The Prince, The Girl And The...

By bornthisway2012

24.4K 318 126

After an year in England, Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy are back in Narnia to save the day. However, soon th... More

Chapter 2. "The Escape of the Heir."
Chapter 3. "What the Horn has Called."
Chapter 4. "The Kings and Queens of Old."
Chapter 5. "It's All About Faith."
Chapter 6. "The How."
Chapter 7. "The Bonds Between Us"
Chapter 8 "A Choice to Make"
Chapter 9 "For Narnia!"
Chapter 10 "Stand Your Ground And Fight"
Chapter 11. "Stay With Me."
Chapter 12 "Losing My Religion."
Chapter 13. Part I. "Recollections of a Past Lifetime."
Chapter 13. Part II. "The Usurper."
Chapter 14. "Raise A Glass Of Wine (For The Last Time)."
Chapter 15. Part a. "Heavy Is The Head That Wears The Crown."
Chapter 15. Part b. "The Lion and The Eagle."
Chapter 15. Part c. "The Last Battle."
Chapter 16. "The Aftermath."
Chapter 17. "Break The Wheel."
Chapter 18. Part I. "Cold-Blooded."
Chapter 19. "No Time To Die."
Chapter 18. Part II. "Cold-Blooded."
Chapter 20. "Forever May They Reign."
Chapter 21. "Safe Haven." PART I.
Chapter 21. Part II. "All The Stars."
Chapter 22. "There's A Place For Us." SNEAK PEEK
Chapter 22. "There's A Place For Us." COMPLETE.

Chapter 1. "Sunrise of the Adventure."

5.7K 45 30
By bornthisway2012

Hey guys! how is everything going?

I published this a few years ago and took it down to edit the whole thing. The first chapter is now finished. Really hope you like it!

Disclaimer: This storyline and characters do not belong to me.

Please review, like and follow!

Chapter 1. "Sunrise Of The Adventure."

"Watch where you're going!"

Lucy ignored the concerned pedestrians on the street as she smiled apologetically at the disgruntled driver.

"I'm sorry!" She managed to call as innocently as she could before continuing her race to the other side of the street where her sister stood.

After a year of doubts, insecurities and fears; a year full of memories, fond recollections and pain, that day Lucy had woken up feeling hopeful.

Perhaps it was that they were starting school again and therefore, the change of scenery brought new possibilities. Perhaps it was something more than that.

Regardless, the fact was that Lucy Pevensie had woken up feeling hopeful. As if anything could happen.

The last year hadn't been easy. Going back to England, being children once again, it had been a struggle for all of them.

That year had been about survival.

Or at least it was Lucy's coping mechanism because when Peter arrived home with a bruised cheek or a bloodied knuckle, when Susan sat for hours on end staring lifelessly outside her window, when Edmund slept all day because he kept himself awake all night with his obsession of remembering absolutely everything about their other home, Lucy told herself the same thing.

As long as they survived, then they'd be okay.

Lucy shook her head as she managed to get to the other side of the street. There was a greater urgency that needed her sibling's attention.

And more specifically, her sister's.

"Susan!" She yelled breathlessly.

Lucy barely focused on how the boy standing beside her sister looked like one of the flustered suitors who would stammer as they asked for Susan's hand.

Right then, all of her concern was focused on transferring to her sister exactly how pressing was the situation.

And as the Gentle Queen turned, her eyes narrowed in frustration.

Mission accomplished.

Susan knew.

They were needed.


Edmund had seen the whole thing.

He had tried not to, of course. He made it a point not to get in his brother's way when he behaved like a moron but still, someone needed to clean up his mess.

And that day, for a reason he couldn't yet fathom, he was having a hard time focusing enough to write.

After they fell outside that magical wardrobe an year ago, they had been merry. They had told stories, reminisced, gossiped and updated Professor Kirke on their beloved country.

It wasn't until dinner came that their new situation dawned on them.

They were no longer Kings and Queens.

They were diminished children once again, not respected adults.

They left their country without a leader, and they had no idea when...if they were coming back.

And that's when despair kicked in.

Edmund knew that as long as they held onto their memories, then they would be just fine. That's the thing, if they remembered the past, then they were educated for the future.

So the raven haired king had become obsessed. He needed to remember every single thing about their fifteen years as monarchs. The way he saw it, the more information he had, then the better prepared he was.

He was never again going to be a traitor or anything other than a good man and king.

He had finally began writing down their last year of rule when he heard the familiar growl.

He sighed into the leatherbound journal he was scribbling on.

They should have left Peter at home if he was going to be an arrogant baby during the whole trip.

"Hey, what's your problem?" The kid who had bumped Peter scowled threateningly.

