Chapter 13. Part II. "The Usurper."

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Hey guys!

Chapter 13, part II is here at last!

I've made some big changes in comparison to what I wrote a few years ago so I'm a little nervous about the whole new direction this has taken. Please let me know what you guys think in the comments!

Also wanted to let you guys know that the final battle is coming up. We have one more chapter to go and then chapter 15 is going to be divided in three parts, all of them revolved about the battle. Things are about to get real, people!

Anyway, hope you guys enjoy this and please vote and follow!

Disclaimer: I only own Beth's storyline. The rest belongs to its respective owners.

Chapter 13. Part II. "The Usurper."

"Only justice will bring peace." - Avatar Kyoshi, Avatar: The last Airbender.

Miraz had never been a believer of fate or destiny.

For a man as assertive, as tough as he was, those were illogical beliefs, created for people to desperately hold onto when in difficult times.

Miraz needed no strength, no drive from anyone rather than himself.

All of his life, his goal had been clear, his plan laid out in front of him. His success, he didn't owe it to anyone but himself.

He was a true Telmarine. He had known so ever since he was old enough to understand his position as a younger sibling.

The throne of Telmar had always belonged to him and, like he had told Caspian, that had meant he needed to fight against anyone standing in his way to get what he wanted.

Caspian IX had been almost too easy to deal with.

For a short moment he had worried he wouldn't be able to finish his nephew off when he ran away from the castle the day his son was born but at the end, it had paid off in his favour, and the whole telmarine court had been against the King's son even before Miraz had been acknowledged as the clear candidate for the Throne.

As he entered the Throne Room regally, heavy cloak trailing behind him, his step rhythmic and heavy against the marble' tiles, he glanced at the chair by the other end of the room and straightened proudly, knowing for a fact that after everything he had done, he had finally gotten his ultimate wish, and what he deserved at the end of the day.

King Miraz the Protector of Narnia.

Yes. It sounded right.

His brother had been the owner of that throne for far longer than he deserved until he took care of him.

And now, he would take care of his nephew and any foul creature that dared to defy him. In a few weeks, he would ride towards the filthy hole his enemy was hiding in with his entire army to finish the ridiculous Narnian threat once and for all.

Then, it would be time to begin with the next stage of his plan. He would conquer the rest of the countries in the continent, beginning with Archenland, until there was no place or person that could be a threat against him or his race.

For that, he had been careful to initiate negotiations with his international allies.

And, oh, had they complied generously.

"Beruna pledges its troops for the battle!" Beruna's lord announced as Miraz walked past him. His voice resonated in contrast to the reverent, almost fearful silence reigning amongst the court.

Good. Let them fear.

"Galma pledges it's troops for the battle!" Galma's Great Duke announced as well as Miraz walked past him.

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