Chapter 9 "For Narnia!"

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Hi, how is it going?
Chapter 9 is now up! The song at the end is "Fix You" by Coldplay.

This is the first part of the raid. I need to edit some things in chapter 10 but it should be posted tomorrow!

Disclaimer: I only own Beth's storyline. The rest belongs to it's respective owners.

As always, votes and reviews are very welcome. Cheers for reading!

Chapter 9. "For Narnia!"

Beth stood slightly to the left of the Stone Table and studied her best friend in silence.

Something she had come to admire in Lucy, and maybe one of the reasons why they became such good friends, was that she was always cheerful. Regardless of the odds or the situation, she always chose to see the silver lining and urged the other five to see it too. Beth loved her for it.

Now, Lucy was far from her usual cheerful self. She sat on a stone step in front of the carving of the Great Lion, her posture sad, gaze down as she played with her sleeves. As she sighed, Beth frowned and decided to snap into action.

She would do anything to keep her best friend from feeling sad.

"How are you holding up, kiddo?" Beth asked, her voice the brightest she could manage, her smile the widest she could evoke.

"Beth, please distract me," Lucy whispered as she looked back at the princess, "I fear for them so much."

Beth rushed to her side, hugging Lucy tightly as she tried to keep her own concern controlled. After all, she too had seen her loved ones leave to battle.

"I do not need to tell you that your siblings are three of the best warriors Narnia has ever seen, right Lu? And Caspian, you haven't seen him fight yet but I can promise you it's quite a show. The guy was taught by the best telmarine teachers. He is frightening when he fights, if I'm being honest," Beth spoke as reassuring as she could. She smiled at Lucy as the young queen looked up at her, some of her concern gone from her face. "But I also don't need to tell you that whatever we might come up with to comfort each other until they come back, it won't stop us from worrying sick about those brave idiots."

"What do you suggest, then?" Lucy asked, too intrigued to feel as concerned as she felt before.

Beth smiled at her small success. "What I suggest, kiddo, is that we should do what best friends do best. Gossip."

Lucy smiled excitedly, the prospect of getting to know her best friend better interesting her greatly. Since Beth told her about her past, Lucy had been deeply curious in how life in the twenty-first century was like. It had been shocking for her to learn than, in a way, Beth came from her future, but it also explained many things about her best friend such as her confidence and her open mind.

"Why do you keep calling me kiddo?" Lucy asked as she took notice of the nickname, one Beth had been using to refer the Valiant Queen for the last couple of days. "I can't help but imagine there's a story behind that nickname. Otherwise, your cunning' mind would have come up with something much more complex."

"You are right," Beth chuckled before raising to lay on the floor in front of Lucy. She crossed her arms behind her head, her blonde waves carelessly fanned across the dusty floor, her mind obviously far away from the How. "A little less than nine months before I came to Narnia, my mother told me she was pregnant. I had always wanted to have a sibling so I was very happy and I loved my little sister or brother immensely. I used to call him kiddo, even before I learned I was having a baby brother but then, I came here without ever getting to meet him."

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