Edmund sighed before putting his journal away. He would have to continue his memoir later.

His King needed him.


Susan couldn't care any less about the magazines.

It had been a long time since she particularly cared about anything other than her siblings.

The last year had been a blur to her.

The rest of their stay with the Professor had been like the calm in the midst of a storm. Since they were all friends of Narnia, they were able to talk freely about their home. If longing struck their hearts, then they could speak about it openly and without any fear of judgements.

That had changed once the war was over and they went back home.

Susan pitied her mother during those few months after their return. She tried her hardest, Susan's sure, but she couldn't understand what changed her beloved children so irrevocably.

She had no idea what made them so happy, yet so sad.

It took her time but Susan schooled herself until she was a master in controlling her emotions. It made her detached, sure, but the walls shielding her heart meant she wouldn't fall apart.

She needed a new focus, and she found it in Peter, Edmund and Lucy. Sure, sometimes she barely held onto them, her strength wavering, but her grip never slipped and somehow, somehow she survived.

She barely felt anything anymore.

Well, at least until the most awkward boy she had ever seen stood beside her, glancing at her not so subtly.

Susan refrained from rolling her eyes. She didn't want to be mean, of course, but it was infuriating sometimes how men felt they had the right to just stare at you.

Susan shook her head as she tried to focus on the random magazine she'd grabbed. After all those suitors in Narnia, you'd think she would have gotten used to it.

"You go to St. Finbars." The boy spoke from her right and Susan forced a polite smile.

The boy seemed nice and everything but really, she just wanted to be alone with her thoughts before she had to get into the overcrowded train.

Her voice was even as she barely glanced away from the magazine. "That's right."

"I go to Hendon House across the road." The boy continued, shy smile grazing his lips. "I've seen you."

Susan looked up with interest at his bold statement. Perhaps there was hope for him yet.

But just then, he continued.

"Sitting by yourself."

Susan lowered her gaze to the magazine again, frustrated at herself for having dared to hope.

She sighed. It was no one's concern why she spent so much time on her own. In her mind, she wasn't in dreary London but in sunny Narnia, dancing with her friends and working to give her country the best future possible.

She would much rather be stuck in her memories than at the present. It wasn't healthy of course, and it hurt tremendously when she eventually resurfaced from them but, when she's stuck in her ensonations, she was happy.

She missed being happy.

"Yes, well, I prefer to be left alone." Susan said as she turned to face the street, her eyes never leaving the article she's yet to read.

Hopefully, he'd take the hint.

"Me, too."

Or not.

"What's your name?" The boy asked and Susan subtly rolled her eyes.

Susan smiled in hidden amusement as she looked up. "Phyllis."


Susan closed her eyes as she turned towards her sister. Well, that's embarrasing.

Before she could say anything else though, she noticed the frantic look in her eyes, the look that urged Susan to follow the Valiant Queen.

Susan sighed before glancing shortly at the confused boy.

As if she cared. She'd probably never see him again, anyways.

She grabbed her suitcases in a hurry and followed her sister into the train station.


"Act your age!"

Peter hadn't stopped being angry ever since they went back to England.

In a split second, he had gone from mighty High King of Narnia to ridiculed teenager.

He had a lot to be angry about.

But the worst part was that there was only one responsible for their year waiting in vain. And he was nowhere to be found.

As Edmund plopped down beside him on the bench, Peter began fuming, his veins burning hot anger as his thoughts went over the same fact tirelessly.

The past year away from home had been incredibly hard. Watching his three siblings deteriorate emotionally before his eyes had been heartbreaking.

But starting school again and being told what to do by men who wouldn't live what he had even if they lived for ten lifetimes, even the idea meant torture for the Magnificent King.

So, in a way, the fight he had with those idiots a few minutes ago was relieving. He had been holding up all of his emotions for too long.

If only the guard who separated them had thought better than to tell him to act his age.

That was the whole damn problem in the first place.

"You're welcome." Edmund quipped drily.

Peter rolled his eyes as he stood up. He didn't mean to take it out on his siblings but Edmund's tendency of stepping in where he wasn't called was beginning to be extremely annoying.

"I had it sorted." Peter replied stubbornly, his face wearing a calm mask even when Edmund looked at him with exasperation, Lucy raised her eyebrows anxiously and Susan rolled her eyes resignedly.

"What was it this time?" Susan asked slowly, almost as if fearing the potential nonsensical answer.

Peter barely glanced at her before looking towards the empty tracks. "He bumped me."

Lucy's voice was as innocent as ever, as if she consciously tried to counteract the constant tension between her three siblings by being as adorable as possible. "So you hit him?"

"No. After he bumped me, he tried to make me apologize." Peter shrugged. "That's when I hit him."

