Chapter 21. "Safe Haven." PART I.

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Hey guys!

Part II is coming up soon enough. It was becoming the longest chapter ever so I had to split it in two.

Longer author's note coming up when I release the other part, so we can comment some things.

Hope you like this and cheers for reading! You are awesome!

Chapter 21. "Safe Haven." PART I.

"Quit flexing, boy," Geels said. "We all know the old man doesn't have the stomach for a real 


Kaz's laugh was dry as the rustle of dead leaves. "But I'm the one at your table, Geels, and I'm not here for a taste. You want a war, I'll make sure you eat your fill."

- Leigh Bardugo, "Six of Crows."

Somehow, Peter made it through the festivities.

His heart was bleeding painfully, his smile too bright, his eyes resembling a pair of shattered glass, yet it was much easier to mask his broken soul than what he had expected.

After all, who would suspect the worst thing in their lives was already in motion?

Once the drinks began flowing freely and propriety was no longer King, Peter found it easy to sneak back into his room and think of his next step. How was he supposed to tell the others? How was he supposed to help them get through this? How was he supposed to protect his people when he could not protect his soul?

How was he supposed to say goodbye?

After countless, restless turns in his bed, Peter found himself opening his eyes to a new dawn, which implied he had fallen asleep at some point, even if exhaustion was still coursing through his limbs.

With relief, he found that under the light of a new day, things didn't seem as daunting, even if they still hurt as much as the night before.

But what was even better was that he had figured out what to do. He still didn't know how he was supposed to help the others, but he knew who was going to help him do it.

"This better be good," Caspian mumbled after Peter had knocked relentlessly on his door for the last fifteen minutes. Wearing only a pair of silk pants, the new monarch closed his eyes sleepily as he leaned his tan form against the doorframe. "I had just fallen asleep."

"Is it wise for the new High King to get completely drunk on the night of his coronation?"

"You're just jealous you were too young to do the same when you were crowned."

Peter pursed his lips. If he didn't need the blubbering idiot, nothing would have stopped him from punching his smug face.

He could only hope Caspian would be too focused on the task to be able to mock him for asking for his help. Peter would never survive that.

So, instead of knocking the moron flat out, Peter pushed Caspian back into the room and grabbed the first shirt he saw before throwing it at his head. "Get moving. Something's come up."

Caspian looked at Peter for a long moment before nodding. Whatever he saw in the King of Old's expression, it was enough to convince him it was not the time for idle banter or laziness.

They had left the eye of the storm.

A battle was knocking on their doorstep.


The Prince, The Girl And The Lion (Prince Caspian Fanfic)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα