Chapter 16. "The Aftermath."

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Hey guys!!

So, inspiration has finally struck me again and as a result, we have chapter 16!

I'm so excited about this chapter, which I feel is the first one of the final part of this fic. I had planned this fic to have 25 chapters so only 9 left to go! Some of them are already written, of course, but I have to edit them because I've made major edits ever since.

Also, I'm trying to establish major plot points for this fic and for the actual books. For example, I've always felt as if Susan's reason for refusing to believe in Narnia was super weak (just my opinion), so I've been trying to add that in this fic and you'll see more of that in this chapter. Also, I'm really trying to make Beth's journey with Jack come full circle because my girl deserves closure. That means that you'll be seeing more of him later on *yikes*.

Lastly, I'm undecided on whether I'll write a sequel to this fic. On one hand, I certainly have more ideas for a sequel both related and unrelated to "Voyage of the Dawn Treader" (one of which you will see in this chapter) but at the same time, I have no idea of when I would finish it. I started this fic when I was fifteen, so it's been nine years. I mean, there's just a lot to consider.

Anyways, once I have a clue of what to do, I'll let you know. But, out of curiosity, would you like a sequel to this?

Disclaimer: I only own Beth, Adrien and the other characters I've made up for this fic. Also, there's a line here that belongs to Game of Thrones (kudos if you catch it).

Chapter 16. "The Aftermath."

"The lone wolf dies, but the pack survives." - Sansa Stark, Game of Thrones.

It was strange, being on the other side of war.

There was still so much to do, that much Caspian was aware of.

But it was a different kind of work.

It was the work related to uniting two nations, so similar, yet so different. Nations that had done everything in their power to survive, nations that had specific values that ruled over their traditions. Nations that could learn so much from one another.

Nations that had so much history with one another, and all of it filled with struggle and hate.

Throughout his life, Caspian had been told that he was meant to lead his people - the Telmarines - into a new and improved Narnia. His destiny was to be King, and his goal to be a King better than those before him.

He had been told so, oh so many times, that at last, it was a message that had been printed in his mind. Caspian was meant to be King, and before too long, he had lost even the capacity of doubting such daunting premonition.

Or he had never doubted it, until he stood before the remaining Narnians.

The welcome yet haunting aftermath had arrived. As the structure of the How had been deemed too weak to host them for another night, a group of dwarves had entered the ancient landmark in order to retrieve their belongings and supplies so they could camp outside. Meanwhile, Beth turned into an elephant and with the help of the centaurs and the giant, had moved the fallen debris away from the scene.

The last thing anyone needed was more harm falling on the Narnian folk.

While Susan and Edmund had overseen the distribution of food, Peter and Adrien had been left in charge of organizing the watches as not only did the Narnians fear retribution from the army remaining by the Telmarine castle but also, the Telmarine soldiers who had surrendered were to be closely watched as well. Lucy and Caspian had been left in charge of helping the setting of the tents for their people.

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