Chapter 13. Part I. "Recollections of a Past Lifetime."

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Hey guys!

Part 1 of chapter 13 is finally here!

Disclaimer: I only own Beth's storyline. The rest belongs to its respective owners.

Hope you guys like it! Please review, vote and follow!

Cheers for reading!

Chapter 13. Part I. "Recollections Of A Past Lifetime."

"This doesn't mean I lost my dream. / It's just right now I got a crazy mind to clean." - Twenty One Pilots, 'Heavydirtysoul'.

Everything had seemed so clear before. Why he had sided with the White Witch, why he had deceived his siblings, why he had escaped the Beaver's house to go to the castle, he had known all of those answers.

No more than a few hours had passed from the moment he had stepped into the courtyard full of stone statues and yet, as he sat on that frozen cell, surrounded by ice, Edmund couldn't help but ponder on how hazy and confusing was his mind.

He tried to shield himself but the cold and the fear were destroying his every nerve and his every thought, tainting even the happiest of his memories until they brought him nothing but shame and regret.

That's the thing, though, hadn't he betrayed his memories too when he rejected his siblings for sweets?

The objective had always been clear. Getting back at Peter, making him feel even an ounce of the pain he had felt at being alone and so misunderstood.

He had accomplished his purpose, that was certain.

Peter was hurt because of him.

But so was Susan, who had always tried to listen to him. Lucy, who had tried to be sweet towards him even as he continued to push her away, she was now betrayed too.

Just then, screams echoed from the hall outside towards the cell he was at.

Edmund shivered, his heart constricting with guilt.

Even strangers who had never done anything wrong against him had been punished because of his mistake.

How did everything go so wrong?

How did he manage to make so many terrible mistakes?

Heavy steps started making their way towards him.

He knew what that meant.

They were coming to get him and take him to the White Witch.

And from then, to chase his own family.

Edmund hugged his legs, making himself as little as possible, and wished fervently to disappear.

He needed to get out.

"You guys are so cute!"

Edmund woke up trembling, and gazed sideways in confusion at his girlfriend, who had sat up besides him to glare sleepily at his sister, who was smirking at them from the doorway.

"Dude, I was asleep," Beth snapped as she rubbed her eyes tiredly.

"I'm sorry but did you expect me to be silent when finding this?" Lucy asked with a laugh. "Now, Ed, I know nothing happened but you might want to get out of here before Su finds out, you know how she gets with this things."

"Oh my god," Beth groaned in exasperation but frowned when she glanced at her disturbed looking boyfriend. She raised hastily out of her bed after a second and marched towards Lucy. "I promise I'll get him out, now leave."

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