where it is now I'm unsure."

Y/N: "Thank you Professor."

Ozpin: "By the way Y/N, how is your training with your semblance going?"

You seem surprised that he knows.

Y/N: "It's going well. I can use it multiple times in a row now and during battle."

Ozpin: "That's good. Your semblance is particularly powerful. With that, the power of the Red Dragon Emperor, and your sword, I believe you'll be the greatest Red Dragon Emperor to have lived."

Y/N: "I'm not really concerned about that. I just want to be able to protect everyone, but thank you. Is there anything else you needed?"

Ozpin: "Just one. Regarding your training, I have asked someone to help with it. He should be arriving at anytime. I'll inform you when he's here. That is all I have for you today."

Y/N: "Thank you Professor."

You leave Ozpin's office and get back to your training.

Back to Present

Y/N: 'Yeah. I'm going to win. I just wish Mom was here...'

You start to think back to your mother. You've missed her all this time, but it's been especially bad lately.

Y/N: "Mom..."

You see Ruby start to wake up.

Ruby: "You miss her, don't you?"

Y/N: "I'm sorry I woke you up. Yeah, I really do miss her. It's been so long. What do I say to her when I finally see her again? How can I ask for her forgiveness for running away? For leaving her and you two with that monster? How can I-"

You're cut off by Ruby's lips on yours.

Ruby: "Don't worry about it. I'm sure she'll just be happy to see you again."

Y/N: "Thanks Ruby. You always know what to say." You pet her head. "Now let's get back to sleep. We have a big day tomorrow."

Ruby: "We?"

Y/N: "Good night Ruby." You smile as you both go to sleep.

The next day

Team RWBY's currently in a match against Team ABRN of Haven on a terrain that's half volcano, half ice. Professor Port and Dr. Oobleck are doing commentary.

The girls seem to be fighting individual battles against each of the members of Team ABRN.

Blake's fighting against a green haired girl named Reese wielding some type of hoverboard. Reese launches the board at Blake, who knocks it back. Reese punches it towards her, but Blake once again pushes her it back, this time charging. The girl grabs the board and starts using it as a shield while Blake uses her semblance to make clones to give her momentum. After a few exchanges of blows, Reese backs up and starts riding the board towards Blake and jumping. Blake counters by creating an ice clone that knocks the hooded girl slightly off balance, putting Blake into a position to slice the board in half. Reese takes this opportunity to make the board into a pair of pistols and shoots at Blake. She then lands on her butt hard on the ice.

Meanwhile, Yang's fighting the leader of the team, Arslan. After a few blows, a punch from each of them connects with the other and causes an explosion. They get into close quarters combat again and Arslan grabs Yang's leg with her weapon, which looks like a knife on a string, and flings her towards her teammate, Nadir.

Y/N: "Looks like that girl can match Yang in terms of physical strength. How will you get out of this?"

Nadir takes note of Yang and is about to shoot her, but he's taken by surprise when his legs are frozen.

Ruby: "Got your back sis!"

???: "Who's got yours?" says Bolin, the fourth member of the team.

A glyph appears and Weiss kicks him through it.

Ruby: "My BFF!"

Weiss: "No."

Y/N (from stands): "Come on my Ice Queen! Let her have it!"

Weiss: "S-shut up!"

Weiss and Ruby run towards Bolin who is still recovering. Weiss unleashed a flurry of graceful strikes, using her semblance to quickly get around. Ruby then comes up from behind Weiss to deliver a blow, propelled into the air by Weiss's glyph. Bolin blocks it, but Ruby fires her rifle, flinging them in opposite directions. He then rushes past both Weiss and Ruby to break off a crystal in the terrain.

Y/N: "Is that...? Weiss! Ruby! Be careful!"

Bolin takes the piece and throws it to Reese. She puts it into her board and flies by Nadir, melting the ice he's trapped in. She goes back to attacking Blake, who blocks her strikes and uses her clone to get out of the way. She throws her weapon towards an ice blocks and pulls herself with the ribbon, getting out of sight. Reese comes from around the corner and sees Blake just standing there with her back to her. Reese smiles at this and goes to finish her off. However, this is a trap and the Blake standing there is just a clone. As soon as Reese strikes, Blake throws her weapon and catches Reese in the ribbon. She then knocks her out of the arena.

