Chapter 21. Part II. "All The Stars."

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I'm back!

How are you guys? I hope you've been having an amazing time, especially when considering how the world just doesn't want to give us a second to breathe.

Part II of chapter 21 is here! I'm actually quite proud of it and I hope you will be too.

Disclaimer: Don't own this except for what I created for the purpose of this story.

Chapter 21. Part II. "All The Stars."

"We meet fear. We greet the unexpected visitor and listen to what he has to tell us. When fear arrives, something is about to happen." - Leigh Bardugo, 'Crooked Kingdom.'


Susan closed her eyes, refraining from uttering a curse as she felt her entire demeanor go rigid. She allowed her bow arm to go slack, her trusted weapon firmly clung in her hand as she tried to focus on her present task.

With the last rays of sun dancing through the multicolor sky, it seemed as if finally the day was giving her a reprieve.

After all the pain, after the anger, after the insecurities, she needed peace. And, why would she depend on anyone else granting it to her? If she wanted her peace - and, gods, how she craved it -, then she needed to acquire it for herself.

If she thought about it, she had always been more at peace when with her bow.

With that thought in mind, she straightened once again, her gaze on the target she had placed by the other side of the private courtyard. She needed to continue practicing, she needed to find peace in the fact that some things could be relied on. She needed to trust in something, as silly as it seemed.

She just needed to shoot. She couldn't explain it but it seemed truer than anything in her mind.

Shoot and you shall find peace.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

Susan sighed, her body turning towards the entrance of the courtyard as she admitted defeat. She kept her gaze on her target just one moment longer, enough to process that she had hit bullseye.

It didn't surprise, that she had hit bullseye. Some things could be trusted, after all.

With that relieving notion in mind, she finally turned towards the intruder. "No. I don't want to talk."

Her sister had also suffered changes in the hours since she had seen her last. The Valiant Queen was somber, not at all enthusiastic about her upcoming birthday. Her hairstyle has been pulled into an elegant bun and her arms were crossed protectively before her chest. Still, what the news hadn't been able to take from her was her sense of hope. The sense that there were some intangible things in which they could trust. The sense that those things would bring her peace.

Susan hated her for it.

Lucy nodded as if she had been expecting that answer. Still, she remained grounded in her place. "You know, I am not to blame for this."

Susan closed her eyes, turning slightly back towards the target. She needed to continue shooting. She needed something to ground her, something she could trust. The fact that after the last rays of sun, night would come. The slight wind brushing against her cheeks like a light caress. The feel of her bow in her hand. The way her arrows would always reach their target.

"I know you are not," Susan finally bit out. She needed her peace and Lucy, as dear to her as she was, was obstructing her goal.

"Then why are you angry with me?"

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