Chapter 15. Part b. "The Lion and The Eagle."

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Hey guys!

Two updates in two days. I'm in awe of myself. 

I'm taking a small break before starting on the final part of chapter 15 but it should be up by tomorrow at the latest. From then on, I have five chapters to edit, and five chapters left to write (plus the epilogue). Updates perhaps will come slower but there isn't that much to edit from chapters 16 to 21, so I expect to be done with them soon.

Also, I've been researching and Miraz' helm is called a morion. Just in case anyone wonders about the meaning of that word.

One reminder: As you know, Beth went to Archenland two years before this fic starts. That means she travelled between the two worlds when she was 12. Tor and Torin are twins, and the same age as Caspian so they are 15 when Beth enters their lives. In this chapter, I've added two flashbacks in order to cast a glimpse on the relationship of Beth with both brothers. This will be important for later.

Also, I've added some aspects from the book to the chapter!

Disclaimer: I own nothing but the characters I've created for this fic. Their storylines are also of my belonging. 

Please vote, comment and add this fic to your library! Part c of chapter 15 is called "The Last Battle" so stay tuned!

Chapter 15. Part b. "The Lion And The Eagle."

"Little people know, when little people fight, we may look easy pickings, but we've got some bite. So never kick a dog because it's just a pup! We'll fight like twenty armies, and we won't give up! So you better run for cover, when the pup grows..." -Gavroche, Les Miserables (film version 2012)


No matter how hard he tried, Crown Prince Tor of Archenland couldn't fathom why the snores of a girl had managed to shoo one of the most dangerous followers of the White Witch away.

Still, that's exactly what happened. He'd been riding through the eastern forests or Archenland, near the border to Narnia, when the foul witch ambushed him, making him fall from his horse and almost knocking him out with her cane. Still, Tor had managed to dodge that last blow and, hastily hopping onto his horse, he managed to ride away.

From then on, it had been a chase as Tor rode through the woods with the witch riding just a few feet behind her but then, a powerful snore, had resonated through that path in the woods and before he knew it, the witch was running away with terror.

It hadn't taken the girl too long to scramble awake but it had put Tor in a new predicament.

What was he supposed to say to a girl wearing strange clothes who he'd encountered by running from a witch?

The girl was currently squished against a fallen trunk, her arms tightly wrapped around her bent legs. Her blonde hair was slightly dirty from the soil she had been sleeping onto, but her green eyes shone with intelligence as they peeked from above her knees, studying Tor closely.

Slowly, in order not to scare the girl further, Tor sat on the ground a few feet in front of her. He unsheathed his sword and threw it away before holding up his hands in surrender. "I won't hurt you, my lady. I swear."

The girl visibly took a deep breath before glancing at the thrown sword. Finally, her grip around her legs loosened slightly. When she spoke, her voice was rough and quiet. "Where am I?"

"You're in Archenland," Tor replied easily, refraining himself from exteriorizing his concern. Who was this girl? "I'm Prince Tor, heir to the throne of Archenland."

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