Professor Port: "Ooh! Looks like a double whammy!"

Dr. Oobleck: "Reese Chloris's aura level has dropped into the red and she's been knocked out of the arena!"

Y/N: "Clever move Blake. Good job."

Yang is chasing Arslan throughout the ice terrain while using the shots from her gauntlets to propel herself forward while ice skating.

Weiss is facing against Nadir, but uses a glyph to drop Bolin onto him. She then uses more glyphs to gather up a lot of ice in the area and forms a fist of ice, engulfing them both. The fist curls into a ball and starts rolling around. Arslan sees this and puts herself into the ball's path. She plants her feet and strikes the ball, breaking it apart while her two remaining teammates fall behind her.

Weiss: "Yang!"

She creates a large curved wall of ice for Yang to ride on. As Yang's sliding, Blake throws her her weapon with the ribbon and Yang pushes off. Ruby launches Blake as well. Blake pushes off and pulls Yang, transferring all of her momentum to her. She punches all three opponents at once, knocking them out of the arena.

Professor Port: "And that's the match! Team RWBY is victorious!"

Weiss: "We did it?"

Ruby: "We did it!"

Small Timeskip, Fairgrounds

Y/N: "I gotta say, neat tricks you pulled there. You four hungry?"

Ruby: "I'm starving!"

Blake: "I could eat." Her stomach then growls very loudly.

Yang: "C'mon! I know just the place."

As you leave, Weiss's scroll goes off.

Y/N: "Weiss? Don't you need to get that?"

Weiss looks down and presses 'ignore'.

Weiss: "It's nothing. Let's go."

Y/N (thoughts): 'I'd better not push it.'

You start to walk to a food stand when you hear a familiar voice.

???: "It'll be hard to eat without this."

You turn around and see Emerald.

As Ruby's freaking out about Emerald holding her wallet, you decide to put on a fake smile. After all, you know she and her teammates are up to no good, but can't prove it.

Emerald: "Good to see you Ruby and Y/N!"

Y/N: "Thanks for finding Ruby's wallet Emerald."

Ruby: "Ugh! Girl pockets are the worst!"

Yang: "What's up Em?"

Emerald: "Just left the stadium after watching your amazing fight. You guys were awesome!"

Ruby: "Oh stop it... shut your stupid little face..." she says all flustered. You found that very cute.

Blake: "I heard your team progressed to the next round too."

Weiss: "You know, I feel like we never see your other teammates."

Emerald: "Yeah... they're a bit... introverted. Really socially awkward."

You all look over to Mercury who's sniffing a boot for some reason.

Yang: "Yeah... I can see that."

Emerald: "So looks like Merc and I will be moving on to the Doubles round. What about you guys?"

Ruby: "As leader, I thought long and hard about this decision."

Weiss: "We put it to a vote."

Ruby: "I decided to put it to a vote."

Blake: "We voted for Weiss and Yang."

Emerald: "Well if Mercury and I see you down the line, don't think we'll go easy on ya. See you later!"

Emerald POV

Emerald walks away and joins Mercury.

Mercury: "So how are the new 'friends'?"

Emerald: "I hate them."

Mercury: "Orders are orders."

Emerald: "I just- how can they be so happy all the time?"

Mercury: "Did you at least get what we want?"

Emerald: "It's the heiress and the bimbo."

Mercury: "Ooh, don't let Y/N catch you saying that. From what I've seen, he's really strong and doesn't like anyone hurting or bad-talking his girlfriends."

Emerald: "I don't see what's so great about him. He doesn't seem that strong either. What do they see in him?"

Mercury: "Oh he's plenty strong. In that sparring match, I could tell he wasn't even trying against me."


You arrive at the food stand and everyone orders their food. Ruby, Yang, and Weiss all get regular noodle bowls while Blake gets one with extra fish.

Y/N: "Aww, little kitty likes her fish."