Susan looked at her older brother with clear disappointment. "Why can't you just walk away?"

Peter barely noticed how his anger spiked a notch at her condenscending tone. After a year like this, he no longer felt a thing besides blinding rage. "I shouldn't have to! Don't you ever get tired of being treated like a kid?"

Edmund frowned at him as if fearing for Peter's mental sanity. "We're kids, Pete."

"I wasn't always." Peter voice lowered, his heart hurting with grief. "It's been a year already. How much is He going to keep us waiting?"

Silence was made amongst the group as the other three exchanged a nervous glance. They felt uncomfortable at the idea of speaking about Narnia so openly.

They had spent all year thinking about their country, of course, but the idea of coming back was so painful as long as it was just that, an idea, that the four of them hadn't dared to discuss it.

"He must have a reason, Peter." Lucy finally declared and he perked up, noticing once again how, as different as things were, her faith never seemed to waver. "We need to have faith that we'll go back."

"Yes, but still, we can't say we've been having a pleasant time so fair." Edmund quipped with a sardonic grin. He crossed his arms defensively when Lucy threw him a frustrasted look.

Susan spoke slowly, her eyes on the alleyway to their right. "I think it's time to accept the fact that we live here. There's no use in pretending any different."

No one replied to that and with a sigh, Peter returned to his seat between Edmund and Lucy.

He knew her logical argument was part of Susan's coping mechanism but secretly, he began to wonder whether she was right.

After all, that world was all about logic. If they were to have a chance at being actually happy in England, perhaps he needed to follow logic once in a while.

Susan glanced away distractedly and suddenly jumped and turned to her siblings in a hurry. She looked anxiously at them. "Pretend you're talking to me."

Edmund leaned forward from the other extreme of the bench to frown at his sister. "We're talking to you, Su."

Susan pursued her lips but before she could say anything, Lucy suddenly jumped away from the seat with a yelp.

"Keep it quiet, Lu." Susan replied, her tone even though a frown made it way to her forehead.

"But something pinched me!" Lucy protested, her eyes wide.

Peter opened his mouth to intervene when he too felt pinching. He stood up too, but chose to glare at the Just King, instead of the bench. "Edmund, stop it!"

"I didn't do any-." Edmund began to argue when he too felt the same pulling sensation. He stood up too and looked at his siblings in bewilderment. "What on Earth was that!?"

Susan also rose from her seat, her eyes wide in surprise as a strong wind blew all over the station. Papers began to dance around them and heavier objects trembled as the winds increased.

"This is magic!" Lucy exclaimed, grinning widely as she glanced around.

"Everyone, hold hands now." Susan ordered before taking Lucy's right hand and Peter's left hand.

Peter glanced around him as he distractedly searched for Edmund's hand. He knew it was silly, but he feared they'd be hit by the loose wall tiles.

"No way!" Edmund shouted to make himself heard, as he struggled against Peter's grip.

"Just do it!" Peter screamed back exasperatedly and tightened his grip.

Papers flew all over the place, bricks and concrete from the walls and ceiling falling off and flying away, revealing a stone wall. In front of them and to their right, flickers of blue were begginning to appear, more and more frequently.

The four Pevensie siblings, the Kings and Queens, they could do nothing but stare anxiously, struggling to notice immediately every change in their location, every hint that they were finally going back.

Not even the wind or the objects could make them close their eyes. They had spent a year wishing for this moment.

It'd been so long, and their hope had been left in such a sorry state, that they couldn't dare even accepting that they'd started on another journey until it was over and they were in Narnia.

They wouldn't survive if it wasn't real.

And finally, they no longer stood in a British train station, but in what seemed to be an ancient cave. To their right, they could see a white beautiful sand beach with a deep blue sea on one side, a tall cliff full of trees on the other. A radiant sun cast its rays over it all.

Slowly, the four of then walked towards the light, smiling as they took into the sight, the pain they felt minutes ago now a long gone memory.

They stopped at the edge of the cave and, almost unwillingly, Peter glanced quickly back towards the cave as his siblings kept gazing forward with big, dazzling smiles.

It was astonishing how difficult it was for him to imagine a train station where that cave stood, having been there just a moment ago.

Lucy suddenly gave a few steps forward and then turned around, gazing at Susan as her smile grew wider; if that was even possible.

Susan reflected that smile and together, they ran towards the water, laughing and shouting as they let go of their shoes and jackets.

Edmund and Peter looked at each other smiling and, pushing one another along the way, they ran towards the girls, who were already by the water.

The past year didn't matter then.

Their tensions and fears would be there to be dealt with when they were ready.

Now, they were at home. And it was time to celebrate.

Cheers for reading!

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