Blake: "Shut up. What are you getting?"

You get an extra-large bowl of noodles. Everyone seems surprised at you.

Y/N: "What? This is usually how much I eat."

Weiss: "No... it's not... that's a lot of food."

Y/N: "Oh well, guess my training's been taking its toll. I need all the energy I can get!"

Weiss gives her credit card to the chef, but it's declined.

Weiss: "What! How is it declined! I've barely gotten into my allowance for this month..."

Team JNPR comes over and sits with you.

Pyrrha: "You guys need a hand?" She offers to pay. "I think you guys earned it after that battle."

Jaune: "Mind if we joined you?"

You all sit down and eat your food. You get into an eating contest with Nora, but you both struggle to continue around the same time.

Y/N: "Nora... draw?"

Nora: "Yeah... sure... I had a big breakfast..."

Y/N: "Yeah, alright."

Ren: "Are you sure it's wise to have eaten before a fight?"

Pyrrha: "Of course! It will give us energy."

Jaune: "Uhhhh... if I barf, I'm blaming you..."

Nora: "Aim it at the enemy!"

Ren: "Nora, that's disgusting, but if you feel the need to..."

Pyrrha: "Well, we should be off."

Ruby: "So, you think you guys are ready?"

Nora: "Of course! We've got a world-renowned fights, what's basically a ninja, I can bench five of me, Jaune... we've trained all year, our weapons are awesome, Glynda barely yells at us anymore and uh... Jaune!"

Y/N: "You gonna take that bro?"

Jaune: "You know, she's not wrong..."

Nora: "I'm kidding! He knows I'm kidding. Don't be so nervous! The worst that could happen is we lose! Then it's just a few more years of walking around school with everyone knowing we're failures, our friends will slowly abandon us to preserve their social status, we won't be able to show our faces in class, no one wi sit with us in the cafeteria, Ren and I have no parents, we have no home left to go to, we'll be officially renamed Team LOSE-iper!"

Ren: "So yeah, we feel pretty good."

Pyrrha: "Don't fret."

Y/N: "Seriously. You should be looking forward to a fight with actual guidelines and not, you know, murderers."

Yang: "Don't sweat it! We've all faced way worse before."

Blake: "Lets see: Grimm invasions, violent extremists, a destructive sociopath, our boyfriend."

Ruby: "And that's while we were still in training! Oh, imagine what it be like when we graduate!"

Y/N: "Wait why was I on the list?"

Weiss: "You're extremely strong. Not even all of us combined can beat you."

Y/N: "You've come close though."

Yang: "Yeah, which means we know we're really strong as a team."

Professor Port (on intercom): "Would Team JNPR please report to the battle grounds immediately."

Dr. Oobleck (on intercom): "Yes, like they were supposed to several minutes ago!"

Pyrrha: "Well, it looks like this is it." She and Nora give you a hug.

Y/N: "Good luck, not that you'll need it."

Pyrrha: "Oh don't worry Y/N. We'll win. Besides, we have to make up since you couldn't enter."

Y/N: "Haha, yeah..." you say while faking sadness.

Ruby: "Don't worry! We'll win the rest of our matches for you!"

Y/N: "Win for yourselves, not for me."

To the arena

You and Team RWBY start to find seats, but you see Emerald and Mercury and decide to keep an eye on them.

Ddraig (quietly): "BOOST! TRANSFER!"

You transfer the power to your ears to sharpen your hearing.

Mercury: "I wonder who's gonna win?"

Emerald: "Tch, as if we didn't already know."

Cinder comes up behind them and sits down.

Cinder: "Oh come now. Even if you know how a story ends, that doesn't make it any less fun to watch."

Y/N: "Well then..."

Professor Port (on speaker): "Team JNPR of Beacon vs Team BRNZ of Shade!"

The randomized terrain select comes up. One terrain is the forest and the other will be the mountain.

Y/N: "Hmm... with that sniper, the forest may be tough, but the mountain will serve as a good strategic point for Jaune and he knows it."

Professor Port: "Three... Two... One... Begin!"


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